82.75% Overlord: The Fragment of Paradox / Chapter 24: "Ainz sama is not a godkin, he is god,"

บท 24: "Ainz sama is not a godkin, he is god,"

"[Boost Widen Magic - Lion Heart]!!!"

Hope and courage filled the ranks. Even the weakest among the guards stood tall and proud in front of the wall of fire. Adventurers and Guards charged through the Flames of Gehenna and came out of the other side of it unharmed.

Lily stood above the sky, her brilliant yellow eyes gazing at a pack of demons coming straight to wards them.

"Adventurers, ready your weapons!" Lily exclaimed, raising her staff forward. "[Widen Maximize Magic - Magic Weapon]!" she exclaimed as she swept through the ranks. "[Widen Boost Magic - Quick March], [Widen Boost Magic - Anti-Evil Protection]!"

The adventurers grinned in excitement as a surge of power coursed through their body. They didn't waver as a wave of demons came rushing down towards them.

"Alright, on your mark," Lily said as she held her staff in front of the demon wave. "[Boost Widen Magic - Floating Board]!" she exclaimed before conjuring a vertical floating board to act as a shield.

The hellhound hit the invisible wall and started piling up before breaking through the wall.

"GO! GO!"

Lily shouted and at once the adventurers charged towards the demons. The invisible wall earlier has sent them into disarray and broke their momentum, making it easier for the adventurer to deal with them. It went on for a few minutes before the adventurers began losing strength.

"Fall back! Guards step forward!"

The adventurer fell back and the guards charged forward with their shields. They formed a wall to protect the adventurers. Spells after spells were cast by Lily to strengthen their formation so that they can hold them.

"Archers! Ready your bow," Lily flew to rear end of the formation. An invisible platform started to lift the archers up in the air. "Draw!" she exclaimed. The tip of their arrows started glowing bright purple and flashing with lightning.


Dozens of arcs of thunder shot down from the sky and rained hell upon the demons. Each demon hit with it exploded in a shower of blood and gore.

"[Widen Boost Magic - Heavy Recover]!"

Just like that, the wounded returned their ranks, ready to fight once more. Lily lowered herself down to the ranks. "That should be all of them for now," she gestured at all the empty houses and silent streets. "Adventurers! Gather survivors, don't bother looking for corpses," she said.

The adventurers, already boosted with quick march started running towards each one of the house. They swept through the streets faster than what's possible. Lily lowered herself down in front of some Orichalcum adventurer standing along the guards.

"Lily sama," one of the adventurer said.


"What ranks were the demon we just fought?"

"Hellhounds, 15,"

The adventurer nodded a little. "So these spells increased the guards all the way to fifteen rank?" he asked. "That's very impressive Lily sama."

A smile formed on Lily's face. "Yes, thank you,"

"Speaking of ranks, what is Jaldabaoth and the insect maid's rank?" another adventurer asked.

"The insect maid is around one fifty,"


Everyone who heard Lily's voice had the same reaction.

"The maids are all rated at one hundred fifty and..." Lily looked at the adventurers who just returned with some struggling survivors. "There are six of them, each with different strength and weakness," she added.

Silence fell across the ranks.

Then, one adventurer who looked like a war veteran raised his hand. "And Jaldabaoth? What is his rank?"

"Two hundred and fifty five," Lily replied.

"Wait a minute! Are you saying Momon-sama, your brother, is going to fight that difficulty 255 monster by himself? And what about the Demon Maids?!"

Lily bit her lip and looked down.

"Lily sama? What is… what is Momon's power rating?"

"...250," her voice were barely audible but everyone heard it. "Yes, he's fighting six level 150 opponents and a 255 demon emperor," she raised her head and looked at each and every single one of them. "So don't you fucking dare running away. He's risking his life saving your asses and I expect you to do nothing less, GOT IT!?"


"Good," Lily turned towards one of the last adventurers who brought in a struggling man. She raised her staff towards him. "[Lion Heart]," she said before walking to the now calmer man.

"What's wrong with him?"

"His wife and one of his child went missing," he replied.

"Human sacrifices are needed for every demon invasion, I suppose the first part of Jaldabaoth plan was to kidnap as many people as possible to raise an army," she looked at the brokenhearted man in the adventurer's grasp. "I'm sorry for your loss, [Sleep]," she tapped the man's head with his staff and he fell asleep. "Get him with other survivors."

With that, Lily's rank continues the march through the demon invasion.

After almost three hours, they crossed path with Lakyus's adventurer team. Her group looked like they just ran the marathon twice and the woman herself looked like she just swam the same distance. Though, behind them are double the number of guards she started with.

Turns out, reinforcements actually came from the kingdom. The elite troops are those from the kingdom and there's even the warrior captain himself standing a midst the powerful army. There's even a carriage where the King of the Country himself sat.

Lily lowered down from the sky and landed right in front of Lakyus. "Good evening senpai," she said with a smile. Then she looked at the army from the kingdom. "Looks like you got some reinforcements."

"Yes, you can say that I didn't expect this," she looked at her group and found them all still alive and well. "Guess you have better luck than us huh?" she asked.

"You could say that," Lily replied before walking towards Lakyus's group. She walked straight towards the middle of the rank. A bunch of soldiers tried to stop her, but the Warrior Captain simply gestured them to let her through.

"Stronoff san, good evening," Lily greeted him.

The Warrior Captain smiled at her. "Good evening Lily, I'm glad you're alright," he had no doubt that Lily would get here unscathed, but he's glad either way that her army made it here.

Then, Lily looked at the king sitting on the carriage. The king looked at her in a mixture of surprise, confusion, and curiosity. "Good evening my king! My name is Lily, the sister of the Adamantite Adventurer Momon and a new member of the Blue Rose, it's a pleasure to meet you," she bowed at him a little.

The king nodded in response. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Lily san…"

King Rasponsa was about to say something when the ground shook beneath them. Lily rocketed out of the ground and begun scanning the area a distance away from them. She clicked her tongue and looked back down.

"My king, the demon army has gathered and is about to make their last stand here," Lily explained followed by a nervous look coming from all the soldiers. "I need you to stay back, because, no offense. Even in a game of chess, this is a stupid decision."

"I understand," the King said and some of the king's personal body guard sighed in relief.

"Stronoff san," Lily looked at Gazef and took out her staff. "May I see your sword for a bit?" Gazef showed her one of the national treasure of re-estize. "Nice… Can I, give it a little bit of enchantment?"

"As long as it won't harm the sword then, by all means…"

Lily grinned and her staff lights up. "[Five Elements Maximize Magic - Magic Weapon]!" she exclaimed and the sword turned from gleaming white into blazing purple with crackles of electricity. "This should slay just about anything in one hit."

Gazef took one look at the sword and smiled a little. "It's an honor fighting with you, Lily dono…" he said before walking towards the front ranks.

Lily nodded and floated above the ranks of soldiers. "[Widen Boost Magic - Heavy Recover] [Widen Boost Magic - Lion Heart] [Widen Boost Magic - Quick March] [Widen Boost Magic - Anti Evil Protection]!"

Gazef watched with wide eyes as the newly minted member of Blue Rose threw spells after spells towards his men. The morale skyrocketed the moment Lily begun her speech and he can feel himself leading an entire band of battle ready soldier instead of some half baked Guards.

A few minutes later, roaring sounds came from the distance. The two groups watched with wide eyes as a bunch of very high tier demons came charging towards them. It was only thanks to the spell no one turned tail and run yet.

"Everyone get into formations! Those are gazers and… I can't remember the name, but they're deadly," she said.

A distance away from them was a demon that looked like a cross between a man and a frog. Its skin was a jaundiced yellow, gleaming with a sticky, shiny coating. Its body was covered in huge lumps which looked like human faces pressed out against its skin from the inside.

A mouth that could swallow a man in one gulp gaped open, and an abnormally long tongue began tasting the air.

Around it were Hellhounds, waiting for their prey.

After that were demons which looked like a human being that had been skinned and its exposed musculature painted with some kind of slimy black liquid.

There were forty hounds, three swollen-bodied demon covered in faces, and ten of the flayed demons.

"Arches ready!"

Gazef looked up and saw Lily floating above the sky with rows upon rows of archers standing in midair behind her.


The archers drawn their arrows and the tip of it started to glow crimson red with the power of [Spark] [Fireball] [Magic Weapon] and [Holy Light].


Red arcs of light flew above the sky and straight towards the largest demon. The numerous arrows broke through it skin, leaving devastating holy burns all over its body.

Then, the little girl dropped down right in front of her troops. She brandished her machete and it burns with magic. "CHARGE!!!"

They charged against the demon's rank and everyone found themselves fighting in a war beyond the mortal realm. Every single one of the adventurers fought on the same level as any adamantite adventurer. Their shining weapons banished the darkness and struck deep into demon's rank.

Arcs of light rained down from the heavens, obliterating all the high level demons.

To the onlookers it looks like dozens of rays of light swept through the clearing and destroyed the darkness. There was no cries of fear nor were there cries of agony. Only the sound of triumph and fury that would've struck fear into any enemies heart.

Then, against the never ending onslaught, the adventurers started to get overwhelmed.

"Fall back!" Lily yelled and at once all of the adventurers returned back to the line.

The Guards held their shield, their metal plates gleamed proudly in the night, their face was that of a soldier ready to die for their country. They gazed at the demons straight in the eyes, unwavering against the onslaught.

Then, when the demons was inches away from their ranks, an invisible wall stopped them in their tracks.

Rain pours down from the sky as Lily flooded the streets with water. Not a single one of her troops were wet however, they were simply safe behind the invisible wall.

"Brace yourself everyone!"

Night turned day as the water glows like liquid sun. The demons started burning in the light before the water burst into hot steams that crackles with electricity. It was as if someone just plucked the most powerful thundercloud in the world and put it in the battle field.

Crashes of thunder and crackles of fire obliterated every single one of the lower level demons. The remaining ones were shot down by the heaven's wrath or destroyed by the war itself.

After what felt like hours, the mist and cloud dispersed. A single figure stood in the middle of the warzone. A tall human-like figure with tail wearing a mask and a suit. Unbothered by all the death and carnage surrounding him.

The last demon standing clapped his hands. "My, my…" he chuckled in amusement. "You weren't holding anything back do you?"

Lily landed in front of the demon. Her small stature looked mightier than even the strongest warrior in the land. "Good evening Jaldabaoth," she said without flinching. "Ainz sama's been waiting for you, you know? What are you doing here?"

Jaldabaoth straightened his tie. "I simply do not find his invitation appealing," he said.

Lily smirked a little after hearing that. "You really think you can win here?"

"Of course, just watch," he raised his arms. "[Hellf-" with a resounding 'WHAM' the demon was thrown away by a gigantic great sword. A warrior clad in black stood in front of Lily. It is the humanity's trump card, Momon the Dark Hero.

"I'll take it from here."

Evileye landed right beside Lily, her hands shining with magic. "Good to see you here Lily," Evileye said while staring at where Momon just knocked away the demon lord. "Now, if I'm not wrong, there should be five more maids isn't there?"

Lily clicked her tongue. "Yes, yes there are," five forms emerged from the mist the moment she said that. Each one of them are unmistakably beautiful women wearing maid uniforms. Each one of them are a formidable foe capable of leveling an entire city.

"Well… at least I'm not fighting the insect maid," Lily said.

"Yes, thanks for that by the way," Evileye replied sarcastically. "Any plans? Should we piss them off?"

"If you want a quick death, yes,"

After saying that, Lily took out a bright blue crystal from her pocket. "This, is my trump card, Ainz sama gave it to me for when stuff goes awry," she said. "Can you guess what's inside this bad boy?"

"A tenth tier spell?"

Lily shook her head. "Nope, this thing contains an eleventh tier spell," she raised the crystal and it glows in a blinding light. "I need a minute!"

When the light dies down, Evileye found herself staring at six shining figures. They're angels, Evileye knew that much. But she has never seen such angels before, each one of their strength rivals even that of Jaldabaoth.

Each one of them has a total of four wings, with one pair of wings stretched out and another pair folded around them. Clad in a suit of shining armor, it is armed with a shield adorned with eye patterns in one hand and a lance of fire in the other.

Evileye looked at Lily who's grinning like mad girl.

"Eleventh!? Your great mentor, the magic caster, he…" Evileye couldn't believe it. No creature in this world supposed to be able to use such spell. "He made it? Is he a godkin?"

"Evileye senpai," Lily smiled at her like a teacher patiently telling her student that one plus one isn't four. "Ainz sama is not a godkin, he is god," she said.

Just like that, heavens break loose.

If there is one word to describe this battle is that it was simply divine. Five out of six of the angels charged in towards the five maids. Blazing holy light shot out of the angel and pushed back the five demon maids.

On the other side of the battlefield, the Dark Hero clashes off against the Demon Emperor. To the onlooker it was simply an unending blur and sparks of light. To those with keen eyes, it was simply a melee beyond anything in this world.

It was a scene that will forever goes down to the realm of legends. The day when Heaven and Hell went to war.

Haios_Paradox Haios_Paradox


We are nearing the end of the backlog

Just sayin'



I can't promise that the story will be continued.

It's been years since I wrote this story...

next chapter
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