I was lying on my deathbed. One thought went through my head."Curse this damned world why do I need to die from this damn illness couldnt it have happened to anyone else? I had a full life ahead of me yet I had to die early."
As I took my final breath and awaited my end… nothing happened I opened my eyes and above me wasn't the normal blindingly white ceiling of the hospital nor the smell of chemicals. What I saw was the sky, trees, and birds flying above me and the smell of fresh air.
Confused and having the sun in my eyes i reflexively lifted my arm to cover my eyes "huh?!" When I had took a second to think I realized I could move with no fatigue or pain. I sat up quickly "There's…no pain nothing" I started laughing, I felt like I was healthy and more alive then I had ever been before. As I examined myself I noticed something "…what? Why are my fingers dark red!?" I stood up and looked around for water, I couldn't see any so I ran…and ran… and ran some more till I found a small pond. When I looked in the water "What the hell?" The right part of my jaw had the same sort of…material on it. Not just that but the face wasn't even mine
Dark red it looked like my skin had torn off there and all that was left was the muscle underneath. But it wasn't the same it was darker and when I touched it with my palm I could feel it felt harder…stronger. Looking down at my fingers again they were not just red but sharp like claws.
What am I? Speaking of witch where am I? As I was thinking memories returned to me but they were not mine, they were fragmented and distorted
I was meditating with a group of people. I felt and energy called qi. I was part of a small sect of martial artists who called themselves "The sword of balance". This sect was a righteous one. There are two types of sects today Righteous and Beastly sects. In my sect I was their future… their prodigy. But as I learned in our history their were once three types of sects. The third was demonic…their martial arts granted immense power at the cost of one's sanity or morals. I grew greedy
"This sect is far too small for me I need to learn more powerful martial arts" witch brought me to recreating the martial arts of the demonic sects using half burnt or shredded and withered tomes. I grew stronger and stronger but I was found and caught by my elders. They tried to get me to talk on where I learned the demonic arts, every time I told them they said "LIES! Expose where the last of your cursed brethren are at once!" They removed my fingers one by one and healed them over and over
After months they destroyed my core and unshackled me. However as their knowledge in demonic ki was lacking they only destroyed my righteous core. Where each of the factions stored their ki was different. Demonic in the brain, Beastly in the heart, Righteous is the abdomen. In the night I escaped…or so I thought the old bastards knew about my demonic ki being store in my brain and were hoping I would lead them to other members of the demonic sect. Too bad for them I didn't know, so I just rested in the forest and when I awoke those three damned elders were waiting. Thinking I had outsmarted them, I didn't but the elders wouldn't listen. Only one attacked I tried to dodge but wasn't fast enough as their attack connect on my right jaw. As I tried to recover I felt a surge of pain from my knee, and I fell. In my final moment I used one of the demonic sects teachings that I had altered. It was normally supposed to turn someone else into a jiangshi but I would use it on myself to stay "alive" and I surged my ki and died
*flashback end*
I gripped my head in pain of the rush of information. As I fell to my knees one word pounded in my skull "jiangshi"
This is my first novel so please if you have any criticism, comment it so I may better myself in the future.