Another long week goes by under the cold November skies. No one knew who Spider-Man actually was as if a lot of what happened in the past five years of Sakura's life never existed. She woke up a few days after the battle on Lady Liberty feeling exhausted and distant from herself. As of now Sakura is wearing a beautiful black nightgown sitting in the Domo watching Thena teach her son to fight with a sword. Druig is sitting with her handing her a cup of hot green tea. Makkari is reading her book. She has been enjoying this past couple of days. Phastos is working hard to complete the repairs of the Domo soon. The group had been spending so much time on Earth they've been ready to move on for a long time.
"Where will you go?" Sakura asked Druig.
"We're going to help the other Eternals around the universe to stop other celestials from being born."
"What about Ashiram? What would he do to you if he finds out you're killing Celestials?"
"I do not want you to worry. Stay calm for the little lads."
"For the lad and the little one."
"Can we at least stay with you until you leave?"
"I wasn't expecting any less," Druig smiled.
In order to give Phastos some space the remaining Eternals who chose to leave left the busy city life to live a quiet isolated life in South Dakota. The home left behind by the one and only Ajack is where they decided to settle down for a couple of weeks. To allow Druig and Sakura to have some one on one time together the others took care of their son Nari. Thena had a fantastic time teaching him to fight with a sword. His new fighting skills will protect him for as long as he lives. Makkari gives him books to read to advance his knowledge in fictional and non-fictional stories. The Eternals were finally happy for once.
The couple are far in suburban land in a clean cut grass park. White pathways lead in different directions throughout the public property. Beautiful decorated trees, and colorful rocks are placed like pieces of art sculptures in the grass for anyone to walk by and see. In fact the place was similar to a botanical garden, but more open spaces and a clean look in the area despite how many people pass by. Druig is wearing a grey short sleeved shirt and black sweatpants holding hands with his gorgeous girlfriend. Her long black hair shimmered in the bright light of the sun. Sakura only wore her expensive black dress decorated in expensive jewels worth thousands of dollars.
Together they stood by the waterfall watching the water vapor create a rainbow. Before the water leads to the falls is a expensive lake. Smooth flat rocks are exposed in muliple locations around the lake like stepping stones. The water goes on for miles you can not even see where the water ends. A water fountain was built in the center tossing fluids like its a lawn watering devices. Sakura had no words to express her feelings. If the weather was nicer she would have jumped right in.
Druig held her by the waist to come in close for a kiss, "When I leave this planet where will you go?"
"I live with Doctor Strange and his mysical creatures who live in those halls," Sakura chuckled, "As a member of Earth's mightest hero's I am the most sympathetic. More monsters will come to try and take over the world, but they will loose like they always do."
"Every fight you face holds the fate of the world on your shoulders."
"Nari hates it when I leave him on his own. He worries I might never come back. He's at the age now where he will start asking me more to come with me, but I do not know how to control the powers he possess."
"You will in time."
"The sun is coming down soon. Let's go back to the house before someone taps me on the shoulder asking me for an autograph or something."
The couple laughed leaving the public park together to open a portal back home. Nari was so relieved to see his mother safe and sound. However, no matter how much time Druig and Sakura spend together it will never be enough. Time flies by so quick from the moments she flew in the air with him to the days where they explored the most darkest underground caves like the one in Paris. All in only in two weeks before the Domo is finally repaired back to it's former glory. Phastos drove the spaceship to South Dakota where they can say their goodbyes.
He had his husband Ben, drive his son, Jack to the house to meet the Eternals. They brought pizza so everyone can sit together to watch the news on the couch before heading back to space. Sakura is standing outside in the open terrain watching the Domo float peacefully over a mile away in the field.
"Why does this have to happen? I lost Loki and now I will be losing you too."
"I'm not dead. I will return to visit you during our exploration, How many times do I have to repeat myself?"
"Until I hear what I want to hear than I won't stop asking."
Druig took a heavy breathe, "Come inside, they ordered some pizza." He reached out to gently hold on to her hand to pull her towards him in the direction of the house.
Inside the kitchen the boys are playing with Thena while the adults sit and eat pizza on paper plates. Ben turned the television on to the news to see the mighty iced Celestrial stuck in the ocean for however long it will stay there.
A young brunette in a bright red dress held her microphone and spoke within the studio. Helicopter records LIVE the beast in its infinite slumber. The woman stated, "The sudden appearance of an enormous stone figure in the Indian Ocean has left more questions than answers for authorities. U.S and Australians naval ships are maintaining defensive positions, but at this…"
Ben nearly choked on a slice of his pizza, "You guys did that?"
Sakura and the Eternals just smile in response to his question. They are pretty proud of what they have accomplished here on Earth. Saving the world is what the Eternals wanted from the beginning, and here they are still protecting Earth. Druig picked a slice of pepperoni from his pizza to feed Sakura ignoring how shocked Phastos husband was at the moment.
Phastos turned his head to face Ben speaking with his mouth full, "I love you so much."
Jack raced in the living room with his new friend Nari shouting nonsense. They were yelling in excitement pointing at the Domo out the window. Nari spoke of what it is like inside where everything is levitating and glowing in the dark rooms. He was descriptive about the big room where a small replica of the celestrial Ashiram. The colors blend from red to white fading to nothing inside the ship. Ben is still in shock from the television and silently feared for son's life.
"Hey, Nari, keep it down, please," Sakura asked.
"Mother, can we go see the Domo now?"
"We're not ready to go outside yet."
Phastos sighed, "No, you guy's should go."
"What is the rush?" Sakura asked.
"Ashiram will come for us if we sit here and do nothing," Thena said.
Makkari signed, "We don't know what he will do with us if he catches us. Our punishment might be worse than death."
Everyone was so silent you could hear the grass flowing in one direction like dominoes. The time has arrived for the Eternals to go their seperate ways once again. Thena walked through the field to teleport her own body inside the Domo. Makkari was not far behind her. The families left together waching the children run as quickly as possible to see it up close. Phasto's son clearly has never seen the giant charcol colored triangle before.
"That's far enough, Jack," Phastos asked.
"Wow, dad, the Domo's so cool," Jack answered.
"Your dad fixed that with his bare hands."
"Can we go to space, too, one day?"
"Let's wait till you get your learners permit, okay."
The couple chuckled allowing the children to observe from a distance this time around. Phastos and Ben turned around to join the group. They must be so happy to be able to stick together for as long as they lived. Druig kissed his girlfriend then pressed his forehead on her forehead. A tear streamed down to her chin. She was never ready for this moment to come.
Druig turned his whole body to face the other couple, "Hey, Phastos. Take care. This world is lucky to have you."
Phastos tries to shake his hand, "Thank you, I know you are not a hugger, so…"
Druig reaches out to shake his hand and pulls Phastos's arm towards him to reach his other hand around to hug him. This brought a smile to Sakura's face. It truly made her day. Druig was not ready to say goodbye either, as he walked off to the field he turned his head back to see Sakura was still standing there with Nari holding her with fear in his eyes. He sighed, and climbed back up the hill to hold her soft small hands.
"This is hard for the both of us," Druig said.
"I won't see you for who knows how long. A year from now, or a decade, or never," Sakura cried out.
"No, do not cry. It will be okay I promise," Druig said pulling out a small radio device from his pocket and smiled.
"What is that? Is that a walkie talkie?"
Druig smiled and rolled his eyes, "It is, but Phastos made some adjustments for us so we can talk from anywhere in space."
"Cool," Nari cheered.
"If you need help Sersi is living with her boyfriend, and Kingo is acting in Hollywood. Sprite is going to school, and Phastos enjoys his time with his family as you can see."
"Okay, be careful. We will be in contact a lot," Sakura said handing over the walkie talkie to her son. She gave him a peck on the cheek goodbye. The Domo floated away from a large ship to a tiny spec of dust in the distance.
The two are alone once again. She brought her son back to the Sanctum where they will be living until further notice. The dinner table has been set with a meal meant for a King. Large roasted turkey juiced in many flavors. Salads with fresh mixed lettuce and clean fruits. Mashed potatos softly whipt in butter and milk. So many options to choose from. Wong walked inside from the kitchen carrying a large plate of fried duck bathed in duck sauce.
"I hope you are hungry," Wong said.
"We ate some pizza earlier, but we still have an appetite," Sakura replied.
Doctor Strange appeared suddenly, "Good, because I spent all day making it."
"Where have you been?" Sakura asked.
"I recieved a invitation to a wedding," Doctor Strange.
"Who's wedding?" Sakura asked.
"Doctor Palmer's wedding, I am sorry if that upsets you."
"No, do not apologize. I am not upset at all. You should go to support her on the happiest day of her life."
"Are you sure?"
Wong rolled his eyes, "Ugh, so much drama. A portal opened behind Wong and he was quick to leave than ever.
Sakura trained in spellcasting to prepare for any danger in the future. She spent most of her time with her son out and about trying to make memories they will never forget. Waiting for the world to fall apart again for her to save it all over again. Every night Sakura looks up at the stars to see if Druig is looking down at her too. She can only wish for him to come home safe and sound.
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