78.08% One Piece : Descent / Chapter 57: Chapter 29: Grand Line 3

บท 57: Chapter 29: Grand Line 3

Maybe this would make them stop.

"If you've given up, then you've lost the right to protest what I do to you."

Rosan grabbed the person he had cornered around their neck, and hoisted them up before turning around.

The effects were instantaneous. Every bullet meant for him, slammed into the screamings agent's vulnerable body and he shook from every impact.

"Oh? You guys haven't stopped shooting yet?" Rosan mused, discarding the lifeless, hole filled, body to the side. "Right. I understand all I need to know now."

The scout took a step forward, before he blurred again much to the agents panic.

He cleaved through three shooters with one slice of his blade and thought, "6," to himself.

"You guys aren't worth keeping alive. Only the 4 with names are relevant to me," he resolved.

With that, the performance truly began.

Rosan grabbed the head of an unsuspecting enemy and threw them into another, making them both collapse on the floor. Before they could push themselves up, the redhead slammed a foot on their lower backs and ran his blade through their spines, making them scream in agony, before the two went limp.


"More!" Ram grinned psychotically.

He ripped the bloody Ram out of their body and began spinning her again, turning on his heel and rocketing off to his next target.

This one wielded a cutlass and tried to desperately guard against the confusing attack but it was too hard for someone of his level. Rosan continued spinning his weapon and crashed it into the cutlass.

The weapon shattered immediately and due to the constant spinning, the man was not spared either, screaming as each blade tore into him.

He jumped up to avoid a swipe for his back, and landed right next to the offender. Tensing up his leg, he brutally smashed it into their gut and the grunt went flying into a group of people charging him, bowling them all over.


Rosan cocked Ram back and smashed it forward twice (using both blades to deliver one), sending two shock waves of wind and energy towards the pile.

They didn't even get to scream as their bodies were pulverized from the crushing attack.


Not stopping for a moment, he took too the skies and aimed at the ones looking up in an archer stance. His flexible weapon began forming multiple arrows of red energy, as his gaze locked onto as much people as possible, calculations running through his mind at incredible speeds about the best course of action.

Finally, he fired.


Almost like he were wielding a machine gun instead of a blade being used as a bow, the redhead shot salvo after salvo of red beams in the shape of arrows at every person he glanced at.

They never stood a chance. They tried to run after the first arrow pierced through someone with enough force to completely cave their chest but they never got far.

Bodies upon bodies were riddled with holes far bigger then the arrows he shot at them and he stared dispassionately as they screeched for mercy for only a split second.


Rosan landed quietly on the floor and felt a tiny knife fail to pierce his body.

He glanced back to see who had caused it and raised a brow.

The little child yelped and tears began welling in his eyes at that lifeless gaze pinning him in place, utterly unmoved by his slaughter. He tried to look for a place to run but saw no exit.

The scout didn't even take a step forward before a nun showed up and covered the boy's body with her own. "P-Please lord have mercy," she stammered, clutching the tear filled childe that tried to stab him.

She hugged the boy close to her frame and began to pray for them both.

Rosan simply watched with a tilted head as she pleaded for their lives, expression not shifting even once.

The nun smirked at the opening and revealed that the cross around her neck was in fact a weapon. She aimed it at the redhead and said, "Merciful Lord Blinding Powder —"

A gloved hand palmed her face and the eyes of the Devil themselves began boring into her. Any confidence she felt, evaporated at those terrifying eyes that wanted nothing more then to consume her happiness.

"What made you think that your Kami had any say on if you live here or not? Your life doesn't belong to them anymore. It belongs to me," he whispered coldly, squeezing her face tighter and tighter.

The woman squealed at the feeling of his hand closing around her skull. "I-I'm sorry! Please stop! I won't do it again so please stop!"

Rosan tilted his head. "Why would I stop?" Was all he asked.

"How ruthless of you," Mod commented, watching the exchange with a curious gaze.

Surely they didn't think relying on a person's morals was a good strategy, right? They were dealing with pirates and even if the Straw Hats were a much nicer bunch, Rosan was not.

"You should have tried this trick on Zoro instead of me. He actually has a heart," Rosan said, drawing blood from the woman who's skull he was slowly crushing.

The little child next to her had lost that sinister grin and began shaking in true terror, unable to move due to the utterly unfeeling look in Rosan's eyes.

The palm covering her face began heating up, as he idly charged an energy attack that he wasn't planning on firing and the thrashing nun began screaming in earnest, begging him to drop her and actually pleading for mercy this time.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol!"

Rosan dropped the injured nun and leapt back, dodging the fist aimed for him and glancing at his brother.

"Luffy, you're awake and attacking me. Why? Are you being controlled?" The redhead asked. Perhaps there was another hypnotist on this island controlling his, rather simple minded, brother.

He'd have to pursue and kill them then.

"Rosan…" Luffy snarled, glaring at his brother with furious eyes after laying eyes on the nun. "HOW COULD YOU HURT THESE PEOPLE WHO FED US?!"

Rosan blinked and Mod snorted loudly. Leave it to Luffy to completely misinterpret the situation and label his scout the bad guy.

The scout tried to speak as slowly as possible so his brother could understand. "Luffy... are you seriously questioning why I'm attacking these people? Surely you know that everything I do is for a reason—"

The Mod Mod no mi user was cut off at the rubbery fist impacting with his cheek, head flying back from the impact.

"YOU CAN'T JUST TOY WITH PEOPLE'S LIVES LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO! I TOLD YOU THAT'S NOT OKAY!" Luffy roared, winding up his fist. He was about to give his brother a real thrashing right now for hurting these nice people.

Rosan mechanically turned his head to regard his brother again, slowly wiping the blood off his lip with slightly glowing eyes.

"Alright then. If you want to act like this, then let's act like this," the redhead decided, clenching and unclenching his fist experimentally.

Luffy simply held up his fists and set his stance.

Rosan followed suit.

"It's been a while since we last sparred. I guess I have to remind you how that always turned out."

The last thing Zoro expected, was to see Luffy and Rosan in the middle of an all out brawl.

"What the hell is going on?!" He asked himself in confusion. They got along so well normally so what caused this?! Was it a sibling spat?

The swordsman had been dealing with his half (the screaming happening on Rosan's half didn't sound very promising for their enemies), when he ran into the two brothers duking it out.

"A-Aren't they crewmates?" Miss Wednesday asked, petrified by how effortlessly the agents had been dealt with.

She had seen what the redhead had done to some of them and it made her realize that this was the wrong crew to attack. Her throat still burned from how much she heaved and she honestly felt like she wasn't even close to finished.

Roronoa Zoro being another monster only solidified that and now the one that they had assumed was the fake captain, was in the middle of fighting who they perceived to be the most terrifying one.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol!" Luffy roared, throwing out his fist.

Rosan sidestepped it and grabbed the extended arm before Luffy could pull it back. He yanked and his little brother went flying through the air before the redhead cocked his fist back and smashed it into the rubber boys face for his efforts.

Luffy crashed into a building and broke it on impact but no damage was done to him and he quickly recovered, bursting out of the rubble and meeting Rosan halfway.

The two collided with each other and their battle began anew, rapidly exchanging blows that neither seemed to register.

"What the fuck?" Nami said intelligently, watching the two go at it with a confused expression. "Why are they fighting right now?!"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Zoro grunted. The named agents stopped trying to attack him by now, watching the destruction unfold with varied awed horror and wondering if there was any way out of this.

"Gomu Gomu no Gatling!"

The floor erupted up to block the barrage of fists coming his way but it wouldn't hold out for long.

Not like Rosan needed it too. The redhead moved the moment the wall appeared and he was already right behind Luffy.

He lay his gloved hand right on the rubber boys back and fired before his opponent could react.

"Retribution," he intoned, lighting up his captain's back with the built up concussive energy

Luffy went flying at the explosive energy that erupted from his hand but the rubber boy twisted himself in midair and sent a hand flying to grab onto his brother's purple shirt. Getting a firm grip he used the momentum of his flight and pulled, launching Rosan past him and into a wall, breaking it on impact.

A dust of smoke erupted from the building collapsing on Rosan and Luffy pushed himself up from his own wrecked building.

It was a good thing he did because he was suddenly forced to dodge a barrage of boulders being thrown at him.

Rosan, who was completely unharmed, picked up a piece of the destroyed building, modified it to ludicrous sizes, and began launching multiple at Luffy.

The rubber boy jumped, ducked and even punched through the boulders but he knew that Rosan could keep this up all day.

He leapt on top of the next boulder and soared off of it, flying towards Rosan with a purpose.

"Gomu Gomu no Whip!" He exclaimed sweeping his rubbery leg to crash into the scout's side.

Rosan was moved by the attack but when Luffy tried to bring his foot back, he found that it was being grasped firmly by the redhead and the computer man began spinning with the elongated appendage.

"W-Woah!" Luffy yelped, eyes turning into swirls as Rosan spun and spun, crashing him into any and everything with zero regard for their surroundings.

He finally let go and the momentum of the spinning sent Luffy clean through another poor building, that was soon destroyed completely by the red energy blast that followed right after.

An explosion ensued and Rosan began sprinting towards it, not letting up his assault for even a second.

"Gomu Gomu no Rifle!"

His charge stopped and he skidded back a few steps at the twisted fist that crashed into his gut but before he could grab it, it snapped back into place.

"Gomu Gomu no Bazooka!"

Two arms replaced the fist and Rosan flew backwards from the blow, before righting himself in midair and hovering with his sneakers. He landed on the floor without a sound and cracked his neck side to side.

Luffy walked out of the collapsed building and glared at Rosan who stared back with disturbing focus. His gaze remained unblinking and for anyone who fought him, that was a very bad sign.

The redhead's eyes began glowing brighter, a clear sign that he was about to really begin using Modification and Luffy prepared himself accordingly.

"These two are insane," Nami gasped in horror.

This... They were using more power against each other, then they had against any of their past opponents! Luffy didn't even fight this hard against Arlong!

"I still don't get why they're so mad at… Wait," Zoro groaned in realization. "Luffy is such an idiot!"

"What do you mean — Oh," Nami sighed tiredly, realization hitting her as well. "He thinks Rosan attacked the people who threw us a party unprovoked, doesn't he?"

"I'd bet one of my swords." Zoro held his head in exasperation. To think they were fighting for such a stupid reason... it looked like Luffy managed to do something that really irked Rosan off as well because he wouldn't normally entertain this.

They needed to stop this before those two actually started to let loose.

Their plans to do that were stopped rather abruptly, by the presence of two people who were not here before.

"Kyahahaha! You two seem like you're having fun! As much as I'd love to join, we're here on much more important business," An unfamiliar voice, female in nature called.

"Tch, making us come out here on such a boring mission… Maybe after we finish, we can deal with these two," Another voice, this time male, said.

Rosan and Luffy completely ignored them.

Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9 went white in realization, glancing back at the voices.

"Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine?!"

Mr. 5 was a tall, dark-skinned man with black hair in short spiky dreadlocks. He wore a brown trench coat with a pink cravat and a pair of sunglasses, despite the fact that it was night.

Miss Valentine was a tall young woman with short blond hair and bright green eyes. She wore a yellow and orange hat, as well as a yellow dress with a lemon-like pattern, lemon earrings, and white high-heeled shoes. She carried a bright green parasol with blue stripes.

"What do you mean much more important business? Aren't you here to help us deal with these pirates?! They're far too strong for us!" Mr. 9 pleaded.

"Help? You think we'd come to the beginning of the Grand Line to help you useless bunch? That's pretty stupid don't you think, Princess Vivi?" Mr. 5 drawled, staring a hole into Miss Wednesday.

Miss Wednesday (or Vivi as that appeared to be her real name) turned cold and her eyes widened in horror, as she took a step back from the two agents focused on her.

Zoro wasn't paying any attention to what was going on right now between Baroque Works. He was trying to figure out how to convince these two to stop fighting because they were still going at it, ignoring the two new arrivals completely and throwing blow after blow at the other. At this rate, they were going to destroy everything surrounding them.

Nami on the other hand, listened intently and felt cogs of solid gold turning in her mind.

This Miss Wednesday, Vivi, wasn't an agent of Baroque Works. She was a princess of a kingdom named Alabasta! A princess! That meant money!

"Miss… Pirate…" A pained voice called, prompting Nami to look down at the source.

It was the mayor (and another infiltrator based on these two agents) and despite the injury Rosan inflicted on him, he still managed to crawl his way over to the ruckus. He was grabbing onto Nami's leg with a desperate look in his eye, groaning at the pain.

She raised a brow at him and he was prompted to continue.

"I know I have no place to ask… but please! Please protect and escort our princess to the Kingdom of Alabasta! You'll be rewarded handsomely!" He begged.


He should really not throw such words around like that. Someone might take advantage of them.

"We'll do it for one billion beri!" Nami grinned cheekily.

Someone like her!

Igaram's eyes bugged in disbelief at the absurd price she was asking for currently.

"A-A billion…?! Ahem ma-ma-ma!"

"That doesn't sound too bad does it?" Nami grinned. "After all, we're protecting your princess from two people that want her very dead! If we don't help, who knows what will happen to her?!"

"Witch," Zoro thought, watching Nami shamelessly blackmail the desperate man.

"I-If you discuss the terms with the princess, I'm sure you guys could come to an agreement!" Igaram tried and Nami nodded.

"Hmm sure! We can save her then and discuss the price!" She beamed. "Zoro! Stop Luffy and Rosan from fighting!"

The swordsman teeth turned razor sharp in indignation. "HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO THAT?!" The swordsman barked in disbelief.

The two were still fighting and showed zero sign of tiring.

In the midst of their battle, Rosan somehow managed to get a firm grasp of Luffy's rubbery body and folded him into a ball, using his own limbs against him. He tensed his muscles, hoisted up the rubber boy and launched him with dreadfully strong force in a random direction—

—Right into Mr. 5.

The bomb man was immediately floored by the human bowling ball but his misfortune didn't end there as Rosan ran over his body, further flattening him, to pursue his captain.

The agent's eyes bugged in pain as he felt his bones shudder from the weight of being trampled and he heaved in fury. "Miss Valentine. Temporary change of plans," Mr. 5 said gravely, voice tinged in pain.

The mission could wait, those two were so dead.

"Those two aren't paying attention to anything or anyone…" Nami muttered, scratching her head. How was she supposed to stop them? They were unstoppable right now and were hellbent on beating the shit out of each other.

Eh, maybe they'd forgive each other in time? At least Zoro was still here to protect the princess. There was no way Nami was going to fight those two agents.

Rosan and Luffy stared each other down, neither willing to concede this battle due to their infamous stubbornness.

The floor erupted beneath Luffy and the rubber boy leapt away, throwing out a punch in the process that Rosan ducked under.

Palming the floor in the process of ducking, the redhead began manipulating the terrain again and had it seek out the rubber boy in hopes of restraining him.

Luffy yelped and stretched out his hand to grab the top of one of the few standing buildings left, desperate to get away from the floor that was alive.

The moment he made it on the roof, a sneaker connected solidly with his face and he was sent flying, but not before managing to wrap his hand around Rosan multiple times, dragging the redhead with him.

The scout's eyes narrowed as he was sent through the air and he activated his raid boots, halting his, and by proxy Luffy's, momentum. Seeing as his arms were trapped by his brother's arms, the redhead opened his mouth, revealing razor sharp fangs and shot out a weak fireball.

Luffy, who was dangling midair, spluttered as it connected with him. It didn't do much damage to him but it still kinda burned.

3 more fireballs collided with him and he hastily released himself from Rosan's grasp, patting himself down to get rid of the small flames.

"We can do this all day," Rosan taunted from his place in the sky, puffing out a small amount of fire to prove his point.

Luffy sent a punch to the flying redhead as a response and Rosan shook his head, getting ready to grab and pull him.

Why didn't the idiot just come up here? Was he that afraid to battle him in his domain? No matter, he'd teach him to take risks.

What he had not been expecting, was for the rubber boys fingers to expand in a net like formation, surrounding the redhead.

"Gomu Gomu no Rubber Net!" Luffy grinned, successfully capturing his caught off guard brother.

With a mighty yell, Luffy slammed his net down with Rosan in it, once, twice, three times before the redhead erupted in draconic flames, forcing the captain to release him and nurse his burned fingers.

Rosan spat out some blood and dusted himself off. "You thought of techniques to counter me? I'm proud. I'm so proud that it's about time I knock you unconscious," the redhead decided, preparing to activate Boost.

"Oh yeah? I was just thinking the same thing," Luffy growled, placing a fist on the floor.

"You don't even think," the redhead droned. He was about to blast off, but hostile movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention.

Rosan suddenly leapt back to avoid a booger that promptly exploded where he had once stood.

"You damn nuisances, getting in the way of our mission," Mr. 5 complained, digging in his nose to pull out another booger.

"Kyahahaha! Didn't appreciate getting trampled, Mr. 5?" Miss Valentine cackled, amusement glittering in her eyes. "Sorry, but you guys have interfered a bit too much and now you have to die! No hard feelings, we're just doing our mission, kyahahaha!"

The redhead barely acknowledged them until he came to a startling realization.

"Did you just interfere in my fight to try and throw a booger on me?" Rosan asked, finally taking his eyes off Luffy to regard these two…

Who were these two? When did they get here?

"They've been here for a while now, you were just not looking at them because of your fight with Luffy. They're even upset because of you trampling the man."

The bomber agent glared at them with a superior smirk. "Yeah, I'm Mr. 5 and I ate the Bomu Bomu no mi. With my fruit, I'm a living explo —"

A gloved hand wrapped around his head and Rosan hoisted him up, before brutally slamming him into the pavement 5 times until the floor began cracking from the force.

"I don't care about the fact that it was an explosive. What type of demented idiot uses their snot to fight," Rosan muttered, practically crushing Mr. 5's head in his palm. "That's disgusting and a waste of your abilities. Imagine if that landed on my shirt. I don't even want to kill you right now. I want to do so much worse."

Vivi's jaw dropped at seeing how effortlessly Mr. 5 had been defeated.

W-Who was this monster? Taking out a numbered agent so effortlessly... One he wasn't even paying attention to

"M-Mr. 5!" Miss Valentine gaped, before glaring at the redhead who knocked her partner unconscious. This damn...

Activating her Devil Fruit, the woman flew into the air, getting Rosan's attention and glared down at him. He looked up at her with a tilted head and she growled at him.

"Feel the power of my Kiro Kiro no mi!" She scowled. "I can change my weight at will from one to 10,000 Kilograms —"

"Why do all of my enemies keep trying to tell me about their Devil Fruits? I don't care and it's incredibly stupid of you too. You could have easily passed this off as a flying fruit and caught me by surprise with the increased weight."

Miss Valentine let out a shriek at the floating redhead that was face to face with her. He was looking at her with a tilted head and she felt herself grow cold at the lifeless eyes of his.

"Word of advice, Panty Flasher-san… You should wear pants from now on or else you'll give perverts a view they want to see," Rosan suggested, grabbing the woman by her collar.

The Agent's face couldn't even turn red in realization, before he planted a fist in her gut and let her fall. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head at the force behind it and she spat out a glob of blood before floating to the floor, unconscious.

Rosan scoffed and turned away from the blonde. "Interfering with my battle while being that weak… How stupid."

"I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" Luffy roared, marching up to continue his fight with the scout.

"Don't say that like you ever had the advantage. I barely warmed up," Rosan declared, eyes beginning to glow again.

"Ram, if you would."

"Okay Auntie!"

The two paused as Rosan's gloves morphed into the silver psycho herself and she grabbed them both by the cheek to prevent any further scuffle, successfully dissuading them for the time being.

"Don't you guys think that's enough?! You practically destroyed the entire town!" Ram cackled, mirth present in her multicolored eyes.

That fight was fucking awesome and combined with the death of the bounty hunters earlier, she was happy as can be. It's why she had so readily listened to Auntie despite having to stop her Father in the process!

"No," they replied at the same time.

Then Nami appeared and punched the both of them in the skull.

"WHY EXACTLY ARE YOU TWO EVEN FIGHTING?" Their navigator roared.

"Attacking me while I can't dodge… how cheap," Rosan muttered. That was the first time Nami successfully hit him.

He would make her regret that later.

Vivi couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on right now. Her mind felt a little fried by the events of today and she still felt like throwing up.

First they try and failed miserably to take out two pirates (and she learned a new meaning of fear in the process). Then, one of the pirates got in a fight with his captain, ignoring and destroying everything around them and displaying things she didn't know they were capable of displaying.

Then, they take out two numbered Baroque Work agents with little to no effort and now they were being cowed by the, admittedly scary, navigator and a woman she had never seen before…

Just what the hell was even going on?

"Hahahaha! So that's how it was!" Luffy laughed after they explained why Rosan and Zoro had attacked all the bounty hunters. "Why didn't you say anything, Rosan?!"

Nami floored Luffy with a punch to the head as soon as that question left his mouth. "HE PROBABLY TRIED TO, IDIOT!"

"You punched me in the face the moment I tried to explain," Rosan replied, patting a pleased Ram on the head. She purred and buried herself deeper in his frame, closing her eyes in content.

"You are so childish sometimes, Rosan," Mod giggled. The moment Luffy's hit connected, her charge threw out all thoughts of explaining to the rubber boy and stooped right to his level.

"Hmph," was all he said. No one ever reacted well to getting punched unwarranted.

Miss Wednesday (Rosan learned that her real name was Vivi and she was a princess of all things) was currently explaining the situation of Alabasta to the crew after Nami had tried to make a contract with her and she refused.

She didn't have enough money to pay them because her country was in the middle of a civil war, courtesy of the unknown boss of Baroque Works. They claimed to want to create a Utopia but that was a lie.

Mr. 0 just wanted to conquer Alabasta and was sewing seeds of rebellion to do so.

What an interesting person... Rosan wanted to meet the one managing to control so many people.

"Who's the one pulling their strings?" Luffy asked with a curious smile.

Vivi began panicking and the princess waved her arms rapidly. "No, absolutely not! I can't tell you the boss' identity! What a question! Don't ask me that! I can't! I can't tell you! If I did they'd hunt you down!"

Nami nodded in agreement with a nervous smile. "She's right! If he wants to take over an entire kingdom he must be one scary guy!"

The blue haired princess nodded sagely and said, "That he is! You're all very strong but your no match for Sir Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Zoro sweatdropped as he said, "You just told us."

"You aren't very bright are you?" Rosan asked softly, as horror dawned on her features.

Nami's jaw dropped in terror. T-This idiot! What was she doing?!

All of their attention, was drawn to an otter and a vulture, staring at the group before they promptly flew off with very accurate photos of the 4 pirates that a fleeing Nami couldn't help but applaud to.

Vivi balked in horror and bowed profusely to the group. "I"m so sorry! Those are the Unluckies… They're messengers for Mr. 0 and are probably going to show him how you all look now. He's going to send agent after agent until you're dead..."

"So we're on Baroque Works hit list now, eh?" Zoro grinned eagerly.

That sounded pretty fun!


Everyone watched in confusion as the tall woman snuggling Rosan, transformed back into a ring (Vivi's eyes bugged in surprise) and the redhead stood up.

"As if I'd let them get away with a picture of me for free," the redhead muttered.

He partially activated Ragnarok and his massive draconic wings burst from his back before he rocketed off, pursuing the two animals with tremendous speeds.

The princess looked at the spot he was standing in with a shell shocked expression.

"I have so many questions," she stated.

"He won't answer any of them and if we do, he'll hurt us," Nami shivered.

"Rosan's really secretive," Luffy sighed, watching his scout vanish into the sky.

"Those animals are dead," Zoro laughed. How disappointing, it was kind of exciting to be on a hit list but that wouldn't last very long if Rosan had anything to say about it.

Rosan flapped his wings once and did a barrel roll to avoid the machine guns firing at him, raising a brow at the vulture responsible for it.

"Quite intelligent for some animals don't you think?"

"Capable of drawing us to near perfection, understanding human speech, efficient with weapons… The Grand Line really is interesting."

"You're greedy mind is cooking up something, isn't it?"

Yes it was. Based on what he had seen so far, Rosan quickly came to a decision for his battle with his new enemies.

He wanted all the useful members from Baroque Works and that included their boss, Crocodile himself. Having a Warlord work under him sounded like it could be quite the boon.

"This is why we need to talk about your hoarding problem."

"Let's talk about your lack of variety in attire while we're at it."

"I-I... I refuse to betray my dress!"

"Once you decide to stop being so stubborn, then we can talk about our bad habits."

Satisfied by the noise of Mod grumbling in defeat, Rosan continued his thoughts about his plan of action.

While Miss Valentine was nothing notable, he was sure he could turn her into something much more useful then just flying into the sky, flashing her panties, and crashing into people.

Mr. 5 on the other hand, had a very powerful Devil Fruit that was being limited by how untalented he was. Seriously… he was a bomb man and he used boogers as his offense? To make matters worse, he dared to try and throw one on his shirt.

He didn't give a damn about the explosion, this shirt was too nice to have snot on it.

"You sure have your priorities straight."

That man messed up doing that. He would be joining him and the redhead wasn't going to give him a choice like the others he planned on giving "alternatives" to.

An overhauled puppet was a much better choice anyways then a man like that. He would mold the man's mind in his own image because Rosan was far more creative then Mr. 5 and already thought of plenty of ways to better use such a strong fruit.

He idly opened his mouth and let loose a torrent of flames that incinerated the bullets flying towards him, while forcing the animal duo to fly higher in terror, lest they get torched into lunch.

Sir Crocodile… He was a powerful pirate that burst into the scene before Luffy was even born.

The government quickly offered him the position of Warlord but before that, his bounty had been 81 million beri. He was almost certainly stronger than the price on his head indicated and the redhead pursed his lips.

What was he doing here? Taking over a kingdom in secret? The man should be much stronger than that but perhaps he didn't want to jeopardize his position as Warlord?

He figured someone with his strength would be deeper in the Grand Line but perhaps he made an enemy of one of the Yonko or another powerful pirate.

"Perhaps he simply lacked the ambition to compete with bigger names. The New World is full of monsters and one could have sapped his motivation to get stronger."

"Ah, sleeping ambition. Kind of like me."


It made sense but there was no point speculating about it. All he knew, was that the man was said to have the Suna Suna no mi.

A Logia.

Mr. 13 shrieked in pure terror as a flame nearly burned him into cinders and urged Miss Friday to fly even faster.

"Perhaps we can use Ragnarok to heat the sand into glass? I doubt he can manipulate it but you certainly can with Modification."

It was worth a shot. He wanted Crocodile and the rest of his agents to work underneath him. They could be valuable assets but he couldn't control a Logia that he couldn't touch...

"What if they betray you?"

"I have countermeasures in place. You know that."

Mod snorted at that. Leave it to Rosan to have absolutely zero morals. Sometimes she felt like their roles were swapped and she was the more human of the two.

Actually, that's exactly how it was. These days, facing Mod over Rosan would probably be considered a blessing because unlike him, she was capable of mercy.

He was the stronger of the two now and was infinitely more ruthless as well. That wasn't to say facing Mod was all sunshine, she was just much less violent.

If they were the same level of cruel, facing her would actually be even worse considering she utilized a more ranged style of fighting compared to Rosan's close combat preference and wouldn't even let you get close to her.

It was a good way to separate the two's identity in battle and the redhead fully approved of her genius adaptation.

Once he found a way to coexist with her, they'd be an unstoppable duo.

Ah well, that was for later. Rosan decided now was as good as time as any to begin his overthrowing of Baroque Works.

"That's quite enough running."

Miss Friday froze, as an overwhelming pressure washed over her and Mr. 13. They hesitantly turned around and saw the redhead staring at them with a bow out. It was glowing brightly, seeming to be inches away from firing and they had no illusions about what it was about to do to them.

Rosan, who couldn't maintain this level of pressure for long, released it and gazed at them in pity. "You two are quite impressive. It'd be a shame to kill you here," he sighed softly.

"Alas, you two have drawn a picture of me and that just won't do. I can't have you telling anyone about me for free."

They began trembling. This was it, they were dead —


They perked up in hope.

"Betray Crocodile and join me," Rosan proposed softly, garnering looks of surprise from the animals.

That expressiveness from some animals... They were almost human in intelligence and that would be useful for Maro, not to mention they specialized in information gathering.

"You have no real loyalty to him, right? At the end of the day, you're just bounty hunters so I want you two to join my side. You can report to Crocodile while working for me until he is dealt with, if you fear him that much."

They hesitated but not for long, due to the glowing arrow. It was obvious what he was suggesting and they really weren't that loyal.

Either they accepted, or they died.

The two glanced at each other before looking at Rosan and nodded in acceptance.

"Good. You can report to Crocodile like normal but if there's any way you can help us, you will do it. If you think I won't get my hands on you for betraying me I will get my hands on you. There is no escaping me once I set my sight on you."

That daunting pressure roared for a moment, before abating and the two terrified animals nodded.

With a clear dismissal, they flew off to deliver the pictures of the Straw Hats to Crocodile.

While proposing his partnership, Rosan had a tiny bug fly over and sneak onto Miss Friday, before it deactivated itself and remained glued to the agent.

There truly was no escape for them anymore.

"Now let's get back to the ship," he muttered to himself, choosing to fly back instead of activating Save Point. Trying to use his pressure to such a degree, when it was seemingly tied to his emotions, was rather draining so he'd be a little peaceful.

Besides, he quite enjoyed flying under the pale moon.

Luffy, Zoro, Nami and Vivi watched in pure horror, as the ship Igaram was sailing on was blown up without any prompting.

The man was going to act as a decoy for Baroque Works as he sailed to Alabasta but that plan was clearly a bust because in mere minutes, he was dealt with.

"They found us already…?!" Nami whispered in fear, eyes wide at the massive explosion that took place.

It hadn't even been a full minute since he set sail… They're plan was already found out?!

Luffy glared ferociously at the explosion and snarled. "I LIKED THAT GUY!" He growled angrily.

"Nami, is the log pose set?! We need to go now!" Zoro urged. "Go wake up the other two, Luffy!"

The navigator noticed Vivi wasn't moving and grabbed her arms to pull her, then she noticed the princess biting her lip so hard, that it drew blood.

"It's going to be okay," Nami soothed, pulling her into a gentle hug. "We'll get you to Alabasta safely. My crewmates are strong, they will absolutely save you."

She would know best. In her darkest times, they went above and beyond to make sure she could feel safe again.

It was a whirlwind of action as the crew prepared to set sail. Luffy dragged the broken bodies of Sanji and Usopp, Zoro raised the anchor and Nami and Vivi tried to look for her duck, Karoo, before realizing it had been the first one on the ship.

"What about Rosan-san?!" Vivi asked in concern. The redhead was nowhere to be seen and they were about to set sail without him.

"Ah, don't worry about him. He vanishes and shows up all the time, no matter where we go," Nami reassured, making sure everything was in order.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, the ship quickly sailed out of the demolished Whiskey Peak and headed in the direction that the log pose locked onto.

"We should be out soon!" Their navigator said.

"I see fog again!" Luffy exclaimed.

"It's good we managed to escape the people chasing us."

"That's for sure," Nami smiled in relief.

"We need to be careful not to crash the ship into the rocks."

"Just leave it to me!" The orange haired woman preened...

Nami paused in a moment of pure confusion.

She didn't recognize that voice… Who was that? Was it Rosan? Did Vivi lie to them?

Everyone hesitantly turned around and Vivi's eyes widened in terror.

"No..." She muttered, taking a step back as she realized just who this was.

Frigid blue eyes stared at the Straw Hats with a small smile that looked painfully fake.

"This is a nice ship. I've been on nicer, but it's quaint," she greeted, assessing them all with those unsettling dark pupils.

"What?!" Zoro grunted in shock.

"WHO IS THAT?!" Usopp and Nami screeched.

Luffy stared at her with a confused expression on his face.

Robin ignored them, focusing on the princess of Alabasta. "I ran into Mr. 8 earlier, Miss Wednesday," she said idly.

The expression on the princess' face was what she expected. The horror in her eyes was replaced by a wild anger and she began trembling uncontrollably at the unbothered look on the agent's face.

These days, Robin mostly did things to try and amuse herself and Nefertari Vivi seemed amusing enough. She allowed the princess to follow her and learn of Crocodile's real identity, before revealing to the man that she managed to learn it. Now she was on Baroque Work's hit list and Mr. 0 wanted her dead at all costs.

It's not like she expected the girl to get anything done. She was going to die soon and she brought this crew along for the ride.

What a pity.

"Miss All Sunday…" Vivi growled, glaring at the woman with pure hatred.

"Miss All Sunday? W-Who is she a partner to?" Nami asked hesitantly.

"...Mr. 0." The bluenette answered shortly.

The navigator's eyes bugged in horror. "M-Mr. 0?! SHE'S THE PARTNER OF THE BOSS?!"

"She's the only one who knows his real identity and I followed her to figure it out," the princess of Alabasta replied grimly. "I think she let me follow her and then probably revealed that I knew."

"Correct," Robin hummed, tilting her head and resting a cheek on her palm. "I have to say... there's just something about a princess fighting a losing battle so desperately that's so pathetic to me. Shouldn't you at least have tried to get a little strong while infiltrating Baroque Works? Now you're stuck relying on other people to do the job for you."

Relying so heavily on another person... Robin shook her head in disappointment.

Vivi's eyes went white with rage and she let loose an almost animalistic snarl. "DON'T YOU MOCK ME!" She roared.

Every single straw hat, sans Luffy, aimed their weapon at the stationary Miss All Sunday who gazed at them with that same expression. No matter what she said, that smile remained on her face and it made the mysterious woman impossible to read.

She lazily glanced at them all before saying, "I'd appreciate if you didn't point such dangerous objects at me —"

At once, every single Straw Hat was disarmed and they could only glance in shock at what just happened.

How did she... What was that?!

"A Devil Fruit!" Vivi gasped.

Luffy's eyes furrowed deeper and his head began to actually steam.

Nami idly looked at him in worry, wondering just what was happening with their captain right now.

"—Or well, a piece of me."

That didn't come from the Miss All Sunday sitting on the railing.

The straw hats watched as the one on the railing dissolved into petals and another Miss All Sunday appeared from behind them.

"You should all relax, I'm not here on orders so I have no reason to fight," she assured, leaning on the railing of the ship with that same damned smile.

Luffy's eyes sparked in recognition at seeing the clone dissolve and he slammed a fist against his palm.

"I KNOW YOU!" Luffy exclaimed, making everyone pause in surprise.

Luffy knew this person? The boy could remember people?!

"You know someone that we don't?!" Nami asked in disbelief. That explained why the boy looked like he had been about to collapse. He was thinking too hard...

Wait, just... just how stupid was their captain?! She saw steam coming out of his head and that was because he was THINKING?!

Robin actually raised a brow. Did he recognize her from her bounty poster? How odd, he didn't strike her as the smart type but looks could be deceiving.

"So you're the Straw Hat Captain I've heard so much about, Monkey D. Luffy," Miss All Sunday smiled, snatching his straw hat from his head and spinning it idly. "I heard you caused quite a bit of property damage on Whiskey Peak. Tell me, how do you recognize me?"

"That's probably because of me," a deep voice commented softly.

Robin froze at the feeling of a sudden presence behind her, along with an unfamiliar voice and glanced up at the source.

What she saw, made her go ashen.

"...Miss All Sunday...?"

Vivi couldn't keep the shock off her face, at seeing the shock on Miss All Sunday's face. She never showed any type of emotion besides that mysterious smile. The few times she saw the woman, she was left distracted by the depressingly empty eyes of her that reminded her of winter.

But those empty eyes were bursting with emotion, as they drank in the sight of the new arrival with a disbelieving gaze.

Black, draconic wings (wings that he had desperately been trying to achieve for so long), dominated a tall bronze man wearing an expensive, purple and black, outfit.

They had a head of brilliant, spiky, blood red hair, tied into a messy bun, that left the spikes in the front of their head free.

No matter the style they were in, it was a head of brilliant hair that she'd never be able to forget. It was as striking as ever. As mesmerizing as the first day she saw it.

The figure floated down slowly until they gently landed in front of her and she watched his wings vanish back into his body.

This close, she realized that he was taller than her now and all his childish boasts suddenly sounded so much more truthful to her ears.

So much more truthful to the ears that were blocking out all sources of noise right now as she gazed up at his face.

He wasn't adorable anymore, cuteness replaced by a mature and handsome face that no doubt attracted attention wherever he went and Robin found herself drinking in his appearance like he were a ghost because that's what he should have been.

A ghost.

But he wasn't a ghost. She stared into eyes that could only belong to him.

There were some key differences but to Robin, they may as well have been the exact same because they'd never be able to replicate the intensity that these eyes emitted.

The first thing she immediately took note of, was the fact that they weren't glowing like they normally did.

Instead, the glacial orbs (they looked so much like her own) stared at her without a hint of feeling, reminding her of whenever he was truly furious (almost always for her sake).

It felt like she were looking in a mirror because her eyes looked just as lifeless when she gazed at them and Robin idly wondered what happened to cause this.

One of his eyes were a blood red, reminiscent of the woman who had taken up the role as her mother.

The scent of roses wafted into her nose and snapped her out of her paralyzing daze.

This wasn't real. This couldn't be real. It was a nightmare like every other time —

"Rosan! This is Robin right?!" Luffy asked excitedly, freezing her in place completely.

He remembered her because of how frequently he and his brothers had watched Rosan's earlier memories. The familiar petals of her Devil Fruit finally managed to remind him.

The redhead nodded shortly. "Yeah... I'd recognize her face anywhere," Rosan commented idly, never once taking his eyes off the woman as he roved every part of her.

She was only a little shorter than him, which didn't surprise him considering she had already been slightly taller than Mod-chan when they separated and the Devil Fruit (and Rosan) complained about it nonstop.

Those beautiful, frigid, blue eyes looked at him in a heartbreakingly desperate look, not quite believing the sight before. They were so weary and so exhausted, looking like they just wanted to rest but not being allowed to and he wanted to make sure she got to sleep in comfort right away.

She wasn't adorable anymore. The years had turned her beautiful and she was aware of it. They made sure she knew her worth and they made sure she understood that she was a gorgeous person.

But the most damning thing. The thing that made Rosan feel completely and utterly worthless... was her hair.

Her shoulder length black hair that had a single red strand. That single red strand that lay on her shoulder for the whole world to see, separated from the rest of her hair.

The single red strand that could only be for one thing. For one person. It was her memento... to the best friend who she thought was dead. To him.

To the person who thought she abandoned him.

The virus must die by any means necessary.

Robin heard what the rubber boy said but still couldn't believe it.

Years. She spent years coming to terms with the fact that her sun was gone. It wasn't possible for her to just believe that he was right here in front of her.

But he was (was he?). Was this... Was this another dream...? It couldn't have been, right (but what if it was)?

Taking a deep breath, the Devil Child said in a near whisper, not trusting her own voice, "Rosan…?"

Rosan (?) hummed and gripped her chin slightly, leaning in closely and linking the two together with a slightly glowing gaze.

Robin gasped at the familiar sensation of linking with her best friend and felt her vision growing foggy.

Dreams... Dreams couldn't replicate such a sensation, right? This was real... right?

"It's been 16 years…" Mod choked out, tears welling up in her eyes at seeing her little girl all grown up. "You've become so beautiful, Robin! I... I'm so happy to see you again!"

"M-Mod-chan is... is that really you? Are you really here?" Robin whispered.

"It's me, Robin. It will always be me," she sobbed, lips wobbling as it formed into a watery smile.

It was real. It was all so very real. They were here.

They were here.

The tender palm on her cheek drew her gaze back to the redhead and she realized that this was Portgas D. Rosan.

Her best friend. The person who made her feel like she existed. The one who both gave her the will to live and took it away.

Her sun.

"You've been drinking coffee again... The nightmares are keeping you up aren't they?" Rosan began, eyes narrowed in guilt at what he caused.

He was a fuck up. A complete idiot. He couldn't do anything right because he was a failure. All he was good for, was failing the ones he loved.

Her breath hitched at that statement and tears began to well up in her eyes as her mask melted fully.

What was the point in having a mask, when she never wanted to hide anything from Rosan?

"...It must have been so lonely. You look tired… Robin."

next chapter
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