63.33% Reborn As A Evil Dragon / Chapter 38: CH : 38 Blood of Innocents

บท 38: CH : 38 Blood of Innocents

It took him more than a hundred years to practise bone and blood fighting spirit to achieve the strength he has now. A dirty and disgusting forest troll wants to have the strength to kill him? Simply ridiculous!

Barbatos, who was suspended dozens of metres in the air, glanced at the left dragon claw, which was bloody and fleshy, with the axe blade wound half an inch deep into the bone. This was the first time since his birth that he had suffered such a serious injury.

Although for the giant dragon, this can only be regarded as a minor injury.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the white-feathered owl-tailed hen-crane that was fighting a senior wild dwarf spellcaster in the distance. Compared to the brutal and bloody fight on their side, the fighting postures of the two over there were quite gorgeous.

The wind blades kept shooting from the mouth of the white-feathered owl-tailed crane towards the wild dwarf senior spellcaster, but they were all blocked by the dark tentacles behind the opponent. The white-feathered owl-tailed female crane flapped her huge white wings, and a blue tornado more than ten metres high attacked the opponent. However, the ferocious beast sitting on the opponent's side jumped dozens of metres to avoid it.

The green tornado finally swept in five or six wild dwarf warriors who were unable to dodge, cutting them into pieces of flesh almost instantly, and there was no chance for screams to come out.

This is the most powerful bloodline spell-like ability of the white-feathered owl-tailed crane race, the Sharding Cyclone, and at the current biological order of white-feathered owl-tailed crane its power is comparable to the upper-level fifth tier spell.

Facing the attack of the white-feathered owl-tailed mother crane, the wild dwarf spellcaster was not to be outdone. The black marble spheres were like bullets bombarding the white-feathered owl-tailed mother crane flying into the sky. Unfortunately, although the black marbles are extremely fast, they cannot hit the white-feathered owl-tailed mother crane at all.

Neither side could do anything to the other for a while.

"It's tricky." Barbatos felt that he had made a mistake.

The white-feathered owl-tailed crane relied on its rapidity to restrain the high-level wild dwarf spellcaster from supporting Leo. Although they seemed to be at a disadvantage, the fighting spirit of the high-level bone-blood warrior exploded like this. There shouldn't be much left. If you keep fighting and pay some price, you will definitely wear the opponent to death.

And when he can fly, even if the opponent wants to run, he definitely won't be able to.

But, this takes time.

"Should we retreat?" Barbatos thought in his mind.

But soon, Barbatos made a decision.


The reason is that no one knows when the real strong man from the other tribe will come back.

If they rush back from the Black Dragon Lady's territory immediately, and the straight-line distance between the two places is only about 200 kilometres, and they rush back at full speed, they can come back in less than two hours.

This is even if the opponent comes back together. If a senior warrior, a master warrior, or a powerful spell caster come back alone, the speed can be several times faster.

Thinking of this, Barbatos suddenly felt that he seemed to be in danger now.

'No, we have to retreat quickly.' Barbatos hesitated no longer, and a dragon roar resounded throughout the entrance of the valley.

All the monster warriors who heard the dragon's roar abandoned their enemies and quickly retreated from the mouth of the valley.

Of course, there are also monster warriors who are desperately entangled by the wild dwarf warriors and cannot escape, as well as monster warriors who are red-eyed and ignore them.

When Leo saw this mutant black dragon trying to run away, he was stunned for a moment, and then became anxious.

This is a black dragon that has not yet grown in strength!

Whether they are captured, raised, or slaughtered, there are huge benefits.

The blood-patterned totems painted with secret techniques on the bones and blood warriors are essentially the essence and blood of various powerful monsters and beasts. If a black dragon can be raised, the clan's strength will explode in the future. And he himself might be able to break through to the master level like Leader Lutz and become the second master-level bone-blood warrior in the clan!

At this moment, Leo didn't care about Mundo, the troll that couldn't be killed in a short time. While chasing Barbatos, he shouted to the senior wild dwarf spellcaster in the distance,

"Rosa, cast a spell quickly to stop this black dragon!"

At this time, Rosa was breathing a sigh of relief because the white-feathered owl-tailed crane had left. When he heard the cry of his brother Leo, his face darkened.

As a brother, how could Leo not know what Leo was thinking, but if he really intercepted the black dragon, and if he completely angered the black dragon, the clan members would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

"Rosa!" Leo opened his bloodshot eyes and roared as he looked at his brother.

Although he was chasing Barbatos at the fastest speed, one was flying in the sky without any hindrance, while the other was running on the ground and had to avoid obstacles such as tribesmen and wooden houses, so he couldn't catch up!

"Hmph!" Rosa's face was extremely ugly, but he still cast the spell quickly.

Rich dark elements quickly gathered around him. Rosa pointed his staff at the departing Barbatos. In the sky hundreds of metres away, a dark giant hand with a diameter of more than eight metres appeared out of thin air Tring catch Barbatos.

The middle level spell of the dark Department

[Fourth tier : Mastery level : hand of darkness!]

"Do you really think I can't defeat you?" Barbatos became angry when he saw that these wild dwarves were still refusing to let go.

Turning his head, the acidic dragon's breath spit out directly at the dark giant hand. The dragon's breath carrying terrifying impact force and corrosiveness hit the palm of the giant hand heavily. It was stagnant for a moment. The power of the two attacks, The magic powers are all consuming each other crazily.

Dragon Breath is a neutral ability that combines physics with magic, so it can naturally deal with spells.

Soon, the dragon's breath was defeated first, and then the hand of darkness, which had spent most of its time and was close to collapse, slapped Barbatos's dragon body, but was blown away by Barbatos's dragon wing at will.

Out of the corner of his eye, Barbatos glanced at the monster army that was still evacuating, and Mundo, who had broken off a calf and was running while recovering. He lowered his head and looked down to catch up, charging up the two flying axes in his hands. Leo threw them at his dragon body.

'If they are not letting him go'

If that's the case, then you can't blame him for using the dragon's most rogue tactics.

The dragon's wings shook, and after barely dodging Leo's two flying axe attacks, Barbatos not only did not run away, but turned around and flew back.

'Seeing this, Leo's face lit up, just don't run, just don't run, haha!'

The spell in the distance was broken, and Rosa, whose face turned pale, sighed with mixed feelings, gathered the magic power of the staff in his hand, and cast the spell again.

However, what shocked the two brothers was that Barbatos did not rush towards them, but flew higher and higher, towards the back of the valley!

What is behind the valley?

The cave where the wives and children of the Brown Forest clan warriors are hidden is right there! In addition, many precious things of the clan are stored there.

After Leo and Rosa thought of this, their faces turned pale, and a trace of panic flashed in their eyes.

What would happen if a black dragon were allowed to rush in?

"Leo, you bird brain!" Rosa gritted his teeth and glared at Leo. It was all his fault that his brother was only thinking about fighting and getting stronger. Now that it's better, the future of the clan may be destroyed tonight. Got it!

Leo also calmed down at this moment. He felt quite regretful in her heart, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he ran wildly towards the back of the valley.

Rosa also wanted to follow, but the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane that had left came back again.

In desperation, Rosa could only fight with the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane again.

It's a pity that the white-feathered owl-tailed crane makes excellent use of its rapid advantage and doesn't get close at all. Once a spell attacks, it can dodge flexibly, and by the way, it can also send out two wind blades to consume and disgust the opponent.

"Damn it!" It was the first time that he encountered such a fast enemy. He couldn't hit the opponent, but the opponent could still hit you. Rosa couldn't help but go crazy in his heart. He wanted to pluck out the feathers of this white crane monster and tear it into pieces!

In the battle at the entrance of the valley, because Mundo, Skye, Shadar, and Danylan cut off the road, many chasing wild dwarf warriors were killed, and many monster warriors were rescued.

Rosa, who caught a glimpse of this scene out of the corner of his eye, even vomited blood in his heart.

Originally, it was enough to let the opponent retreat. Although the clan was damaged, it was still within the tolerance range, but now?

Rosa couldn't even imagine it!

"How can this black dragon take such a high-speed monster as its dependent?" Rosa was extremely puzzled. Although Barbatos's speed was not slow, it was not comparable to the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane.

And with the wisdom and strength of high-order monsters, it is impossible for them to be frightened by the domineering aura of a giant dragon and fall under its wings.

Rosa probably couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried.

Behind the valley.

After passing a large number of wooden houses, Barbatos, who had excellent eyesight, vaguely saw some wild dwarf warriors maintaining order under a rock wall. There were also many female wild dwarves, young wild dwarves, and elderly wild dwarves lining up to enter the cave.

A rough estimate is that there are at least seven or eight hundred people who have not yet entered.

Judging from the number of wooden houses, if a family of three lives in one house, the population of the Brown Forest clan should exceed five thousand.

Tribes with a population of less than one hundred are called micro tribes.

One hundred to one thousand are called small tribes.

With a population between one thousand and ten thousand, it can be called a medium-sized tribe.

A large tribal clan is one with more than 10,000 people.

The Brown Forest Clan is considered a medium-sized tribe. A wild dwarf tribe with such a population will almost certainly give birth to a master wild dwarf professional.

After all, the average talent of wild dwarves is better than that of humans due to their bloodline.

Barbatos glanced at Leo, who was still running wildly behind him, chasing his figure, and grinned ferociously.

Well as the saying goes "Don't kill because of Tyranny, you should be Tyrannical because of killing."

A swooping down, in the frightened and angry eyes of the wild dwarf women and children and the wild dwarf warriors maintaining order, a pair of wide dragon wings with a wingspan of more than 21 metres were like huge cutting knives. With a tearing sound, dozens of wild dwarfs were killed. The dwarf's heads were thrown high.

This wild dwarf is too short, only a little over one meter tall. If it were the height of a human, its body would be broken into two parts, its internal organs would flow all over the ground, and the scene would be even more bloody and cruel!

After swooping down with his wings to harvest the rolling heads, Barbatos landed among the wild dwarf women and children, spraying a mouthful of acidic dragon breath all over the sky.

After the bodies of a large number of wild dwarf women and children were contaminated with acid, they were first punched with bloody holes in their bodies by the bullet-like acid, and then were crazily corroded by the acid.

These wild dwarf women and children, whose levels were generally lower than level three, simply could not bear the powerful dragon's breath of this level, and they all turned into a pool of green acidic bubbles while wailing in pain.

The bubbles also made a gurgling sound.

"Evil dragon!"

Leo, who was still chasing after eight or nine hundred meters behind, became extremely horrified after seeing this cruel scene, and his eyes turned completely red.

Especially when he saw the wild dwarf women and children, many of whom he was very familiar with for decades, as well as the descendants who called him Uncle Leo and Grandpa Leo, their faces showed extremely frightened and desperate looks. Leo's heart was beating rapidly, and hot blood rushed to his head in an instant.

"Damn it!"

The forbidden secret method of bone and blood profession, the blood pattern burned his blood at rapid peace!

After using the secret technique, there seemed to be little mice swarming under Leo's rough skin. His body muscles suddenly expanded in a circle, and the blood-striped totems on his naked upper body seemed to be burning, glowing red.

Under the influence of the blood-burning taboo secret method, more than half of the bone-blood fighting energy that was originally consumed in the body continuously produces higher-quality bone-blood fighting energy. The strength, agility, and physical resistance are all greatly improved, at the cost of the blood in the body, Essence and blood are rapidly burned and transformed!

At this moment, Leo couldn't care less about what would happen to him after using this forbidden secret method. Now, all he wanted to do was chop off the head of this evil dragon with his giant axe that turned blood red in his hand!


Barbatos felt the momentum of the pursuer behind him suddenly surge, and a fatal threat hung over his heart like a shadow.

Without a moment to think or hesitate, Barbatos was like a crazy dump truck rushing through the wild dwarf women and children. Countless screams accompanied by the flying flesh and blood became the bloody embellishment of the black dragon's huge body.

Behind him, Leo, who was eight or nine hundred meters away one moment, suddenly came closer the next moment. He looked at the black dragon rampaging among the wild dwarves, and his hand was dyed blood red by the fighting spirit of bones and blood and contained a huge amount of energy. The giant axe was not thrown for a long time.

With the opponent's huge size, Leo, who has experienced hundreds of battles, is 100% sure that he can hit with one blow. However, if the terrifying energy contained in the giant axe explodes, with this crowd density, it will kill at least dozens of people, his tribesman the chidlens.

Leo gritted her teeth so hard that blood came out of his gums. Finally, he roared and chose to give up the long-range attack. He quickly approached the black dragon, intending to deal with it up close.

Barbatos noticed this from the corner of his eye and felt slightly relieved.

He was afraid that this flesh-and-blood warrior would disregard the lives of his own people and do something that would hurt both sides.

The opponent's bloody giant axe gave Barbatos a very bad feeling, giving him a sense of suffocation that could threaten his life at any time.

"We have to go." Barbatos knew that now was not the time for him to vent wantonly. His mind and power did not allow him to take too risky actions.

The left and right dragon claws each grabbed two or three little wild dwarves childrens as hostages to restrict the opponent's performance. Then Barbatos flapped his wings and turned into a black light that shot straight into the sky.

During this period, he felt that the danger below him was always lingering in his heart. Barbatos's nerves were tense and he threw the four or five little wild dwarves holding on a pair of dragon claws directly from high in the air.

The place where it was thrown was exactly where Rosa was standing.

At this moment, Leo could either choose to throw the blood axe in his hand, which contained astonishing energy, and knock Barbatos down from mid-air at the cost of abandoning the lives of these little wild dwarves, or choose to save these few little wild dwarves. life, the price is to give up the attack on Babatos who was escaping at full speed.

After all, Babatos exerted force on these little wild dwarves to accelerate their fall. Leo was just a senior warrior and could not make two choices at the same time.

GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

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