15.78% Parenting Class / Chapter 6: 6. Pansy, the Horror Oops! I meant Angel!

บท 6: 6. Pansy, the Horror Oops! I meant Angel!

Disclaimer: If I did own Harry Potter, I'd be spending my time writing the sixth book...not this. But since I am, we can conclude I don't own Harry Potter.

Parenting Class

Pansy, the Horror-Oops! I meant Angel!

"I take it St. Mungo's could help?" Dumbledore inquired as three sooty people came tumbling out of his fireplace and landing on the large, woven rug.

"Yes, Sir, they could," Hermione said happily, standing up and brushing ash off of her robes and then dusting Draco. "We'd best be heading to our rooms to get cleaned up. Thank you for letting us go."

"Not a problem at all," Dumbledore answered with a smile, the familiar twinkle in his eye as he gazed down at the chibi Draco. "Would you like a lemon drop, Draco?" he asked kindly.

Draco opened his mouth to say yes but Hermione beat him to the chase. "Draco says no thank you, Professor Dumbledore. He's had quite a few sweets while we were away, didn't you Draco?" The child stuck his lower lip out in a pout.

"Well then, I wouldn't want to ruin your appetite for dinner," Dumbledore cheerfully said. "Run along all of you...and Miss Granger and Mr. Potter? I had your assignments brought to your rooms that you missed."

"Thank you, Sir," Hermione said gratefully, resisting the urge to run over and hug the aging professor. "Come on Harry, Draco," she ordered, starting for the staircase. Draco followed, eyes sorrowfully watching the candy jar while Harry gave Fawkes a good-bye pat.

"Ah ha! There you three are! What happened to you all?" queried Leviculus, the impish grin fixed on his face, the jester's cap tinkling merrily as he bounced up and down.

"Just a slight accident," Hermione said lightly, preferring to not go into detail. "We've been at St. Mungo's all day so that's why we haven't been here."

"Oh dear me!" gasped the jester, clutching his heart. "Is everything all right?" His eyes scanned all three of them for any sign of injury, but for all his observing, he could only find soot on the three figures.

"We're all fine, Leviculus. Not a thing to worry about," Hermione assured. "But we are awfully tired and quite dirty...mind letting us in?"

"Password, my dear?" the jester asked charmingly.


With a graceful bow, Leviculus swung open to show the oddly decorated room. With a sigh, Hermione trooped in before collapsing on the couch, rubbing her neck absentmindedly.

"What's wrong, Hermione?" Draco asked, hopping onto the couch next to Hermione, silver eyes piercing her brown ones. "Does your neck hurt?"

"Just a little sore, Draco." The boy fixed her with his gaze before running over to Hermione's room and opening the door. Both she and Harry remained still, wondering what the boy was going to do.

He exited carrying a dark brown jar carefully in his hands. "It's murtlap essence," the child said proudly, scrambling up next to Hermione. "I found it in your trunk yesterday."

"What were you doing in my trunk?" she asked, accepting the jar with a smile.

The boy looked down at his feet. "I was just curious," he murmured.

"It's all right, I'm not mad," she said, pulling the boy into a hug. "Just don't do it again, okay?" Draco nodded. "Good. Now why don't we all get freshened up and then we'll head down to dinner? You must be starving, Draco!"

"I am a little hungry," he admitted with a sheepish grin.

All three left for their rooms and emerged several minutes later, clad in stark black robes and soot free from their faces. "All ready to go?" Hermione cheerfully questioned, scooping Draco into her arms.

She wasn't quite sure why, but she enjoyed carrying the child even though he was old enough to walk. Just something about the way he threw his arms around her neck in a hug or the small source of warmth he gave off melted her heart and made her want to just hug him.

The trio walked silently down the hall, all quite exhausted from the day's events, save Draco, still running on solid sugar. He only remained quite since he sensed his guardians were quite tired.

Entering the Great Hall, Hermione all but fell onto the bench, her head resting on Draco's for a pillow. The child squirmed uncomfortably, his stomach being pressed into the wooden tabletop.

Ginny, seeing his predicament, gently plucked him off of Hermione's lap and set him on the bench beside her. "Hungry?" Without waiting for an answer, the redhead put a large scoop of spaghetti on the child's plate followed by several carrot sticks and a piece of garlic bread. "Eat up."

Draco needed no second urging. Within minutes (even with Draco's delicate way of eating, manners and all) the plate was sparkling gold once more. Surprised, Ginny placed a cookie and a plum for dessert back on the dish.

"Thank you...um, what was your name?" Draco mumbled, a small blush tingeing his cheeks.

"Ginny," the girl filled in. "Do you want anything else to eat?"

"No thank you, Ginny," Draco answered politely, "I'm full." Next to him, Hermione was dozing, her face resting in a bowl of jell-o, completely oblivious to the gooey substance clinging to her hair.

Harry was much the same as Hermione; though his face was simply lying on the tablecloth, hand still holding the soupspoon. "Why are they so tired?"

"Hermione and Harry had a long day," Ginny laughed. The entire school had now heard about the accident in Potions class involving the little Malfoy. And because of it, most of the Gryffindors, who had always considered themselves sworn enemies to Draco Malfoy, had actually taken a liking to the child. After all, he had gotten Hermione and Harry out of Snape's punishments.

"What were they doing?"

"Freaking out about you I'm assuming. Don't worry," she comforted, seeing the boy's eyes widen, "it was for a good cause. They really do care about you, Draco, don't forget that."

"Even Harry?"

"Even Harry," Ginny said firmly. "They'll both do anything to make sure you're happy while you stay here. No one will ever do anything to hurt you, understand?" She too had seen the way Draco had looked at Harry at times and had slowly pieced it together of what she thought was a pretty accurate solution. She'd have to check with Hermione later of course to confirm, but for now she'd just stick to her idea.

"Do you like Harry?" Ginny stared open-mouthed at Draco, the randomness and the intensity of the question quite sudden.

"He's one of my best friends!"

"Uh huh," the child said, smirk on his face.

"He's only a friend!" she cried, cheeks turning red. Draco offered her a smile and then took a sip of his milk, now pointedly ignoring the situation.

"Bees only say end?" Hermione repeated, picking her head out of the jell-o. "What did you say Ginny?"

"Nothing," the Weasley girl said testily, arms folded across her chest. "I'm going to go work on my Potions essay. Talk to you later, Mione. Oh, and you have jell-o on your face!" Grabbing her book bag from beneath the bench, Ginny exited the hall, cheeks still light pink.

Furiously, Hermione rubbed at her cheek to remove the sticky goop, Draco watching two boys rise from the Slytherin table with a small girl, interest in his eyes. "Hermione! Pansy's coming!" he shouted excitedly.

Harry sat up with a jerk, emerald eyes wide in terror. "In that case, I'm gone," he announced, starting to stand up before Hermione yanked him back down next to her.

"Oh no you don't," she hissed. "We're both going to watch her, you agreed."

Harry was about to say that she had actually basically forced him to say yes, but at that second, Blaise, Neville, and Pansy arrived, all three of them smiles.

"Here you go, Mione," Neville said quickly giving Pansy a slight push in the direction of the Gryffindor. "Now remember Pansy, be a good girl, okay?"

"Okay!" she chirped, climbing up next to Draco. "Bye Neville! Bye Blaise!" Slightly unnerved by the Slytherin's attitude, the two quickly left, a spring to their step as they realized they were free for several hours.

"Come on you two," Hermione said, pulling each one up by the back of their robes. "Time for us to go back to our room." Agreeably, Draco and Pansy followed Hermione while Neville stopped Harry so he could come and pick up some of Pansy's pajamas.

"Here we are," the Gryffindor girl announced, stopping outside the portrait of Leviculus. With a whisper, Hermione said the password and Leviculus swung open, the jester almost asleep, head resting dangerously next to a sword.

"It's so bright! I love it!" exclaimed Pansy, running over to the orange couch and hopping up and down in excitement. "My room is boring old green and blue! I love this!"

"Glad someone does," Harry muttered, entering a second later, a small pile of clothing in his arms. "I'd take the green and blue room any day."

"But colors are pretty! How could you not like this?" Pansy looked curiously at Harry, now holding one of the yellow pillows. "It's like a rainbow!"

"Some of us prefer not to be blinded everyday," Harry replied, still blinking from the polka-dotted walls.

A split second later Harry was hopping about the room in pain, clutching his shin the young girl had just kicked, a scowl adorning her face. "YOU WILL LIKE THE RAINBOW ROOM!" she bellowed.

"FINE! I LIKE IT!" Harry shouted back, glaring daggers at Pansy, who suddenly was smiling innocently, hands behind her back.

"Come on, Draco! Let's go play!" Grabbing the other Slytherin, Pansy dragged him into his room and Harry sighed in relief to see the girl gone.

Hermione crossed over to the table and picked up the stack of homework Dumbledore had brought up. "Homework time, Harry," she bubbled dividing the pile in half and taking her own.

Harry snorted when he saw one of the assignments. "Write a diary depicting all of the activities you've done during the day. Then compare them to the section of 'Daily Events' in your copy of Unfogging the Future," Harry read. "Guess what that means, Mione?"

"That you have some stupid Divination homework?"

"Uh uh. That you have stupid Divination homework too." Hermione looked sharply up. "Go and check your pile...remember, Tobin said some of our classes might be switched."

Frantically, the brunette tore through the papers, mouth dropping when she found the same scented paper Harry had. "This can't be happening," she murmured. "I can't do that class, I just can't!"

"And don't forget about our bet," Harry smirked, a gleeful expression on his face. "You have to do my homework for a week now...here you go," he said, pushing his pile towards Hermione. "Here's day one."

A loud scream interrupted what might have been an argument as Draco came tearing out of his bedroom, Pansy hot on his heels. The child's once beautiful blond hair had been changed to a shade of bright pink, and now spiky.

"MIIIIOOONNEEEEE!" he wailed diving behind the witch, Pansy running smack into Hermione. "LOOK WHAT SHE DID TO MY HAIR!"

"Pansy," Hermione giggled, attempting to sound stern and failing miserably, "what did you do to Draco?"

"I dyed his hair," she laughed. "I think it looks better now!"

"How did you do that?"

"I used a wand."


In answer, Pansy held up a very familiar looking wand...Harry's wand. "I saw it in his pocket...I was only going to borrow it for a little while."

A pitiful meow sounded and Crookshanks slunk from Draco's room, his once ginger coat now lime green. "I did the cat too!" After a second's thought, she pointed the wand at Harry. "Crispus!" At once the boy's hair turned into a mass of curls, much like an afro. "Can I do your hair too, Hermione?" Pansy thought it only polite to ask the girl, seeing as she had helped her before.

"Please don't," Hermione said faintly, laughter bubbling up inside of her. A pink, spiky haired Draco and Harry with an afro? She so needed a picture...before either boy had a chance to get away; she had snapped a photo, now laughing insanely, Crookshanks also caught in the corner of the image.

"Can you fix my hair?" Draco begged, clutching onto Hermione's robes. "I don't want it pink!" With a wave of her wand, everyone's hair returned to natural, the cat giving Hermione a lick of thanks before taking off into the bathroom to escape Pansy.

"You ruined their hair!"

"I fixed it," corrected Hermione. "Now why don't you give Harry back his wand?" With a sigh, the girl reluctantly handed it to Harry. "Why don't you two go play quietly?"

The two children went back to Draco's room and Hermione sat back down on the couch, hands picking up the Divination paper once more. "Why did this have to happen me?" she moaned, crumpling it into a ball. "I won't do it! That fraud can't make me!"

"It's a grade," Harry calmly said, picking up the wad of paper off the floor from where Hermione had thrown it. "And if you don't pass the class your GPA will go down and you won't be the smartest witch anymore." Hermione's face paled.

With a muttered curse, Hermione snatched the paper from Harry's hands and began to write down notes on the side. Harry picked up a book on quidditch from one of the bookshelves and began to read, out of the corner of his eye watching Hermione do both of their homework piles.

They had been working in relative silence for the next few minutes when another scream, once more Draco's, shattered the tranquility. The door to his room flew open once more with Draco being chased by Pansy.

But instead of hair being the problem, it was the face. Red Lipstick was smeared on Draco's face, green eye shadow messily applied. Two bright pink circles covered his cheeks, the attempts at applying blush.

"No wonder Neville needed a break," Harry murmured sympathetically, Draco launching himself behind Hermione once more.

"Pansy...what did you do this time?" Hermione asked, bending down and rubbing off the make-up with a cloth she had conjured.

"I decided to give Draco a makeover...and I got the make-up from my trunk!" She displayed several tubes of lipstick and other things she'd put on when she was her older self.

"I don't think Draco liked that and I wouldn't advise you to do it again," Hermione cautioned, giving Draco a hug once all of the cosmetics had been successfully removed.

"I won't." Once more, Pansy took Draco by the arm and dragged him off to his room.

"She seems to be quite bossy," Harry acknowledged, having watched the whole scene with interest.

"Poor Draco...I do wonder how they ever became friends...he's so sweet and she's so..."


"That could be the right word...definitely not an angel."

Thankfully for the two teenagers, while only Hermione since she had to do Harry' homework as well as her own, the children stayed quiet for the next hour, sometimes soft laughter could be heard and then voices.

With a yawn, Hermione glanced up at the clock; surprised to see it was almost eight...she wanted Draco in bed by eight-thirty so she'd have to hurry through bath time.

Cracking her back, the girl abandoned the homework and opened Draco's door. Both kids were lying on Draco's bed coloring out of a picture book, neither having noticed her.

"The dragon has to be green," Pansy insisted, holding her desired crayon.

"Red," Draco protested.





Silence reigned for a single moment before both children attacked the dragon with their crayons, Hermione watching in fascination as the picture actually began to look good.

The green crayon covered the dragon's body while Draco's red got the spikes on its back and the fire coming from its mouth. "Finished," the chorused, smiling at each other.

"Looks very nice," Hermione commented.

"You think so?" Pansy asked, obviously trying to get more praise. Very Slytherin-ish.

"The red and green work very well together...after all, they are complementary colors."

"Company colors?" the girl asked, brow furrowed in puzzlement. "You mean like neighbors?"

"Sort of. Complementary colors are colors that are across from each other on the color wheel. People say, that though they are opposites they complement, or suit each other nicely."


"Hate to break up the coloring session, but both of you have to take your bath...it's getting late."

"Awww," both pouted. "We don't want a bath," they said together.

"Too bad. Neither of you had one yesterday so you're getting one now. Come on." When neither child budged, Hermione entered and scooped Draco into her arms, the boy sitting still, eyes drooping sleepily. It appeared the sugar high he'd been on was starting to wear off.

Pansy, on the other hand, was anything but tired. Harry rushed to Hermione's rescue and took Pansy off of the bed, attempting to stop her flailing feet. No such luck. A few minutes later, both children were in the bathtub, Harry holding an icepack to his stomach, which was rapidly bruising.

"Are we done with our bath now?" Pansy whined, letting warm water trickle between her fingers. Seeing as they were so young, Hermione and Harry had no problems dumping both children in the tub at once, effectively making it easier since Pansy did seem to calm down around Draco.

"Not even close," Hermione laughed. "Both of you turn around, I need to wash your hair." Obediently, Draco and Pansy did so, Hermione lathering her hands with shampoo.

"YOU'RE HURTING ME!" Pansy yelled when Hermione began to scrub the girl's head, kneading the scalp to make sure she got everywhere.

"Hold still," Hermione growled, dumping a bucket of water over Pansy's head. "And close your eyes," she added, not wanting the shampoo to sting. Draco laughed, enjoying seeing his friend get what was coming to her after being such a brat.

His laughter ended as Hermione launched herself onto Draco's head, the child now yelling at her to stop and Pansy the one laughing. "Are we done now?" Pansy asked.

"Nope." Hermione handed each child a washrag with soap. "Wash yourselves and then stay in there for a minute while I go get your pajamas. Harry...watch them." The boy nodded miserably, still holding his stomach.

Once Hermione had left, Pansy put a finger to her lips and pointed at the counter next to the bathtub. Crookshanks was lounging on the side, his tail hanging off. With twin smirks, Pansy yanked the cat down and straight into the bathtub.

Draco clamped a hand over the cat's mouth to muffle its yowl. Pansy reached up on the ledge and brought down the shampoo. Squirting almost the entire bottle onto the very upset animal, they began to lather its fur, determined to make the cat clean too.

When Hermione entered the room, her mouth fell open in horror. "Crookshanks!" she cried, dashing over to the children and pulling her cat out of their grasp. "My poor angel, are you all right?"

As a reply, Crookshanks coughed up bubbles and then leapt to the floor, shaking its coat, white suds flying, before he ran from the room with a hiss. "Draco! Pansy! What were you doing?"

"Giving the kitty a bath," Pansy grinned. "He was dirty."

Hermione glanced over at Harry, the other teenager looking guilty. "I didn't even hear them, Mione, I swear!"

"You are impossible!" she yelled, smacking him upside the head. "You two, out of the bath, now." They each pulled a towel off of the rack next to them and climbed out, still smiling impishly.

After they had both dried off, Draco and Pansy got dressed in the pajamas Hermione had brought. Draco's were once more black pants and a tee shirt, and Pansy had on a green nightgown with lace on the cuffs.

"Can you braid my hair, Hermione?" Pansy pleaded, tugging on the girl's sleeve. "I want it to be wavy when I wake up tomorrow! Then those stupid boys won't have to do anything to it!"

Hermione nodded beckoned for the girl to follow her to the common room. Draco and Harry both trooped after, Harry walking doubled over from the kick Pansy had given him.

Seating the girl on the floor in front of her, Hermione began to pull the dark strands of the girl's hair into a tight braid, Draco watching on with interest, Harry collapsing on the couch.

Just as Hermione finished, Leviculus called into the room. "Two young gentleman are here saying they're here to pick up Pansy!"

"Could you please let them in, Leviculus?" Agreeably, the jester swung open to reveal Neville and Blaise, both who walked in, blinking at the bright colors.

"Thanks for watching her, Mione," Neville said, giving his friend a smile. "I hope she wasn't too much trouble."

"Not at all," Hermione said airly, Harry's mouth dropping in surprise. Pansy had been a little demon in his opinion. "Time for you to go, Pansy. It was very nice having you."

"No, thank you for letting me come over," the girl said, dropping into a small curtsy. Both she and Draco gave each other a hug goodbye and with a wave to Hermione and Harry, the girl left, room once more peaceful.

"Can we have Pansy over again tomorrow?" Draco asked.

Both teenagers looked at each other, faces mirroring horror. Then, very clearly, they said together, "no."

Author's Notes:

And we have now all seen the terror Pansy is. XD I hope the chapter was enjoyable, once more typing it over saturday. XD I never seem to have time anymore.

As for a recently asked question, yes, Harry and Hermione will also be turned little. If you read the summary it says Harry, Draco, and Hermione are paired up and they'll trade off being children. So Draco's only one of our little chibis of the three!

Once more, I can't express enough how wonderful you all are! Your kind reviews keep me motivated to keep writing this, even when I'm completly miserable. Besides, this fic always does seem to cheer me up. XD

Since I missed RC's last chapter, I'll be doing them from both chapters! n.n If you reviewed both times, I'll condense your review into one. n.n

Please do leave your feedback! I luv to hear what you have to say! Also, please tell me yes or no to this question. Would you like this to also be a Harry/Ginny fic? I've personally always adored the couple...besides, a little side romance at the moment and when Mione's a kid would be fun. XD Please do let me know!

And as a little survey (thanks to those who particpated in the last one! ::huggles::) what has been your favorite part of this fic so far?

A wonderful piece of news I wish to share...I got my driving permit! And my dad has nicknamed me Mario after a race car driver. I'm taking turns at about 30mph, we even went up on two wheels! I'm glad my dad took me, cuz my mom would've freaked! XD


Reviewer's Comments:

LishaChan Not to worry as you've already seen. I couldn't make him sleep for a week! What would be the fun in that? That's a good answer...update after you write. XD That is one hell of a day! So glad I wasn't in Harry's shoes! Mrs. W. was hilarious! I've just always pictured her that kind of way. XD

valentines-hater Nothing is ever fair. XD I guess that people just like this story more...I do have several not so popular fics. Like Lavender's Twin...not so high and neither is A Whole New World. Don't feel bad, people will come. n.n You can try advertising it too...I've never done so, but Gaia is a good place. n.n

Gertyke Yay! So happy! My sister was making a family tree and she had to use three words to describe a person. I was fun, impatient, and comical. The last confused me a bit so I asked her. She informs me that even though I don't meant to be funny I'll often say something that just makes them laugh or something incredibly stupid. Not even a year ago I asked a rather stupid question...'Since they always have 100 people vote on Ask the audience in 'Who wants to be a Millionare', does that mean only 100 people can go to a show?' My family was cracking up about that one for days! XD A bit fast for chappie five, hmm? ::sigh:: Some people tell me I'm taking it to slow, others too fast. Yeah, a lot did happen cuz I was trying to speed it up. Guess I'm slowing it down again. XD

Anigen Sorry if you don't like the length. Since I update every Sunday I don't really see reason to make them 6000 plus words like my other stories. I think the shortness kinda depicts each scene and makes it seem more special...does that sound right?

scarlet-knight13 My parents think ferrets smell bad, have too many teeth, and plain don't want one. T.T I tried to convince them to let me get Jaws (a kitten my flute teacher is currently fostering until she can get him and his three siblings homes) but the name said no right away. She hates cats too. No new pets for me till I get my own house she says. XD

BIGHARRYFAN Yep, you're right. n.n I'm saving Hermione (aka the best) for last. I'm modeling her off of me and my sister...soon everyone will know my childhood. XD As for getting hurt...I think you got them all. XD But that sure is a long list! Terry is a little horror too! I am wondering how his parents put up with him...

Saiyachick Arigatou! I'll have to go check out one of your fics when I get a moments peace. XD I'm not big into DBZ...used to be, but then I didn't really care for the Buu saga and then GT plain confuses me. XD Requests? Like those contests people are always doing? That would certainly be interesting to try...do you have requirements for them when they ask, like no slash or stuff like that?

Bily's Shadow He's such a cute walking disaster! lol What amazes me is he's so clumsy as a kid and then people often describe him having 'catlike' grace when he's older! n.n Who would have ever guessed?

rockslutgothpunk Satan must be. XD That I would like to see. I'm shivering right now, it's freezing in my house! Doesn't help my mom opened the window to 'let in some fresh air' Brrr, how am I to go out on Halloween if it's this cold? ::grumble:: I liked my old town so much better. Sorry, can't do the bribe. T.T I'm saving the best for last...that means Mione! Harry and Draco should start getting along next chapter...they have a small bonding session. n.n Oh no, I don't mind hearing I'm talented. XD It does go to my head at times (like when I randomly yell out while typing 'I am so great!' and my family basically facefaults) but it really does insprie me to hear everyone saying that. Always puts me in a good mood! n.n I think that was my fave part too last chappie! She totally over reacted! It's a good thing Rita Skeeter wasn't there! Can you imagine the article? O.o

CherryBlossomAngel-225 It is adorable! I think it's such a cute relationship between the two! Closer then friends, but more like siblings then anything. He certainly is a charmer. Those nurses were going nuts over him...maybe we can all see where he gets that big head of his. XD

blackrosebunny451 I have! Hate it when people change the character's actual speech like that! Did you see that they cancled inuyasha on saturdays?? . I am so pissed! I can't watch it on the weekdays and those were the new episodes! ::growls:: Yeah, Nevi normally isn't so...what would be the word? forward? But it fit well. Besides, after dealing with Pansy for over 12 hours I think anyone would be changed. XD

Mashed-Potato01 I luv ur pename! So kawaii! I luv mashed potatoes! XD Now I sound slightly crazy...O.o

LiLbLueangeL1223 It is nice to see him caring. So many people always make him so nasty, but inside he has to be a good person, right? I mean, he did change sides and now works for the Order. School! Ahhh, don't say it! XD I have to go in early monday to finish up a math test. Lucky me. XD

Bronwen XD My mom is worse, don't worry. She's always telling me to clean or do something and when I do it she redoes it...what was the point of me doing it? Happy birthday! I know it's a little late but its still there! n.n No, I actaully haven't heard of that before. ::looks embarassed:: sounds kewl though. n.n I'm going as a jester...was going to do Hawaiian but it's too cold! I went Japanese last year and froze my butt off! The wind went right through the kimono! Not goign through that again!

Pia O'Leary Now my dog gets his bath outside. XD We chain him at his stake and then chase him with the hose since he won't stand still. What kind of dogs do you have? Mine is a German sheperd terrier mix. I do know what you mean...someone has a shirt at my school that reads 'It's only funny until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarious!' XD I luv the little terror Harry...now just wait until we get to Hermione. ::gulps:: That is going to be scary. Fifteen too? Wow, a lot of people are almost my age! Wish I could meet everyone! XD

samhaincat XD, that's a reasonable explanation too! Yep, angst is good. I swear, I try to keep it out but this stupid dark side of me always pops out. ::sigh:: I still think its funny how my sister described me as comical...if she only knew of my other half. I have got to put more Uncle Sev in...now I just have to find where.

Alenor I wanted to go see a waterfall while I was on vacation in Arizonia. Unfortunately, it was a fifteen mile hike and my parents told me no. I would gladly have gone but they reign superior. XD Nah, couldn't make my little angel sleep. He'd be no fun! Good old St. Mungo's. I don't speak much Japanese. T.T Just stuff I've picked up from watching anime and reading fanfics. I want to take it, but my school doesn't offer it and neither do any colleges by me! But I am determined to learn, it's so kewl!

charmedsisters He is simply adorable! I can't believe he ever grew up into that jerk we all know in the books! Hmm, maybe we should all talk to Rowling and make her make Draco good! XD I think almost all Draco fans would join. Them not knowing about magic will play quite a big part! Just wait!

Kellalor I guess he can XD

The Stump Very interesting pen name...where did you get that idea? Yep, lots of accidents. For some reason people always find when others get hurt in a funny way...well, funny. XD Like I personally find Ron's hand very amusing. Terry certainly is a very...erm, devilish child.

ilovetom88 Yay! Cookie! ::eats it quickly:: Mmm, my fave, oatmeal raisin! My mom just baked those a few days ago and my brother ate almost all of them! ::sniffle: I only got one cookie. But next time I claim the whole batch!

Lulu LABs23 That'd be awesome if you could draw that! I luv fanart! XD I actually luv drawing it so much that as soon as my scanner starts to work I'm going to scan in my work and call it Author Art. XD That does sound like fun! I babysit a lot too! XD Some of the kids are angels (like Maddie, she's like the younger sister I never had) but Cameron...oh man, he's a terror! Always fighting. And Hayley always needs everything her way. The joy of watching children. XD Uncle Sev so rocks! Don't worry, we'll see more of him...as soon as I figure out where I can stick him in.

Meg XD I can't believe Snape actually didn't punish Harry and Hermione. But then again, his adorable godson asked...now how could anyone resist that?

trapped-in-a-dream He is! If anyone says he isn't...they'd better watch out! XD

Talisa Ahn happy early birthday! n.n Draco reminds me of myself at times...sort of. When I caused trouble as a kid, I meant it. XD My sister and I were always driving our parents nuts cuz we'd tagteam. She would distract and I would get the desired item (normally a cookie) and then when they'd put us in time out I'd sneak out. XD

Donniedarkobunnylover Harry's next. I'm saving Hermione to the very end...she's my pride and joy at the moment. XD

HM ::shudders:: Ron is definetley going to be a little devil! But not as bad as Hermione...oh no, I have big plans for her. XD

ERMonkey, Burner of Cookies Your pen name sounds like me! I burn almost everything, even popcorn! Although I'm happy to say I sucessfully made brownies the other night! It might be cuz I sat right outside the oven the entire time to watch them...that was a long half hour. XD

Cassiel Oliviari Hmmm, buy Draco? Well, I can give you a little Draco plushie...I need the origanal for the fic, sorry. ::hands you Draco plushie:: I squash a lot of my friends when I haven't seen them for a while and I hug them. The funniest thing was my friend Izy (he's really tall, like 6'3'') when I ran to hug him he didn't fall over...I rebounded off of him when he stood still. XD, very embarassing. I can't wait until the D/Hr comes up! Luv writing that!

JeanMarie I wish Snape was more like this in the books. He's almost sweet!

CircleOfStone You're very welcome. n.n Who wasn't clumsy as a child? XD, I was a walking disaster! And now that I got my driving permit...beware drivers, Icy is on the road! XD I'm actually not too bad...I just tend to go a little fast. Me too! I luv all the bad boys...Hiei, Tsume, Draco, Seto, XD I like some sweeties too but the bad ones get me. Don't worry, I'll make ya luv little Harry. XD I've already made some people start to like Snape who originally hated him! XD

Caitlin He will warm up...next chappie I'm predicting.

dizzydragon I luv your username! So cute!!! The plot bunnies were quite funny for this fic...they came to me in the middle of geometry...I'm sitting there writing a proof and then it's like 'I need to write a fic where they all get chibi-fied!' Then again, I've gotten two other fic ideas in church. O.o I can't wait to see Draco and Harry handle Hermione! Chaos galore! That's how I was talking to my aunt's puppy yesterday. Me: You awre da cuwtest pwuppy, yes you awre. Dog: ::licks:: Quite an odd encounter I must say. This one family I babysit for is full of angels! Maddie and Andy are the sweetest kids!

Yokai Cesia and Chi Yep, for both questions. Harry and Mione will turn little and personalities might change. I mean, we can't expect Draco to remain so mean after Hermione's showered him in love, can we?

Onawhim Glad you think so! n.n I'm so proud that everyone thinks it cute...a rather nice change from angst.

MokubaDoll Yeah, they are. I hate them so much! Currently have one in my calf...I'm glad ya weren't bored. Don't intend to ever make the ficcy lag...then it would be boring.

coffeentoffee Looks like ya just made the cut this chappie too! A very normal day for Harry Potter...I mean, he is the boy who lived, ne? He has to be special! I luv the violent ones too! So much more interesting then the hero type.

BlueBabyAquaGirl Hermione can be rather funny if the author writes her right. Otherwise she's just a bossy know it all. XD I loved the brick thing! I mean, it's always a joke and this time it was real!

!Matt! My uncle broke his arm and both of his legs falling down a flight of stairs when he was younger XD So I guess a neck isn't too far out of the equation. Harry is going to be the kid next!

Violet-8932 ::hands you Draco plushie:: Are you really going to make one? That would be so kewl! I am unfortunatley no good with sewing so I'll stick to writing and drawing him. XD Yeah, writing the chapter does take a while. It is so easy to read yet so hard to write. I need to make sure to hit all of the points in it as well as keeping it humorous and fun. ::sigh:: A normal chapter can take me anywhere from 3-8 hours to get out! I would honestly never guessed a Parenting Class! I read one story (but the author stopped updating it) where Dumbledore made gym class! XD

LosOjosDeLaVida Mine wasn't that bad, I know that! XD I was in for surgery, back in when the doctor messed up and then out! n.n and I got a teddy bear out of the deal! XD I named him Fuzzy of all things. How origianl can you get?

JenniferJae Wow! A lot of people have b-days in December! I am so glad that none of the kids I watch are like Terry. I'd probably die! XD

Sage Raleigh Luna Glad ya do! Hope to see you again!

FiReFaIrY14 He is simply adorable! Here's more!

Holly I'm happy you think so. I try to keep them in character despite the fact I basically made new charcters from them. XD

Cassiel Oliviari He's a little imp! XD I think that word is fun to describe him. But I agree, he is adroable beyond normal!

FlickFlick I wish I could keep little Draco too. Alas, he belongs in the story....but you are welcome to a plushie! ::hands you little Draco plushie:: I'm very proud I was actually able to make such a funny storyline, I'm normally a darker writer. Although my sister informs me that I'm actually quite funny.

Spaced Out Space Cadet I'm glad it's different. I like to be original, not copy anyone XD I think the stories where the author turns Draco or any other person chibi for no reason is kinda stupid...what's the point? See ya later!

LaterAlligator Too bad my brother isn't like Draco. He's more of a Terry. XD It was funny how they all met up. In a while crocodile! lol

unknown Thanks very much for your review! I hope it stays original, copying is not my style!

stars around the moon He'll be acting quite different, I can say that as a definite. Hermione does sound like a wonderful mom. Wish mine was more like her XD Hmmm, I think I get your question. You mean to upload a story, right? Yes, when you click create story and upload the chapter from Document Manager it will form a link to the story. After a while it'll update it on the site and everyone can see it. n.n Nah, you don't sound like a dork. I was e-mailing an author who's fic I read asking how the heck you made a story. XD She had to talk me through the entire process.

Callie That's good, these updates sure do take me a while to write!

paprika90 Yay! I learned some new words!!!! n.n Yes, I do luv Japan! I want to go so badly! my only problem is can't stand fish...especially sushi XD Everything in it? I had one person once describe a fic of mine as a meal...a bit of everything. XD Happy belated b-day btw!

blue-hair-rocks I so agree with your pen name! A kid in my school currently has his hair dyed blue. XD I agree with you on grammer and rushing. If you go back and read, even if you don't understand it, The Star Shaped Scar, you will think aliens replaced that authoress with the current one. I was terrible! I attempt to drag the storyline out as much as possible and not rush...otherwise it looks sloppy and like the author didn't care. I might go into writing as a career...or possibly art. Or I might combine the two and write a manga! XD So many choices! Now, just gotta pass geometry to get to college....

UrS0D00rk3y I do plan on taking it up as possibly a career. I started a novel (dark, mind you) but I also luv drawing anime...so I might do a manga. I'm actually not Japanese, but I'm attempting to learn it from watching anime. XD But in answer to your question, genki! n.n Just that it's spelled ogenki desu ka. I believe it means 'how are you?' , ne? Nah, don't feel old! Leave that up to the people over 30! XD A smile on your face? Good! I often hear my sister down the hall from me laughing when she reads it...for once it's nice to make people laugh instead of cry. n.n Ja ne!

dark-fairy-fan I think he might be like that too underneath all his threats. I mean, in GoF he did warn Hermione at the end of the quidditch cup thing to get away from the camp, right? I seriously hope Rowling makes him sort of nicer later on.

Emma Lee18 You just can't make up your mind, can ya Em? Last chappie too slow, this one too fast! Which is it? XD Have fun at lunch!

YamiClara I can't wait till mione's chibi! So much fun! Do you watch Yugioh? If so, who's your fave character? I luv Seto! He's mine mine mine! XD I luv Malik too, but he went back to Egypt. T.T Babysitting Pansy certainly was fun...I think Draco had the best time!

Elizabeth the 4rth Don't worry about the Lucius thing...it is barely going to be in there. I just wanted to throw in a bit of angst. XD Yes, I luv Pirates of the Caribbean! One of the best movies of all time! I'm actually a bigger fan of our Captain Jack Sparrow! I think Johnny Depp played him so well! Of course my sister likes Will better (huge Orlando Bloom fan) but the movie is wonderful! The only ones that rival it are LOTR movies, HP movies, and I luv Speed!

smileystar04 That is quite odd with Snape. Can you imagine if the whole school started to call Snape Uncle Sev? It'd be hilarious although I don't think Sev would like it much XD Yeah, life is crazy, don't feel bad. Hermione does seem more into the entire project then Harry...I guess it's cuz Harry never had a great childhood either. Mrs. W. was so funny! I luv that woman! I don't see how anyone could get mad at Draco...I mean, even the Gryffindors like him!

Stormy Skies That's oki Stormy. School makes one's life get so much harder. I'm just glad you were able to come! Terry is so wonderful!! XD I like that kind when they're not real...as for my brother...that's another story.

next chapter
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