1.58% Not the Heroine, Not the Villainess, But a Side Character... or not? / Chapter 1: Chapter 1- Reincarnation
Not the Heroine, Not the Villainess, But a Side Character... or not? Not the Heroine, Not the Villainess, But a Side Character... or not? original

Not the Heroine, Not the Villainess, But a Side Character... or not?


© WebNovel

บท 1: Chapter 1- Reincarnation

It was at the age of six when I remembered my previous life. Yes. It happened when I was carrying a tray of freshly baked bread in my family’s bakery. The tray was quite heavy for me and my parents insisted that they carry it out to the display shelf, but I refused because I wanted to help. It was at the time that I took a step and ended up slipping on bread dough. I fell back and hit the floor. The bread went flying and the tray smacked me square on the face. That’s when everything came flooding back to me. I, Reiré Norman, was originally an eighteen-year-old girl that died in an accident in my previous life.

Before I died, I remember attending a place called high school in a kingdom called America. I was stressed every day because of school work and would often resort to anime and manga to help relieve stress. I remember I was a, what was the term? Oh right, I was a big otaku. Yes, I was an otaku in my previous life. And if I think about it, doesn’t that mean I was reincarnated? A dream that every anime fan such as myself would want?

Ah, my head hurts. I really don’t want to think about this right now. I can hear my parents calling my name. Am I gonna die again? I died in such a pathetic way in my last life. Yes, I’m gonna joke about it. What happened was I accidentally walked out onto the crosswalk, mistaking the light as green because I was so tired from an all-nighter, and Trunk-kun smacked me so hard that my soul transcended to a six-year-old girl in another world. Yes, such an otaku way of explaining it.



I groaned in pain as my head throbbed. I slowly opened my eyes to see three figures. I slowly sat up and was greeted by my mother. She had a worried look on her pale face. I can see how scared she was from the look in her brown eyes.


She let out a sigh and smiled. “Reiré, you have no idea how worried I was.” She gently rubbed my cheek as I apologized.

“I’m sorry…”

“Reiré now has a bump on her head.”

Hmm? Turning away from my mother, I saw two other guests. They look to be about the same age as me. One was a young boy with black hair and amber eyes, the other was a young girl with long black hair and bright green eyes. They both wore quite expensive-looking clothing. They must be of nobility.

I tilted my head and asked, “Who are you?”

They both gave me a shocked look. Did I actually know them? Now I feel bad.

“Reiré, do you remember who I am?” asked my mother.

My mother suddenly had a very pale face and her eyes looked very panicked. Did she really think I would forget my own mother who raised me?

Hoping to calm my mother, I answered, “Mother is mother, right?”

She let out a breath of relief. “I was worried that you might have amnesia.”

“Reiré, I am Rium. We met two weeks ago and a few days ago as well,” said the young girl.


Rium Bazanine. She’s the daughter of Duke Cecil Bazanine. Her family was quite fond of our bakery and had invested in us with their money. How could I forget something like that!?

“Lady Rium, I am so sorry for my rude behavior.”

Lady Rium giggled, “That’s alright. I’m just glad you haven’t forgotten.”

“Then you are…” I turned to the young boy sitting next to Lady Rium. He gave me a shy look and hid behind Lady Rium’s shoulder.

“This is Lord Raphael. I introduced him a few days ago when we met for the second time,” Lady Rium said. “Do you not remember?”


“He’s the son of Duke Robert Graham,” my mother whispered to me.

“Ah!” I quickly bowed my head. “My sincere apologies, Lord Raphael.”

“It’s alright. We haven’t met as much as you and Rium have,” he mumbled.

“Lord Raphael, you need to speak clearly,” scolded Lady Rium. “You’re the son of a duke, speak with confidence.”

He meekly nodded, “Right…”

“Um… Lady Rium and Lord Raphael. Why are you here in my room?”

It was certainly strange for people of such high status like Lady Rium and Lord Raphael to be in a commoner’s house.

“They came to buy some pastries when you fell. You lost consciousness and your father and I became very worried. These two were also worried so they came to see you,” answered mother.

“You were bleeding from the back of your head,” said Lady Rium.

“Eh!?” Really? Did I break skin from falling on a wooden floor?

“You took a hard fall after all,” voiced mother.

Lord Raphael also chipped in. “Y-You also have a bump on your forehead from the tray that dropped on you.”

“Really?” I touched my forehead and flinched. That hurt.

“Here.” Mother handed me a mirror and I looked at my reflection.

Even though I’ve lived with this face for six years, it’s strange to see it now that I’ve remembered what my previous life was like. In this life, I am an albino. I had short white hair and large red eyes. I’m often picked on by other children because of my looks. I was often called a cursed child. My mother and father are very loving and protected me. Even though my existence has caused them so much trouble. I’m happy to have parents like them. I don’t know why I’m feeling so emotional now, but tears just started to fall from my eye. Well, I am only a six-year-old, so I probably couldn’t control my emotions well, even if I was an eighteen-year-old before I died.

“Reiré? Does it still hurt?” My mother gently patted my head.

“I’m okay, but it stings a bit,” I said as I touched the red bump on my forehead.

“Don’t touch it, honey. I’ll rub some ointment on it later.”

“Thank you, mother.”

“Lady Rium, Lord Raphael, so sorry to take your time. Please take as many pastries as you like. It’ll be on the house,” said mother.

Lady Rium stood up and curtsied. As expected of a noble lady. “Thank you, Mrs. Norman. We are meeting up with Prince Leonhardt later, so we will take you up on your kindness.”

“Reiré, rest more. I’ll check up on you later,” said mother.

“It’s nice seeing you again, Reiré. Lord Raphael and I will visit again.”

“Ah!” I quickly bowed my head. “Thank you for coming, Lady Rium, Lord Raphael!”

They left my room and I was left alone in my bed. Today was so strange. If I didn’t remember my eighteen-year-old self, I would have most likely embarrassed myself in front of Lady Rium and Lord Raphael. Being a six-year-old with no manners whatsoever, I could have treated them very rudely without realizing it.

Feeling somewhat exhausted, I laid back down on the soft mattress. Rium Bazanine and Raphael Graham. Their names sound very familiar for some reason. No, it’d make sense if I heard their names somewhere. Both their family are quite famous, after all. Robert Graham was a cold-hearted man that would often scold Lord Raphael for his timid nature. He was quite a strict man and would be the only person that would go against the King’s words. Because of this, many noble families are afraid of the Graham household. No wonder Lord Raphael grew up to be lonely.

Huh? Wait… Something’s strange. How do I know all this?

I quickly sat up as I became somewhat scared of my knowledge. This was my second meeting with Lord Raphael and I haven’t even learned about any of his family circumstances. So why do I know so much? Wait, no… He sounds a lot like a character from that one light novel I’ve read. Wait, what am I doing comparing someone’s life to a character from a fictional story? Even if Lord Raphael sounds like a character from that story and even if he has a childhood friend named Lady Rium like the one in the story, there’s no way any of that is connected. Yes, I must be going insane. Man, that fall really messed with my head. Was what I thought, but then I met with his highnesses. First Prince Leonhardt Zenova and second Prince Clovis Zenova.

It was when I was nine. I have gotten along with Lady Rium and Lord Raphael. They have bought many of our pastries and shared it with Prince Leonhardt and Prince Clovis during their tea parties when their fathers are in a meeting together. And thanks to Lady Rium and Lord Raphael promoting my family business, the two princes have decided to stop by. Both the princes have blonde hair, but they have different blue eyes. Prince Leonhardt’s blue eyes were more towards a grey color, like a stormy sky while Prince Clovis’, has a bright blue color that matches the ocean. Overall, these young princes will surely grow to be quite the looker. But most of all. Now that I’m looking at them, they look similar to the characters on that certain light novel cover that I keep being reminded of. I really want to deny it, but I did some research and this world was very similar to my favorite light novel, called Fight for Love and Acceptance, which I have read over many times in my previous life.

“Big brother Leon, I want this cake!” Prince Clovis said as he stared at the displayed cases of different slices of cake.

Prince Leonhardt nodded and signaled to their guard.

The guard walked up to the counter and ordered the strawberry shortcake along with a few other pastries. I only smiled at him as my mother took the payment. Once their business was done, the princes left our humble family bakery.

I was becoming very scared and very excited at the same time. I’ve met Lord Raphael, Prince Leonhardt, and Prince Clovis, who have the same name and appearance as three of the four major male characters in the story, but surely this was just a coincidence. It’s impossible that I was reincarnated into my favorite light novel story, that just can’t be. This isn’t an anime.

Of course, that thought process was immediately crushed when I met the heroine of my favorite light novel story. I was twelve years old and was finally deemed old enough to help around the family store. When I started appearing around the store, many people stopped coming because of how I looked and how I was the rumored cursed child. I didn’t mind even if it kind of hurt. Lady Rium and Lord Raphael still came to see me. I don’t understand why they are so nice to a commoner like me. Usually, rich people are snotty and self-conceited. Lady Rium and Lord Raphael are such good kids. Anyways, getting off-topic, today I’m watching the counter while mother went out to shop for groceries. It was during the afternoon when a woman and a girl about my age came into the store. Yes, seeing that young girl reminded me of the main protagonist of the light novel displayed on the front cover. She possesses the same strawberry blonde hair and turquoise eyes. There’s no mistaking it. That young girl is Alexandra Bailey. The heroine of Fight for Love and Acceptance.

Just to make sure, when they came up to the counter, I asked the young girl, “Excuse me, but what’s your name?”

She smiled and answered, “It’s Alexandra Bailey. What’s your name?”

I felt an arrow shot right through my heart. The charm of the heroine. Quite dangerous, I should be careful. “My name is Reiré Norman. I hope you continue to buy from our humble bakery.”

They paid and they left. As they left, I heard Alexandra say, “Mama! Let’s come back again!”

Ah, what a cute girl she is. As I thought, the protagonist is such a sweetheart. Wait! Hold up! If this is like the light novel, doesn’t that mean… doesn’t that mean my favorite character also exists in this world!?

I was starting to get my hopes up, which I know was bad, but there were just way too many coincidences. Going to the library almost every day to study the history of this world, everything matches the setting of the story. There was too much evidence, then that means… surely, it’ll happen. In that place… Yes, the place where all the events will most likely occur. This was the first time I wished I was reincarnated as the heroine or someone of high nobility. As a commoner, I won’t be able to enter that place. I’ll definitely miss the story’s events. In the world of no anime and manga, I am desperate for some otaku entertainment.

Oh well. I am very disappointed, but Reiré Norman wasn’t even mentioned in the light novel. I’m just some useless side character. Might as well give up and just live life to the fullest. I refuse to die a pointless death like my last life. I died so young after all. I expect myself to live at least up to the age of ninety before I die again.

So with that in mind, I’ll give up on trying to see the story’s events no matter how romantic they are. It’s way out of my hands after all. This isn’t some anime where I’ll be forced into the middle of it. Life just sucks that way after all.


The door to my family shop slammed open and Lady Rium walked in. Ah, the beautiful young noble lady. She is slowly growing to be a beauty, isn’t she? If this world really was based on Fight for Love and Acceptance, I hope she can escape her downfall. Maybe I can intervene and stop her from being mean to the heroine. That would at least make her situation better, right?


Eh? Is it just me or does she sound kind of angry?

“You are going to attend Roseward Academy, right?”

I blinked at her question. To think I would hear the name of that honorable academy. “I’m sorry?”

“Rium!” This time Lord Raphael came running through the entrance. He has grown quite tall. The more he grows the more he looks like Raphael Graham from the light novel. “Rium, You can’t just run away from your guards like that.”

“Lord Raphael, what is going on? Why is Lady Rium looking so angry?” I asked.

Something doesn’t sit well with my stomach. Because Reiré wasn’t mentioned in the story I have no idea what her childhood was like. Hence, I have no idea where this situation is headed.

“Well-” Lord Raphael was gonna explain, but Lady Rium cut him off.

“Lord Raphael doesn’t want to go to Roseward Academy because he’s scared!”

To think Rium talked over the son of a Duke. I’m sure once she calms down she’s gonna be very guilty and ashamed.

“Is that true, Lord Raphael?” I asked him.

“I’ll be attending next year, but yes. I am scared. I’m not good with people and I don’t know anyone there either. I’ll have to live in the dormitory as well. I’ll be all alone…”

I forgot that Lord Raphael was two years older than us. Lady Rium and I are his only close friends, so if he were to go to Roseward Academy it’d make sense he’d be feeling lonely.

“I see, but…” Turning to Lady Rium, I questioned, “What does this have to do with me attending Roseward Academy?”

“Well, Lord Raphael is afraid of being alone, right? So if you and I both attend Roseward Academy, then Lord Raphael won’t need to feel lonely.”

“But won’t he still have to wait two years? He’ll still be alone then,” I said.

Lady Rium eyebrows furrowed as she realized my point.

“I-If… If I know both Rium and Reiré will attend, I don’t mind waiting for two years,” murmured Lord Raphael.

I guess he just wants the reassurance of knowing that someone he knows will be attending the academy someday. But little did he know that he’ll become quite the popular student that rivaled even the princes.

“Don’t worry, Lord Raphael. Reiré and I will write letters to you while you’re in the academy. And we’ll still hang out during winter and summer vacation. Once we enter the academy we’ll help you make many friends,” stated Lady Rium.

“Really?” Lord Raphael’s eyes began to sparkle with hope.

I feel bad to rain bad news on them, but I have to before they make me promise something I can’t do. “I’m sorry Lady Rium and Lord Raphael, but I can’t attend Roseward Academy with you.”

They both stared at me and then Lord Raphael began to get teary. Crap, now I feel even more guilty. Was he always the crybaby type? Well, I am meeting a child version of him. He has yet to bloom into the handsome cool-natured man like the one in the light novel.

“What do you mean you can’t attend Roseward Academy?” Lady Rium asked. “Don’t you want to be with Lord Raphael and me?”

“I knew it… Reiré doesn’t see me as a friend after all,” Lord Raphael mumbled.

“Ah!” They are really misunderstanding this. “That’s not it! It’s because I’m a commoner! Roseward Academy is a school for nobles. My family can’t afford for me to go to that kind of school.”

“So it’s not because you don’t like me?” Lord Raphael voiced.

“Of course not.” I gave him a sweet smile. “Lord Raphael is a precious friend of mine.” And a juicy entertainment material. Not like I’ll say that out loud, though.

“So what I’m hearing is that Roseward academy is expensive for you?” Lady Rium voiced.

“Yes,” I answered.

Lady Rium suddenly smiled. “Then my family will pay for you.”

“Eh?” Did I hear correctly? “Your family… will pay?”

“Of course! Reiré is also a precious friend of mine. You looked after Lord Raphael with me and you even let us read books in your room. You give us so many free snacks even though it might hurt your family business. This will be my way of repaying you!”

Does this twelve-year-old noble girl understand what she’s saying? Your family invested money in us, so of course, it’s fine to give you free snacks. Those were just prototypes for you to try before we put them on the shelves anyways. Asking for your family to pay for my tuition at that school was way too much. It will cause my family trouble if you asked for them to pay for me.

“Lady Rium, I’m happy that you would do that for me, but-”

“No buts!” she interrupted. “I will tell my parents and they will surely agree with me. This will also help Lord Raphael, so don’t worry.”


“Come on, Lord Raphael. Let’s go convince my parents!”


Both Lord Raphael and Lady Rium ran out of the shop. I could only watch them disappear as the dreadful feeling in my chest continued to grow. Surely that won’t happen. Why would the Bazanine household waste any more money on my family than they already have? I’m sure Lady Rium’s request will be rejected.


“Good news, Reiré,” my mother suddenly announced.

I have a bad feeling.

I am currently sitting at the dinner table with my mother and father. They both have happy faces, so it must be good news, but for some reason, my stomach was churning in an uncomfortable way.

“This may come as a shock,” said father. “But I’m sure it’ll be good for you.”

“W-What is it, mother, father?” I hesitantly asked.

“You will be attending Roseward Academy!!” They both announced.

Yep. I knew it was something like that.

next chapter
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