In a universe shaped by divine forces, where Chaos and God created the foundation of the world, comes the story of Pyhy, a young man born into a farming family in the peaceful kingdom of Ky. Five centuries after his creation, Pyhy dreams of transcending his humble origins and becoming a renowned knight. However, he is tormented by his timid and cowardly nature, and is the target of ridicule among the inhabitants of his village. Determined to change, Pyhy decides to participate in the legendary Royal Knighthood Tournament of Ky, a brutal competition instituted by the feared King Opych. The tournament, known for its ferocity, grants the title of royal knight to only one winner, while the remaining competitors must face death or dishonor. Facing this challenge as his only chance to achieve honor, glory, and a life of luxury, Pyhy must confront his greatest fears and discover if courage can blossom even in the most hesitant of hearts. Embark on this epic journey, where Pyhy must decide whether to embrace courage or succumb to fear, as the fate of the kingdom of Ky hangs in the balance.
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