27.27% Re:zero the authority of Yandere / Chapter 3: The Awakening

บท 3: The Awakening

[Aight bet]

Upon reading this message, I began hearing a cracking sound, and when I look around, the entire world around me was starting to crack.

"So this how my mind ends a dream, well it was good while it lasted."

Everything began to crack even Tiamat and Artoria, eventually, the entire world was been painted by nothing but darkness, and all that existed within this dreamland came to an end.

The result left me floating in a sea of unending darkness, my clothes were gone, and my body was wet, but it also felt cold, no it is safe to say that the deeper I began to fall into this darkness the colder I felt.

This confused me greatly I began to wonder that maybe this entire world itself was more than just a dream, now that I think about it, the dreams of people are vivid, but not to the point I could feel life-like because I'm starting to feel multiple sensations all over.

This cold feeling, what was it, why does it feel like something was seeping deep into my soul, something unexplainable, something ethereal, and something unending it was like taking a three-course meal with a blindfold on.

"Ok, maybe this isn't a dream what the hell is happening to me!? I feel different, I feel less human and more of something else, what is happening to me?"

But as I began to think and ponder about this, the voice of a woman began to enter my ears as everything around me felt like it was put to a pause.

"Your body is weaker than I imagined I have to remake it for it to adapt properly, it can hardly handle the lust factor, but with some modification, I was able to make it compatible but instead of always having a body that attracts males and females, even animals and beasts alike, I had to create a new set of eyes using mines, and implant it in your new body."

Spoke the seductive voice of a woman, I was not familiar with, so of course, I ask just who exactly is talking to me.

"Ha who the hell are you, where am I, is this a dream or some kind of nightmare that is beyond my control?"

I ask with a little fear in my heart as I can't see anything, and I feel like I'm sinking into a never-ending abyss, it was as if the very concept of darkness was liquefied, and I was forced to sink within it.

But the answer I got kind of confused me in the first part but made me more comfortable after the woman stated her name.

"Dream, nightmare, it doesn't matter anyway, because all that exists is trapped within the dream of an eternal one, that will never open its eyes, and for who I am, well that kind of hurts we spent an entire six hours talking to each other, it's me Satella."

"Satella, wait am I still dreaming, or are you real, I feel too aware of everything for this to be a mere dream, really what is going on?"

"Of course I'm real, I just brought you here to gift your powers."

"My powers that is."

"Well, authorities, basically dark powers that are stem from negativity and corruption."

Satella stated as she corrected her blunders, meanwhile, I began to ask her an important question I need an answer for.

"So I'm actually going to another world?"

"Yea, you agree early that you wanted to go."

"Wait so I can't go back?"

"No, since I already transport you in the void of the in-between."

"The void of what?"

"The void of the in-between, the gap between all realities and possibilities, if all that exists is reality, then all that doesn't exist or should not exist is the void of the in-between, or the unreality of all thing, your body itself and the powers that I'm giving you are all stem from this place."

"I see but what about my parents and fortune."

"Oh they are alright, I freeze time in the other world, and it won't resume till you choose to return there, you can return after you impregnated me, and made me your wife I did choose you as my mate."

"Say what now?"

I asked rather shocked about this entire revelation she just mentioned, but the reply I got was the same but rawer.

"Oh, you have to fuck me, impregnated me, and put a ring on it."


"Do I have a choice?"

"You already made your choice?"

"So all I have to do is fuck you, and put a baby in your belly, sounds easy enough I guess."

"No it's not, you would have to be on the level of Yog Sothoth to at least be able to impregnate me, also you need to become an eldritch entity, the reason being I'm built differently unlike other eldritch beings that can procreate with anything, you see I can only procreate with my kind and the person I fall in love with first."

"And how the hell am I going to be omnipotent?"

"With the powers that I gave you, each of them is limitless and can grow infinitely over time, although only one of them is truly compatible with you, and after rebuilding your body it should be strong enough to handle it, while the other two authorities needed vessels to contain them until your body adapts with them."

"So basically I need like a container for the other two?"


"Then which one is compatible with me?"

"The authority of sloth, which will give you the ability to never get tired, meaning you won't require sleep, you can train for eternity, without worrying about trivial things such as stamina, this will also give your body limitless potential."

"Sloth like one of the original sins in the Bible?"


"Then what about the other two, the one you said that needs a vessel to contain it, so it can grow along with me."

"Oh the last two authorities, let me see how I can explain this, ok so here's how it goes, for the authority of lust I did a whole eye transplant, using my eyes, and putting them in yours."

"And what do these eyes of mine do."

"Well you can make anything your puppet for one anything that looks into your eyes will be bewitched for about an hour, nothing can escape the effect of these eyes, although those who have very strong wills, can fight it off if only a little, the chances of finding someone like that is 9% there not a lot of people who can control their lust, as everything is lustful by nature."

"So I can tamper with the minds of others just by looking them straight in the eye?"


"That's awesome with this ability I could live an even better life than before, ok I'm interested how about the other, agh I believed it was the authority of Envy?"

"Yes it is my authority, my power, you see the authority of envy well hmm... ok yeah this one was maybe too overpowered, so I put a lot of restrictions on this one, and the vessel I choose to house this power it well this."

With at said a bright orange light came before me.

And what came from it after it dullen down was my phone, the only difference was because it was full black and behind it was an Oroborus which was a snake hitting its tail, and at the center was a purple eye that looks menacing.

Automatically I question.

"What the hell is this?"

"The vessel I chose to house my eldritch witch factor, the phone itself is made using your ribs and a chunk of your flesh and my flesh, so with that method, I also sync you with it, so when the power of the phone grows your body will adapt and evolve alongside it."

"I see so what does it do?"

"Well my authority is eldritch physiology and, with that power comes over a thousand different abilities, for example, the ability forbidden name with that ability you can see through the eyes and also teleport beside anyone's that knows your name, in short, they become imprisoned to your existence, as they can't escape you."

"Really how do I get that?"

"Well, this is where I explain your current situation, you see, I remade your body, so you're not human anymore."

"Ha, then what am I?"

"Well, you see you're more like a male eldritch high elf, cross with a true vampire, and I had to ask Nya for a favor to get my hands on that rare quality flesh and genetic code, it a pain to get even for an eldritch God like myself."

"So I'm an elf true vampire hybrid?"

"Let's just call your race a true elder, as an elf you naturally have an affinity for spirits and magic, while as a true vampire your physical strength, gets a major boost, and the true vampire part of you can tap into power known as conceptual energy, each true vampire from the higher planes can manipulate one specific concept that embodies them, to however they please, and it is said that there limits to manipulate said concept will be limit of that concept itself."

"While the eldritch part of you has something called Cosmic energy, this energy relies heavily on emotions, and this is where the vessel of Envy comes in."

"Why so?"

"Because you can absorb the emotions of people and convert them into cosmic energy, and the abilities that are in the phone markets can be purchased by cosmic currency or as I called them cosmic shards, basically each ability under eldritch physiology would cost a certain amount."

"Ok, so the phone is basically an eldritch system."

"Yeah... it was programmed by Nya as well, the name of the A. I is called Lacia 1.0... she is super smart and can explain all the features to you, upon arrival in the new world, and keep note my mate as an eldritch being you will have to do some heinous things to survive because you feed off negative emotions, and as a true vampire you will need to feed off the energy of the living, and when I mean energy, I mean life energy, mana, etc, as long as it is from a decent source."

"So blood can suffice right, I can still eat normal food, seeing that I need blood to survive."

"Of course, it doesn't even need to be blood, you can also devour the solar energy from the sun or even the plants, as sunlight doesn't affect you."

"Interesting, so I guess my body is still not strong enough to house three authorities even though rebuild it."

"Sadly to say no, your soul would be crushed, either way, you are too weak right now, it is the very reason I decided to send you further back in time, which is further back than the originally intended place I was going to send you."

"Hmmm ok, so where are you going to send me originally?"

"Don't worry about it, just live and grow up to be a fine mate that can impregnate me in the future."


"Yeah sure."

"So anyway I'm going to isekai you pass the gap, I set up fate to move accordingly, so that puppet should be freeing you from your slumber any moment."

"Puppet, what puppet?"

"Don't worry about it, the item is not important either the next time you wake up, you will be in a brand new world, so I will see you later."

With that said both I and the phone started to be pushed towards the light as we sink deeper into the depth, eventually, a light came into being, and then...

Change of Pov.

[The year is, 800 B.S]

(A/N): Before the birth of Satella

[Within the deepest depth of the Whispering forest]


Gasp! Gasp!

The sound of bushes could be heard being pushed to the side, along with tired groans of pain and fatigue escaping the mouth of an albino skin woman.

Her gasp for air could be heard vividly along with her pounding heart that was beating abnormally fast, fatigue overwhelms her, along with immense pain she could not describe, much less fathom for too long.

If you were to look at her, then without a doubt you would notice that her entire left hand was missing, it look like it was ripped off by something or someone, and her beautiful blue eyes were crushed, while her face was burnt horribly.

Her lower jaw was almost ripped off, and a portion of her skin was missing, it look like someone tried to skin her alive, but if you look closely you can also notice that portion of her body was burned to a crisp.

If anything it was clear that she was running away from something, but at the same time trying to go somewhere.

Her voice was hoarse and seeing her current condition, talking was out of the equation, but it did matter not, for she is just a servant, a mere key for a greater cause.

Just knowing her death will bring fort, a being of immeasurable power to the world is enough for her to be contented, with what she was going to do.

So as a way to fight through the pain, the puppet that the Mythos Satella created through various manipulation and instigation was finally about to complete her purpose, even if it means her death and countless others.

She began thinking to herself to motivate herself to move forward.

"Im almost there... I'm almost there... I'm almost there... hahaha... I will soon before its presence."

But as she began to think this, the voice of an all too familiar group of people could be heard.

"Shit there she is, catch her now."

"Kill the witch of spirits."

"Get back here now."

"We need to receive the artifact she has stolen, that a sacred artifact of the church."

"No... no... I can't be caught by the church now, fuck it, oi Mira, deal with them now, sacrificed yourself to the lord, I need time."

With that said a small fish like a spirit came out of nowhere, it look like it was on fire, this was a great spirit called, Mira, she made a contract with this woman known as Carmilla, or more so she was enslaved by her, as her affinity with magic is so strong she can easily control spirit with mere words alone.

Mira then rushes towards the enemy by brutally attacking them, of course, I can't be caught here so I continue running and running fighting through the pain, eventually, the church arch knights lose me, and were probably still fighting Mira.

But as I keep going forward I felt a cutting sensation like the feeling when someone left you, and the contract with me and Mira was severed meaning that she died, and as a way to confirm my suspicion a loud explosion could be heard from the background as huge smoke coming from far could be seen rising in the sky.


"So she self-destructed, that should have taken care of most of them."

With that said I began walking towards the north and then I took a left climbing uphill, that's when I came face to face with a mysterious ruin, with many black monoliths, floating in multiple directions.

"Finally, I can release the great one that was calling me, the voice in my head is getting stronger, I have to hurry."

With that said I pulled out a black cross object, from a sack, as I walk to the center of the ruin between some black monoliths, and after I reach the center, a pillar with a black cross key pattern carved into it, right away I know what to do with this as I place it in.

And when I did, it suck it in as it started to rotate, from there a weird sound of stones hitting each other could be heard as the pillar eventually went into the ground, as all the floating monoliths start to sink into the ground as well.

The entire earth starts to shake so hard, trees were falling and the environment was crumbling the earth beneath me opened up, and what came from the ground was a giant coffin.

Automatically I walk up to it, and that is when I saw it, a giant coffin that was full black in color, and at the center was a weird snake sign that looks like a snake was biting its tail, and at the center was an eye that was opening-up.

"After so many years, I finally found it, the seal of darkness lost to man, one of the very last progenitors of the night, the lord of sins, the elder who sleeps beneath the earth crust, the nameless king in Orange."

"Well, it's time to awaken him if grandpa was right I need to reverse the blood art that was used to seal him in the first place, so I will use my life as payment, as I must chant the old tongue while I offer my blood and life force to awaken him."

With that said I walk right up to the coffin as I slit my right risk and started to chant the old tongue of the elder ones, this chant has to be said seven times properly and slowly, and after I chant it, a weird tentacle-like thing emerges from the coffin as it began eating away my entire blood eventually I lose consciousness and the last thing I remember was falling to the ground.

And the image of a man dressed in orange robes came into being as the coffin door opens up, his hair was a so white it was inhumane, and it reached to his neck, his eyes were purple but had pink rings around them, and he had sharp fangs and black fingernails, he was at least 5'9 and average height.

In my unconscious state I smile, my life work is finished, but as I thread closer and closer to the brink of death, I couldn't help but say in euphoria.

"Ahhhhh.... the nameless king in orange now walks the world again."

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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