Famous refused to join the game, so Zhang Zian played hide-and-seek with Galaxy and Pi for a little while. Afterwards, he started cleaning. When he went to take out the trash, he saw Zhuang coming out of the Li's Snack Bar holding a black garbage bag. Zhuang saw him, and they waved at each other.
Zhuang went back in the snack bar, while Zhang Zian started to head back into his store, but at that moment, he heard someone running.
He turned and saw Masanori Suzuhara and Snoopy on their morning jog. She wore her usual sports attire, her shoes and clothes had reflective strips to alert passing vehicles.
"Happy New Year!" Masanori Suzuhara didn't completely stop, she just jogged in place.
"Happy New Year! As I recall, your new year is on the first day of the Gregorian Calendar, right?" Zhang Zian asked.
"Yes, but when in Rome do as the Romans do." Masanori Suzuhara smiled. "I love New Year's here, I got quite a number of red packets, and I got to sleep in."