31 July 1991, 11 years old
Harry PoV...
In the middle of the night or early morning- however you see it, I felt it again, the same feeling. Four years ago there was a strange tingly feeling which led to me unlocking my magic, I called it my POTTER-TINGLE. This time it was different, it was far more subtle and subdued than last time. But I still felt it nonetheless.
It gave me a rush of energy, an adrenaline shot for a split second but immediately calmed down. Wanting to know what the potential changes were, I leaned towards the door, seeing through the air vents to see Dudley sitting down for breakfast. He was farther than my Force range, but confident of my prediction, I pull the chair back slightly and heard the satisfied yell of Dudley as he fell crashing down like a walrus.
I had predicted that on my Eleventh birthday, my magic would once again get a boost like twice before. The numbers 7, 9 and 11 are magical numbers in the Wizarding world and the POTTER-TINGLE had happened at exactly these years.
At the same time there was a loud thumping on the door of the house and all of a sudden, the door broke of its hinges and fell with a thud. "Who the hell are you?" I heard Vernon screaming at whoever came and broke the door and then it was pandemonium for a while till there was silence.
There was heavy footfalls that were approaching me and- *Crack* *Crack* *Crash* With a mighty pull the stranger, now revealed to be the most Lovable character in the novel came into view. " 'ello there Harry. The name's Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and the caretaker of Hogwarts grounds." He extended a hand that I shook without hesitation. Of all the things that could kill me in the world, he would be the last to do so.
Hagrid turned around towards Vernon with an angry face, "How dare you?! You have locked a eleven year boy inside a broom cupboard. If Dumbledore had not given me specific instruction, I would have beaten than mustache out of your face Dursley." The intruder roared at ruddy faced Vernon, who was turning a new shade of purple.
"Mr.Hagrid, do I need to bring something with myself?" I asked innocently, straining to look up to the 9 foot man who was towering over everyone. "Nothin' much Harry. We'll be shoppin for yer school supplies and then returning back. The start of term isn't for another month. I will come back on September the first to pick you back up for the journey ter Hogwarts." his accent was pretty cool in my opinion.
I suddenly had an idea, "I will be right back.", saying so I went to my room, emptied my bag of books stuffed a couple of shirts and pants, pulled the floorboard and retrieved the stashed money and stuffed it inside before going back, "Let's go", I followed Hagrid out with a gleeful smile that I quickly contained after witnessing a furious looking Vernon who also looked scared shitless somehow at the same time.
Outside parked in front of the house, was the Enchanted Harley Davidson bike Sirius had owned and given to Hagrid before he want chasing Wormtail. I got in the side car and just relaxed as we cruised through town. Our trip was brief but I still enjoyed the ride. Right in front of us was a run down Pub, ignored by the general populus- muggles.
We went inside and was introduced to Tom who was a dodgy looking character but I knew he was as friendly as they come. Tom had asked Hagrid to stay for a pint but he let slip he was escorting "the Harry Potter" and the entire room went silent before the scruffy looking inhabitants of the pub were scrambling to shake my hand.
I looked at Hagrid with a "Really Nigga?" stare till he began politely shoving people back to go to the back of the pub. Which was just Hagrid walking forward. We quickly went to the back where there was a brick wall, Hagrid tapped it a few times in specific. With a scraping and rumbling noice the bricks, started shifting to form a gateway.
"Welcome to Diagon-alley, the largest Wizarding market and dwelling in all of Europe. To the north is Horizant-alley, to the South Vertic-alley. Oh and Harry?" He paused pointing down a dark alleyway, "Never ever go in there. That's Knockturn-alley, home of thieves, crooks, land pirates and in between." He nodded his head sagely as we passed it by. 'Definetely going there.' I thought to myself. Afterall my spirit animal is Nimona.
As I walked through enjoying the sights of the rustic old timey market which was pretty busy, I realized I did not ask a very important question. "Um... Hagrid? I don't have any money to buy the thing on the list." I said giving him the sad puppy look. Hagrid just chuckled and said, "You didn't think your Mum and Da' would have left you with nothing did ya'?"
Just as we turned the corner, we had come tight in front of the largest building in the whole Market. White marble gqve it a magnificent look, although marred by the crooked pillars, in gold were the letter GRINGOTTS BANK. Why are all the magical building so crooked, The Burrow, Gringotts.
I walked inside the massive double doors, completely ignoring the warning inscribed in marble right beside the doors. And that was the first magical "creature" I had seen- Goblins. Not the green rapey ones. These were the money grubbing, greedy bastards, with a head that looks like the Devil's ballsack. Those Goblins.
I looked at what they were doing and found it quite boring... just normal banking stuff, except with gold instead of money. My attention was caught by a parchment that was flowing down a table, the Goblin at the table saw my looking at the parchment and quickly rolled it back up to his high seat behind his table. But I could make out some words. Iron Works.... order....Pedals.... Foot rest... rivets. It also had a name, Randolph Spudmore.
Hot Damn! Any decent Potter-head would know who this guy was. Randolph Spudmore, son of Able Spudmore was the creator... the future creator of the world famous FIREBOLT flying Broomstick. The fastest and the most agile broom on the market which left all the other competitors in the dust... literally.
The Firebolt- the fastest and the best broom to the sold during the entire Potter series not including the Cursed Child. Maximum speed is unknown, due to the reasons that the testers where able to only withstand the speed of 150 Miles per hour. But I think it's just a marketing stunt and is probably only a little more than a 160 Miles/hour.
I made a mental note and made my way towards the head Goblin in the farthest most important looking desk. Hagrid cleared his throat and said, "Ahem, Mr.Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal." The Goblin strained his neck to look at me over his tall tabletop and asked in return, "And does Mr.Harry Potter have his key?"
Rummaging around his pocket Hagrid produced a large gold Key from one of his multiple pockets and gave it to the Goblin, who inspected it. As he was inspecting the Key for signs of forgery, a thought just occurred to me. 'These Goblins just don't give a flying fuck.' It almost made me chukle at the thought.
The usual response was to try shaking my hand or getting my Autograph and profusely declaring that they were big fans. But the Goblins did not even bat an eyelid and continued on to do their work, ignoring me.
I broke out of my thought process when Hagrid handed over an Envelope with Dumbledore's name on the Sender name, whispering something to the Goblin. Must be the letter for the Philosopher's stone.
We were escorted by Griphook, the traitorous little cunt, who would try to lock the original Harry inside a vault to kill him, fortunately failing in it.
After a fun Rollercoaster ride in a minecart, we reached the Potter Vault- Vault 687 and got off from the cart. Griphook opened the vault with the key and Lo and Behold! Piles upon Piles of gold. Griphook handed me Mokeskin pouch to transfer as much gold as I want, or as much gold will fit in 1 metre cube of space. The little bastard did not forget to collect 12 Sickles and 12 Knuts for the Mokeskin bag and 6 Sickles for the transaction/withdrawal fees. Bloody thieves the whole lot!
'Whoa there! Don't show your inner Malfoy now! calm done boy!' I calmed myself down from becoming a full blown racist.
I asked how much gold I had in the vault and he replied, "Six hundred and ninety two thousand, five hundred and thirty three- Galleons, Eleven- Sickles and fourteen Knuts." I whistled after hearing the amount. Seems like all those Potter-heads were close enough. They theorized it would somewhere in the range of 550 thousand Galleons. Although I'm closer to Seven hundred.
I also asked if there had been any other transactions so far, but Griphook confirmed that there have been no transactions for the past twelve years which made me sigh in relief. Well... the theory of Dumbledore taking money out of my vault and giving it to the Weasleys was just pure trash. It actually made me happy. I liked Dumbledore, even the Weasley family.
Some people may find Dumbledore's actions as dark lord-ish, but given the circumstance and the information he had and not to mention his advanced age, he did the best he can. He may be the Second coming of Merlin, but even Merlin couldn't defy the laws of time and death. There are actual reports that Merlin went completely Cukoo in his late years and subsequently vanished one day. It is also evident, when he succumbed to the Gaunt ring's persuasive nature to wear it.
I would have done the same thing to be honest. Sacrifice one dumbass kid, who is fairly good at magic to save the entire Wizarding population, which I might add is very very small? Hell yeah!
In my old life, I used to laugh when someone complained about his actions. They don't take into account that he did not know about the Horcruxes. Albus knew Voldemorte used Dark Magic to extend his life span and make him semi-immortal. But he does not know which magic he used. It's not like Horcruxes were the only magic available.
Only after he got confirmation about the number of Horcruxes he made from Slughorn's memory, did he fully start taking action- "Harry!"
"What the..." before I knew it I was walking out of Gringotts with a pouch full of gold, staring off into space. "Sorry. I just spaced out. All this is so much to take in." Not. I get so carried away with my thoughts that my body just goes into automatic mode and just follow whoever I was with. I'm gonna get in trouble someday for it. Need to have my Occlumency up at all times.
Hagrid and I came to our first stop, which was right next to the bank- "Madam Malkim's Robes for all Occasions". I went inside gave my measurement and came out, leaving a gaping witch staring at me after I gave her my name. At I know she will do it with atmost care. My name helps in these situations at least. She told me to be back in an hour. Hagrid went off saying he needed to do something and told me to finish my shopping.
My Uniform and dress list contained :-
• Three sets of plain work robes (black).
• One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear.
• One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar).
• One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings).
And all my clothing should have my name tag stitched into it. Convenient, I would say.
My next stop was the Apothecary- Slug and Jigger's. Not much to say, I just went inside bought myself the things on the list and left quickly... the staring and pointing at my scar is getting old really fast :-
• Standard size 2, Pewter Cauldron
• A set of brass scales
• A set of glass phials
I walked along the road till I reached a fairly busy book shop- Flourish and Blotts. I walked inside browsing through all the books and titles and almost wanted to emerge myself in these books. The sheer number of spells I could learn!
It's not like I crave knowledge. It ain't that deep. I just want to fling out magic spells like a Badass MC in a Chinese MTL novel or fanfic. It might be some kind of childish wish fulfillment, but it's MY childish wish fulfillment.
As I perused the shelves, an employee who just became free came up to me, "Sir, can I help you with something?" She probably thinks I'm lost...
"Yes please. Can you get all the books required for the first year of Hogwarts? Thank you. I will be with you at the counter in ten minutes after I go through some of the books offered in your store." She just gave me a nod and went to finish my book order. I gave her the list which had my First year books:
• The Standard Book of Spells, Grade1 by Miranda Goshawk
• A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
• Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
• A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
• One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phillida Spore
• Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
• Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
• The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble.
As I was browsing, I spotted a book by chance which had the title, [Magic for the Novice- A guide to basic household magic for the housewife. By Belimius Trepe]. Youch! I went through the book, which although was a bit sexist, was pretty solid in its foundation as it explained all the spells in a simplified manner. I also took a book on [Basic Charms- even a Muggle could do it. By Afren Jekk] which had a dozen more spell for everyday life and was pretty detailed in its explanations.
I looked at the time and decided it was time to leave, I could always come back for more books in the future and also get it delivered by mail. hmm... useful. I went to the front desk and waited for a few minutes in line till it was my turn. The store clerk billed me and I handed over the correct change and left carrying a whole load of books outside.
I realized that I made a mistake so I gave her a Sickle and told her to hold it for just a moment. I had to go a bit further down the road to buy a Trunk and a trolley. I came back, said my thanks and put all my books inside then left to see Hagrid standing there with a ruddy smile and a cage in his hands.
Inside was the cutest creature I have ever laid my eyes on. *HHRRROOOO* I fanned myself from all the cuteness overload. I'm secure enough about my manhood to admit that I found this.... this angelic creature from heaven could make a grown man cry.
Hagrid passed me the cage, "Here ya' go. An early birthday present, Harry. I brought you a cake, but I think I left it back at the Dursley's. No doubt that whale of a son would've polished it off." I took the cage and peered into the Owl's big yellow eyes as it stared right back at me.
"Hedwig." I whispered to it as it trilled in delight for its name. I did not even use Legillemancy to understand its feeling. I slowly opened the cage and let it out, as it climbed onto my arm. It's claws dug into my a bit, but I did not mind it.
I never had a pet in both my lives and never understood why they keep them. But to recieve an Owl, and of all the Owls, I recieved Hedwig just like in the story... It felt like we were fated to be together.
I may sound dramatic and sound like I'm falling in love or something, but the truth of the matter was that I did love my new friend. He is not my pet or mail delivery system, no... He is my friend, Hedwig. I wouldn't even be surprised if I found out he was a Patronus, that he was a being made entirely of magic made with Happiness.
"A good name Harry." Hagrid nodded, breaking me out of my thoughts. "So where to next Harry?" I looked at my list and said, "We need to go back to get my robes and the only thing left is to get my wand." I say with a bit of excitement. Who wouldn't be? Only emo MC's who think they are too cool for a wand, that's who.
We went back to Madam Malkim's and got my robes and uniform, packed it in my trunk with my books and day wear clothes, which were just oversized Dudley clothes. All I needed was a gold chain around my neck and dreadlocks and I was set. Oversized shirt/t-shirt, my pants which are ripped at the knees and might slip down and showing off my boxers, if I'm not careful.
On the way to Oliwander's Wand shop, we stopped at Florean Fortescue Ice-cream shop. Hagrid had a pint of chocolate fudge Ice-cream and I had bacon ice-cream after giving Mr.Fortescue the instructoon on how to do it. Safe to say it was a hit as there was now a board outside with a flashing poster, "LIMITED OFFER! BACON ICE-CREAM! I'm Lovin' it!"
After licking our fingers off of ice cream we reached Oliwander's. Hagrid said he would wait outside stating, "It's a tradition to go in alone Harry." He gave me a wink as I went inside.
I rang the bell and sliding on a ladder came a silver haired man with a messy appearance and an even messier apron slung around his neck. He re quickly tidied himself with a flick of his wand and gave me an unsettling smile, "Ah... Mr.Potter. I've been expecting you. It seems like only yesterday I sold your parents their first wands. Your father's wand- 11 inches Mahogany, pliable... with a Dragon heartstring core. Good for charms, spell work and transfiguration. Your mother on the other hand- 10¼ inches Swishy, made of Willow and Unicorn tail hair. Very Tempermental and extremely loyal. She might be the only user who could wield it."
Oliwander reminisced for a few more seconds until he seemed to snap out of his trance, "Now. Please stretch out your wand arm and let's take some measurements..." He gave another flick and a measuring tape was taking the measurements on its own as the old man hummed and rubbed his stable in contemplation.
He took out a few boxes which had wands and showcased it. I took one out and flicked it to do nothing. "No. That's not it." He muttered and handed me another wand which he snatched immidiately from my hand and another which I barely touched before he kept it back inside shaking his head.
After trying out more than three dozen wands he quirked his eyebrows up in intrigue, "Curious, very curious." He went to the back, pulled out a wand and gave it to me reverently. As he handed it to me he was droning on about the wand and its twin, but I zoned him out closing my eyes as I gripped my wand, "An unusual combination. Holly and Phoenix feather, Eleven Inches, nice and suple. Indeed very curious....."
*Whoosh* There.
There it was again. The POTTER-TINGLE. I just figured out what it was. It was my magic connecting with myself, a sort of stabilization of the raw energy flowing into the body from the Ambuent surrounding. Noe it becomes something useful. Something tamer for the body to be used consciously. So no more accidental magic after we get our wands.
Through the course of our years the magic stabilizes inside us and settles down to be tamer than Ambient, natural magic. Because Natural energy was ancient and unreliable because accidental magic happens only if the child is in real danger and not a perceived threat.
That's probably the reason I was not able to use actual spells without a wand. Wandless magic only works like Telekinesis and I haven't seen proof in either the Movies, the books or the Games to prove otherwise. The only exception being the Mind arts, viz.- Occlumancy and Legillemancy, where I could use eye contact(like sharingan if I think about it). But I digress, it is called "Mind Arts" for a reason.
Magic is alive. It must have understood that acquiring a wand gives you the responsibility of protecting yourself and the ones you love. MAGIC gives you the materials and the tools to improve yourself and protect ts you till you are of Eleven years old.
I slowly opened my eyes after the familiar feeling washed away I paid the still smiling Olliwander the standard 7 Galleons for the wand. After a though I asked, "Do you have a holster for the wand? Oh, and a wand maintenance kit too please. If you have it?" Olliwander was pleased to see someone making the effort to take care of there wand.
"Of course Mr.Potter. The kit is available. For the holster? What type of holster would you like to have?" I browsed the items and found that there more than seven types of holsters. I must have looked like a kid in a candy shop, looking at Olliwander's amused reaction.
I chose three different holsters: one was worn on the hip like a gun which was clipped to the belt, one was worn on the inside of the forearm which had a small mechanism to behave like a "Deringer Sleeve Gun", I wouldn't use it, cause it's just silly. I just bought it on impulse. The last one was probably my favorite. It was was a vest holster that was worn on the left side near my chest. It held the wand downwards diagonally, ensuring the smoothest of draws.
Olliwander also mentioned that the holsters were charmed so that Summoning Charms like do not work on it. I paid a Galleon for the maintenance kit and 6 Galleons for all three holsters. I clipped on the hip holster to my pants bade the old man farewell.