13.33% Pokemon: Class of Chaos / Chapter 1: The Start

บท 1: The Start



"Everyone sit down the Teacher will be here in a little bit."

"Yes, Class President!" Said the majority of the students as they yelled in reply to the blond teenager who entered the classroom as the bell rang.

Only a small amount of the class kept on conversing with each other using rather low voices not bothering to respond to the school's most popular class president.


The president was annoyed but quickly recomposed himself with a smile and greeted the students around him.

Oddly enough in the back of the classroom, there was a student who didn't have any regard any of his classmates and tried to sleep with his head pressed down on the table while muttering "I shouldn't have tried to beat Pokémon Sword and Shield Last night in a speed run. My God, I am so tired when will this day ever end?"

As if the sound got sucked out of the room the classroom went oddly silent. Many students had now noticed an orb of light appeared to be floating at the front of the classroom.

Student "I am not seeing things right. Someone pinch me."


"What did you do that for?"

Student 2 "Because you asked me too?"





The sounds of gears churning filled the odd silence until the bright light seemed too rapidly expand enough to cause every student to close their eyes in order not to be blinded.

When the light dispersed they seemed to be still sitting in their seats in their classroom the only difference was there was a man in a clown mask sitting on top of the teacher's desk swinging his legs.

"Well, Hello Class!!, Welcome to the beginning of your new lives." The man said with a grand gesture while smiling. "Humph it looks like I have a bunch of party poopers"

Students look around the classroom to see a mixture of confusion, worry, and anger on many faces but the clown continued before anyone could say anything.

"My name is Loki, It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I brought you all to this new world to alleviate my boredom" he said in a whimsical tone after he made a dramatic bow.

There were lots of cries of exasperation but Loki immediately silenced them with a simple wave of his hand.

"Do not worry about your families or anything of your previous world as they will be taken care of."

A girl sitting in the front row with blond hair pulled back into a ponytail raised her hand and asked "WHY DID YOU DO THIS? WHY?" as she seemed about to have a mental breakdown.

"Miss I think I have already answered that" the masked man replied with a voice drenched in sarcasm

While the girl with glasses sitting next to her hesitantly raised her hand and asked "What... world... are we in?"

Loki "Ahh so we have an intelligent one here. It's those ones you have to watch out for." The mask seemed to change with the man's expression making the holes of eyes squint and his smile grew wider. "I glad someone asked. You are my favorite type of humans. This is my favorite world to watch as it has many challenges. Most of you are familiar with Pokémon, yes?"

Almost all the students except for a few nodded their heads and started to whisper excitedly as Pokémon was one of the most popular games during their childhood.

Loki smiled seeing their reaction and waited until the classes' attention returned to him.

He clapped and said

"Well, it seems most people here have heard of it. Some more than others…" as he glanced at the back of the classroom where the brown-haired boy had an unbelievable expression on his face "Well let's continue where I left off. I said that this is a Pokémon world but it is a little different than what you experienced before inside games. Its a lot more … Chaotic." He whispered the last part so almost one could hear.

Loki put on a smirk and let his words sink in and sighed at the lack of reaction he got from the class.

'Oh well, your loss. This is going to be fun.'

"Well to give you a breakdown here are your ID's"

With Flashes of Lights, a small Identification Card appeared in-front of everyone.

The boy in the back looked at his ID card it seemed high tech do to its metallic nature and looked like a normal ID card but very sleek.


Name: Aaron

Sex: Male

Age: 14

Height: 5'10''

Eye Color: Brown


Loki "Now if you double-tap the card then it will show you the rest of the screen"


Trainer ID: Aaron

Trainer #: None

Rank: None

Guild: None

Account #: 578kdj797


400 DP

$ 0.00


The class president raised his hand and asked "Sir, What do the DP and Balance mean?"

"I will get to that, but if any of you want to change your name, now is the time to do so. Just mentally command the card to change."

After a brief pause, Loki continued with a drawn-out voice "As your OH SO MIGHTY Class Leader Pointed out, you all have been given Dream Points for compensation of being brought here. These points are one-time use and once you walk out of this room they will go away even if you did not spend all of them. These points can be used to buy clothing, general supplies, unique items, and even Pokémon. So I encourage you like any good teacher to read the directions on the DP store for further details and figure it out by yourself"

"Hmm, I hope I am not forgetting anything. Nope, just remember that the ceremony starts in," looking at his bare wrist and counting on his fingers "three hours so you all should be ready by that time. " and with his last comment Loki disappeared leaving a countdown timer at the front of the class.

With his disappearance, the class atmosphere quickly got out of control as many of the students were still coping from the fact that something like a class summoning actually happened.

Some of the nerdier students were so happy and quickly tried to figure out how to spend the dream points.

"Listen Up!!" The President shouted "We are all in this situation together so we need to help each other out. I played a lot of Pokémon when I was younger and I consider myself an expert when it comes to this. SO if any of you need help or need to talk please come to me." He then took a glance at the few beautiful girls who were surrounded by other female classmates who were listening to his speech.

Suddenly some people clapped and the boy's speech the atmosphere settled down they all went about their business.

Meanwhile in the back of the class. Aaron was still reeling in his thoughts. Pokémon…Chaos I think I read a couple of Fan-fiction about that type of world. Uggh, so this is a world where the common people hate Pokémon and trainers while Pokémon are aggressive to humans. Does that mean we all have to go through an ordeal or trial or something or is it different? Ohh God this is not going over well"


Loki suddenly appeared " You called?"

Aaron just looked startled and Loki rubbed his chin and muttered "Some potential my young padawan, you have, yes you do"


Aaron "He disappeared"

The rest of the class just gave Aaron curious and inquiring looks to which he ignored and soon enough they went back to chatting and browsing the store.

Aaron muttered, "Well let's see what you have to offer."

Aaron held down the DP icon on his ID and immediately a transparent screen appeared before his eyes in the top right corner was his name and his balance and his cart.

There where four large labels indicating the four sections of the store. Personal Items, Pokeballs, Trainer Items, and Pokémon. Aaron decided to browse the Personal Items first. When he selected a tab he was amazed by the number of things he could buy and all of it was all really cheap DP wise. As he scrolled he concluded that most of this tab consisted of clothing and items that many people thought where a necessity back in the previous world. Certain amenities like shampoo, beauty products, and much much more. A normal shirt went for 5 DP and pants the same while more luxurious brand outfits were from 25- 75 DP.

"There has to be a catch to this. He wouldn't just give us these things for free."

Aaron wanted to explore all of his options so he quickly switched tabs to the Pokeball selection. He browsed the selection but quickly changed it. The tab had too many different types of Pokeball from the standard all the way up to a Masterball. A lot of them were designed to catch a certain type of Pokémon like Electric or Water etc. But anyways a standard Pokeball went for 150 DP while the more specialized ones increased in price.

He then took a look at the Pokémon tab.

He could see all the different generations of Pokémon's available. Aaron smiled as he quickly looked up some royal starter Pokémon (Bulbasaur …). Then he looked at the price and smiled wryly the cheapest one cost at least 800 DP without the customization option. It was not just the traditional starters, a lot of the Pokémon had a heavy cost. He then realized something, that this store only had the most pre-evolved form of all Pokémon there. It was also missing many different Pokémon including Legendary's and pseudos and many rare and ultra-rare Pokémon.

"It looks like we are restricted on the Pokemon we can purchase."

He then clicked on a couple of descriptions and learned that the Pokémon were classified into 7 categories and they could only choose from 3 categories common, uncommon and rare. He then saw a blinking- pop up form into an advertisement.

It read

{ Limited Time Offer




for just 150 DP Extra


Select a JR. Pokémon for 250 DP Extra

+++JR. Pokémon must have a Racial Value of 300 or Below +++

++ Only Common, Uncommon and Rare PKMN can be chosen++

+ RANDOM chooses from Common, Uncommon, Rare and Super Rare+



Aaron was stunned and thought this was an actual good deal he really wanted to press the accept button but refrained from his sudden impulse. His conservative nature came into effect "This world is going to be tough, I need to be smart with my options. I can hopefully find a Pokémon during the ordeal that will suit my needs. It doesn't matter if it is the weakest because all Pokemon have their strong points."

He then observed the rest of his class apparently some of the girls had bought new clothes and were admiring them, while the guys all seemed to be looking at the Pokémon store. In contrast to this, the annoying Class President was surrounded by a herd of students. Aaron had never liked him as he always seemed to have it out for him but he didn't know why.

Suddenly there was a flash of red light next to him.

"Hoot hoot" The loud cry silenced the noisy crowd.

Everyone turned to the boy who was now staring wide-eyed at the live Pokémon in front of him.

Everyone sucked in a breath and watched the newly appeared monster. The boy slowly stuck his hand out under the numerous gazes while the little owl hopped towards him and rubbed its head against its new trainer's hand.

Suddenly he heard a girl break the silence with a squeal"It's soooo cute!!! I want one!"

That seemed to trigger something in the crowd as they all turned back to the store and quickly seemed to select the promotional ad.

Many more flashes could be seen and some common Pokémon like Pidgey and Starly and others from more current generations appeared. People managed to get some rare ones but it was unknown if they personally selected them or not.

One girl got an Alolan Vulpix, another actually got a Cleffa while the President actually got a Croagunk. One boy who was a bodybuilder received a Machop. Surprise there. The room actually started to get crowded from all of the people and new Pokémon.

Aaron walked up to the person who was now playing with his new HootHoot and asked "This Pokémon is pretty cool, may I pet it?"

The guy beamed from the compliment of his Pokémon and nodded.

Aaron approached the Pokémon and stuck out his hand. The owl seemed a little nervous but was reassured by its trainer it then allowed Aaron to pet it eventually it seemed to purr/chirp.

Aaron smiled and thanked his classmate. He then returned to his seat to think, but before he was too far he was approached by a girl with red hair.

"Heya, Aaron what do you think about all of this?"

Aaron glanced up slightly and relaxed "Ugh, well I kind of happy about the whole situation. Sadly I think that there is more too it and that we will be in for a brutal awakening in a bit."

She was pretty tall for a girl and was athletic making her a stellar athlete at their school. She was one of the more naturally beautiful and caring girls in the school because of this and her fun personality made her one of the most popular girls in the school. Even though she was very popular she wasn't pursued much by the boys as much because apparently the hormonal boys in the school tended to like the girls with "Larger Assets" if you know what I mean. (A/N: Young Gou Matsouka from Free)

Aaron just knew her as she was his neighbor to his new apartment. Since he transferred schools a couple of months ago she was his only friend. Her name was Alice and she was very cheerful but became very competitive when it came to sports and martial arts. She also knew Aaron was a person who loved Pokémon and other video games since she came over to his apartment a couple of times so she wanted to ask his opinion.

Aaron smiled and started to whisper "This world is going to be tough and Pokémon are not as nice or as loyal as the ones our class has received here. I don't know to what extent this will help but I think it is best to prepare for the worst-case scenario."

Alice "So you mean this Trial that the AD mentioned right?"

Aaron nodded and said, "I think it is going to be a trial of life or death so be prepared."

She nodded solemnly and looked back at the two groups of girls who were happily playing with their new partners. She turned to Aaron and pulled up a chair next to him and whispered in his ear "Most of the girls bought a bunch of clothes but only my few friends bought Pokémon. Alex (Class Pres) actually convinced his posse to follow him by giving out some of his leftover points to others."

Aaron sighed looking back at her worried eyes " So the games are beginning huh".

She nodded meekly and immediately broke eye contact and looked at her screen "I can't decide what to do. Should I spend points on a Pokémon or get supplies to help me with this unknown trial?"

Aaron "Well I can't tell you what to do, but I will lend you my points if you need help. I think that they will give us basic supplies. But remember Pokémon in this world need upkeep and we don't have income just yet, so it might get difficult money-wise." Her eyes opened a bit and nodded. "Yeah, didn't think of that"

"Well, I am going to check out the different trainer items because I would like to be prepared for future training. I don't have my heart set on a certain Pokémon right now. So I will leave it up to luck during the trial."

Alice just nodded but it went in one ear and out the other because she was looking intently at her screen. Aaron just gave her a side glance and smiled seeing her think hard. She seemingly hesitated before pushing the icon. A Pokeball appeared in her hand and she took a deep breath and pressed the floating button again. Suddenly a bright light appeared before her. It was…

A Riolu

Aaron was speechless. 'Riolu is definitely a super rare Pokémon. What absurd amount of Luck she has'. Aaron just smiled and was happy for her as this was an amazing Pokémon. A thought entered his mind 'Wait can we train Aura here?' I think most fanfics said it was possible.

Riolu was excitedly jumping around its trainer while Alice got up from her seat was trying to catch it in order to give it a hug.

All of the experienced students who knew something about Pokemon stopped what they where doing and watched Alice play with Riolu. They all knew how rare of a Pokémon like Riolu was, as it was one of the most desired Pokémon by gamers because of its looks and its abilities.

Suddenly the atmosphere of the room was disturbed when the President made his way to Alice trailed by his Croagunk and a couple of other students following him.

Alex"Hey, Alice that is sure the amazing Pokémon that you got there."

Alice smiled sweetly "Yeah she is awesome I got so lucky!"

Aaron sighed mentally 'You bet you did'

Pres "I was going to see if you wanted to join our group. It would be easier if there are more of us. All of us already bought a Pokémon and they are all have powerful evolutions." He said with a large smile while making his voice heard by the entire class.

Alice scowled a bit at his boasting and his loud voice but smiled and shook her head "Thank you for the offer, but I want to see the situation once we are out of the classroom."

Alex put a strained smile on his face due to the rejection and nodded "Of Course. Of Course. We are most likely going to create a guild so just let us know whenever you want to join."

Aaron just smirked ignoring the group of entitled students and continued browsing the store throughout the whole exchange. Alex left with his posse towards another group who had some Pokemon. Alice then scooted next to Aaron with her Riolu in her lap and started looking through the store to see what she needed to buy with the extra points. It looked curiously at Aaron and started to play with his shirt drawing his attention away from his shopping.

While he was walking away Alex turned back and saw how close Alice was with the boy and scowled and directed his displeasure towards him.

Feeling a gaze on him Aaron looked around but he couldn't find the source.

Aaron felt a tug on his shirt "Aaron, Look here look at this."

She showed Aaron her screen, it was a watch. Aaron then read the description.

{POKE GEAR (1 available)

A watch or necklace that performs the basic functions of the Pokedex along with additional functions. RANGE 6M







Aaron Blanked out for a sec and immediately tried to recall 'I am for sure Darkverse didn't have mobile Pokedex. Or maybe it does but a Pokedex as a watch will definitely be useful. This offer might just available for a short time.'

Aaron Quickly navigated to the page and immediately checked out

Select 2 out of the List of Options and click Confirm












There were so many features, but Aaron immediately picked Pokémon MOVE DATA and POTENTIAL SCALE. The ability to tell POTENTIAL OF A Pokémon was by far the best option. He knew that the Center would have a Pokedex also but this was his own personal one so he immediately bought it

Immediately a black sport watch appeared on his wrist.

Aaron smiled "It's not too bulky" as Riolu looked curiously at the newly appeared object.

Aaron was satisfied he then willed the watch to scan Riolu

A transparent screen appeared in front of him just like the store interface and by Alice's reaction, she could not see it.


Riolu (Female)


Ability: Inner Focus, Locked(Prankster)

Attribute: Fighting

Potential: Dark Blue

Strength: Junior

Moves: Quick Attack, Vacuum Wave (EGG)


Aaron " Perfect but what does the color for potential mean?" As Aaron was fiddling with his watch he heard a loud bell ring.




All of the Pokémon and objects disappeared into white light.

There where an outcry of frustration and a bunch of complaining from the students turned new trainers.

Loki then appeared out of thin air leaning on a cane as he looked at everyone and smiled with his mask.

"Hold on to your cries children as this is just the beginning. In order to get your Pokémon back, you must successfully complete a trial. Once you successfully get back to the city then you will be returned your Pokémon. As for the other items they will be placed in the barracks along with the locked Pokeballs."

Many of the people grumbled in resignation and began to file out of the classroom

The_Runic_Chef_457 The_Runic_Chef_457

Well, the first chapter is out. Any thoughts?

If you like it please send some stones!!

i just checked and apparently I can't get stones? for some reason? Anybody know how to fix this problem?

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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