"Was I to expect word from the citadel?" Jian asked Cassian as they headed through the camp to his tent.
"Not that I am aware of. Kirgan and Imagor alongside their squadrons have taken over citadel and keep defence respectively. We have heard word of Narx's recovery also." Cassian replied.
Jian said nothing until he stepped into his tent where the delivered message was left on his desk.
The rolled up parchment lay in a small wooden chest with the lid open and Jian knew his Lord dragons had already examined the chest to be certain it was safe to be presented before him.
"In what manner was it delivered?" Jian asked with a raised brow as he glanced down at the rolled up parchment.
"Through a spell portal, My liege. They are not certain from what source..." Cassian reported, picking up the parchment before Jian could reach it.