16.66% On the Paths of a New World / Chapter 1: Prologue (Volume 1)

บท 1: Prologue (Volume 1)


Vitor opened his eyes to total darkness in a void that seemed immense and claustrophobic.

The only light came from a figure floating in front of him. The light grew in intensity and revealed the form of a woman. Her hair, as brilliant as the full moon, fell in soft waves around her face. Her eyes were like two distant stars shining with an intense and inscrutable light, she was, in a word, celestial.

"Welcome, Vitor Venante," she said. Her voice was soft, like a spring breeze.

"My name is Althea, the Goddess of the Threshold. I am here to guide you on your journey beyond life.

"Beyond life?" Vitor repeated, a chill running down his spine. "Did I-... I died?"

"Yes," confirmed Althea, her eyes full of empathy and understanding. "I'm sorry to say that your life on Earth has come to an end."

Vitor felt as if the ground had disappeared beneath his feet. Dead? Was he... really dead?

Althea continued, "I wish I could tell you how you met your end, but... that's something you must discover for yourself, if you wish."

Her words were a mystery, an enigma Vitor knew he would need to unravel.

"Usually, you would have the option to pass on to paradise or be reborn on Earth as a human again. But, given the unique circumstances of your death and your age, a third option has been made available to you..."

Althea extended her hand, and a portal of light opened before them: Through it, Vitor could see a strange and wonderful world. Medieval cities, enchanted forests, and creatures that seemed straight out of a fairy tale.

"This is the world of Konosuba," said Althea. "It is a world where magic is real. But it is also a world in trouble. The Demon King and his armies threaten the peace and stability of this place.

"We are short of people willing to be reborn there, you maybe already figured out why," She continued. "And that's why I'm giving you the option to choose this world for your new life."

Althea's expression was serious, but a gleam in her eyes made Vitor think there was more than met the gaze.

"You will receive an item or a skill to help you on this journey, it's up to you. It can be anything - a magical artifact, a special gift...perhaps a goddess..."

She gave herself a provocative look, a soft smile forming on her lips.

"So, Vitor Venante, "what will you choose for your new life?"

The information about his own death seemed to numb Vitor to the bones, but despite the shock and confusion, he still managed to form questions in his mind.

"Hey, wait a minute..." he began, his voice shaky but determined. "Is this some kind of joke? You're telling me I died, just like that, out of nowhere?"

He paused, his eyes scanning Althea's serene face, looking for some sign of a joke.

But the goddess just looked at him with a sympathetic expression, a hint of sadness in her eyes."

Why can't you tell me how I died?" A tone of accusation in his voice. "I just died, and you want to send me to a world with demons? What kind of shit is this?!"

Vitor took a deep breath, the adrenaline from his confusion fueling his words.

"And how are you a goddess? There's no such thing as divinity. This is pure foolishness to trick idiots," he said with a twinge of disbelief.

He knew, somewhere deep in his heart, that what was happening was true. But accepting it was another story.

Althea didn't move. She simply floated in front of him, the light enveloping her slightly fluctuating with Vitor's words. She seemed no stranger to the disbelief of mortals, looking at Vitor with patience...

"It can be hard to accept, Vitor." Althea's voice was as gentle as before, unshaken by the accusations. "But it's the truth. You're dead. And yes, I'm a goddess who guides those who have died on the American continent. I can't tell you how you died. That's something you will have to find out for yourself, if and when you're ready, as I've already said."

She paused, silence filling the space between them, allowing her words to settle.

"As for the world of Konosuba, it's a choice. You don't have to choose it. But the option is there if you want."

Althea's expression was calm, unshaken by Vitor's outburst. She kept her eyes fixed on him, emanating an aura of patience and understanding as if she had been through this many times before.

Vitor looked more confused and incredulous with each word Althea pronounced. He ran a hand through his face, trying to process the goddess's words. "You're joking with this name too, right?" he mumbled, his words half panting, half laughing. "Have you been reading my fanfics I wrote about the Light Novel Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o!?"

He shook his head, disbelief stamped on his face. "How can there be a world with that name? This is just the invention of a Japanese writer, who was probably a virgin and recluse, who wanted to mix RPG with anime. You're trying to trick me or make fun of me, aren't you?"

He looked at Althea, disbelief still evident in his eyes. They stared at each other, Vitor waiting for an explanation and Althea patiently waiting for him to assimilate the information. There was a sense of expectation in the air as if the world was awaiting Vitor's reaction. Althea remained calm, her eyes full of understanding and patience.

"Vitor," she began, her voice always calm and gentle. "I understand, this is hard to believe. And I know it seems like a huge coincidence. But I assure you, this is the world of Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o!. It's real. And it's an option for your next life."

She paused, allowing Vitor to absorb her words.

"This is not a mistake, Vitor. This is not a trick. It's an opportunity. A choice you can make."

"This doesn't make any sense!" Vitor exclaimed, his voice echoing in the empty room. He seemed to be struggling to understand what was going on. "How can a fantasy be real? And how am I dead talking to a woman and I'm not stuttering or sweating cold?" His face was full of bewilderment. "I could barely get close to a woman when I was alive."

He paused, a thought crossing his mind.

"This is just a dream, right?" He asked, looking at Althea. "I want to wake up now." With that, he pinched himself, his expression of confusion giving way to determination.

But nothing changed. The room remained the same, Althea was still there, and he was still dead.

"Vitor," Althea said, understanding and softening her voice. "I know this is confusing. It's a lot to process at once. But this is not a dream. You really died. And you're here because you need to make a decision about your next life."

She looked at Vitor, waiting for her words to take effect. "I understand that this is hard to believe, but it's the reality. And you need to face it."

Vitor let out a long sigh, his breathing visibly disordered. The reality of the situation began to sink in, and he could feel anxiety growing in his chest.

Leaning back in his chair, his hands covering his face, he tried to calm down.

He could feel Althea's presence nearing, the goddess trying to offer some kind of consolation...

"Get away, woman!! Do you want me to have a heart attack right here?" Vitor exploded, looking at Althea with an expression of panic. He was clearly disturbed, tension visible in every line of his body.

Althea backed away, raising her hands in a gesture of surrender. She expressed concern on her face but kept a respectful distance, allowing Vitor to have some space to breathe and process the information.

The room fell silent for several minutes, only the sound of Vitor's agitated breathing echoing in the empty space. Gradually, he began to calm down, the reality of his situation beginning to truly sink in.

Vitor took a deep breath, the air filling his lungs as he struggled to control his runaway heartbeat. He shook his head as if trying to clear the confusion, before forcing himself to focus on Althea again.

He closed his eyes briefly, using the silence to gather his thoughts. There were so many questions swirling in his mind, an endless series of 'what ifs' and 'whys' that he hardly knew where to start. He knew he needed answers, some way to make sense of all this, but the reality of what was happening still seemed far beyond comprehension.


Eventually, Vitor came back to reality, finding Althea's gaze.

"Alright," he began, his voice steady despite the noticeable tremor in his words. "I died, who knows how. This seems to be the exact beginning of the Konosuba Light Novel, where Kazuma dies in a ridiculous way, and that goddess mocks him. At least you're not mocking me, but I also don't know how I died, so that doesn't help either. I don't know why you don't want or can't tell me, but I'll let that slide for now. There's no way around it. So, I can choose between going to heaven, being reborn on Earth, or going to a world that is exactly like the world of that light novel... I can't believe this could be true, but here are a few questions then..."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to calm himself, again. His expression was severe, the weight of the situation evident in his features. He felt a mixture of fear, confusion, and disbelief, but deep down, there was also a spark of curiosity. This was a completely new and unknown world. Despite all the uncertainties, a part of him was excited to explore the unknown.

Vitor looked at the goddess, his intense eyes focused on her face. He leaned forward in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest as he bit his lower lip. His mind was spinning, trying to process the goddess's words.

"How is it possible that a world that was a fantasy written in my world is real?" He began, his voice low and serious. "Is this world in the same universe as Earth or is it another universe? Or another reality?"

Vitor stopped for a moment, his eyes flickering with a new realization. "If this world is really the world of Konosuba," he continued, "then Kazuma, Darkness, Megumin, and Aqua must be in it, but they should have already defeated the Demon King... after all, the Light Novel had already ended..."

His expression became thoughtful.

"Unless..." he began slowly, "the current moment is before the end of the light novel, and the current moment is not the current moment on Earth, or the real story of Konosuba is not predetermined..."

Vitor finished, looking at the goddess with an expectant expression. He was clearly struggling to understand the situation, his intense and focused gaze demonstrating his effort to accept the reality of his position.

In turn, the goddess Althea observed Vitor in silence, her eyes shining with a mix of sympathy and admiration. She could see the confusion and disbelief on his face. Still, she could also see the underlying determination and desire to understand. This spirit of resilience made her believe that Vitor could handle what was to come.

Goddess Althea tilted her head to the side, seeming to consider his words before responding.

"The universe is an incredibly vast and complex place, Vitor, much more than humans know," she began with a gentle voice. "And the concept of reality can be more fluid than you imagine. Some may even argue that reality is a personal construct, shaped by each individual's perceptions and beliefs."

She spread her hands in an expansive gesture as if trying to encompass the entire cosmos. "In such a vast and complex universe, who is to say what is truly real or not? The world of Konosuba may have been a work of fiction in your world, but in another part of the universe, it is as real as the Earth you lived on."

The goddess lowered her hands, looking directly at Vitor. "As for Kazuma and the others, yes, they are in this world. But you are right in your assumption - the timeline here is different. It is not synchronized with Earth's timeline. And as for the Demon King, well... that is something you will have to discover for yourself."

Althea finished with an enigmatic smile, clearly enjoying the mystery she had just presented.

On the other hand, Vitor was silent, absorbing the goddess's words and trying to comprehend the implications of what she had just revealed.

Vitor crossed his arms, a skeptical look etched on his face as his mind struggled to unravel the goddess's words.

"It's not synchronized... what does that mean?" he questioned, his words sounding more like a challenge than a question. "Can it be changed or not? Is everything already destined to happen in a certain way or not?"

He furrowed his brow, his tone growing more frustrated with Althea's vague answers.

"And what about your talk of 'another part of the universe'? I was a physicist and astronomer... well, at least a student of Physics and Astronomy," he continued, "don't give me that nonsense, none of this can be real, the laws of Physics wouldn't hold true, tell me the truth and stop trying to deceive me."

The goddess simply smiled, her patience and calmness clearly unshaken by his intensity. She seemed to be pondering how to respond, perhaps even considering how deep she should go in her explanation. Despite his growing frustration, Vitor couldn't help but notice the grace and dignity with which she handled the situation, a constant reminder that he was speaking to a deity, after all.

But still, he was determined to get answers, and his gaze clearly stated that he would not settle for anything less than the whole truth.

Faced with Vitor's insistence, Althea couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. Still smiling, she raised a hand to calm him, clearly not wanting to provoke him further than she already had.

"Vitor, I understand your frustration," she began, maintaining a calm and gentle voice. "And I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to deceive you, that's not my intention. I will try to clarify your doubts as best as I can."

She paused, seeming to choose her next words carefully...

"Firstly, about the synchrony between worlds... it's a bit complicated. Each macroscopic part of the universe has its own flow of time and its own history. It's not a linear and connected thing, like, for example, in a smaller perspective the solar system. It's more like... separate rivers that flow parallel, each with its own currents and deviations. So yes, things can change depending on the actions of people in those worlds."

As for your other question..." she continued, her expression growing more serious. "You're right; The laws of Physics as you know them don't explain the existence of these worlds. But that doesn't mean there aren't other laws or other aspects of the universe that humanity hasn't discovered yet. Physics is one way of understanding the universe, Vitor, but it's not the only way."

Althea's gaze was kind, yet firm, demonstrating that she was serious. "The truth is, the universe is much vaster and more complex than we can fully comprehend. That doesn't mean you should discard everything you know, just that there is more to learn. And perhaps, by choosing this path, you have the opportunity to explore those truths for yourself."

Silence fell between them as Althea let her words resonate. Despite her answers not being precisely what Vitor expected, she had tried to be as transparent as possible. It was up to him to decide whether he accepted her explanations or not.

Vitor took a deep breath, trying to calm himself in the face of the magnitude of what he was about to do. He was in entirely unfamiliar territory, and despite the evident fear in his voice, there was also a firm determination that did not go unnoticed by Althea."

Well, it seems I have no choice but to trust you and accept being reborn in this bizarre world, but I want to discuss some terms before," said Vitor.

"I want to be reborn as myself," Vitor asserted, staring at the goddess. "I remember that Kazuma went to this world without losing his memory and at the same age, and he had a chance to bring something with him to help. I want the same opportunity.

"Vitor then presented his second demand, once again demonstrating his knowledge of the Konosuba plot.

"Can you tell me in which 'volume' of the Light Novel the world of Konosuba is now? And if it is still following what was written in it?"

Listening to Vitor's demands, Althea nodded slowly, respecting his decision, and responded, "Firstly, of course, you will keep your memories and your identity. As for the item you wish to bring, think carefully. Choose something that can help you on this new journey." The goddess paused, thinking about Vitor's second demand, and finally said, "As for the plot of the Light Novel... the world of Konosuba is currently concluding 'volume' 2. Some things are similar to the story you know, and others are different. But remember, the stories are inspired by this world, but not everything that was written necessarily happened or will happen. The future is still to be written, Vitor, by you and by those you will encounter."

The goddess's eyes shone with a mix of seriousness and gentleness. She knew her words offered little consolation to someone about to face an unknown world, but it was all she could offer. She patiently waited for Vitor to absorb the information, prepared to answer more questions if he had any.

Vitor hesitated again before asking the next question. "And in the current situation of Konosuba's world, do I still have a chance to...?" He didn't finish the sentence, letting the words hang in the air. The atmosphere suddenly grew heavier, a sign of the unspoken question's importance to Vitor.

Althea watched him for a moment, thoughtful. Then, she responded with a gentleness that only a goddess could possess. "Vitor, every world is a tapestry of infinite possibilities and paths. What you will choose and where you will go is something only you can decide."

The answer was as enigmatic as it was comforting, and though it wasn't a concrete promise, there was a glimmer of hope within it. Vitor nodded slowly, appearing somewhat relieved.

Althea continued to gaze at Vitor. She could see the anxiety within him but also a resolute determination. She smiled, "Regardless of what happens, Vitor, remember, this is now your path, and you have the power to shape it as you wish."

Vitor adjusted himself in his chair, his eyes meeting Althea's with a solid and determined gaze. "Alright then. That's enough for me," he stated with conviction. "Now, about the item or gift I can bring..."

The next part of his statement was silenced as if the sound couldn't traverse the space between him and Althea. His lips moved, forming words and phrases that she seemed to understand, but no sound reached anywhere. Althea nodded, her eyes shining with a soft light of understanding.

The scene darkened for a moment, briefly cutting to Althea. Her expression was serene, but there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. She nodded again, responding to something Vitor had said:

"You're sure about this, Vitor?" she asked, her voice sounding clear again. But once again, Vitor's response was inaudible. The focus was on his face, showing a determined expression, before returning to Althea.

Finally, she nodded slowly, an expression of acceptance on her face. "Very well, Vitor. If that's your choice, I will respect it." She stood up, extending her hand...

Althea's words echoed, growing in strength and intensity, revering through the surrounding space. Her voice sounded majestic, infused with a solemn and resolute serenity, as she uttered the phrase that would mark the beginning of a new journey for Vitor."

And so, with this blessing of mine, I send you, Vitor, to the world of Konosuba, ruled by the Demon King. There, you will encounter companions and adversities, but also the opportunity to forge your own path and fight for a future of your choosing. Remember, no matter how dark the nights may be, there will always be a dawn. So, go forth, face it, and emerge victorious. Conquer, thus, a bright future and glory!"

As the goddess Althea spoke, a shimmering light began to emanate from the ground beneath Vitor, slowly forming an elaborate magic circle. As the intensity of the light increased, the circle started to rotate, casting golden and blue sparks that floated through the air, creating a stunning visual spectacle.

Vitor could feel a strange vibration passing through his body as if every molecule of his being was being awakened to a new existence. The light grew so intense that he had to close his eyes, the sound of a strong wind filling his ears.

In an instant, Althea's voice got lost in the torrent of energy. Vitor felt like he was being pulled, transported through a vortex of pure light and magical power. At that moment, he knew that his journey in the world of Konosuba had truly begun.

next chapter
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