13.72% Potter's luck / Chapter 7: Chapter 6

ตอน 7: Chapter 6

Hela, whose true appearance was hidden by powerful glamour charms, walked slowly down the long corridor, looking around at her surroundings. Students were hurrying to get to their classes. The Goddess of Death felt that among the students of Hogwarts, there were those whose magical aura was rotten to the core. A few redheads stood out among the Gryffindors.

- It was to be expected that this mortal manipulator would have blood traitors as loyal supporters," the black-haired goddess of death whispered as Ron Weasley hurried to class with a group of other Gryffindor freshmen.

As soon as the group of freshers disappeared around the corner of the corridor, Hela continued to patrol the school corridors in her guise. Quietly whistling a simple tune, the black-haired goddess of death continued to patrol until she heard a strange noise ahead.

Hela looked around to make sure no one was nearby and used her magical vision. The girl's eyes immediately lit up with a dead green glow. Two dots with distinctly rotten magical auras showed up ahead. Waves of glee emanated from the two blood traitors. The two blood traitors were anticipating some sort of bullying of their own. Having met many of the teachers, Hela had learnt about the infamous Weasley twins, whose antics had driven their Dean and local school healer Madam Pomfrey mad.

And the hatred for these two red-haired wimps that the students in the other faculties had for them was quite great. After all, these bastards had chosen to target students from other faculties for their jokes, deliberately bypassing their Gryffindor fellow students.

- I think, Forge, that if we sprayed our canary powder in the air, we could cover a few dozen 'customers'," said the first twin.

- I agree, Dread, such an act will be remembered by Hogwarts for a long time, especially those damned snakes and bookworms, - said the second one.

At the same time, the two redheads continued to stare at some parchment and look around. They were afraid of bumping into the teachers after all. However, their card didn't work against Hela, as the Death Goddess' enchantments were much stronger than those in the Marauders' card.

- Well, well, well, well, who do we have here? Skipping class," Hela said, stealthily approaching the two redheads with her arms crossed over her lush chest.

- Come on, Dread," the first twin said, and tried to throw a vial of apparent nastiness in the black-haired girl's direction. But it didn't reach Hela, as the goddess of death had time to put up a powerful magical shield.

- Not so fast, gentlemen truants and hooligans," the brunette paralysed the two third-year students with a wave of her hand, and then sent them straight to the Dean's office. Hela took the sheet of parchment from the twins as she did so.

- I don't think you'll be needing this map anymore," the brunette said, tucking the sheet of parchment into a spatial pocket. Handing the two red-haired girls over to their dean, Hela hurried to her room as she felt someone pick her lock and steal something.

Locking the door and casting a powerful spell, Hela returned to her true form and silently disappeared in a greenish glow. Arriving at her abode, the goddess of death did not find her favourite horn with which she could control an army of undead. Only one person in all the Nine Worlds knew of this artefact and could infiltrate this place.

- LOKI!!!!!! - The Goddess of Death cried out violently. The girl's eyes lit up with a dead green glow that grew stronger with each passing moment. She soared into the air, clad in her favourite armour.


New York, Central Park.

Hovering in the air, Loki watched with a smile on his face as the dead warriors surrounded the Avengers. No matter how hard they tried, the undead army did not falter in their onslaught.

- Loki, send the army of the dead to Helheim immediately," Thor shouted as he destroyed another skeleton with his hammer.

- Oh, brother, I will not think of it, otherwise why else would I have entered Hela's world, since she has gone elsewhere, I will find a better use for her horn, - replied the Trickster and directed a stream of discharges from his staff at his brother.

As Thor fell beside his friends, he quickly rose to his feet and summoned his hammer, preparing to repel another attack. Soon, however, a portal arch appeared in the sky. A cold wind blew.

- Natasha whispered and the rest of the team looked up.

- LOKI!!!!! - A firm female voice sounded, and soon the heroes saw Hela, clad in dark greenish armour, flying out of the portal arch.

The black-haired goddess of death had a look of intense displeasure on her face.

- It seems the mistress of the horn has come for her item," said the iron man.

- O great Hela," Loki began to say, but was immediately thrown to the ground.

- 'How dare you steal my horn! - Hela summoned her blades and, without waiting for Loki's reply, attacked the trickster. She acted so fast that neither Thor nor the other Avengers could keep up with the black-haired goddess of death.

Hela knocked the horn out of Loki's hands and hid it in a spatial pocket, with a wave of her hand she turned the skeletons into ashes, and then, grabbing Loki by the scruff of the neck, threw him with all her might into the nearest tree.

- Loki, son of Lafea, for stealing from my hall, I sentence you to eternity in my kingdom," as soon as Hela said this, a huge dead hand dragged Loki underground.

Glancing around at the gathered Avengers, the goddess of death soared into the sky and headed back towards the portal arch.


Just the day after his conversation with the Headmaster, Harry discovered strange potions in his food. It happened during lunch. Sitting at the Slytherin table, Harry was about to take a gorgeous piece of pork chop when he suddenly felt his birth ring heat up. This meant only one thing: the food contained suspicious potions that could cause harm. Realising that he couldn't expect any help from the Dean, Harry stealthily left the Great Hall and headed for his room. Even though Potter is a Slytherin, Snape is unwilling to help the boy, just as he is unwilling to help the other students of the Green faculty. After all, Snape's hatred for Harry was very strong.

Once down in the dungeon and into the faculty lounge, Potter went to his room, where he decided to eat properly, for which he summoned his House elf Tinky (Morgana and Harry had acquired several house elves in one visit to Lute Alley) and ordered him to bring normal food. Half a minute later, the order was carried out and Harry was enjoying mashed potatoes with a couple of chops and a salad. Finished with lunch, Potter gathered the necessary items and headed off to class. Much to the Slytherin's delight, piloting lessons had started back in early October. Even though Harry didn't like playing Quidditch, Potter enjoyed flying. After all, the boy felt free in the sky.

Broom flying started on Tuesday - and the Gryffindor and Slytherin first years had to learn to fly together. However, this meant that Harry would have to face Weasley, who was already annoying Slytherin with his stupidity.

At three-thirty, Harry and the other Slytherin freshmen hurried to the flight training grounds. The day was sunny and clear, a light breeze was blowing, and the grass rustled underfoot. The students descended the hill in a tight formation, heading for a flat clearing that was as far away from the Forbidden Forest as possible, where the treetops swayed gloomily. There were no Gryffindors on the grounds yet, however.

Finally, the flight instructor, Madam Trick, appeared. She had short grey hair and hawk-like yellow eyes.

- What are you waiting for? - she shouted. - Everyone stand in front of the broom - let's get moving.

Harry looked at the broom standing in front of him. It was quite old, and several of its bars were sticking out in different directions.

- Extend your right arm over the broom! - Madame Trick commanded, standing in front of the formation. - And say, "Up!"

- UP! - shouted twenty voices.

Harry's broom leapt into his hand, but most of the other students were much less fortunate. Neville's broom didn't budge at all, and Hermione Granger's broom rolled on the ground for some reason. Harry thought that perhaps brooms acted like horses - they could sense who was afraid of them and disobeyed that person. After all, when Neville uttered the command "Up!" his voice shook so much that it was clear he would have preferred to stay on the ground.

Madam Trick then showed the students how to get on their brooms so as not to slip off them in mid-air, and walked along the row, checking that they were holding their brooms correctly. Ronald Weasley radiated smugness when Madam Trick abruptly informed Malfoy that he was holding his broom incorrectly.

- But I've been flying for years! - Malfoy objected hotly. You could hear the resentment in his voice.

Then Madam Trick explained to him loudly and clearly that it merely meant that he had been flying incorrectly all these years. Malfoy listened to her in silence, probably realising that if he continued the discussion, it might turn out that he wasn't at all the expert he wanted to appear to be.

- Now, when I blow the whistle, you will push off the ground with force, - said Madam Trick, - hold the broom firmly, try to keep it in a stable position, go up to a metre and a half, and then come down - for this you need to lean forward slightly. So, on whistle three, two.....

But Neville, nervous, twitchy and terrified at the prospect of being alone on the ground, rushed up before Madam Trick brought the whistle to his lips.

- Come back, boy! - Madame Trick shouted, but Neville was already hurtling upwards - he was like a cork in a bottle. Two metres, four, six - and Harry saw Neville's pale face looking down fearfully. Harry saw Neville's mouth wide open in horror as he slid off the broom.

BOOM!!! Neville's body collapsed to the ground with an unpleasant sound. His broom continued to rise and then slid lazily towards the Forbidden Forest and disappeared.

Madam Trick bent over Neville, her face even whiter than his.

- Broken wrist," Harry heard her mutter. When Madam Trick straightened up, her face expressed obvious relief.

- Get up, boy! - she commanded. - 'Get up. There's nothing wrong with you. - She turned to the rest of the students. - 'I'm going to take him to the hospital wing now, and you wait for me and do nothing. Leave your brooms on the ground. Anyone who touches a broom in my absence will leave Hogwarts faster than they can say the word Quidditch. Come along, my dear.

Madam Trick put her arm around a crying Neville and led him towards the castle. Neville limped heavily.

As soon as they were far enough away that Madam Trick couldn't hear anything, Weasel burst into loud laughter.

- Did you see his face? 'What a clumsy prat,' Sixth stated, and several Gryffindors broke into wild laughter.

- Shut up, Weasel," Daphne Greengrass, a beautiful blonde first-year Slytherin, cut him off.

- 'Uh-oh, you're sticking up for that part, there's no way a cunt like you would fall for a loser like Longobottom, answer me, slut,' Weasel declared, 'I never thought you liked fat whiny boys like that.

- Look! - Shouted Sixx, lunging forward and picking something up off the ground. - It was the stupid thing his grandmother had sent him.

The reminder glinted in the sunlight.

- Give it to me, Weasley," Harry said softly. Everyone froze and turned to look at him. The boy decided to intervene, for he hated being humiliated, especially by his friends.

Six smirked cheekily.

- 'I think I'll put it somewhere so the fat man can get it out of there later, like up a tree.

- Give it to me! - Harry shouted, but the Weasel had already jumped up on his broom and was soaring through the air, flying over the top of a spreading oak tree near the playground.

- Take it from me, Potter! - He offered loudly from above.

Harry grabbed the broom. The blood pounded in his head, making him forget everything. He jumped up on his broom, pushed his feet off the ground with force and took off. He felt the wind ruffle his hair, heard the flapping of his clothes, and a sudden, intense, almost boundless joy swept over him. Harry swung his broom round sharply and found himself face to face with Weasel. The latter looked astonished.

- Give it to me! - Harry shouted. - Or I'll knock you off your broom!

- Really?" Sixx asked mockingly, but despite his tone, his face read worry.

Harry knew from somewhere what he had to do. Leaning forward, he grasped the broom firmly with both hands and it hurled at Weasel like a stone flying out of a slingshot. The sixth barely had time to dodge it. Harry swept past and swung the broom sharply. Applause erupted from downstairs.

- What, Weasel, are you bored? - Harry shouted.

- 'Then catch him if you can! - shouted Sixth and tossed the glass ball high into the sky, whereupon it flew down towards the ground.

Harry watched the balloon rise in slow motion, freeze in the air for a moment, and then begin to fall. He leaned forward and pointed the broom handle downwards, and in the next second found himself in a near vertical dive. The speed increased, the wind whistling in his ears, drowning out the frightened screams of those below. Harry stretched out his arm, keeping up his speed, and when he was no more than half a metre from the ground, he caught the ball just in time to level the broom. He rolled gently onto the grass, clutching the ball in his hand.


His heart dropped at his heels faster than he ducked under the ground. Walking towards him was Professor Snape. Harry rose to his feet, trembling with anticipation of what awaited him.

- This was the most disgusting thing he had done in the last ten years at Hogwarts. Bravo Potter, you're following in your worthless father's footsteps - he couldn't live a day without showing off either. Stupid boy, you don't realise you nearly broke your neck, you dolt.

 - It wasn't his fault, Professor.

- I didn't ask you, Miss Greengrass. Potter, follow me. Professor Snape strode briskly forward without once turning round, and Harry had to quicken his step and even jog to keep up. Then they went down into the dungeon, where they entered the Potions Master's office. There, the professor gave Harry a good yell and gave him two weeks of work under his supervision.

- And lastly, Potter, you behaved like a Gryffindor, which means you behaved like a Gryffindor. If you're going to be a Slytherin, you should behave like any self-respecting Slytherin, Potter," the professor said and let Harry go.

After returning from the professor, Harry decided to go into the library to take his mind off his angry thoughts. Walking into the reading room, Potter picked up a few books on Spells, sat down at the furthest table and immersed himself in reading. After about a couple of hours, Nymphadora Tonks entered the library. Seeing Harry, the Puffindu girl walked over to him and sat down at the table.

- Hello, Harry," the girl said.

- 'Hi Tonks,' the Slytherin replied, taking a break from reading a spell book.

- Well, what did Snape say to you about your daredevilry in broom flying class," the girl asked.

- What else could Snape have said? He just shouted at me and reprimanded me. All because I stood up for Neville and put that Weasel in his place. I'd noticed that Snape had hated me from the moment I'd been detained.

- Well, to hell with the horrors of the Hogwarts dungeons, I'm here for something else. How would you like to spend this Christmas holiday at my house? I've spoken to Mum and she's fine with it. And anyway, Harry, don't you dare say no, come on, you don't want to be in the library all day," the Hufflepuff Head Girl dragged Harry out of the library by the scruff of his neck and led the Slytherin towards the Black Lake where Hermione, Neville and a few other boys were waiting for them.

However, once Harry and Tonks were out of the castle, they were confronted with a disgusting sight. Weasley and a group of his minions were attacking the Hufflepuff freshmen. At the same time, Sixth was shouting at them incessantly, calling his fellow students worthless wimps and swearing profanely.

- Stop it immediately. 150 points from Gryffindor and a month's detention with Filch," Tonks yelled at the bullies, giving them a few good kicks on the arse.

Tonks realised that Sixth's lackeys understood and scattered, but Weasel, as usual, didn't get it and started shouting and insulting Tonks. Tonks bound Sixth with the Incarzio spell and after saying goodbye to Harry, took the redhead to Professor McGonagall.

Relaxing after classes and an outing with his friends that wasn't marred even by his encounter with Weasel, Harry pondered what to do about Dumbledore's attempts to control him. Several times over the past week Harry had already found potent potions in his food, but when Christmas break came and he was able to take a break from the Headmaster's scheming, Harry fell asleep in his room in the faculty lounge.

Back at the Potter mansion, Hela handed Morgana the Marauders' map and then hurried to Hogwarts. Once the goddess of death had left, the legendary wizard began to study the map and soon saw a dot on it with the name 'Peter Pettigrew' on it.

- HM, very interesting," the black-haired girl whispered as she looked at the map.


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