52.63% Queen In Green & Gold / Chapter 10: Home

บท 10: Home

A messy pile of bloody cut bandages laid on the kitchen counter. On a metal tray are some bloody scissors and some disinfectant and burn gel pack to keep her wound clean. This unbearable pain hurts far less than what she has lost before setting foot on Earth. She wiped away her tears and lifted her head.

Almost thought she was dreaming when she noticed a shadow in the corner of her eye. She didn't feel threatened at all thinking it was Valkyrie coming to greet her. Coming out of her living room instead was a tall man leaning on the frame of the doorway. He stared at her for some time before she lifted her head and noticed him standing there quietly. He's wearing his black sweatpants, and a black leather jacket over a white shirt. Sakura pulled out a knife ready to defend New Asgard from whatever threat lurks close by.

"So you must be, Sakura. Must be hard living on an unfamiliar planet."

"Druig..." Sakura gently dropped her knife and lowered her guard, "How did you get past the guards?"

"I have my ways. I'm here to help in any way I can," Druig kneeled down to take a look at her glowing wound, "You were burned?"

"I was fighting a flaming lava monster if you can believe it. My line of work prevents me from staying here with my son. I have to be here to support him, but I can't be here every day. He doesn't have a father to raise him, nor do the orphaned children who lost their parents during the war. I fear we will loose our way."

"In Asgard you were a healer as most princesses were. Princes would be raised by their fathers to learn how to be a warrior and or a king."

"How much has Thor told you about me?"

"He has told stories of your bravery. I believe your son understands."

Sakura gasped, "Where is he? Where is Nari? He should have eaten dinner, continued his training, and went to bed. It's too late for him to be awake right now."

"Relax, he's fine," Druig reapplied the bandages on her calf as he kept a straight face, "I fed him some leftovers in the fridge, and he was busy in his studies. In fact he taught me something if you can believe that. An hour ago I tucked him in bed."

"Thank you," Sakura whimpered. Her face is covered in soot and tears.

A dry folded washcloth is sitting next to the kitchen sink. He unfolded the towel and wet it under warm water and folded it around his index finger. His gentle touch cleaned up her dirty face. Sakura's emotions are out of control as it has been years since a man has touched her like this before. In her head she will not stop complimenting this man who looks too cute to be over a thousand years old. Her hands were shaking and her mouth could not form the words she wanted to speak.

She doubted herself once more to calm herself down. She cannot rush her feelings she thought. Stop trying to date men who are thousands of years old, she thought. We don't know what he's capable of, or if he's a good guy or a villain. So many thoughts clustered in her mind like a raging fire. Druig dropped the wet cloth in the sink and found a dry cloth on the counter to wipe away the leftover water and dirt.

Druig dropped the towel in the sink, and lifted her chin to check her face again, "Are you afraid of me?"

"No, you just startled me, that's all."

Druig sat beside her and held her hand, "You asked me how I walked past the guards? I can read and control peoples minds."

Sakura blushed, "I was not informed of that."

"Under all this dirt I can finally see that beautiful face," Druig said stroking her cheek, "I know how you feel."

"Do you?" Sakura cried.

In one sudden movement Sakura picked herself up and pushed him away. Throwing fists at his chest she wasn't able to stop crying. Druig blocked her attacks, but wasn't able to block every move. Sakura shoved her thumb on his forehead, and he was able to see her painful memories. Not only the war, but her experiences on Asgard. The memories flew by like a movie in his brain. When he woke up a tear rolled down his cheek, and he pulled away.

"If you were here for thousand's of years, why didn't you help us?"

"I wanted to help, but we were told not to interfere with the wars of the world. I watched millions of people die knowing I have the power to save them all. I couldn't save anyone even if I wanted to."

"Why couldn't you?"

"I am just a loyal pawn blindly following my leaders who say we're helping the world, but I don't know anymore. Your husband blindly followed Thanos and look at where it got him. I'm sorry for your loss, but nothing can bring him back."

"I do not mourn for him. He made his choices,"

"Moving on is a challenge. I don't expect you to forgive and forget so easily."

"What are you?"

"Millions of years ago before the six singularities and the dawn of creation, came Celestials. Our leader is Arishem, Prime Celestial, created the first sun and brought light into the universe. Life began and thrived. All life was balanced as it should be."

"What happened?"

"Deviants, a species of predators who arrived here from far away in distant space, came to destroy and feed on intelligent life. Our universe was plunged into chaos. To restore this natural order Arishem sent us from planet Olympia to eliminate the threat on Earth."

"I haven't seen a single Deviant since I got here."

"That's because we wiped them out hundreds of years ago."

"Then your celestial brought you here for another purpose, and it didn't tell you what it was."

"Or the Deviants are not dead. They've been docile, hiding patiently until they are ready to wipe out the planet."

"Why does every war here on Earth have monsters trying to wipe out the planet? On Asgard we fought to protect our land in small wars among the nine realms, but this is insane," Sakura cried, struggling to breathe.

A green aura haze engulfed her hands. She swung open the front door and leaned on a nearby tree to cough up her anxieties. Sakura clenched her teeth so much her jaw aches. Her nausea was out of control. She collapsed to her knees and looked up at the stars. Feeling every sharp pain from her leg burn. Dawn was coming and they didn't get any sleep that night. The sun may have been gone, but the heat was still unbearable during these hot summer days. Druig placed his arm on her shoulder and rubbed her back.

"I would be stressed out too if I stuck myself in a dark damp cottage. Come on, take my hand."

Sakura reached for his soft gentle hands and held them tight, "Where are we going? What about Nari?"

"I am about to show you the country you live in. Already taken care of, don't worry."

"Alright, fine. How are we going to fit in with the crowd of humans so easily?"

"Now, that's easy."

A new morning dawned a joyful day for the citizens of Norway. Parades of musical instruments flood the streets of nearby towns. Children are waving their country's flag with smiles on their faces. Families are wearing traditional clothing to express respect for Norwegian culture. Unisex dancers marched down the center of the crowds. Everyone is cheering as if a war had finally ended. Druig held out his hand for her to hold and walked her to his car. The two drove to the city together watching the happy carefree faces drinking and dancing for as long as they could stand.

Druig pointed out a costume shop among the line of tailored stores, "I bet you'll look beautiful in a Bunad."

"If you say so," Sakura smiled.

"Oh, I know so."

She followed Druig to the door of the open shop. A little chime had gone off as soon as Sakura took the first step inside. A heavy set man flies out in front of her wearing clothing measuring tapes. He stands an inch shorter than her, smiling from ear to ear. He startled her so bad she grabbed his arm and possessed him. Sakura used this to her advantage. The man pulled down two outfits for them and laid them down over the counter. He collapsed on the hardwood floor.

"Royalty never leaves the throne. Must be why you are so skittish."

"He came out of nowhere."

"Your victims pass out when you release them."

"Asgardian magic is famous for overwhelming it's victims. I can only possess one person at a time. Here, we have to get out of here before someone spots us," Sakura tossed his costume to him.

They swapped clothes in the changing room and moved on to the festival outside. Sakura chose to wear a decorative red vest over her white long sleeved shirt. Her skirt is black with strips of red and shapes. Druig nicely wore a suit vest for this special occasion with similar matching colors. For the first time Sakura had the chance of living like a normal person enjoying the company of an Eternal.

"Are you hungry?" Druig asked.

"I am famished."

"Try this," Druig possessed a young woman to hand him waffles drenched in something brown and gooey, "This is caramelized milk called Brunost's."

Sakura took a bite of the waffle and scrunched her face, swallowing it, "Salt and sweet should never mix. This is what you would feed to prisoners."

"Agreed," Druig laughed.

He rested the palm of his hand on her lower back to guide her away from the busy streets. Too much excitement for one day, even for him. Strolling down a quiet outdoor shopping district, Sakura notices the Rosemaling through the windows of the shop. She stops to observe the paintings to see it's unique beauty. Her smile cleared the sky of dark clouds.

"Thank you for bringing me here."

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I would do anything for you,"

He leaned in for a kiss ever so slowly. Imagining what life would be like to marry a human over one of his own. She will grow old and pass away someday like any other. Would it be a waste of time? No, his heart has other plans. Sakura jumped to her toes and kissed his soft lips. He pulled her in closer, caressing her thin figure.

"I shouldn't be doing this. Kissing a mortal human expecting centuries of passionate affection. I don't know why I am still on this planet or how long I will stay, but when I leave I can't take you with me."

"I am human, yes, but I have unbelievable power that is growing by the day. I can heal my wounds, and forge weapons and shields from my hands. Soon I can possess immortality someday."

"Do you truly believe that? The price of immortality is too high here."

"I have too, or else I'd lie awake at night terrified wondering what happens to me after I die. I want to dream it possible."

Druig holds her tight, "I still can't take you with me."

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Let's go home. My son must be dying to talk about you."

"I have a home in Peru, South America. I will take you there someday, but I have to go home to make sure I still have one."

"One night, please?"

Druig sighed, "I hope I don't regret this. Let's go home."

More civilians crowded the streets for Happy Hour before midnight. Everywhere you look there's a jungle of human flesh. Druig gently shifter himself behind her right side. His eyes glowed bright gold forcing everyone to do the same. The humans look like glow sticks in the dark facing them like an army of soldiers. Druig gently lifted his arm and gestured people to create a path. For the first time in a long time, Sakura felt like she was walking to her throne. She felt like royalty again.

Both of them passed through unscathed.The eerie silence terrified her. Druig returned everyone back to normal, and everything was back to normal. No one questioned what happened to them during the short amount of time they were enchanted. He walked her back to the car they borrowed and drove home to New Asgard.

"That was incredible."

Druig smiled, "Your welcome."

While a long drive led to no conversation occasionally they made eye contact and smiled. Giggling like little children who love each other but not old enough to date. Sakura stroked Druigs hand with her index finger as it sits on the ball of the gear shift. Touched his soft dark hair when it blows in the wind when he lowers his window. All she wants is to enjoy him while she can.

The two parked their car and traveled by foot. Sakura transformed back to her normal Asgardian robes. Down a long dirt path led to an expansive ocean, and her people of New Asgard. Those who passed her greeted her with much respect as they've known her for a long time. Barrels of ale from the docks are stocked on wagons for nearby deliveries. Familiar faces are teaching healing to young children who want to learn. Sakura led Druig to her small cottage covered in flowers and supply crates.

Her son swings the door open, and bolts out the door. He runs with his arms spread to embrace his mother once again. Valkyrie left the house soon after Nari did watching them.

"There will be a day when you squeeze me so hard I will break in half." Sakura said holding her son as if it's the last day on earth.

"I fear one day you won't come home, so I will grateful to see you every time I see you."

"I will die an honorable death, and go to Valhalla. I expect to see you there when you are Odins age when he passed."

"Is dad in Valhalla?"

"Maybe, we won't know until we go ourselves. Let's go inside its cold out and past your bedtime."

Valkyrie moved away from the doorway to walk back to her house not too far from here, "Good night, my Queen."

"Thank you for looking out for him."

"My pleasure."

Little Nari quickly ran inside waiting for his mother in the kitchen. Sakura came in with her eyes wide and her eyebrows up high wrinkling her forehead. She pointed to his small bedroom. Nari shamefully went to his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

"I'll tuck him in," Druig said.

"I appreciate that, thank you."

In the cabinets Sakura pulled out a small pot and filled it with water. She gently placed it on the stove and turned on the heat. The water only takes a couple of minutes to boil. In the meantime, Sakura collected her jars of collected tea herbs throwing them in a tiny tea kettle. She pours the boiling water inside the kettle. Tea is ready to be served. This particular kettle traps the tea inside a pocket, so only the liquid tea pours out almost like magic. In her cabinets she pulled out two tea cups shaped like miniature mugs to pour tea in them.

Quietly Druig left the bedroom to the kitchen, "He's fast asleep."

"It's been a long couple of days. I suggest we go to bed as well." Sakura said handing him his cup of tea. She then opened her bedroom door with only a whip of her wrist.

"I'd like that."

She led him to her bedroom. He stands in the doorway taking in this large empty bedroom. Only a queen sized bed and dresser by the window. A chest stands on the foot of her bed. A few photos of her adventures with her new friends are spread across her walls to remind her of what makes her happy. The two crawled in bed staring at the ceiling fan creaking as it spins. Druig turns his body to see her elegant face even in the dark.


"You're beautiful."

"Go to bed," Sakura giggles. She turns her body to face the opposite direction from him.

"Valhalla is like Heaven, isn't it?

"Not exactly, no. When a warrior dies in battle defending the peace we disintegrate to gold dust in the sky and go to Valhalla. It's our warrior afterlife."

"Do you wish to go there?"

"I only wish to die before my son does."

"You will."

"Are you a sorcerer that can predict the future?"

No, but I have a feeling you'll die before him in battle protecting him. Protecting the entire world."

"I hope so."

By early morning Sakura fell asleep in his arms. Hour's later, Druig set up to care for Nari and fed him breakfast. He prepared food for Sakura when she woke up and entered the kitchen. Plates of staked berry pancakes. Hash browns and sausages. An entire feast for such a small family.

The three finished breakfast together. Sakura had to clean up the kitchen. Druig led Nari back to his room so he can teach him proper English with him. Together they created lots of fancy flash cards and notes. Almost like a real family.

Sakura stepped in Nari's room holding a cup of tea and watched them, "Sounds like the two of you are having fun, eh?"

"Mommy, I love you," Nari said dropping everything to hug his mother.

"I love you too, sweetie."

"Can he stay, mom? Please?"

"That's not my decision."

"I apologize, Nari. I wish I could too, but my job is bigger than anything you could possibly fathom. Your mother doesn't understand either. Stay here and study, if I hear from her you've been extra good I'll come back more often."

"Really?" Nari cheered.

"You have my word, little prince. I'll see you later," Druig lifted himself off the floor and walked out to the kitchen with Sakura in his arms. Neither of them seem to be smiling anymore. This is a difficult time for the both of them.

"I have to leave, but I will come back for you. For both of you."

"Please come back."

Tears rolled down her cheeks like rain. Druig gave her hug and a kiss on the lips. He left the house leaving her all alone. She's all alone again. Men always seem to come and go. Until her phone buzzed in her pocket. She opened her phone to see a message from Peter Parker.

Turns out Beck was a fake, and created illusions to trick Peter to hand him Ediath. The drones are what created these monsters to begin with. His story was fake. Everything was fake. Peter had to kill him. Peter texted her another message asking if she can come to New York.

Her son, Nari, sat on the rug playing on his musical instrument. She sat by him in the living room watching him play. Drinking a mild cup of tea to soothe her mind. Her mind thought of what it would be like to be a super hero every day facing crime among friends. Instead of sitting here in her robes watching the clock hit each hour slowly waiting for Druig to return. Sakura thought hard about her life as a Queen, and where she was needed most. Protecting her small community or protecting the world. Someday her name will end up on a plaque under a tall statue if she worked hard enough. She reached for her phone in her pocket and replied to Peter Parker.

She wrote, 'I'd be happy too."

next chapter
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