100% Pokemon: Merciless Rocket / Chapter 2: The First Massacr- Mission

บท 2: The First Massacr- Mission

It took around two hours for all of the recruits to finally be done with their battles, and the higher-ups were currently going over the results to see who would stay and who'd be kicked out. For the recruits, they were all told to explore around the facility to better know the place before everything starts tomorrow.

From what Colt understood, each of the recruits, sometimes in groups, are doing separate things each day. Some groups may be doing field missions to gauge their ability in the field, others are taking lessons so they have basic knowledge, and others may be training themselves and their pokemon.

There was a large range of things they were supposed to be doing over the next few days.

Anyway, after the battle, Colt immediately decided to get started on training. Rattata hadn't even managed to land a hit onto Ekans, so there was no point bringing him to the healing area. They were now located in one of the private training rooms.

On his way here, he had noticed how a number of grunts and recruits had been avoiding him, more specifically the ones that witnessed him battling. He really couldn't care less though how his fellow recruits viewed him, if they started to fear him, then so be it.

"Alright, Ekans. We need to address some things regarding your battling." Colt stated as he crossed his arms. Ekans looking up at his new trainer curiously. "First off, we'll talk about your Wrap. You are not wrapping around your opponents effectively, you're merely limiting their movements a bit."

Ekans cocked his head to the side in confusion, and seeing this Colt further explained by using both his hands and gripping them around his own neck. Ekans watched as Colt then pointed at his own throat, to which he then applied pressure to his grip before releasing.

"When you used Warp, you only limited Rattata's movements." Colt sighed as he shook his head. "You need to know that when you're battling, you need to find the most effective method to get it finished unless you have reasons to stall the battle. I want you to remember that when you wrap yourself around your opponents, especially if they are smaller than you, that you not only restrict their body movements but also their breathing and senses."

Ekans blinked at this before slowly nodding, not quite understanding. Colt sighed at this.

"When you wrap, I want you to coil yourself around the opponent's head as well as neck, and if possible, the body as well. Without their ability to see or hear, it would be harder for them to battle. Along with having difficulty breathing makes it easier for them to be rendered unconscious. Do you understand?"

Ekans stared for a second before looking up a bit, seemingly in thought. This lasted for a quick few seconds before Ekans nodded his head up and down, Colt nodded in response as it seemed that Ekans at least understood what he wanted of him now at least.

"Next thing I want you to work on is your intimidation. I'll be blunt, it's pathetic." Colt stated simply as if it were a fact. Ekans seemed to recoil back at the word, to which he then glared at Colt, the male wasn't the least affected. "It may have worked on that rattata, but that was just a rattata. If you really want to intimidate someone, you have to really deliver a message in your glare."

Ekans rose one eye in confusion at this, Colt noticed this as he just sighed before closing his eyes. Explaining it to Ekans was proving to be a bit more difficult than he'd hoped, so maybe a visual demonstration would be far more effective...

Ekans watched as Colt slowly opened his eyes.

Instantly, Ekans felt his instincts run haywire as he saw Colt now glaring down at him with eyes full of barely restrained hate and fury. Ekans could swear that the boy's crimson eyes were glowing, and they were looking even duller compared to before. The dullness of Colt's eyes added a very cold sensation to the glare.

Ekans was shaking visibly under the gaze as he could feel the killing intent radiating off of his trainer, never in its life had it felt so scared before. Before it had become Colt's pokemon, it had encounters with scary pokemon in the wild before, but none of them could stand up to the fear he was feeling right now.

Though, just as fast as the feeling arrived, it quickly went away as Ekans felt it possible to move once again. Ekans was panting a bit since that fear made it hard for him to try and breathe, but once recovering a bit, he looked at Colt who appeared to hold a neutral look on his face.

"That's what you should be aiming for." Colt stated simply as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Your glares hold nothing to them, just the hope of being scary. If you really want it to be effective, you need some kind of fuel or intention behind that glare. Otherwise, it holds no weight at all."

Ekans could just weakly nod his head in response.

"If you have something that truly angers you, then try to think of that while glaring. Reminiscing on things that make you furious is a good fuel source. If you don't have something like that, then attempt to imagine what you are going to do to the victim of your glare. Make your intentions clear through your eyes."

Ekans went silent as he began to ponder on Colt's words, and he understood that if he'd be able to produce such an effect that he just felt from Colt, then it would be incredibly useful. By making his opponents freeze in fear would allow him to strike them without needing to worry about them counter-attacking or running.

"For now, we'll continue working on your attacks as well as physical training. We'll also attempt to teach you some other moves, your move pool isn't the best right now."


For the next two hours, Colt spent the time training with Ekans as they did some basic exercises and such to help Ekans build up some strength in his body and also to help improve his stamina. A pokemon that gets tired too fast wouldn't be any more useful than a really weak pokemon.

Colt had also attempted to help Ekans learn some new potential moves, perhaps another poison-type attack. However, it seemed that it wouldn't be possible right now with how weak Ekans's poison was. So, the first thing he told Ekans to work on alongside his physical training was his production of poison.

Ekans, similar to normal snakes, produce their venom through the salivary glands located at the back of their heads. If Ekans wanted to improve his production of poison, he'd have to practice mastering manipulation of the gland as if it were a limb of his own.

Ekans did already have control over it, every Ekans did, just not to a great extent. If Ekans could learn and practice how to master its production, then he could produce not only even more poison than usual, but also more potent poison. Well, hopefully at least.

Aside from Ekans's training, Colt wasn't going to slack off himself. As of right now, he was in one of the gyms located in the building. He was doing all kinds of exercises, such as lifting weights, running, and other forms of exercise as well. If he was going into the field at some point, he needed to be physically fit.

He was also going to be studying up on his pokemon knowledge using the library they had here in the building. He may have a good amount of knowledge thanks to his nerdy friend he had, but that was only so much. He'd definitely take the chance to read some stuff at some point, it just helped that he had a really good memory.

Speaking of the field, he'd definitely have to pay a visit to the shops located here in the building. They weren't shops like clothing or anything normal like that, they sold things like healing items, training equipment, and also a number of other things.

He wanted to buy a few things that would prove useful to have in the field, and while he knew that when grunts are put on a mission they get a few pieces of equipment to get the job done, there were things they weren't given that could be useful. He wanted to buy himself some things.

Of course, he had a limited number of funds, around 20,000 Pokedollars. This was the amount that was given to each recruit upon entering this place, and this is all the money they'll get, the rest they'd have to earn from completing missions given to them by the organisation.

"Are you Colt Alvester?"

"Can I help you?" Colt asked without looking at the person who asked. He was currently doing his sets for bench press, though he was still paying attention to whoever this person who called out to him was. From the voice, the person was obviously a male.

"I'm here to give you these files. They're details regarding your mission tomorrow." The grunt informed as Colt stopped his sets as he lifted the bar back onto the holder. Sitting up, Colt looked calmly at the grunt. "You were one of the few recruits selected to begin with a field mission."

"I see." Colt nodded before taking hold of the files handed to him by the grunt. A few other recruits in the gym were whispering, but he ignored them. From what he knew, for a recruit to get a field mission straight away before they're even official grunts was rare. Most recruits would usually start with the lessons or training here at the building. "Sounds simple enough."

Colt just read over the information and it seemed pretty straightforward, it wasn't a complicated mission at all. He wasn't exactly expecting a mission that would require extensive planning and preparation to be given to a recruit like him. Even if you showed potential, a high-stakes job wouldn't be given to you straight away.

In summarisation, the mission he was given was to basically storm into a local gang hideout that was located by one of the Team Rocket scouts. He was going to be joined by two others, and they were to take down the gang and take all the pokemon back with them.

The file was surprisingly very detailed in the sense that it had information regarding the leader of this gang, his background, along with the background of a few of the other gang members as well. They were apparently a gang that focused on causing havoc in streets, and also bullying trainers and stealing their pokemon.

Nothing too surprising for a gang.

"Alec Camper and Ian Freene." Colt muttered as he read over the names of his 'partners' for this mission. Honestly, he was concerned, not for the difficulty of the mission, but more on whether or not his partners would perform well enough. If they screw up, it also affects him.

Giving a small sigh, Colt just closed the file as there was no use pondering about it right now.


The next day came by quickly, having first eaten at the mess hall before going to sleep immediately. The room he was sharing with the other recruits from the start had also gone off to their own places they needed to be, though he did notice one of them still sleeping when he left the room.

Not like he cared, but he had no doubts that, that kind of person was someone who was not going to make it past the recruitment days. Though, maybe with more recruits dropping out, he'd at least have more room in the bedroom with fewer roommates occupying it.

So, early in the morning, Colt quickly made it here into the meeting room he was assigned to for a small briefing before they headed off. He was the first one to arrive as he was leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed, his eyes closed as he waited patiently.

Ekans was currently wrapped around his neck again like usual, not like he minded, the snake was actually somewhat comfortable. Ekans didn't seem to like being confined to the pokeball, so Colt just let him remain outside while hanging around his neck.

"So, you're one of my teammates?" Colt calmly opened his eyes and turned his gaze over towards the person that spoke. When he did, he saw a recruit wearing the same clothing as himself, though he could see their blonde hair underneath. They were probably around twenty-five or so in age. "Colt Alvester, I assume? Hard to not know due to how young you are."


"Not much of a talker, huh? Whatever, the name is Alec Camper." Alec gave a small laugh at Colt's silence before grabbing a chair and sitting down on it backwards. His arms lazily swung while resting on the top of the chair's top railing, and his head rested on said arms. "So, any clue where our third guy is?"

"No idea. If he doesn't show up, that's on him." Colt shrugged with indifference as he looked at the clock to see that there was literally only a minute or two left before they were required to all be here. The person briefing them was supposed to arrive a bit after the time.

And so, they waited...




"I-I'm here!" Nearly two minutes later, a panicked voice suddenly shouted out as both Colt and Alec turned their heads to see a green-haired recruit panting at the door to the briefing room. They looked as if they had finished running a damn marathon, Alec just scoffed with an amused smile while Colt looked on with restrained annoyance.

He could already tell that this one, Ian if he remembered correctly, may end up becoming a liability more than anything. He could tell the guy wasn't athletic in the slightest, he looked pretty scrawny. The other thing was that since he was obviously panicked when arriving, he probably didn't get here so late on purpose, meaning he was tardy.

"Y-You guys must be Alec and Colt, a pleasure to meet you. Hehehe~." Ian laughed nervously as he approached the two of them. Alec shook the guy's hand while Colt just nodded, he didn't want to get attached to these guys. He doubted he would anyway. He probably wouldn't be seeing them all that much in the future.

"I see that you're all here, good. That means we can commence with the briefing." Soon after, another figure walked into the room, this one not wearing a rocket outfit but more of a science robe and such. "I am one of the assistant scientists, I will be giving you your briefing for the mission."

The scientists walked towards the front of the room as the three recruits just watched as the scientist switch on the screen in the room to display a location marked on a map in red. The marking was obviously the place they needed to go for the mission.

"As you can see, we've marked where your mission will be. This red marked area is where the gang you'll be facing is located." The scientist spoke as he used a pointer stick to point at the red marking. "The gang is located here near the inner area of Cerulean City."

Colt blinked his eyes as he heard this, if he remembered correctly, then that was the city that housed the water-type gym. He wasn't sure how powerful gym leaders are, but as long as they stayed out of their radar, then they'd be fine to go through with the mission.

"We'll be dropping you off near the more unpopulated areas here." The scientists then pointed at a specific spot a few centimetres away from the gang's location on the map. "You'll have to make your way to the location on your own. We'll be waiting for you to call us for pickup when you finish. Do you all understand?"

"Understood!" Both Ian and Alec saluted while Colt just nodded his head in response.


Colt looked out of the helicopter as he calmly sat, Alec being the one seated next to him with Ian being on the seat opposite to them. Colt looked down with a blank expression as he watched the different buildings pass by as they flew across the sky.

They were now close to arriving at the spot they were informed that they were going to be dropped off at, which they would have to make their way towards where the gang was one their own. Shouldn't be too difficult as the distance wasn't even more than a kilometre.

Alec and Ian were talking to one another and trying to think of how they wanted to go about this mission, which they really couldn't come up with too much. Colt wasn't going to bother planning right now as they didn't have enough information for them to formulate any solid plan.

They didn't know the basic things like the layout of this gang's hideout, nor did they know how many gang members there were. Colt would have to wait until they arrived at the hideout before trying to think of a course of action, that was really all he could do right now.

"We've arrived at our destination, we're dropping you off now." The person flying the helicopter informed them as they merely nodded their heads in response to the statement. "When you have the pokemon and dealt with the members, give me a call and I'll fly on over."

"Right!" With that, once the helicopter was only a meter or so off of the ground, all three of them jumped out from the helicopter before immediately making a run towards where the hideout was stated to be. A simple map in Colt's right hand, giving simple details as to how they should be able to identify the hideout.

It didn't take them long to locate the base as they were now crawling along the rooftops to avoid their heads being spotted from below. The base appeared to be a relatively large open space within what looked to be a closed-off alleyway, perfect for these typical gang members to gather.

Looking over the edge of the building, Colt scanned his eyes around, taking in as many details as possible. There appeared to be approximately six members in total, all who were laughing together and not really paying attention to their surroundings.

He wasn't certain if there were any other members elsewhere, but all that mattered was that these were the only ones currently present. If these were all of the members though, then they were either a pretty powerful gang or just and upstart one.

Colt frowned at their positions though, there really wasn't any kind of plan that could be formulated to take them all down without some form of resistance. Their numbers were greater than theirs, and they were all stood in different positions that made it hard to do anything without others noticing.

"What should we do?" Alec frowned as he seemed to also notice the disadvantage they had going on for them here. Colt narrowed his eyes for a second, his eyes soon focusing on a number of dark spaces that were in the area. If he was right, they should be able to hide in the dark, especially with their black clothing.

"I want the both of you to circle around to the opposite side and hop down onto the ground, hide in the darkness and wait for my snap." Alec and Ian looked at one another confused before nodding as they began to quietly crawl their way to the opposite end. Colt nodding before he silently yet quickly climbed down into a pocket of darkness down below.

Once he landed on the ground, he was hidden completely under the darkness of the alleyway as the dark colours of the Team Rocket uniform also helped in blending in. He narrowed his eyes as he saw two of the gang members standing pretty much right next to where he was hiding.

He'd have to take them both down quickly and quietly as to not alert the others, at least not instantly. Silently crawling behind them, with swift motions, Colt grabbed both of them by the heads and pulled them instantly into the darkness he hid inside.

The two gang members didn't even get to scream anything as they were caught entirely by surprise, and everything had happened too fast for them to even react. Colt had quickly punched one of them as hard as he could, Ekans wrapping himself around the other one's neck along with his head to muffle any noise the person made.

Both of the gang members quickly fell unconscious.

Both Alec and Ian had done what Colt had told them to do, they were now waiting silently in another shadow on the opposite end of the area. They didn't know what Colt was up to, but they just complied with his orders, the guy's serious tone made them know he meant business.

They just watched as they saw two of the gang members get pulled into the shadows, no doubt by Colt. What surprised them was the silence in which both the members went down, the other gang members didn't appear to have noticed anything yet either. They didn't know why, but they felt a sudden chill when they looked into the shadow that Colt hid in.

Was something happening in there...?

"Huh? Where's Tyson and Malik?"

"Weren't they here just a moment ago...?" Soon enough, the other members soon began to notice the disappearance of the other two as they looked around in confusion. Soon, one of the members walked up towards where Colt was. "I think they were here, right? I swear..."

"Did they leave?" The other members were just as confused as they also began approaching where Colt was. Seeing this, Colt quickly acted as he at least needed to take out another member before he was cornered. In all honesty though, this was all a part of his plan, and it was going just as he had hoped.

Quickly jumping out from the shadows, Colt made himself known as he grabbed the gang member that had walked up to him first by the mouth and gripped it as hard as he could. Colt then tossed him down onto the ground before stomping on his face, instantly knocking him out.

'I'll finish him later...'

"Wh-What the hell?!"

"Who the hell are you?!" The other gang members were all caught by surprise as they saw Colt suddenly jump out of nowhere, they all stepped back with stunned looks as they saw Colt staring at them with a dangerous glint in his crimson eyes. "W-Wait, isn't that the Team Rocket logo...?"

The other members also seemed to realise this as they noticed the logo printed on Colt's uniform. It was hard not to recognise the Team Rocket logo, it was literally just a red letter 'R', and it really wasn't anything special. Though, the logo was more than enough to scare quite a number of people.

"D-Don't be scared, guys!" The one who Colt assumed to be the leader suddenly shouted as he glared at Colt. Colt didn't even flinch at the glare as he just coldly stared back at the leader, causing said person to flinch. "H-He's only one person, we can take him!"

"I wouldn't be sure about that." Colt didn't show any kind of change in expression, but his tone held signs of amusement. They all seemed confused as Colt suddenly snapped his fingers, the sound resonating through the alleyway. Before the leader could say anything, he heard the cries of two people behind him.

Turning around, he saw two of his members knocked out on the ground with both Alec and Ian standing next to them with what looked to be black baseball bats of sorts. These were the bats given to them for the mission, while they looked like plastic, they were quite heavy and weren't at all hollow.

They were only given two, so Colt let the other two have them as he already had something to compensate for it.

"Let's finish this quickly and report back to the base." Colt spoke with a dull tone as the other two just nodded, not saying a word as they stared nervously at their third member with wry smiles. "Now, you're the only one left... Gilbert."

As Colt turned his head to stare at the leader, said leader immediately fell down onto his bottom as he stared up at Colt's cold eyes with fear replacing every single emotion he had. His eyes darting between Colt's eyes and the crimson blood dripping from Colt's fingertips.

This blood was obviously from the first two gang members Colt had taken down, he didn't want them waking up anytime soon, so they had to say goodnight. The same was going to be said about the other members who were currently unconscious.

For now though...

"N-N-No...! Stay away!" Gilbert cried with tears rolling down his face. Colt slowly began approaching him, causing Gilbert to go into a state of insanity as he seemingly instinctively reached for the pokeball attached to his waist. "G-Go, Rattata!"

Colt scoffed as the familiar-looking purple rat appeared on the field from the burst of blue and white light, this gang was without a doubt just some upstart who have yet to see the true horror the world could unleash.

"Ekans, eliminate that rat."

With a cold hiss, Ekans shot forward from Colt's neck before immediately wrapping itself around Rattata's body. The purple rat didn't even get a chance to do anything as Ekan's body completely itself around its head and other limbs.

"Silence it."

As soon as Colt's command sounded, Ekan's body tightened even further as an audible cracking sound echoed within the alleyway. This sound sent a chill down everyone's spines, including the rocket members except for Colt.

Ekan's then released his hold on Rattata as the rat's body fell to the ground motionless, and if you looked carefully, you could see that its eyes were now completely white and there was a protruding bump on the opposite side of the direction Rattata's head was now permanently twisted to.

"And that's goodnight..." Colt's eyes narrowed as he looked at Gilbert, who was now having a mental crisis as the male began backing away while stumbling greatly. "It's time for you to sleep as well, after all, it's getting pretty late."

"Pl-Please no...! I-I-I can do anything you want, please don't kill me...!" As Gilbert begged with tears and snot running down his face, Colt just walked forwards before gripping his whole hand on the male's forehead with his fingers tightly digging into the sides and top of his head. "Wh-What did we do to you...?!"

"Be quiet. Say goodnight, the midnight bell tolls."

Both Ian and Alec had no choice but to look away with closed eyes as Gilbert's screams were all that could be heard along with the sound of something else they didn't even want to describe. This lasted for only a few seconds, but to them it felt like an eternity.

"I'll finish off the others. Ian, you contact the helicopter to pick us up. Alec, you go and collect the stolen pokeballs. That guy's screaming no doubt could be heard from the nearby areas, so act quickly so we can get out of here."

Colt's orders were very simple, he didn't even wait for a response as he began walking towards the other unconscious bodies, Ekans having climbed up Colt's body before coiling himself to rest on Colt's right arm.


"We'll get it... done."

Ian and Alec looked at one another before hesitantly turning around to look at the place Colt had walked from, and when they did, their faces instantly became pale-white as they felt the immediate need to throw up.

However, they too didn't want to get one Colt's bad side, so they forced the feeling down and quickly got themselves to work. To say that it was the fastest they've ever worked was an understatement of the century...

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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