It was just the run of the mill day. I had just bought a soda and burger from the local burger place when an old lady apparently forgot where the bread was. I don't really want to remember what happened after that. Now I'm… Sitting? Floating? I'm not entirely sure how to describe this. But I'm waiting. What do you do when you don't even remember your name?
????: "hey you got 30 minutes. You get 3 wishes before I send you to your next word so desided now!"
???: "wha-?!?"
(Snapping sound)
???: "AAAAAGH!"
????: "i just gave you back the memory's of the past comics manga anime cartoons fanfics so on and so forth back now make your wishes"
???: "ugh!?! The hell lady?"
Lady: "make your wishes I don't have all day! I have other people to see you know! Hurry up!"
???: "how do I know you're not an evil being?"
Lady: "you're aloud to have negative thoughts about me around me. Doesn't that say enough? Now make your wishes! I have more work than usual because grandma forgot how to drive earlier than she was supposed to!"
???: "I guess that's fair. Let me think…"
Lady: "…"
???: " my first wish is to have all of the power equipment armor battle experience abilities and weapons of golden phoenix saint Ikki. My second wish is to have the looks abilities powers equipment weapons battle experience and armor of sephiroth and my third wish is to have the intelligence of bulma briefs and time to digest everything before going to my next life."
Lady: "your pushing it, but fine! Granted."
(Snapping sound)
AN; short chapter for the first because I'm still debating whether to drop him in the world or have him be born. What do you think?
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