98.88% Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter / Chapter 89: Opening Day

บท 89: Opening Day

(Opening Day)

Steve clamped the last collar on a Warg and stationed it outside the golden gates to the Inner Sanctum. Their home was where their most valuable things were stored so they were well prepared in guarding it against attacks and intrusions from all sides. Not that there weren't already several natural defences against an intrusion anyway. But just to be safe, and to make a show of things as he always liked doing, Steve had set two of the wargs outside the golden gates, and some others on top of the wall that the Memphis Manor was built against so nobody could come in from outside the city.

The lead Minecrafter turned around to view the outer sanctum and surveyed all the workshops that had been put up.

The Forge was by far the biggest attraction, and Makena's area in this place. Running into it from a canal coming from the Inner Sanctum was a steady flow of boiling lava that was funnelled into the forge itself and by way of hopper systems fuelling the blast furnaces which were already roaring like mad and hungry beasts. Makena stood at a counter where behind her was a whole display of weapons from swords to spears to axes and many other things.

Steve had crossed out swords made from precious gems as per some agreements within the League and reserved such luxury weaponry for only the best adventurers out there. By using a metals mod, Steve had provided Makena with many durable and quality metals that would make the best swords the lower level adventurers could even dream of. Also behind Makena beneath all the displays were the work stations, the shaping furnace and a new set of anvils of her choice. Settled on stands were some armours that she'd put up as possible options as well. In reality, once these things were commissioned, and the money was handed over, she'd just compile all the orders and when the day was over, go into the back and craft them in a crafting table.

Quick delivery would certainly make their sails boost.

Noor's potion workshop was like a special upgrade from a witch's hut where customers could actually go inside, where they would be greeted by a large board with pictures of potions on them and a small brief description of what they did if the names weren't obvious enough. With his super enhanced vision, he stared through the window and saw the two newest members of the Craftsmen's League already in there with her, bustling around.

Naaza was helping Noor man the front desk, and the Chienthrope's patron was in the backroom, running between different potion stands and eagerly brewing vials and bottles of different potions to fill their stock.

Steve had trusted Noor to do her job well enough to convince the duo to join them in this particular field. After having accepted the Miach Familia's request to join the Accords too, they were assigned to Noor as their supervisor and the contents of the agreement as well as the negotiations were entrusted to her. This would help her build her confidence and her experience in recruiting more people to help her within her line of work in the future and would build for her a sense independence and competence.

Or so he told the rest of the Familia.

In reality, he didn't want to be the one handling negotiations and just wanted to delegate work to his Familia members. Anything regarding the forging of equipment was given to Makena and Noor would deal with all the alchemy and potions related stuff.

As for Efe, she had been given a bamboo hut with looms inside where she had hung up different pieces of clothing like dresses and capes with different designs on them. And Steve had to admit, for all the little girl wasted her money on clothes and jewellery, she definitely knew how to design stuff. And considering they were using unmarred wool from their Minecraft sheep, and plants grown in Sunny's garden which already proved to be amongst the best quality crops in the world, her fabrics was amongst some of the best that Steve had ever seen...and he was from the modern era. The way her fingers danced over those looms made him so proud of his little sister.

Speaking of Sunny, he was stationed more towards the gates of the Outer Sanctum and had what just looked like a normal farmer's stands and displays with crates and tables. But even from a distance, one could see the luscious shine and quality of said produce, both fruits and vegetables. Steve had no doubt that the place would be cleaned up nice and easy.

And the simple reason for that was the fact that it was not only adventurers that were gathered outside the gates of the Outer Sanctum, looking in through the bars and waiting to come in. There were also merchants and ordinary people from the city folk who wanted to come in and do some sightseeing. The War Game as per his schemes had been the biggest promotional event ever, and putting out the treasures of the Ptah Familia on full display in front of practically the whole world had drawn in both the curious and the greedy, the young and the old, the wise and the foolish.

Despite the immense fear that the Ptah Familia also inspired because of their monstrous strength, Steve had always been right about one thing more than anyone else. Mortals, especially humans, were just far too curious for their own good. If they thought that they could see a lump of gold at the back of a lion's throat, there would always be that one idiot who would put his hand in to take it, knowing full well that the moment the lion decides to close its jaw, that would be the end of his arm.

And the Ptah Familia had capitalised on that curiosity and it had brought in a large audience.

Ari was tasked with the aesthetics job. For a certain price, she would take a commissioned weapon or any weapon for that matter and polish it up nice and good before decorating it as per the customer's options. But in addition to that was also her arrangement of jewellery for sale. To Steve's surprise, there was yet another part of her personality that the universe seemed to fill in for him. Ari made her own bullets from scratch, as well as the small fiddly pieces of her weapons, and due to that she was very used to getting down to all the nitty gritty tedious metal work.

Give her a few gemstones and she could make some of the best jewellery one could find.

Alex was in charge of overall security this time around. She would be walking around and conducting inspections and making sure nobody was misbehaving while also explaining the comings and goings of the Ptah Familia's bazaar. She would also be there to lend a hand in any of the work that needed to be done. Meanwhile, Steve decided to torture Kai a little bit by putting her in charge of the bookstall, which sold storybooks, picture books and academia and all other kinds of subjects with Haruhime as her assistant in this task. Steve decided that Kai's need for speed had made her quite impatient and something like stall-keeping for a bunch of books would help her with that problem.

Speaking of, Cassandra had been assigned to help out Noor and the alchemists in the potions shop, and Daphne had been assigned to Sunny to help him keep up counting the sales while also protecting the crops and produce from sneaky hands. As it turned out, Daphne had extremely sharp eyes.

And as for Aisha...well Steve had left it up to the Amazon to do what she wanted. When they'd been sorting out roles for everybody, she had suggested that she use her experience and her 'special sales tactics' to draw in more gullible men to buy something or take some small thing from their services. Considering what a powerful seductress she was, Steve had deemed it fitting that he let her wander as letting her do so would make the most out of her talent...just so long as it didn't escalate and to Alex's insistence, was nowhere near their pure and innocent Efe so she wouldn't be corrupted.

And Steve himself had decided to take on Zuri's share of the work since the Sage was away on his mission. They had built another small house furthest away from the outer gates, with the roof looking like a wizard's hat, with a bunch of bookshelves lined up against the walls. Wisps and symbols of ethereal magic flowed from the books into a glowing enchantment table and it was stocked up with plenty of lapis...each piece to be charged for a very hefty amount of money which would slowly deter the more unfortunate adventurers.

A large blackboard sign holding the enchantment names on it made that sentiment very clear with the prices on it.

Steve had taken this job himself because he was already expecting first customers to come to him...that being the Loki Familia executives who stood before everybody else at the gates, and right behind them some of the Freya Familia, namely Ottar who had a familiar large sword wrapped up in clean cloth, looking as solemn as ever. His presence mainly had kept a significant portion of the crowd at bay.

Every bit of preparation, every precaution, every episode of drama Steve had concocted thus far had led this stepstone, to make business boom. And with how many people had showed up and the type of people that had showed up...well, he could already hear the tinkle of Valis piles.

Did he mention also that he'd commanded Apollo to send over his best adventurers to act as janitors for the yard and clean up after the people. Even with so many dirty looks from those particular adventurers aimed his way, none of them dared say anything to any member of the Ptah Familia because one only needed to remember the treatment they received at the War Game and it dispelled any notion of dispute and argument.

Steve entered the enchantment workshop and closed the door behind him before walking up to the counter which faced the gates of the Outer Sanctum. Waiting inside for him was Ptah who was huddled in one corner reading, though a dark cloud hung over his head and a couple of veins throbbed on his bald head.

"Still mad about it Ptah?" Steve questioned.

"You didn't let me put one...ONE sculpture out there. Look at the customer base! I could have made a fortune with my art."

"Your art would have scared all of them away." Steve chided. "Half of them are women and children. They'd have heart attacks just from seeing the 'best' of what you have. How many times do I have to say it...your sculptures are things of nightmares! A market like this is no place to sell them."

"Then what choice do I have huh?" Ptah grumbled. "I have hundreds of products in stock. What am I supposed to do with them?"

"We'll figure something out." Steve sighed as he dragged his palm down his face. "Find some morbid society or something who will try to appreciate your creations. But for now, just stick to the plan."

"You ungrateful brats." Ptah muttered. "Let's just hope my new soon-to-be followers will have more appreciation of me and my genius than you lot."

"The Hikuptah might be fanatics Ptah, but I don't think anyone in their right mind would like your creations." Steve shook his head. "Besides, why do you say that with that tone? You didn't even know these guys existed. While they worshipped you and built cities for you, then were persecuted and enslaved because of their devotion to you, you were just sleeping the ages away in your temple. You only heard about them yesterday."

"You can't blame me for being optimistic." Ptah shrugged. "If they could stay devoted to me for so long, they're sure to appreciate everything I make. You might be big and tough but even you get swayed by popular opinion. Just you watch, they'll support me. And then I will sell my masterpieces." 

"Yeah, yeah. We're ready now." Steve coughed as he braced himself and lifted his hands. "The Ptah Familia bazaar is now...open!" He clapped his hands loudly.

With a low moaning and creak, the gates of the outer sanctum opened and let in a flood of people as they excitedly bustled in, eyeing the workshops and the stores with intrigue and interest. Immediately people began to make their intentions known. The young women including younger female adventurers immediately made a beeline for the jewellery stand and Efe's clothes shop, their eyes glittering as they saw the beautiful silks and the glistening gold and silver.

The women on the older side and especially those who were mothers pulling children along moved towards Sunny's farm stall and the started bombarding the farmer with questions about certain foods and the prices attached to them. Not even a minute had gone by and already they started shouting and haggling for prices. It actually made Steve shiver a little because the legends turned out to be true.

Housewives really were monsters in human skin.

But of course the adventurers started to swarm the potions shop, Makena's forge and the most prominently powerful ones headed straight for Steve. The Minecrafter was greeted by his friends first and foremost...ahead of them being his mate and his other girlfriend.

"Hiya Steve!" Tiona greeted him enthusiastically as she slammed her Urga down on the counter. "You know what to do!"

"Tiona." Ais said in her usual monotone voice. "Please calm down. We have to be more respectful now that Steve is doing work."

"She does have a point Tiona." Steve raised a chastising eyebrow. "There's better conduct than this...and manners as well. So for that, I'll be servicing Ais's weapon first." He said as he held out a hand for Ais's Desperate which the blonde was all too happy to pass over.

This made his Amazon mate pout deeply.

"Oh come on, you've never had a problem with my greetings before. Why are you showing favouritism now and being mean?"

"Because we're in professional settings. Scream for me all you like whenever we're 'alone' Tiona, but not in front of my shop." Steve said as he inspected the enchantments on Desperate. He also noted that the durability on Desperate was quite low already. Ais would have to make another visit to Goibniu very soon if she didn't take care of the problem. "I assume you both have the money?"

""Right here."" They both said as they held up jingling moneybags. "I'm not careless enough to forget that." Tiona added.

"I didn't expect you to be. You're not dumb Tiona like a lot of people around you make it seem to be. But you're a little too eager." Steve said as he smiled at her. "But just know, I wouldn't have you any other way."

"...You dummy." Tiona said as a warm smile spread across her face. "There you go making me all upset, and then just taking it away and putting butterflies in my stomach like it's no effort for you."

"Comes with the charm." Steve said as he took their money and began the upgrades, putting lapis into the table and selecting the enchantments he wished to add.

"And your talent for making people do what you want them to do. Natural leadership." Riveria said as she reached the counter and stared up at him. "And here you go making everyone else think that the girls are the one with the power in this relationship of yours."

"Your assumptions. I never said anything of the sort." He replied. "How you guys doing?"

"Better than ever now that you've opened up. About damn time too kid." Gareth said as he stood his axe. "Been waiting for those upgrades for ages."

"It's only been a few weeks you hairy stump." Riveria said. "I can see where the younger lot are learning their impatience from."

"Not that you're much better." Finn piped up. "We all know you just want to burst in there and rip a book from one of those shelves behind him. Why don't you go to Kai's bookstall? Also, can I go next?" Finn called out the last part to Steve as he held up Fleinnleptr in the air.

"Sure." Steve called back.

"I saw that she's not selling those books I'm seeing here." Riveria answered the Pallum. "Just look, these books right there are pouring magical power into that obsidian table he uses for his enchanting. Zuri tried explaining the process to me but I could not understand it really. I wanted to see things for myself."

"You'll get your chance if he's willing to show you." Steve said as he finished both Desperate and Urga and handed them back to his lovers before taking the gift he'd made for Finn. Apparently the Pallum just wanted an upgrade on the impaling effect, to serve as nasty surprise for unsuspecting enemies.

"Will he be back for our joint expedition?" Tione asked as she held out her knives next while trying to steer clear of her reckless sister who was spinning Urga about carelessly like she wasn't going to split the counter in two if she wasn't careful.

"He might be." Steve said. "Depends how long his assignment takes him."

"Do you know where he is now?" Riveria asked with a little bit of hope in her voice.

"I assumed you'd know that better than all of us." Steve said while smirking devilishly.

Riveria became quite conscious all of a sudden of how her Familia were looking at her, and she frowned in clear showcasing of her annoyance at the attention...though she also became hyperaware of a certain sore spot on her collarbone where unseen to anyone was a bitemark that had already become purple from the bruising. But she would be caught dead before she showed it to anyone. Yet for some reason, some part of her told her head that Steve would know about it if he wanted to...if he didn't know already. The boy just had an uncanny tendency to just know things he really shouldn't know.

"Well you're his captain and the one who assigned him this secret mission as far as I'm aware." Riveria said, though knowing full well the contents of Zuri's mission and a few other things that had slipped past his lips during their session together. "Could you at least provide some estimate of when he might be back?"

"Well knowing my little brother, he likes doing his jobs as soon as possible." Steve said. "He'll be back before the week is over I'm sure, with excellent results."


Finn was about to speak up again when a cough interrupted them and they looked up to see Ottar standing there with Zald's sword in hand looking at them and Steve expectedly. The Loki Familia naturally felt a little bit wary of him, but for the older members, they noticed that their respect for the Boaz had deepened considerably. The man had survived a vicious battle with the most dangerous mortal in the world and had managed to come away with not only his life, and a level up but had also been able to give Steve a busted blood vessel in his nose.

May not seem much at first sight, but even being able to make someone as absurdly powerful as Steve even feel something was an accomplishment and Ottar had managed to grasp another rung up the ladder of power. Ottar had one common effect on everyone from those that were both greater and lesser than him.

He was respected.

So it was not out fear or apprehension that the Loki Familia parted for him, but recognition that he more than anyone had earned the right to be standing at the desk of his same adversary and asking what he wanted. He'd earned it through both his actions and his achievements.

"What would you like Ottar?" Steve said as he pointed at the blackboard with the enchantments on it.

"For now, I would like this {Sharpness} and {Unbreaking} I have heard of." Ottar said. "I've already seen the effects of a level 1 enchant, so I would like a level 3 enchant. I have the necessary funds."

"Don't concentrate so much on that last part." Steve said as he took the wrapped bundle. "I'll throw in a level 1 {Looting} for free. For the bloody nose you gave me. It was the first time someone actually made me feel something in this world, so consider it a thanks."

Normally Ottar would refuse an act like this, since he would usually consider it a charity. Warriors did not live on charity. But he knew better than to argue with Steve once the boy had his mind set on something. The gathering in Babel had more than shown that and besides...a man who would go adventuring in the Dungeon just for fun was surely someone who was not used to not getting his way. So Ottar wisely stayed silent and accepted the gift.

"Looting?" Gareth asked. "What does that do again?"

"It increases the number of common drops from a monster." Steve said. "Don't you remember why we gathered so many cores when we met in the Dungeon? A looting enchantment multiplies the amount of cores dropped, and increases the chances of a rare drop item. It would be a fair compensation for one that doesn't have a Luck developmental ability."

"That's why you were pulling drop items all the time from monster smoke." Finn realized. "It was your enchantments."

"Correct." Steve said as he took a money bag from Ottar and unwrapped the bundle, but immediately grimaced right afterwards, catching Ottar's attention.

"Something wrong?" The man asked.

"I forgot how much of a number we did on this thing during our fight." Steve said. "There's little point in me trying to enchant this in the state that it is right now." The Minecrafter reached under the counter and took out a sheet of paper and jotted something down on it with a quill before he popped the feathered pen back in the inkwell and held out the note to Ottar along with the sword. "Take this to Makena. You can jump the line. She'll sort out the damages first, and once it's done, you can come back here. She won't charge anything."

Ottar nodded thankfully, taking both the items and making his way out of the queue of adventurers who had gathered for the same enchantment service. They parted the way for him just the same as the Loki Familia did, and it continued that way until Ottar reached the Forge where Makena was.

"Right." Steve clapped his hands as he inwardly jumped in glee at already having close to a million Valis under the counter in just the first few minutes. And from what he could see, the one already making fast sales as well was Sunny who was finding his produce flying off the stall. "Next!"


(Halfway across the world)

Zuri pulled on the mane of his Warg as he forced it to come to a stop amidst the harsh winds of the dessert storm. Through the swirling sand that tried to get at his eyes under his glasses and through the veil he'd put over his face, he could see the cruel spires of the city of Warusa, a city so hated for its war-torn state that hatred for it was rivalled only by the hatred of the world for the Kingdom of Rakia where Ares ruled with an iron fist and muscle-head force...along with a dash of just utter stupidity.

Even from this distance, he could hear the dragging of chains as the city was simply drowning in the amount of slaves crawling the streets. A small part of him wished that he could free all of them from what was no doubt misery. But Zuri was more mature than that. For some of these people, slavery was their life and the only way they would survive, and they'd developed severe case of Stockholm's Syndrome. The people he was meant to save were being given an option they'd sought for centuries.

He had nothing to offer the rest.

So he pushed back the inclinations and dismounted from his warg, pulling over his body a middle-eastern robe that Steve had given to him for this occasion. According to his older brother, Zuri's olive skin, curly hair and average height would help him fit in quite well into this society. Putting on the cultural garbs also did much to help him blend in. Smacking the rump of his warg, he bade it farewell as the beast took one last look at him before running off in the direction of home. Zuri could not take him any further.

Disguising his wizard's staff as a branch he'd just snapped off a tree, he took out a camel spawn egg that Steve had sent over to his inventory through Zuri's request on chat. Without delay, he spawned it in and placed a saddle on it. The good thing about these lazy creatures was that they didn't need taming. The trouble was they needed to be fed cacti...which Zuri was sure he'd find plenty of in Warusa. To disguise himself further, he hung a few water skins he'd gotten off some passing merchants in his travel (legally through transactions of course), and also added a bag which he filled with random scrolls. His clothes were already weathered enough and the sandstorm would hide the freshness of the camel, so as far se he was concerned he was good to go.


Within the next half-hour, he was trotting right through the city gates which for some reason didn't have guards to them like he would have expected. But considering all the chaos that had gone down in recent times between Warusa and its neighbouring desert nations, he didn't find it surprising that the rich men had probably pulled in a lot of the city's guards and soldiers to protect their assets and therefore left security rotations empty.

Zuri could only imagine the criminal activity spike in this place. But again, that was not his concern. Without further ado, he unrolled the scroll that Hermes gave him and began to seek out his first target.


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