10% Phoenix In DXD / Chapter 1: Chapter 1-Prologue 1: Disciplined by my soul mate?
Phoenix In DXD Phoenix In DXD original

Phoenix In DXD

นักเขียน: Chaotic_Phoenix

© WebNovel

บท 1: Chapter 1-Prologue 1: Disciplined by my soul mate?

I decided to post Chapter one here so let me know what you think. I prefer it over the other one. Be prepared for an information dump.

Inside a pure white room, with white walls, a white ceiling and a white floor, a young woman slowly opened her extremely seductive pink eyes. She appeared to be no older than 20 years old with long wild silver hair flowing to her knees. She was stunning in appearance, capable of turning even straight women gay. As she slowly regained her bearings, she tried to remember what happened for her to end up where ever this is. She remembered she was on her way home from her company and decided to walk for the first time in a few months, when all of a sudden truck-kun flipped over her head, pulled a 1440 back flip and then gave her a tire to the face...

As she looked up, she made eye contact with a woman of equally stunning appearance, who was sat behind a beige coloured desk. The woman was tall, given how she was looking down on our mc, almost 2 metres tall. She had wavy black hair that flowed down to her mid back and abysmal black eyes. She was just as stunning as our mc, "A woman capable of causing the downfall of cities."

The two woman continued to stare at one another for a while, each with their own thoughts. Our mc stared wit utter boredom, wondering when this incompetent goddess is going to do her job and send her on her way. The Goddess was wondering when this stupid mortal was going to rant and breakdown about how she is dead and then wonder what is going to happen now.

Our mc, who is named Luna, began to analyse her situation whilst the goddess was being stupid. *I'm clearly dead, I mean you don't get targeted by truck-kun and survive, so this means that I am either in the afterlife, or a separate realm? This also means this woman is some sort of Goddess with authority over souls? Do I get wishes, or maybe go to heaven? pffttt yeah right, I'm more suited to hell to be honest, I didn't really live a clean life. Maybe this is one of those repentance offices where they try to get you to atone for your sins?*

As the minutes seemed to stretch the Goddess was finally starting to get impatient with the woman in front of her who clearly has a problem with her brain. "Are you done day dreaming now?" This caused Luna to look at the Goddess with a blank look before she then began to look around. The Goddess saw this and got even more annoyed. "I'm talking to you idiot, you're the only one here and have done nothing but day dream for 5 minutes!"

After hearing this, Luna finally snapped back to the goddesses direction with irritation. "Huh? Your the one who has done nothing but day dream old hag, you just stared at ME blankly, like your not a goddess supposed to send me on my way. Are you stupid? BAAAAKKKKAAAA!" The Goddess looked at Luna like she was looking at an alien, clearly gobsmacked at how a mortal dared to scream at here. That was until she realised what Luna had just said.

"You're the one who is supposed to have a mental breakdown and cry your eyes out like every other stupid mortal that shows up and I'm supposed to sit here and wait for you pathetic excuses for humans to quiet down enough to speak. AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING AN OLD HAG!? I'm only in the 8 digits." The goddess explained clearly offended at being called old, almost like the rest didn't matter.

"Why the fuck should I break down and cry when I clearly know I died. I mean I literally stood there and watched as truck-kun killed me since I knew I couldn't escape and you expect me to cry? Are you braindead or just incompetent and when you say you're in the 8 digits, do you mean to say you're dozens of millions of years old?" she asked with curiosity visible in her eyes but an unnoticeable smirk on her lips.

"If you knew you had died then why the fuck didn't you say anything? Ask for wishes or even wonder what the fuck is going to happen to you now? And yes I am a few around 80 million years old I think, its kind of hard to tell at a certain age. I'm considered young among Gods as they have a coming of age ceremony at the 9th digit." The Goddess explained, looking proud since she was so young yet so accomplished.

"OHHH!" *clap**clap**clap*. Luna began to clap with a 'awed' look on her face causing the Goddess's smile to grow more and smugness to practically radiate of her. "Fufufu, you finally see my greatness, I'm not even old yet I'm so accomplished." she said with a smile beaming with pride. Luna honestly thought it was adorable such a sunny smile on such a perfect face... She almost felt bad for what she was about to do.

"Yes, you're right, I apologise" she said looking at the ground hiding her smile. "It's fine, I forgive you since I'm benevolen-" "Your clearly aren't old... YOUR A FUCKING ANCIENT DINOSAUR PFFFTT HAHAHAHAHA" The Goddess froze for a second, wondering about what she just said but then felt rage cloud her mind.







The goddess blanked once more as Luna roared whilst putting her hand in the shape of a claw, meanwhile Luna fell of her chair from laughing so hard. "HAHAHAAHAHAH OH, I CAN'T BRREEEEAAATTTHHHEEE AHAHAHAHHA, SHIT IM GONNA DIE.... AGAIN! AHAHAHAHAHHA"

The Goddess finally woke up from her stupor and felt pure rage coursing through her veins. Rage she hasn't felt for a very long time. She has been doing this job for almost 30 million years and has dealt with countless mortals, but only a handful have managed to piss her of like the mortal in front of her has. A mortal no older than the time it takes for her to have a nap and yet here she is pissing herself with laughter.

"ENOUGH!!!" she bellowed, releasing a part of her aura and banging her fist on the table causing it to cave in slightly. Luna felt like a mountain had been pressed down upon her shoulders, forcing her to lie flat on the ground and release a groan.

Luna POV*

"AUGH" A groan unintentionally escaped my mouth as the pressure crashed down upon me, it wasn't painful but it was restricting. I couldn't move my body? and could only look around with my eyes. Thankfully, as pissed as she was, she picked me up using some type of energy and placed me on back on the chair. However, I was struggling I was biting my bottom lip, trying to get it to stop trembling, not from fear but because I still found this situation hopelessly hilarious yet was scared of pissing the fossil off more than she already is.

"Allow me to introduce myself mortal, my name is Tatyana Animarum (Animarum = souls in Latin). I am an origin Goddess with major authority over both life and souls. My job is to dictate where souls go after they die, sometimes if they have done good deeds they get wishes, if they have done bad deeds they are given some form of punishment, sometimes I just outright destroy them. The reason you are here, as you already know, is because Truck-kun himself saw how many karma points you had and decided to send you on an early reincarnation. So rejoice mortal, for you are given 4 wishes, a character customisation where you can alter your appearance, choose your race and even your bloodline and finally you can choose to reincarnate into a world of your choice."

After she finished speaking she released the pressure on me and them she looked at me, clearly expecting me to make my choices but I was here too busy still trying not to laugh, I don't know why I found it funny, I think it was her proud smile that transformed into rage within moments. All I know is that if I open my mouth now I will laugh.

Tatyana looked at me for a few seconds before finally asking with a tilt of her head "Well, what are your wishes?" I still couldn't bring myself too open my mouth and she was clearly starting to get annoyed. "Answer me mortal, are you scared? If it is because of my aura then I apologise but you were kind of being a bitch, you need not be afraid, I wont hurt you or anything."

*Damn it, why the hell is she still kind after that. I'm trying not to laugh at you and you are pacifying me, I'm starting to feel like a bitch.* I opened my mouth, resolved to try and speak the wishes I thought of when I was still alive. I mean who hasn't dreamed of dying and getting wishes, but as I opened my mouth what slipped out wasn't a wish, but a:

"Pffttt hahahahahaha"

3rd person Pov*

The realisation hit Tatyana almost as hard as Truck-kun hit Luna. She realised the mortal wasn't scared nor sorry, she was mealy trying to prevent a laugh. Tatyana was now pissed that she had wasted her kindness on the mortal and it caused her to... smile. Not a cold smile or an angry one. But the brightest smile she had ever given in her life. Luna saw this and felt that her heart would have skipped a beat if not for her instincts, honed in her life, screaming at her to run.

Tatyana's aura crashed onto Luna once more, restraining her in place and then Tatyana slowly stood up and began walking towards Luna. Every click of the heels on the floor caused Luna's heart to beat in her chest and sweat was dripping down her face. "W-W-What are you g-going to do?" she asked with a shaky voice to the still smiling Tatyana. "Hmmm? Nothing! I'm just going to discipline a disobedient child." Luna clearly knew was the child and she tried to back away but the aura held her in place.

As Tatyana stood in front of Luna, she grabbed her by the hips, sat down on Luna's chair and then placed Luna over her lap. Luna realised what was about to happen and her face blushed crimson, even more so when Tatyana began to lightly rub her ass causing her to squirm. "S-STOP, don't touch my ass, this is molestation." She tried to glare at Tatyana but the smile on her face and the aura radiating off of her caused Luna's head to drop in submission. "Now, I am going to discipline you and knock some manners into you. Ever time I spank you, you are going to say sorry and count. If you fail to count, or quip back with another bratty comment I will start over. Am I understood?"

Luna nodded her head since she knew she couldn't get out of this situation, she couldn't even move but clearly the Goddess wasn't happy with anything but a verbal answer as she gripped Luna's chin and forced her to make contact with those abyss black eyes. "AM. I . UNDERSTOOD?" she asked with the ever-present smile on her face and her eyes in the shape of crescents "H-HAI" was the reply she received causing her to let go off Luna's chin and go back to rubbing her ass. "Good girl" she praised and Luna shivered which was felt by the goddess causing her smile to grow ever so subtly.

Luna had no idea what was going on. She felt so small and submissive, like a little kitten trying to fight a dragon. She was usually the top in a relationship and has never been the bottom before but for some reasons she felt that she had no strength to resist this woman. Like it's only right she submits. She was brought out of her thoughts by a *clap* sound, followed by a painful impact on her ass. "Ouch" she yelped as it hurt a lot more than what she thought possible.

"Start counting kitten before I start over" the Goddess words rang in her eyes clearly causing her to answer, "One, I'm sorry." she replied and "Good girl" was the only response she got. This continued and the spanks only got more painful as time went on. By the time it was the fourth, tears were gathered in Luna's eyes. by the 7th, they were rolling down her cheeks. However, by the 9th spank something that caused Tatyana to freeze for a moment happened. *clap* "Ngh, hah, hah, nine, I'm sorry" Luna didn't realise what had happened since she had her face buried in her arms, trying to hide but, Tatyana heard it loud and clear. A moan.

This caused her eyes to slightly grow even darker before she brought her hand down quite a bit harder than before. *clap* "Ahn~ I'm sorry" Luna finally realised what had just happened, causing her to her to freeze and her face to feel like it was on fire. Tatyana saw this and decided not to punish the girl any longer, she slowly began to rub over the spot she had just hit causing Luna to begin squirming again and asked with a soft tone "Are you going to continue to be a brat?" Luna took a few seconds to come back from her embarrassment before she replied in a soft almost whisper "N-No"

"Good, lets get you up shall we?" she asked before standing up wit Luna in a upside down princess carry and placed her back on the chair causing her to jump at the stinging on her bottom. Tatyana sat down and was just about to continue with the whole wish process when she heard Luna's voice.

"What did you do to me?" She asked with a quiet almost accusing voice, causing Tatyana to look on confused. "You mean how I spanked you?" she questioned. "No. Why do I feel so submissive around you. I am never submissive, I am always the top. So, what did you do?" This caused Tatyana to contemplate for a moment since she really didn't do anything, but soon a thought came to mind and it made her open her eyes slightly in shock but also anticipation.

"Quickly release your soul energy" she more or less demanded, to excited to be polite but Luna was to focused on the command. "My what?" she had no idea what this soul energy thing was. "Your soul energy, It's the energy all souls have, close your eyes and focus on looking within your soul." Luna complied, clearly seeing the look of anticipation in Tatyana's eyes. "You should feel something akin to a pool or energy, almost like water. Focus on the water and then try and direct it towards me." Tatyana explained, "I'll send you mine so you can get a feel for it." Soon Luna felt something enter her soul. She wasn't sure what it was but it felt... addicting.

It took her a few minutes to find this 'pool' but soon she did. She saw a pool filled with water. The water was 3 different colours. Bright pink -the same as her eyes, A pure silver - the same as her hair and then an emerald green. She focused on pushing this energy outwards and even though it was hard, she managed to send it towards Tatyana. Tatyana felt her soul energy enter her soul and closed her eyes to examine it, a few seconds later her eyes shot open with shock and she practically launched herself across the desk, hugging Luna extremely tight, like her life depended on it.

"Your my soul mate hahahahaha, I finally found my soul mate" she began to spin in circles with Luna still in her arms, but Luna was confused with the whole situation. "W-What do you mean soul mate?" she asked whilst stuttering since she was starting to get dizzy from the ball of sunshine spinning her around. Tatyana stopped spinning after hearing her voice but the bright smile on her face and the eyes beaming with happiness were still present.

"You're my soul mate, Our soul energies are compatible and can be used to help one another get stronger. You felt it right, the energy I directed at your soul?" This caused Luna to nod as Tatyana continued her explanation. "Every soul, no matter how strong or weak, has soul energy. It is unique to every soul and you cannot find two souls with the same soul energy however, you can find two soul energies that are compatible, this is what a soul mate is. Two people's soul energies who will interact and purify each other, allowing their soul energy to become purer and rise through the soul ranks."

"But I didn't absorb your soul energy did I? I can feel that I didn't get stronger" Luna asked with curiosity causing Tatyana to chuckle. Tatyana still had Luna in her arms with her hands on Luna's waist and Luna, seeing this chuckle up close felt her heart skip a beat.

"That's because what I sent you was just a test to see if we are compatible, which we are. Next we have to test how compatible and then there are 2 steps for soul mates depending on whether or not they want to be together. You can have more than one soul mate since your soul can be compatible with more than one persons soul energy and so you don't necessarily have to choose the first 'soul mate' you come across. The first step is a relationship. You get together with your 'soul mate' and then see whether or not you want to continue your relationship after a certain amount of time, similar to how dating works in the mortal world. During this time your soul energies will continue to interact and strengthen each other, so it's not a total waste of time if it fails.

The second part of your relationship is the bonding ceremony. This is a permeant process and cannot be undone once it has been done. Once two 'soul mates' truly love each other and truly want to spend the rest of their lives together with no ulterior motives, they undergo the bonding ceremony. This will essentially bind your souls together. You will be two people linked through their souls and the speed of your soul energy purification will multiply dozens of times. You will be able to sense where your other half is even if they are in another universe and can communicate telepathically. Once your souls are bonded you will also feel more 'complete' since your souls will fill each other with their energies."

"What do you mean by 'no ulterior motives?" Luna asked since she wanted to know what she could potentially be getting into. She wasn't opposed to 'dating' Tatyana since she had nothing to lose if it was just a trial and her soul would be strengthened anyway but, If she pushes for a further relationship she needs to know what to expect.

"It means you need to want to bond with the person for who they truly are, you cannot bond to someone just because they're powerful or because they're beautiful. You need to love their personality and who they are at the core of their souls. If you wanted to bond to me just so you can grow stronger, then the ceremony would never work. Well you need to be at least tier 7 in soul strength to do the ceremony anyway." Tatyana was happy that Luna was taking this seriously, she was happy about a lot of things. She finally found her soul mate and it turned out to be a woman, not a disgusting man who only thinks with their lower half.

"What do you mean by soul tier?" she asked since she had mentioned it a few times and it seems important." Tatyana proceeded to pick Luna up, prompting Luna to let out a surprised sound and wrap her legs around Tatyana on instinct. Tatyana then sat on the chair with Luna on her lap as they stared into each others eyes.

"There are different tiers to a soul that explain how powerful they are:

Tier 1: a complete mortal soul - nothing special - this is where you are at

Tier 2: a soul that contains an external energy (not S.E) such as mana or spiritual energy.

Tier 3: A demi-God. half way to achieving the lowest level of divinity. (Purity of divine mana = 10% or less)

Tier 4: Lowest tier God: who only specialises in one thing for example healing or ice (low - mid elements) or a basic law. If you remove that one thing, they're no different than a mortal except with strong bodies and purer energy. (Uses divine mana with 40% or lower purity)

Tier 5: Mid-tier god: specialises in one or more things but at a higher level and has a basic grasp on one or more laws. (50% purity divine mana)

Tier 6: High tier God: Specialises in several elements and basic laws to a high degree with full mastery. (60% purity)

Tier 7: Elite God: Has minor authority over a concept such as fate, creation or destruction or one of the major laws such as space or time and can control most elements. Have Immortal souls since their concepts can heal them. (70% purity)

Tier 8: Origin God: Has Major authority over one or more Concepts or major laws and can control most elements with full mastery. Are extremely powerful and have some sort of omnipotent ability. (80% purity) - this is where my soul is currently at.

Tier 9: Primordial God: Full control over one or more concepts and laws as well as most elements. an omnipotent ability and some sort of omniscient ability. (90% purity)

The reason why you cannot perform the bonding ceremony bellow the 7th tier is because your soul could never handle it unless it was immortal. That and the fact that if your soul was not immortal and you died, your partner would quite literally have a piece of their souls ripped out of them."

Luna took a few seconds to process everything she just heard. She just found out her 'soul mate' is an immortal origin goddess and it made her feel determined to grow in strength, before she realised something. "Hold on" "Hmm?" this caused Tatyana to slightly tilt her head causing Luna to blush. "You never explained why I fell so submissive." This caused Tatyana to chuckle before she explained "That's because I am the giver in the relationship and you are the receiver. My soul energy is over 80% pure, yours is less than 10%. That means my soul energy is a lot more beneficial to you, than yours to me and so your soul recognises me as the giver in the relationship, the dominant one, since I am giving you my soul energy and you are just giving some of it back."

"Right now your soul is a lot weaker than mine, so you feel extremely submissive as you recognise that I am a lot more powerful however, the more you grow in soul strength, the less submissive you will be." She explained with a soft smile and her eyes tinkering with amusement. "So this means that if I get stronger I can be the dominant one?" Luna asked with slight anticipation only to blush slightly when Tatyana patted her head. "Nope, sorry kitten but if you decide to have a relationship with me, I will always be the dominant one since my soul is so much older than yours and your soul has already recognised itself as the receiver. You will always be the little kitten who gets eaten by the big bad wolf fufufu.

This caused Luna to shiver slightly and squirm on Tatyana's lap causing Tatyana to grunt slightly and hold Luna still since she didn't want to scare her little kitten away with her secret weapon.

"Have you decided what you want to do little Luna?" Luna completely forgot about her squirming at this question, thankfully for Tatyana, since having an insanely beautiful naked woman squirming on your lap wasn't good for her self control.

"What happens if I decide to stay?" she questioned, since she wanted to know what she would be doing for the foreseeable future. "If you decided to stay, we would get to know each other. You would live here and we would date, to see if we like each other. If we do then we would continue to date until you reach the 7th tier a few hundred thousand years from now before completing the bonding ceremony." Tatyana explained with patience since she knew it was a huge decision, especially the number of years you're committing to.

"What happens if I want to leave?" Luna asked with slight hesitation and Tatyana's eyes flashed with slight anxiety and the grip on Luna's waist became firmer. "Well, then you can just make your wishes and go to a world of your desire, you have 4 wishes remember." she explained with a soft smile even though her eyes still looked at Luna with anxiety. Luna clearly saw this and her eyes unconsciously softened, few people in her life have actually cared for her, and the fact that someone is so anxious for her leaving, after only knowing her for no longer than an hour touched her.

"I see, then I will stay, even if it doesn't work out my soul continues to grow right? and I can leave if it doesn't workout so I have nothing to lose." she explained with a smile and Tatyana jumped up from her seat causing Luna's arms to wrap around her neck as Tatyana began to bounce up and down. "YES, YES, YES, I promise you wont regret this, I'm going to make you the happiest girl In the universe" she declared causing Luna to start giggling which only made Tatyana smile brighter.

She was truly happy and would only get happier as time passed by.

(Let me know whether you want me to write about Tatyana's and Luna's first time in chapter 2 or just skip over it. Alice will also be introduce in the next chap and it will be quite long. THANKS FOR READING)

Chaotic_Phoenix Chaotic_Phoenix

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