25% Re:Playball! / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

บท 3: Chapter 3

Chris regularly gave me scrolls with exercises written on them. Every night, I'd go to his room and talk about the ins and outs of baseball with him.

Meanwhile I switched to four tyres while running and was thinking of switching to a truck's tyre.

After a week, it was time for Kantou tournament preliminaries to begin. Our first match was against Yokohama Kouhoku Institute and with only two innings left, we were down by four runs.

It was at that point that Kataoka decided to call for a change of pitchers.

[First half of the eighth inning, Seido pitcher change. The eighth inning substitute for Tanba is, Pitcher Sawamura! Pitcher Sawamura!]

Everyone in the opponent team was optimistic. Knowing that a first year was going to pitch, they thought that Seido was underestimating them. Little did they know, the image of a mostrous pitcher would be indelibly engraved in their hearts.

All the opponent team could do was face the inevitable and wet their pants as they faced my pitches and struck out, one after another.

The crowd got so riled up by my pitches that they began chanting "Strike him out!" again and again.

Despite my pitching, we lost the match but the batting order put an amazing fight to the end.

Tanba was pitching well for the first six innings but the opponent team figured out how to tackle him by the seventh inning. It was something Kataoka had to ponder upon.

Over the weeks, Furuya and I managed to break Chris out of his character and warmed up to him. Furuya even made him catch his pitches and unlike with Miyuki in canon, Chris managed to tame Furuya's wild pitches.

Meanwhile, I began showing that I was not just a good pitcher. During every batting practice, I would send the ball into the out field or over the fence.

The second string kept having friendly matches with everyone trying their best to appeal to the head coach.

Furuya was a one of a kind pitcher but other than a select few, there wasn't a catcher who could catch his pitches.

The game against Kokushikan began with a terrible start. Ball after ball, Furuya was unable to pitch into the strike zone and the catcher couldn't catch his wild fastballs.

I remembered from canon that it was this match in which Chris decided to step in. I wasn't sure if he would, but, when all the bases got loaded and Furuya began getting frustrated, Chris asked to be subbed in as the catcher and the moment he did, Furuya soared into the sky like a hawk and hunted down the batters, one by one. It was spectacular.

The game went on as it did in canon. Only, there were a lot more strike outs. Kominato still managed to show his mettle as a batter and a fielder which got him promoted to the first string along with Furuya.

But, the most amazing was Chris himself. I got to watch him call the plays and change the momentum of the match just with his presence. I was inspired by him.

Despite his amazing genius at baseball, I knew it was the end of his high school baseball. His shoulder injury was most apparent.

Later that night, I was proven right when Kataoka decided to finalize the team that was going to play in the summer tournament.

It was the end of the summer for the rest of the third years.

Two whole years of countless hours spent practicing to hone their skills, all for the sake of becoming a regular.. The third years had no regrets left. Yet, it was painful. They just wished to play more baseball together.


With Kominato and Furuya joining the first string, everyone's training increased in intensity.

Be it the third years in the first string who had one last chance of going to nationals, or the second years and us first years, everyone trained sheding their blood, sweat and tears with one final dream in mind.

To go to the natinals.

It was the beginning of the training week and everyone was practicing in the field.

Baseball isn't a one man sport and I once again reminded of the fact when I pitched in live practice, instead of at a wall.

My control over my fastballs was impeccable. But, it dwindled when it came to the breaking balls, especially the fork ball. I had managed to raise its level to C1 but a lot of improvement was required. As the levels reached higher, it became tougher for me to improve.


[STR: 385 (425)

INT: 350 (390)

MNT: 395 (435)

DEX: 370 (420)

Pitcher stats-

SPD: 252 (372)

H DOWN: 257 (347)

XBH DOWN: 252 (282)

HR DOWN: 570 (630)

CTRL: 250 (400)

STM: 262

Pitcher lvl: B3

Pitch type:

Four-seam: A1

Cutter: B4

Two-seam: B5

Curve: B3

Forkball: C1

SFF (Split finger fast) ball: D2

Choice skills:

Super left arm: lvl 3 - Increased SPD and CTRL by 120.

Pitcher's resolve: lvl 2 - Learn what it takes to be a pitcher - Increases all stats by 40.

Double step: lvl 2 pitching style - Increases H DOWN by 60.


Hit Blockade: Skillfully prevent a hit - lvl 1 - Increases H DOWN by 30.

Speed Control: Being able to rest well is also a skill - lvl 1 - Increases stamina recovery after each inning.

Heavy ball: Enhances ball movement and power - lvl 1 - Increases XBH DOWN by 30.

Monstrous Pitch: Throws a freakishly powerful ball - lvl 2 - Increases HR DOWN by 60.

Bold: Gains courage to overcome pressure - lvl 1 - Increases SPD by 35 at first pitch.

Alert - lvl 4 - Greatly increases pick off rate.

Steel arm: Efficient pitching is the key to victory - lvl 3 - Reduces STM use during each pitch.

Accuracy control: Accurately throws the ball to any part of the strike zone - lvl 1 - Increase CTRL by 30.]

I got the accuracy control after pitching in the Kantou preliminaries. Yes, I had also wanted to learn the SFF so I had decided to begin with learning forkball.

I really underestimated the splitter.

It was a tough pitch to throw and it put a lot of stress on my elbow. Although, I had yet to convey it to the coach. Screwball was another pitch that put stress on the elbow which was why professional pitchers were always afraid of throwing it.

I was already planning to keep the SFF for situations where the bases were full or when the situation was dire. With five breaking balls and an amazing fastball, I was more than ready to take on the high schools of Japan.

My batting was nothing to scoff at either.

[Batter stats

H UP: 267

HR UP: 272

MOV SPD: 108 (266)

CATCH: 205

XBH UP: 275 (335)

BAT CTRL: 277 (367)

THROW: 253

Choice skills:

Full swing: Batter stance - lvl 2 - Increases XBH UP by 60


Tenacity: Don't let any situation bother you - lvl 3 - Increases BAT CTRL by 90

Four-seam hunter: Gains confidence facing certain pitches - lvl 2 - Increases H UP by 30 when opposing pither throws a four-seam.

Target sighted: Stays focused when at bat - lvl 2 - Increases HR UP by 35 against the first pitch.

Provoke: A psychological warfare begins! - lvl 2 - Provokes the opposing pitcher to moderately loose stamina

Roadrunner: Get some swift moves - lvl 1 - Increases MOV SPD by 48.]

"Sawamura, your problem is that you have too many pitches. Having such variety is good, but, it's of no use to the team if they are not pitched well. Your control over your breaking balls, while good, needs improvement. For now, forget about the splitter. I want you to focus on getting better at forkball and cutter for the duration of the camp."

"Yes! Boss! I would like to talk to you and Miyuki senpai."

Miyuki was standing beside Kataoka and looked puzzled. After being prompted by the coach, I said, "Splitter puts a lot of strain on my elbow. It's an amazing pitch but it won't be of any use if it hurts me. I want to reserve it only for precarious situations."

"Hm, that's reasonable. You can practice it at your own time. I won't be asking you to deliberately work on it."

"Thanks, boss!"

"Don't call me boss."

"Ok, boss!"

So, I pitched forkball and cutter most of the time in the situational practices. It wasn't much as despite of my asking, I wasn't allowed in the bullpen. Along with that, I did batting practice and showed incredible consistency in hitting in the out field and even over the fence.

The training was hellish. From dashes between poles to hundreds of laps of base running with the day ending with twenty laps of the ground. That was just the beginning of the golden week.


"The two first-year pitchers, how are they?" Kataoka asked the catchers after the grueling day of training.

"Their fatigue level must be reaching the peak soon, right?"

Chris nodded and replied, "Yes! As per your instructions, before they get used to the camp, they are not allowed to pitch in the bullpen and haven't been pitching even in situational practice ever since morning. It's almost time to slow down the pace and let them enter the bullpen, or to do pitching practice."

Kataoka nodded and said, "Hm, tell me about Tanba and Kawakami."

Miyauchi exhaled forcefully and said, "In good condition."

Kataoka grunted and said, "The road ahead is still long, don't train them too hard. Three practice matches will be held on the last Saturday and Sunday. Furuya and Sawamura will be pitching for the match on Saturday and the matches on Sunday will be pitched by Tanba and Kawakami. I don't care if we win or lose the matches. I just wanna see how they perform when they are fatigued. I want to see their fighting spirit."


Osaka Kiryu high, the school that had a pitcher who had shaved his eyebrows off...


"Yoroshiku Oneigaishimasu!!"

And so it began..

... With Furuya as the pitcher and myself in the outfield!!

I wanted to yell at the coach for doing such a thing to me. He perfectly knew that I was itching to pitch!!

"Oi! Furuya!! Are you scared? Don't worry, there's still me! Let them hit! Or, you could step down and let me take the mound!"

That lit a fire on the stick that was up Furuya's butt.

The boy was revving up to pitch. So, he threw a fastball with all of his might.. only for it to be sent flying.

What followed was utter humiliation. Furuya was too tired to pitch peoperly. His pitches were all over the place. The first inning wasn't even over and we had already conceded three points. It wasn't even one out!!

But, the coach was adamant. Furuya was going to pitch for five innings despite of his performance. Finally, Kiryu's relentless assault was stopped by a lightning fast double play from Kominato Ryou and Kuramochi.

It was then Kiryu's turn to pitch. Tachi Hiromi, their ace pitcher with no brows, managed to get two outs. Kuramochi was unable to reach first on time and Jun played a weird sacrificial hit. Kominato Ryou managed to get a four ball walk after hitting numerous pitches in the foul zone.

Then came Tetsu, the clean up of Seidou's batting order. His calmness inspired uncertainty in the hearts of the opponents. He remained unshaken despite all the attempts from Kiryu and slammed the ball into the left fence.

We had managed to score a point. The momentum was on our side and riding the tide, Matsuko hit the ball far and high... only for it to be caught by the outfielder.

Furuya was unable to do much in the second inning either. At the end of Kiryu's batting, we had conceded another four points. Furuya's frustration levels were at an all time high.

The batter at sixth, Miyuki, and the seventh batter, Furuya, fell to Tachi's pitches. Then, it was my turn.

Standing at the home plate, I looked at the coach for signs to wich he simply gave me a nod. I looked back at Tachi and a grin appeared on my face.

[Provoke: opposing pitcher moderately loses stamina]

I could tell that he was feeling the pressure.

[Target sighted: HR UP by 35 against the first pitch]

Perhaps it was the catcher who decided go test me with a four seamer, but, that proved to be a mistake.

[Four-seam hunter: Increase H UP by 30 when opposing pitcher throws a four seamer]

'Heh, mistake.'

Without any fear, I stepped in and swung my bat hard at the pitch that was thrown in the out low corner.


The bat struck the ball with a very loud noise. The sheer strength behind my hit left everyone gasping for air. The ball sailed through the air without any signs of dropping.

I took the que and ran towards the first base.

Suffice to say, it was a home run.

The cheers were thunderous and the shock on Tachi's and Kiryu's coach's face was quite something. My home run was a much needed breather for the team. But, it still wasn't looking good for Furuya.

Three more runs in the third innings and another in the fourth.

That's when he asked for a time out. I smiled a little when I recalled what happened after that. And just like canon, Furuya revived and became what he truely was.

His fast pitches scared the crap out of Kiryu's batters. We did not concede more runs.

When it was our turn to bat, Kiryu's players decided to psych Tachi up. And boy was it effective. He struck the batters out eas easy as spreading butter.

The fifth inning saw Furuya try to throw a forkball which turned out to be a splitter. It was an accidental pitch that he had never practiced before.

... His plot armor was ridiculous.

When it waa his turn to bat, Furuya surprised eveeyone by hitting a home run.

'You're trying to show me up?! Heh, as long as I am in this team, you'll never be the ace.'

Finally, it was my time to shine.

It started with a four seam at th edge of the out-low corner.

[Hit blockade, Bold, Steel arm, Monsterous pitch, Heavy ball.]


[Pitch speed: 158 kmph]


The Kiryu bullpen was shocked silent.

A two-seam on the outside.


[Pitch speed: 145 kmph]

"Strike two!"

A four seam to the in-high corner.


[Pitch speed: 161 kmph]

The batter got so scared of the pitch that he fell down.

"Strike! Batter out!"

The batter walked back to his bullpen while his legs were shaking from fright. Anyone would be scared of a pitch as fast as that. My pitches were enough to fatally wound a batter.

The next two batters didn't fare any better. Miyuki masterfully used the pitches I knew to sadistically torture the batters. It wasn't even a contest if they could hit my pitches or not.

My pitching stance allowed me to have a late releasing point. Combined with that was the speed of my pitches. No one could face them for the first time. It would need a lot of preparation to face my pitches. But, I wasn't so arrogant to believe that my pitches were unbeatable. That was why I strived to keep improving.

Sixth innings, Seidou's turn to bat.

Tetsu got to first base by four balls while Matsuko hit a fly ball that was caught. Then, Miyuki manahed to land a hit and got to first base.

It was my turn to bat again.

I pointed my bat at Tachi and my provocation worked like a charm.

He wanted to battle against me and strike me out.

'I won't mind a dance.'

No matter what he threw at me, I tapped everything and sent them in foul zone. I was waiting for a four seamer. Tachi and the catcher could tell what I wanted. They tried everything but a four seamer. Due to my persistence, Tachi was getting frustrated.

In a fit of anger, he threw the pitch and I grinned in delight.


Once again, I sent the ball flying high in the air and it went past the fence. It was another home run.

Like a final nail in the coffin, that home run devastated Tachi and their coach decided to change pitchers.

I looked at Furuya to see his reaction only to see fire in his eyes.

'Yes.. A strong pitcher never gives up. Our rivalry will help in making me the best! Will you be able to handle it? I sure hope so. Here I stand, Furuya. Do you have it in you to defeat me?'

No words were said but the challenge was cleaf to both of us.

'Bring it on! Furuya/Sawamura!'

next chapter
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