27.53% Our Journey From Engagement to marriage / Chapter 19: 17. A date with him

บท 19: 17. A date with him

Preeti's point of view

I took a long shower after the cockroach incident. I still can fell his creepy slippery legs on my neck and hand. Cockroaches creeps me out since my childhood. They are the reason I don't eat rajma curry. No offense of rajma curry but they are look like a cockroaches. No one knows about that and I am not planning to tell anyone. Anshul love rajma and if he will know the reason behind my hateness of rajma curry he makes me eat to it stubbornly.

I went to downstairs for the presentation of dinner but as soon as I entered the hall mummy rushed to me with a list on her hand.

"Preeti...beta..Will you Please go to the market. Your chachi (Aunty) called me and asked me to buy these things. I could ask Anshul but he went to his friend's house and don't know when he will come." She said while handing me the list.

My chachi and tayi are living in our village which was a forty minute drive from here. Every year we celebrates Diwali in our village. It's kind of a family ritual in our family. So this way we all cousins, aunt and uncle could meet and have a family dinner together at least at once in a year.

I took the list from mummy's hand and take a look of it. There are things which we need for a Diwali puja, few things for decorations and most important the silver coin of goddess laxmi for dhanteras puja.

"But mummy we can buy them in morning. It's already dark outside. How could I get to market now and what about the dinner." I asked looking at mummy.

"Don't worry about the dinner I will cook it. Keerti will help me. Your papa will be going to village tomorrow early in the morning due to some work in fields. So you need to buy them now." Mummy said.

"..and how will I go to market?" I asked while looking at the list again.

"Don't worry about that. I already asked Siddharth and he is ready to accompany you to market." My head spun to mummy as soon as she gave me the information.

I and Siddharth alone.

My face turned into red when a thought came into my mind. Mummy is looking at me with her confused eyes. My blush is deepen when I saw Siddharth behind Mummy.

I immediately lowered my gaze and looked down.

"Shall we?" I heard him whispering softly close to me.

I raised my head and looked at him. Mummy is nowhere in my sight. I didn't even hear her walking away.

I am still embarrassing about the evening incident. It was just a cockroach and I made myself embarrassed in front of our whole family.

I looked at him and he has a soft grin on his face like he was thinking something in his mind and it gave a pleasure to him. He is looking at me still waiting for my reply.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and nodded my head.

When we reached to his car he opened the passenger door and hold it open for me.

I like his small gesture for me in which he makes me feel special.

I hopped inside the car and he closed the door behind me.

He walked around the car and hopped inside the car on driving seat.

This is the first time when I am in his car sitting beside him on the passenger door. For next few hours we both will going to be alone. This alone thought gave a chill to my spine and my stomach churned in new feelings.


We went to market and bought all thing which was on the the list. Market is rush as comparison to other days. This is expected because it's festive season and market is full of new lighting chandeliers, fairy lights, plastic garlands, candles, rangoli colours.

Every time we walked into a rush shop Siddharth was there, walking beside me and make sure I didn't bumped to someone.

After shopping we walked out from the shop. Siddharth took shopping bags from my hand and put them at the back seat of car.

"Can we have dinner outside." He asked me in a law voice when we both settled in the car.

His hands are holding the steering wheel and his face is illuminating by the streetlights and shop lights.

I don't know what to say. It's already a dinner time and I know this all shopping makes him hungry. He didn't eat anything after lunch and it's already 8.30 P.m of evening.

But why I am feeling it was not because of starving, he asked me because he wants to spend time with me alone. Whatever it is, I also want this. I also want to spend some alone time with him but what about mummy she will scold me to death if I got late. What everyone will think. They must be waiting for us to arrive home before dinner time.

"Don't worry about everyone. I already called Anshul that we both will have dinner outside."

"Now shall we..?"He whispered softly looking at me.

I nodded my head as 'yes.'

"Okey.." I whispered and lower down my head to hide the pink colour on my cheeks.


We went to a restaurant nearby park. Their food is really delicious and affordable too, plus they had a great view of park. You can see the couples and teenagers jogging and having fun with their partners and friends. Kids are playing at the play section of the park.

A waitress probably in her late teenage came to us and took our orders. Siddharth is ordering for both of us.

Whole time her eyes is fixing on Siddharth. Her cheeks turned in pink shade when Siddharth looked at her while giving her order. She is not looking at him with lust, it was like you found a handsome guy in a crowd and wants him to stare at him all your heart before he disappear in crowd.

My lips curled into smile looking at her and I bit my lip to hide my smile when. But I think Siddharth noticed my smile. I am not surprised, looking at her. She is not the first girl who looked at him like this. When we were in shop for shopping, mostly girl was looking at him with same expressions.

He looked at me confusingly and then the waitress. I think he understand the reason behind my smile because he shifted uncomfortably in his seat when he noticed waitress pink cheeks and her gaze on him.

When she left after taking our orders

I chuckled softly and shake my head when she looked back at Siddharth while walking forward.

"I am sorry. I can't help it. It happens most of the time." He chuckled softy.

"It's okey. I can understand." I said in a understanding manner and gave him a small smile.

"So you afraid of cockroaches?" He asked me while putting his both hands on table and slightly lean to me.

My cheeks immediately turned pink when I remember the evening cockroach incident. I was so scared that I didn't even realized I was hugging him in front of our families.

"I am sorry but they creeps me out and I freaked whenever saw them near me." I said while chuckling. I heard him chuckling too.

"I don't have problem with them as long as you hugged me tightly to save yourself." He whispered under his breath but I hear him and my cheeks immediately turn red with shyness.

"What else creeps you more." He asked me while leaning back to his chair.

"No one just cockroaches." I said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of lizards?" He said amusingly.

"No.." i said.

"Not a little bit.." He asked me while raising his one eyebrow in question.

I shake my head as 'No.'

"Well I do." He said and singh.

"Do you?" I asked with a little amusement. I can't believe he afraid of lizards.

"Mmmhhhmmm... So Next time when I saw a lizard I will hold you like you hold me when you saw the cockroach." He said amusingly.

My cheeks turned into tomato. I know he doesn't afraid of lizards. He just love to make me blush in front of him.

After sometime same waitress come back with our orders. She keeps looking Siddharth's side but his eyes didn't move from my face, making me blush under his gaze.

We both eat our food while talking in random things, tey to know each other closely. He asked me about my college life and he also told me about his college life and his two childhood friends Nick and James.

After dinner he paid the bills we both walked outside the door towards our car when my eyes fell on the ice cream van and they sails faluda ice cream, one of my favorite icecream.

"Icecream..?" I asked Siddharth while gesturing him towards the ice cream van.

"Okey.." He chuckled softly and nodded his head 'yes.'

I walked to the ice cream van and come back with two cup of faluda icecream.

"Mmmm...It's yummy." Siddharth moaned when he have one spoon of ice cream.

"It's my favorite. " I said looking at him with smile.

"From now on mine too." He whispered under his breath but I heard him and turned into red shade when I heard what he said.

I lowered my head and started eating my ice cream silently.

"Do you come here often?" He asked me looking at me and leaned to his car bonnet.

Every boy, passing on the street looking his car with amazement, after all his car is one pf the posh car and expensive too. It's rare to see such car in a small town.

"It's kind of a hanging out place for me and my friend. We came here for coffee after a busy day in office." I said.

I and kshama came here often to have coffee. It relax our mind after a busy day in office. We sometime walked in park to realise our stress and to spend few more minutes with each other before separating our ways.

"Your hometown is beautiful. There is a calmness in its air." He said looking at me while eating his ice cream.

"This city is not develop like a metro one but the calmness in the nature of this city gave you the peace of mind." I said looking around and then him.

"So if you have a choice after marriage to choose live between New york like metro city your hometown, which one you choose."

He asked while looking into my eyes.

"I will choose where you will live. My home is you then it's not matter where I choose to live. It's up to you. I will be with you where you will go."

He straightened himself and looked at me with his deep eyes. His eyes are holding a many emotions and his eyes holding a intense look when he looked at me.

I also looked at him with same affection. I said all this without hesitation because it's all true. After marriage he will be my home and I want to be with him where he go.

May be he already become my home because I fell protected and safe around him like everyone feel when they reached their home.

Our gaze brok with a laughing of few girls. I averted my gaze from him and looked down when I feel the warmth on my cheeks under his intense gaze.

I threw the disposal cup into a recycle bin. Siddharth also threw his cup after me.

He had a drop of icecream at the corner of his lips. I took a slow step towards him. His eyes are fixing on me when I took a step towards him. My heart is beating fast and goosebumps risen all over my body under his heated yet comfortable gaze.

I took a corner of my dupatta and wiped the icecream from his mouth. I didn't lifted my eyelids to look at him while wiping the ice cream because I knew he is still looking at me with so much affection. My cheeks are turning red than before and I will be look like tomato soon if he keep looking me with so much emotions without blinking.

My heart and mind wants me to lifted my eyelids and looked into his deep one but I was afraid to lost in them. My hand fall from my side and my bangles make a tickling sound increasing a smooth tension between us.

"Look at me....Please.." i heard a plea in his voice like he desperately wants me to to look into his deep eyes and deliberately wants me to lost in them.

With so much courage I slowly lifted my eyelids and lookd into his deep coffee brown eyes which can make anyone crazy just in one look. With so much noise surround us, there is a silence between us that we can hear each other's heart beats. Our eyes are talking again, our heart beats are words and our lips our sealed like every time when we liat in each other's eyes.

"Preeti....what are you doing to me?" He whispered under his breath and keep looking at me with his deep eyes.

We both don't want to go home. We both wants to spend more time with each other. We both wants to know more about each other.

I averted my gaze from him. My cheeks turned into beetroot and I looked down to avoid his gaze.

"Let's have a walk in the park." I raised my head when he suddenly asked me to walk in the park.

We are late but I also want to spend more time with him. We never spend this much time alone with each other. I really want us to spend some time alone with him. I like this feeling. I don't want it to fade away. I want to live it fully.

I nodded my head while tucking the hair behind my ear.


We both walking silently beside each other on the concrete track of the park. Two girls are playing badminton on a grassy ground. Few children are playing with ball and couples are sitting in the bench enjoying the view. Cold breeze touching my face and blowing my hair back.We both are list in our thoughts while walking. There is a comfortable silence between us.

I feel a wave of spark when his hand slightly brushed with mine.

It was yesterday when we both hugged each other, when first time he took me in his arms when I was unable to control my emotions due to the small intimacy we shared. It was loving gesture from him but it was enough for me to give spark my whole body and I just felt that spark when his hands brushed with mine.

Suddenly his hand touched mine and he locked his fingers with mine. My stomach churned and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I also curled my fingers around his and enlocked our hands with fingers.

His lips curled into a small smile and he was grinning to himself. My lips also curled up into a shy smile and bit my lower lips to control my blush. We both walked silently hand in hand lost in our thoughts or maybe each other's thoughts.

"Is there a lot work in office?" I asked in a low voice while looking in front.

I don't know if I should asked him or not. But he was so busy today that he barely came out from his room.

"You were very busy with your work that you barely left room." I loud out my thoughts after a little pause and then looked at him.

His face turned to me and looked at me with a small smile on his face. Hi turned his face in front and expressions changed into serious one like he is going to share something with which he didn't tell anyone.

"When I was in high school, since then I knew that one day I have to take over dad's business. Many people wants be at my place because it's easy to reach top when you are inherited with riches but I don't want anything for easy for me. I want to reach at top because of my hard work, not because I am inherit of my father's company. I want to earn the position where dad is right now."

I looked at him with adoration when he was still looking in front.

"So when I was in eleventh grade I started working on Dad's factory without telling anyone to observe the production work closely and how it runs and the best part was that no one knows who I am so they treated me like a normal employee." I said with a soft chuckle and then his face again changed into serious one.

"One day Dad's manager saw me working in the factory. When he came to know everything he promised me he will teach me everything and will give me training. He didn't tell about this to Dad." His eyes dilated little and he looked like he lost in the past and replaying those days in his mind.

"After graduating from high school I studied hard to get admission in London business school. At summer vacations I used my holidays to used to go Dad's office to prepare myself for future. It was hard at starting but I mold myself according to it."

We both walked hand in hand further. I heard him without interrupting him. I want to know everything about him. I want to be close to his heart where he could tell me everything and I also tell him about me.

"I want to surprise Dad with my skills So I am starting my own company in technical field. We got the funds but some formal things are remaining. I was in a conference meeting with my CTO and my friend Nick. It took long to complete. They cursed me letter to made them awake in late hours."

We both chuckled at the last part. He shake his head slightly in amazement while laughing.

"What your company name?" I asked, while looking at him.

"Kapoor technologies. The logo of the company is under K.tech. It's short form." He said and gave me a small smile.

We both complete the third round of the track and now started our fourth round.

I was feeling lucky that he shares something with that he didn't tell anyone not even with his friends or family. I always thought that it was easy to reach om top when your family is already successful but looking at Siddharth and his dedication towards his work proved me wrong. Every person has to do work hard to reach on the tol. Maybe few people thinks like Siddharth but I am glad he is one of the few person.

"I didn't share it with anyone but I am glad I shared it with you." He stopped in our steps. I also stopped.

I gasped when he raised our interlock hands up to his mouth and kissed at the back of my palm. I lowered my eyelids when his eyes are looking at me when he kissed on my hand. My cheeks felt warm and make my cheeks red.

We both started walking again in silence.

"The day you came to my to help me unpacking and we talked about you prom's picture you seemed disturb, like it was a difficult part for you to talk about. I saw pain in your eyes." He said looking into my eyes like he knows it was horrible and he wants to remove it.

But it was difficult to talk about. I know promised myself that one day I will tell him everything. I don't want to hide anything from him. I don't know if it's a big thing or not but it was the horrible memory for me. I don't know if he will believe it or not.

"It's hard to talk about." I whispered and lowered my head and looked down while walking.

"I want you to talk about it." He halt in his steps and so do I.

His voice was firm and soft and his grip on my hand tight and caressed his thumb at the back of my hand like he wants to assure me that he is here for me and not gonna live me.

"Bulli helps you at certain point to build a confidence in you and teach you how to tackle in a difficult situation but when it went overboard it haunts in your dream and effect your future life." I whispered in low voice and started walking again.

It's hard to talk about but I want to talk about it with someone. I never shared this thing with anyone but I want lessen the burden from my heart by talking about it.

"When my cousin and her boyfriend exposed my crush to everyone and make fun of me almost all senior students, things were not same after that day. High school never be easy for me but it was worst after that day." I whispered and gulped the lump which formed inside my throat.

"What happened after that day?" He asked me in a firm voice like he can feel my pain. His voice holding the emotions.

"Nothing was normal. Everyone started get back on me. They taunted me and have fun of me. My own friends talked shit about me behind my back. My class treated me like that I am burden on earth. But I want to forget everything and wanted to live normal. I was trying but then farewell party come. You Americans calls it prom but it's a farewell party to us. I didn't want to go but Shivani di forced me to attend the party. I was also excited for the party. I wanted to enjoy the last day of my high school." I gulped and took a deep breath try to control the forming tears in my eyes.

I never thought it was that hard to talk about. My heart is beating fast when everything was replaying in my mind.

"It was not a great party. No one was talking to me. I was feeling alone but I have no complaints because it was a last day of high school. When the party was about to end one of my calss mate came to me and said that she needs my help in college application and meet me in computer lab in five minutes but when I reached there, there was no one. Four boys were already present there and of them was whom I thought I have feelings for. His name was Anuj." My voice become heavy at the end. I felt Siddharth's grip on my hand become tighter. I took a deep breath to control my tears. They don't worth for my tears.

"They pushed me on the teacher's table. Two boys hold my hands and one of hold my legs tighter. I was screaming and asking for help but they covered my mouth with duct tape. Anuj rubbed a red bloodied wet colour on my face. After that my cousin came to the room and write looser on my both arms with same red paint. She said that she did it for fun and my punishment to laid my eyes on her boyfriend. I was afraid so much after that. That day sky also cry with me. After washing my face in washroom I waked home under heavy rain with my teary eyes, cursing myself to have feelings for such person who didn't even have a humanity. That day I lost my faith from everyone. That incident effects my college life. I was always afraid to talk anyone and I am happy for that because that's how no one can hurt me. That was the worst day of my life." I walked further holding my tears in my eyes when suddenly I halted in my steps when Siddharth's hand make me stop to walk further.

I looked back at him and his eyes holding the same pain of mine. Like he can feel my pain from his heart. He pulled me closer to him and took a slow steps towards him.

"Why didn't you tell anyone from your family about that?" He whispered. His voice was holding a pain.

Nothing would happen if I told my family. Riki brainwashed my family with her lies. My mother believed her more than I and the worst part was when my family looked at me with doubtful eyes. Nothing is painful than when your family doesn't believe you. I felt distant with my family.

"No one was going to believe me. It was no longer when mummy slapped me for a boy. Mummy even admit that they don't believe me when it comes to boys. Even Shivani di didn't understand me." I whispered lowly and lowered my eyelids.

Finally a lone tear escape from my eyes when I can't help to control them. My lips trembled but I bit them to control my sobs and tears escaped from my other eye also. Nothing was more painful when your family lost their faith on you. They don't believe you and can't see what you are going through and that time my family lost faith from me. They even admit it infront of me.But it's all in past I don't have any grudges against my family. I know they love me.

"Is that why you afraid of being judge." He cupped my face and wiped my tears with his both hand thumbs.

I nodded my head slowly still looking down.

"Preeti...I never thought for having a crush on someone is that hard for a small town girl and people will judge her so easily that treats her like she committed a murder." He whispered lowly while wiping my tears again when more tears pore down from my eyes.

"Preeti...look at me." I whispered lovingly still cupping my face between his palms.

I slowly raised my eyelids and looked into his eyes which holding the same pain as mine. He didn't judge me like others. His eyes holding the pain like he understand my pain closely.

"Do you know that you are the most amazing person I have ever met. What your classmates done to you taat showed their characters not yours. Never shade your precious tears for those who don't worth for it." He whispered closely to my face while making me comfort under his touch.

No one had ever said those comforting words to me. People will judge you easily by your actions even though you don't even mean that way. Their hurtful comments forced you to think that it must be your fault. But only few people is always there for you who really cared for you. Who hear you out without judging you and Siddharth is the same person in my life who understands me and not judge me for that where my own family judge me for someone.

"I know.." I whispered out and nodded my head slowly. He leaned and slowly kissed on my forehead. I closed my eyes and lean to his touch.

His phone vibrates in his pocket and he pulled away to receive the call.


"Yeah..we are on our way." After saying this he hung up the call.

"It's keerti. Everyone is waiting for us at home." He said while shoving his phone inside his pocket.

I nodded my head.

"Let's go.." He whispered and interlocked our fingers again while guiding me towards the car.


The whole drive for home is fill with silence but it was a comfortable one. None of us tried to break it. After sharing my worst day with Siddharth I felt light hearted like someone lifted the burden from my heart and now it is functioning batter than before.

I am in love with him.

I live this man so much that I am afraid that I will not be survive he will leave me. I turn my head towards him, his eyes are focusing on the road and his beautiful face is illuminating under the streetlights. He also turned his head and looked at me. Our gaze met for a minute before he turned back his attention on the road. I also turned back my attention and looked outside the window.

What happened with me in my high school it wasn't anyone's fault. What my cousin, her boyfriend and friends done to me because of their narrow thinking and maybe they were immature but they gave the nightmares to me in return. I don't get nightmares now but when something drastic happens to me I got nightmares but they went away after haunting me a month or two.

Siddharth is everything which every girl asked for. No matter how he was in his past life but I know one thing he respects women a lot and will hurt anyone deliberately. I am lucky I am going to marry him.

Siddharth stops the car in our driveway but none of us make a move to leave. Maybe we both want spend few more minutes with each other, maybe we both want to steal few more minutes from time. I looked at him, his both one hand is gripping the steering wheel and one was resting on his lap. He was looking outside, lost in his own thoughts.

He is looking handsome under the fairy lights of our house and I am missing his touch, his warmth.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and slowly leaned to him. He didn't notice my presence near him because he didn't turn his face to look at me. I leaned more slowly kissed him on his left cheek. His shin is warm and after shave cheeks are little rough for my lips but they are feeling soft to me. My heart was beating fast my lips touched his skin. This is the first time I am showing the loving gesture to him. This is the first time I am kissing him. I slowly pulled back myself.

His eyebrows raised in shock when realization hit him. I spun his head to me but before he could say anything I opened the passenger door of car door and stepped outside from the car.

When I was about to enter the house I turned back and looked at him. He was still inside the car, holding a steering wheel with his right hand and grinning softly.

I chuckled softly and lowered my head when I think what I just did. I opened the door and walked inside.


This is longest chapter I had write. This chapter have 5136 words. It took lot of time to write the single chapter.

This is the whole new chapter which I didn't write before the editing. I hope you like the chapter.

Please guys votw and comment to share your views about the chapter.


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