88.58% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 194: Chapter 194

บท 194: Chapter 194

Sea quakes rippled as Whitebeard launched his assault even before their flagship could dock. The port was crowded with hundreds of pirate ships, a testament to the dire situation on Fishman Island. Whitebeard clenched his fist and punched out, sending a massive shockwave that tore through each and every ship in the port without exception. Those who had anchored their ships elsewhere were the lucky ones.

Whitebeard turned to the fishmen among his crew. "Have your brethren informed that the Whitebeard Pirates are here and will seal the entire island. Do not let any of the pirates escape with their coated ships. If anyone tries, just damage their ship coatings, which will force them to retreat back. As for the rest, I will take care of them."

"Go, my sons! Fishman Island needs our help. Hunt every pirate who has harmed them. Fishman Island is under my protection!" Whitebeard roared as another pulse of quake power reverberated throughout the island.

He then turned to Crocodile, who stood silently, observing the situation unfold. Before he could react, Whitebeard grabbed him and tossed him out. "Gurarara! Get going, you brat! Show me how much you have learned in the past few weeks." Crocodile snorted but then turned himself into sand and started hunting down the enemies, feeling this would be a good time for practice.

Back at the main port, the full might of Whitebeard's crew was on display. The pirates, who had once controlled the area, now lay scattered, their ships burning and sinking. The harbor was a scene of utter destruction, but amidst the chaos, the Whitebeard Pirates moved with purpose, ensuring no innocents were harmed.

Within the inn, the remaining pirate captains looked at each other, their bravado shattered. They had come to Fishman Island seeking power and riches, but now they faced the wrath of the Strongest Man in the World. Fear gripped their hearts as the reality of their situation set in.

"He's here... Whitebeard is here," one of them muttered, his voice trembling.

Another captain, trying to muster some semblance of courage, spoke up. "We can fight him. We have numbers on our side."

But the others knew better. They had seen the devastation wrought by Whitebeard and his crew. Numbers meant nothing against such overwhelming power.

"Run. We need to run," one of them finally said, his voice filled with despair.

"Run? Where do you think we can run? Have you forgotten where we are? We are ten thousand meters below sea level. Without our ships, we are sitting ducks. We need to confront the Whitebeard Pirates; that is the only way," one of the captains roared. They were also strong pirates from the New World, so unlike others, some did not completely lose hope.

They wanted to fight. Whitebeard's strength was all hearsay; none here had truly experienced the strength of Whitebeard, so they felt that with so many powerful pirates gathered around, they might have a chance.

There were at least a dozen pirates here who had a bounty of close to a billion Beli each. But what they did not know was that the reason no one knew the true extent of Whitebeard's powers was because anyone who had truly faced his wrath had never walked out alive.

"Tch, only if we had breached the palace, we would have had something to bargain with. But now it's too late. Gather all the pirates at the central plaza of Coral Hill. We will launch a joint offensive on Whitebeard. Who knows, maybe today we will bring down one of the Emperors of the Sea," the pirate bellowed, igniting a fever in all the surrounding pirates.

The scene at Coral Hill was chaotic. Pirates gathered in droves, their numbers swelling to over a hundred thousand. The desperation in the air was palpable, but so was the resolve. They prepared for what they hoped would be a final stand against the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard, leading his crew, advanced methodically. Every step he took seemed to reverberate through the island, a reminder of the power he wielded. His crew, seasoned and loyal, moved with precision born from countless battles.

In the streets, Marco, the First Division Commander, led a charge against a group of pirates trying to regroup. With his phoenix abilities, he swooped down, his blue flames cutting through the enemy ranks. His movements were a blur of fire and speed, leaving devastation in his wake.

Jozu, the Third Division Commander, used his diamond-hard body to bulldoze through any resistance. He was a force of nature, smashing through barricades and scattering pirates with his immense strength.

Vista, the Fifth Division Commander, with his mastery of swordsmanship, danced through the battlefield. His blades flashed with deadly precision, cutting down anyone who dared stand in his way. His elegant but lethal movements left a trail of fallen enemies behind him.

Crocodile, using his sand powers, created sandstorms that swept through the enemy lines, disorienting and overwhelming the pirates. He reveled in the chaos, his powers adding to the overall destruction.

"Whitebeard! You damn bastard!" a voice bellowed throughout the plaza, freezing everyone in shock. The strongest among the pirates had formed a coalition to face Whitebeard, and the pirate in the lead spoke again, "You are a pirate like us. Why are you helping these rotten species? Have you become a fish lover?"

Before he could finish, his observation Haki detected a massive incoming threat. Whitebeard was in no mood for dialogue. He launched into the air using sheer strength, covering hundreds of meters with his leap, and descended upon the pirate who had just spoken.

The pirate bellowed, "Busoshoku Haki!" cladding himself with a thick layer of armament haki as the massive shadow descended upon him. Even the other pirates surrounding him infused their weapons with haki, ready to support the pirate in the lead. This man had a bounty of 1.5 billion Beli and was the captain of the Dreadnaught Pirates.

However, as the massive shadow descended, he finally understood how futile his resistance was. If he had tried to run, he might have had a sliver of a chance to survive. But now...

Whitebeard's naginata glowed with a white halo covering it as he swung his weapon, infused with armament haki.

"Boooom!" The entire world seemed to freeze, and like glass, everything around the area of impact shattered. The very seabed upon which the plaza was built caved in as the force ripped through the ground, creating a massive crater that spread for thousands of meters. The entire island seemed to shake under the massive impact.

If Whitebeard hadn't held back, the destruction would have been even worse. However, even this controlled attack was too much for the pirate, who thought he was a hegemon of the New World and could face Whitebeard head on. With his dying breath, he realized why the name Whitebeard was feared throughout the world.

The surroundings were utterly transformed by the single attack. The pirate who had challenged Whitebeard had literally vanished from existence, his body disintegrated by the overwhelming power.

Along with him, several other pirates who were too close to the impact were obliterated, their bodies reduced to mere fragments. A single swing from Whitebeard was all it took to annihilate close to half a dozen pirates who boasted bounties over a billion Beli each.

The ground where the plaza once stood was now a massive crater, its edges jagged and uneven. The force of Whitebeard's attack had rippled outwards, causing buildings to collapse and the very landscape to shift. The seabed itself had caved in, creating a chasm that swallowed the remains of those unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast.

The other pirates, who had rallied, now felt absolute despair. Their bravado and confidence evaporated in the face of such overwhelming power. They were nothing compared to the force of nature that was Whitebeard. The realization that they were facing the strongest man in the world sank in, and it paralyzed them with fear.

In contrast, the Whitebeard Pirates were emboldened by the sheer display of power and brutality. Their spirits soared, and adrenaline rushed through their veins. Their aura skyrocketed as they prepared to finish the battle. Who in this whole world could challenge the Whitebeard Pirates as long as their pops were here? They bellowed with renewed vigor, their voices echoing across the battlefield.

"Clang!" A powerful shockwave rippled through the completely destroyed plaza as Whitebeard smashed his naginata, planting it into the ground.

"Kill them... Kill them all... No mercy!" Whitebeard's voice roared like a thunderclap as the Whitebeard Pirates descended on the fleeing enemies.

Marco, leading the rest, transformed into his phoenix form and swept through the ranks of the panicked pirates, his blue flames incinerating all in his path.

The scene was one of utter chaos and devastation. The pirates, who had once seemed so formidable, were now running for their lives, their morale shattered.

The Whitebeard Pirates showed no mercy, cutting down their enemies with ruthless efficiency. The air was filled with the sounds of battle cries, the clash of weapons, and the desperate screams of the doomed pirates.

Whitebeard himself stood at the center of it all, his presence a beacon of power and dominance. His mere presence commanded respect and fear. As he watched his sons decimate the enemy forces, a grim satisfaction spread across his face.

Fishman Island would be safe, and those who had dared to threaten it would face the full wrath of the strongest man in the world.

In the end, the battle was a testament to Whitebeard's unparalleled might and the unwavering loyalty of his crew. Fishman Island had been saved, and the legend of Whitebeard's protection would spread far and wide, a warning to anyone who would dare challenge his domain.


In the few days since the Donquixote family had rescued the girl from the barren island, a peculiar scene played out repeatedly, and by now, everyone was used to it. The little girl, filled with a deep fear of abandonment, followed Senor Pink like a duckling wherever he went.

Despite numerous attempts to console her, she remained adamant about staying close to him. Even Doflamingo and Diamante couldn't help but grin at Senor's latest predicament, but Senor didn't seem to mind. He simply let the little girl shadow him, accepting her presence with a quiet, stoic demeanor.

"Captain, she needs a name! We don't even know if she has a name," Little Reiju voiced out, seated next to the captain's chair. By now, the goons on the ship were already aware that the little girl, who had initially been a stowaway, had become a part of the inner circle. They understood that she needed to be treated with the same respect and status as the rest of the Donquixote family members.

The crew of Doflamingo's ship consisted of elite pirates who had surrendered to the Donquixote family. However, it wasn't as if there weren't people who harbored ideas about taking down Doflamingo and becoming the king of everything he had built.

But those working on this ship were well aware of the cruel reality that awaited anyone who tried to betray or even entertain such thoughts. If Doflamingo was a monster, then his little brother Rosinante was a different species altogether.

Their captain might take sick pleasure in tormenting any traitors before killing them, but the agony would last only a few seconds at best. Rosinante, however, was different. The last time someone in the crew tried to rebel, Rosinante captured the rebels and tortured them for three whole days, forcing the rest of the crew to watch. Though it was sickening, it sent a clear message to everyone who had joined the Donquixote Pirates.

In this harsh environment, a surprising scene unfolded: a group of ruthless pirates were seriously involved in finding a name for the little girl.

Doflamingo, lounging on his ornate chair, smirked. "Well, if we're going to give her a name, it should be something that fits our family."

"She's just a little girl," Senor interjected, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. "She needs a name that gives her a sense of belonging."

The crew fell silent, contemplating. Each suggestion was weighed with surprising care. Names were tossed around—some fierce, some gentle, and some downright ridiculous.

"How about 'Livia'?" Reiju suggested, her eyes bright with excitement. "It's a beautiful name, and it means 'life.' She survived something horrible; it's fitting."

Just then, the transponder snail that had been set aside on the table began ringing, "Peri peri peri... peri peri peri..." The ship fell silent as the crew's attention turned to Doflamingo, whose mood instantly changed. He had been expecting this call for some time now, and today, finally, the transponder snail he had taken from Marcus rang.

With a quick command from Senor, everyone cleared the deck, leaving only Doflamingo to pick up the call. Silence ensued, as neither party on either side was willing to break it first.

After a minute of standoff, the elder on the other side broke the silence. "Doflamingo..."

"Fufufufu! I wondered why the esteemed elders of the World Government hadn't called me yet. I was beginning to think you had forgotten about the incident, and I was considering razing one of your affiliated countries to send a clear message," Doflamingo chuckled, relishing the frustration that he could sense from the grim expression on the transponder snail.

"Doflamingo, we are not here to exchange pleasantries or provoke you further. Your recent activities have disrupted the balance we have carefully maintained. We acknowledge your growing strength, so let me cut to the chase. Instead of fighting this meaningless battle, we would like to make a proposal." The elder's voice echoed with a tone of reluctant diplomacy.

"Oh, a proposal, you say? After planning to kill me multiple times, you still think there's something that would interest me in negotiating with you? I'm intrigued now. I'm listening. What do you have to offer, and what do you expect in return?" Doflamingo responded in a mocking tone, sarcastically trying to rile up the elders. He wanted to know their exact plans, and to do so, he needed to provoke them.

But contrary to his expectations, the elders did not fall for the trick and continued speaking. "We would like your family to cease all hostilities with the World Government and join our fold. In return, we will reinstate yours and your little brother's status as Celestial Dragons," the Elder's voice echoed with authority.

However, Doflamingo's laugh bellowed through the transponder snail. "Do you think I need the approval of some undead freaks to tell me who I am? The world may not know your secrets, but I do. So unless you have something better to offer, don't waste my time," he chuckled darkly.

This time, there was a reaction. The pressure emitted by the Elders was palpable even through the transponder snail, making Doflamingo narrow his eyes as he leaned forward.

"Tell me, Elders, is your secret only worth that much?" he sneered.

"Doflamingo, like it or not, you have the blood of the Celestial Dragons flowing through your veins. We are born to rule this world, and now we are offering you a way to rule it alongside us," the Elder calmed down and spoke again, his tone calculated.

"Tell me, Doflamingo, would you like to be immortal, someone who can live forever and rule over this world for eternity?" The entire atmosphere froze as Doflamingo's eyes dangerously narrowed at the mention of immortality.

"All you have to do is come back to our fold and embrace your true identity as a Celestial Dragon. You will have everything you have ever desired and more. Even living forever is something within your grasp..." The words of the Elders were like silk, smooth, and enticing.

Doflamingo's breath was ragged. Immortality—that was something anyone in this world would vie for, and he, a man with ambitions to rule the world, was no exception.

"So, what do you really want? I know bringing me back is not what you are truly after, especially if you are willing to pay such a price." Doflamingo's interest was evident. This made the elders think they had him in their grasp. All they had to do was sweeten the deal.

"Doflamingo, your power, influence, and knowledge make you an invaluable ally. We need someone with your capabilities to maintain the order of this world. We have seen the chaos that can ensue when the balance is tipped. Join us, and not only will you rule as a Celestial Dragon, but you will also have a hand in shaping the very fabric of our reality. Your ambitions align with our goals—control, dominance, and eternal rule. We can help you achieve this." The Elder's voice was firm and persuasive.

Doflamingo paused, his mind racing. The offer was tempting, incredibly so. But he knew there had to be more. The Elders were desperate, and desperation meant leverage.

"And what of my family? My crew? What guarantees do I have that they will be treated with the same respect and power you are offering me?" Doflamingo asked, testing the waters.

"Your family will be elevated to positions of power, just as you will be. They will be integral to the new order we will create. Your strength will be our strength, and your enemies will be ours to crush. You will have our full support in every endeavor," the elder assured him.

Doflamingo's eyes gleamed with a mixture of ambition and caution. The offer was almost too good to be true, and he knew there had to be a catch. But the prospect of immortality and ultimate power was too enticing to dismiss outright.

The Elder's smile could almost be heard through the transponder snail. "If you accept this offer, you will truly become one of us. We promise to groom you for the position of elder. You understand what our position means, right? I know all this is a lot to think about, so we will give you some time to consider..." The call abruptly disconnected.

Doflamingo's breath had been ragged, and it seemed he was almost tempted to accept the Elders' proposal. However, the moment the call was disconnected, his demeanor changed, turning cold and calculating.

A powerful wave of Conqueror's Haki burst out in tides, swaying the entire ship dangerously. Finally, he understood what these bastards wanted. Not once throughout the conversation did the Elders mention his little brother, Rosinante. This omission revealed their ultimate goal—they were desperate to bring Rosinante back.

Immortality was indeed interesting, and he needed it. But would he have to beg these bastards and grovel at Imu's feet to gain that power? No. If he wanted something, he would take it on his own terms. Besides, his little brother had already hinted at the means to gain immortality.

Doflamingo crushed the transponder snail in his hand, reducing it to dust. Now that he knew the Elders' main goal, there was no need to entertain their conversations any longer. He needed to inform Rosinante. The Elders' desperation to offer eternal life and a status as an Elder meant that Rosinante was someone they couldn't afford to lose.

Doflamingo stood up, his eyes gleaming with a cold, calculated fury. His mind raced with plans and counterplans. The Elders thought they could manipulate him with promises of power and immortality, but they underestimated his cunning. Everything he had showcased to the Elders was a facade, a performance to extract information. Now, with the truth laid bare, he would use it to his advantage.

He walked out onto the deck, where his crew had gathered, sensing the shift in his mood. They looked at him expectantly, awaiting his command.

"Prepare the ship. We move out immediately to our next destination because we are running short on time. I need to speak with my little brother in the meantime," Doflamingo commanded, and the crew sprang into action.

As the ship bustled with activity, Doflamingo retreated to his quarters, his mind still racing. The Elders had revealed their hand, and now it was his turn to play. He would protect his little brother and secure their power, not through submission, but through dominance. The Elders would regret ever thinking they could control the Donquixote family.

A predatory smile spread across Doflamingo's face as he thought of the chaos he would unleash. His cunning mind had already begun to weave a web of plans and contingencies. The game had just begun, and Doflamingo intended to win.



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