20.4% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 20: Lion Brought To Heel

บท 20: Lion Brought To Heel

With the loyalty of House Lefford secured, the royal army was given direct passage through the Golden Tooth and swiftly marched to unite with the forces of the Reach which had gathered on the other side. This gathering of armies was the largest in recent memory, showing that there was plenty of hope for a peaceful and prosperous Realm. Banners from all across the Seven Kingdoms swayed with the wind as well over fifty thousand soldiers stood across the vast passage.

The sun shined upon Edric's plate armour as he descended down from the Golden Tooth, his single-antlered helm stealing the eyes of thousands. He wore a regal golden cloak which fluttered at each step. Behind him, a balding old Lion… dragged by a chain. In his left hand, he held Robert's infamous warhammer.

Edric tugged the chain forward, dropping Lord Tywin down onto his knees. 

The lords of both armies stepped forward, gathering around him.

"This is Lord Tywin, head of the House Lannister and former Lord Paramount of the Westerlands; the Warden of the West and many years ago, Hand of the Mad King." Edric spoke with confidence, his voice clear and loud as thunder as he looked down upon his subjects. "He is the man who broke the King's peace and razed the Riverlands. The man who raised his banners without his King's consent, all for his own pride! His actions led to the burning of countless homes, the death of countless men, women and children! The amount of pain and suffering this man has brought to the Realm cannot be explained by mere words… but it shall be answered, here and now!"

Lord Tywin glanced up, taking a look at Edric despite the blinding sun.

"I die with the same pride as I lived."

Edric raised his warhammer and Lord Tywin's life flashed before his eyes…

"You die knowing your legacy, all of your life's work… was for NOTHING!!!"



He smashed his head against the ground, the sheer force of Edric's warhammer shattering the old lion's skull. His brain fluids scattered all over and his blood slowly streamed down. Edric slowly raised his head, looking at his subjects once again.

"Let this be an example of all who disrupt the King's peace and raise their banners against his will! When I am King, I will accept nothing of the sort! All disputes between lords should be solved with words, not arms, for our swords, spears and bows stand under ONE true banner… the King's… my OWN!"

"Any lords who would break this peace and raise their banners against their fellow countrymen without my blessing will meet my wrath and an end very much similar to Lord Tywin's… THIS, I, Edric Storm of the House Baratheon, swear to you all!"

"Hail to the future King!" Renly Baratheon smiled, bending the knee. "May his reign be long and prosperous!"

"All hail!"

"Hail to Prince Edric of the House Baratheon!" 

Many more lords bent the knee, from the southernmost reaches of the Reach to the North. From House Baratheon to House Florent to House Tarly, Hightower, Tyrell, Redwyne, Stokeworth, Celtigar, Velaryon, Buckler, Dondarrion, Swann, Umber, Karstark, Tully, Mallister, Stark… all present would bend the knee to their prince and future King, from the lowest of peasants to the highest of lords.

From a troublesome bastard to an inspiring young boy with great promise, to a crown prince…

Now, soon to be King.

The story of the Storm King had only begun.

After, Edric's POV.

"Great-nephew, I cannot believe my eyes!" 

An older man who looked to be in his middle ages approached me after everyone was prompted to rise. He was tall and slender, his red-gold armour instantly giving away who he might be. His armour had an extravagant red-gold fox poking out of his breastplate, surrounded in a circle of lapis lazuli flowers… the sigil of House Florent.

He embraced me and I smiled slightly.

"Lord Alester?"

"Why, of course!" Alester Florent chuckled heartily as he stepped back, grabbing both of my shoulders with a sure grip. "Look at you, hardly the boy you should be at your age! You're taller than me already!"

"I would have my father to thank for that." I nodded.

"Regarding that… my condolences for His Grace's death. Being thrust upon the duties of kinghood so young must be difficult and something you hardly prepared for." Alester smiled, patting my head. "Though, we will all stand by your side, through the hard times to the good. You'll grow to be a great King, there is no doubt in my heart."

"Thank you for your wholehearted support, great uncle." I managed a smile. "In these uncertain times, powerful lords whose loyalties are unquestionable are worth more than anything."

"I would never betray my great-nephew… after all, you are my blood! It has been too long since one with florent blood at a throne." Alester chuckled, glancing to the side where the Tyrell banners stood. "A certain Great House isn't too happy about it… but those are matters to be discussed later."

"There still lies Casterly Rock." Stannis nodded, walking up from behind me. "It must be taken for you to hold the Westerlands and unify the Realm once more."

"No praise for me, brother?" Renly grinned, walking up to the huddle. "It was I who swept up the Westerlands and trapped Lord Tywin from entering his own lands. Well, not just I. I, the lords of the Reach and their thousands of swords. The contributions of the Reach may even be greater than any other Kingdom. House Tyrell most of all, proved its loyalty and should be rewarded for hardly withholding any men for the invasion."

"It's wonderful that they are so loyal." Stannis did not smile, nodding as he glanced at Loras Tyrell.

"When the Realm is at peace, Houses and their respective lords will be rewarded for their loyalty." I added, turning towards the horizon. "However, we must focus on the present and bring the Westerlands to heel first."

"That is something we can all agree with."


The last Lannisters to stand were cooped up in Casterly Rock, the most impenetrable fortress in all of the Westerlands. Like most of the Kingdom's strongholds, its appearance was grand and unique to the Lannisters. Their greatest and most profitable gold mine had come from there. Though, by now, it had dried up and there was little to nothing left… at least, to my knowledge, there should be nothing left.

I had both Jaime Lannister and Kevan Lannister carried closer to Casterly Rock. I couldn't help but admire the fortress the closer I walked… it was absolutely colossal. I swear it was taller than anything I'd ever seen in London, including the Shard. It was practically a skyscraper of rock and stone, standing so tall that its towers had the shine of the setting sun behind it.

The main entrance to Casterly Rock, the Lion's mouth itself seemed to be at least two hundred feet tall. The only way to it was crossing a long and wide bridge which could accompany a small army on itself at once. Just hearing and reading about it, I thought it was impregnable… but seeing it firsthand, nothing short of dragons or some form of backdoor entrance could possibly cause it to fall. That and starving out the people within.

Even dragons… considering the time and age this fortress had been built, there was a chance it had some form of magic protection. Even if one managed to get past the Mouth, I couldn't imagine having to wade through all the mine shafts within and trying to climb up the fortress. Imagine all the traps one could place…

I sure as hell hope this works.

'You lot as eager for a siege as last time?' I looked back, glancing at all the lords who attended the Tooth's meeting.

It didn't look like it.

"Uncle, send a messenger. We must discuss the terms of their surrender. They would have to be beyond foolish to keep holding out."

"It will be done."

Given Lord Tywin's execution, I felt that my authority was far more present than ever before. Despite my age, I had the respect and obedience of many. My words weren't brushed aside. It wasn't just the execution, it likely had something to do with my prowess in archery. Technically, I had taken down the Golden Tooth by myself with no losses on the royal army's end.

Such an act was bound to create respect among many.


"What terms should be brought up?" Stannis questioned, having a mostly empty scroll before him. The three most prominent lords, Stannis, Renly and Robb were all present along with me, of course.

"Allow me to write… it is a royal letter, after all, it ought to have regal and neat writing." Renly smiled, sliding the scroll to himself. "I know too well how hideous yours is."

"Very well." Stannis didn't seem to mind it. "You write."

"Neat handwriting aside, we have several important Lannister hostages we can trade." Robb Stark stated, leaning in.

"Who is it that rules Casterly Rock now?" Stannis questioned, glancing at Renly.

"I hear it's the halfman." Renly chuckled, shaking his head. "The hideous Imp, Lord Tywin's bane."

"That's perfect." I grinned slightly, relaxing. "We have his precious brother and his uncle. I believe Tyrion should have some wits about him… so, our presence alone should be enough to make him bend. Alas, if it comes down to it, we can bargain with Ser Jaime's life. Promise to execute him like his father if he does not surrender… and, if he does, send him to the Wall for breaking his oaths."

"That sounds ideal for you." Robb Stark remarked, frowning slightly. "If I recall, you were knighted by Ser Jaime, were you not?"

"Yes… I'll admit it with full honesty, Ser Jaime is a man of great skill quite unlike anyone else in this time and age. I can't help but admire that." I replied, shaking my head. "Though, I am aware of his faults and that he must be punished severely in one way or the other."

"So the truth that he was the one who killed your father is something that you can brush aside?" Robb Stark further questioned, an expression of disgust forming. 

"I… hardly knew my father. And my mother, for that matter." I sighed, lowering my head. "In the end, I must do what is the best for the Realm. Winter is coming and, when it does, we will need every skilled man in this living world."

"His name will make the Night's Watch even more of a jest than it was before." Robb Stark shook his head. "I can't accept him."

"You can be so narrow-minded, Lord Robb. When it is a matter of life and death for all men, women and children of the Realm… what do concepts like reputation and honour matter? You have criminals, rapists, thieves, butchers… all in your Night's Watch. How much worse would Ser Jaime make it? If anything, his name alone will improve its standing across the Realm. His skill will bring a new standard, too."

"..." Robb Stark lowered his head. He could not argue with that.

"I do not see an issue with Ser Jaime going to the Wall. In truth, he should have gone there the first time he broke his oaths." Renly remarked, shrugging his shoulders. "I believe our old brother would have found it amusing to see Ser Jaime with a black cape, wading through the frozen lands beyond the Wall. Shielding the Realm from wildlings and the like… alongside his criminal brothers."

"He would have wanted Ser Jaime dead… that is why he charged so recklessly. Casterly Rock and the rest of the Westerlands must acknowledge its future King, however. We cannot take the fortress by force… and so, I agree with Edric. His life should be bargained." Stannis nodded.

"Good… then we are all agreed."

My charm skill was certainly working its magic… I think, at least.

I was getting my way in most things.


Tyrion Lannister left through the Lion's Mouth, accompanied by a dozen red cloaks. He approached Edric, who stood at the bridge's beginning with Jaime Lannister and Kevan Lannister beside him. The entire royal army stood behind him, its numerous banners of all colours and Houses across the Kingdoms swaying with the wind. Fully armoured, he looked as much of a menace as ever. Even in the blazing sun. The shadows did wonders in hiding Edric's baby-face.

Tyrion's style of walking was a little bit amusing… Edric found it hard not to pity the Imp.

'I thought I was ugly in my first life… imagine how hard it is for him. Even with the Lannister name, he can't get a marriage with anyone.'

Tyrion glanced at Jaime who nodded… and bent the knee right after, albeit slowly. He struggled bending down given his stunted legs. Though, he did try.

"I accept your terms… crown prince Edric of the House Baratheon. From this day onward, till my last, I will serve you and the Realm as Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. Any task that you give me, I will complete to the greatest of my ability and all in your interest. You can rest assured that my loyalty to you is unquestionable."

"Lord of Casterly Rock?" Ser Kevan questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"That… was one of the terms. I cannot think of a man more suitable given the circumstances." Edric replied, nodding.

"Heh… some good news at last." Jaime managed a smile. "Good fortune to you, brother… and may your rule be prosperous."

"As for you Ser Kevan, you have a choice between the Wall and bending the knee." Edric turned, facing him. "Though traitors, I believe that a prosperous Westerlands needs its Lannisters. What other house is remotely worthy of ruling it? If you are a real Lannister, you would do the latter."

Kevan Lannister frowned slightly, hesitating for a moment before bending the knee.

"I, Ser Kevan of the House Lannister, hereby swear my fealty to you, crown prince Edric of the House Baratheon."

"Good, you may rise."

Ser Jaime didn't seem too pleased, still. Edric turned back and whispered in his ear.

"Complete your duties for a time and you will wear the white cloak again, this I swear." 

"..." Ser Jaime lowered his head. 'So be it.'

And so, the Dance between the Stags and Lions came to a peaceful end,.

Edric, despite his lack of experience, proved that he knew how to play the Game of Thrones… or, at the very least, play both sides to benefit himself above all. Well, not just himself… the Realm. He had long since accepted that he would carry the Crown and do the best he could for everyone else. 

So long as he wore the Crown, the Realm's peace and prosperity would be his greatest duty… and he accepted that.

Though… in his heart, he hoped for a day when he could put it aside and live for himself.

'A simple man who just wants a wife, some kids, a bit of adventure… found himself as King. Isn't it funny? Countless men and women would throw aside all their morals, family members and everything in between for power. Meanwhile, my dumbass, by Jon Snow's very own words, doesn't want it.' Edric chuckled at himself. 'A simple life has become so unreachable… a dream that died, slowly but surely.'

'It truly died… with my sweet Alysanne.'

Edric glanced at his left hand.

'You're all that I have left, Raiden Shogun. Even if what you did was intentional… I can't ever forget you. You've aided me so many times, pushed me to be better and even gave your life for mine without hesitation. If I don't have you, what do I have in this life? It feels like nothing, despite all the power, the gold, the reverence.'

'All I want is you… to hold you in my arms, to clear the darkness between us and love you with all my heart. That's all that I want.'

Edric sighed.

'Even hearing myself think… I truly am a lost soul in this life. Perhaps even more lost than in my first…'

'My heart, in the end, is my greatest weakness.'

"A man who loves so few is bound to love those few more strongly than those who love many."

- The Transcendent Being.

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