In a world plagued by chaos and rebellion, a young genius, unaware of his origins, leads a major corporation in Aratsun Country. With extraordinary intelligence and formidable combat skills, he seeks to uncover the mystery behind his caretaker's death and the truth about himself.
As revolution shakes Aratsun, he stands at the forefront, challenging the ruthless dictator who controls the country. In his struggle, he uncovers a profound secret about himself that could change everything. With the loyalty of his friends and the strength of his resolve, he fights for freedom and justice in a world filled with betrayal and injustice.
เขียนรีวิวAlthough the beginning of the book seems very distant from the start of the story, it does make me curious about how the story will make this turn.
Thank you for all the positive feedback, enthusiasm, and suggestions. I am delighted and honored by all of you, my readers. As a beginner writer, I welcome your input and suggestions to help me improve. 😊
นักเขียน Pk_12
I'm gonna review it five stars, that's all.