81.25% Naruto Xion / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Creation of All Things Jutsu

บท 13: Chapter 13: Creation of All Things Jutsu

After recharging his chakra, Naruto looked at himself. With this body, he would be able to create a million clones, and it should be noted that these clones would have combat capabilities for at least a day. However, he didn't create any additional clones; he simply had another one of the clones he had already created take his place in the chakra recharge seat, and this clone would be responsible for creating a million clones.

With the Rinnegan, Naruto could directly share information in the minds of the clones whenever he wanted or when the clones considered it necessary. Therefore, it was no longer necessary for the clones to be dispelled to gain their experiences. And now that he could create a million clones a day, there was no way he could be defeated. Naruto no longer had to pay attention to anything, hide, or even train.

His new body would become stronger with physical training, but if he tried to train in this place, the entire village would blow to bits with a single punch. Therefore, for his physical training, Naruto would have to find a place far from all civilization. For now, the training had ended, and it was time to start reorganizing the world before everything went to waste.


Naruto approached the Hyuga clan gates and grabbed the head of the entrance guard, forcing him to bow when he tried to play dumb and pretend to ignore him.

"If you show your lack of respect for my fiancée in front of me again, I'll break your legs," Naruto warned in a neutral tone. It seemed that Hinata was too soft with these types of people. He was the fiancé of the clan leader, and when the guards saw him arrive, they simply had to bow and, if anything, inform him of Hinata's whereabouts.

Pretending not to know him was a blatant sign of disrespect toward him, which Naruto could ignore because he had done so from the beginning. However, by disrespecting him, they were ignoring Hinata and also disrespecting her, which was a thousand times more serious than their petty acts towards him.

"Please, forgive me!" begged the guard, while Naruto exerted a bit of pressure with his divine chakra on him, causing him to sweat profusely and his legs to tremble.

"You are forgiven, but do not forget my warning," said Naruto, removing his hand from the guard's head, and entered the courtyard where more guards had witnessed the incident and hurried to bow to him.

When Naruto entered the main mansion, the gate guard lost his balance and fell to the ground due to his trembling legs. The other guards rushed to help him.

Naruto closed the door behind him and at that moment was speaking with a servant to be taken to Hinata. However, he kept his eyes active at all times because they consumed only a small amount of his vast chakra, and their recovery was fast. With his active eyes, he could see the entire village if he wished, although he limited his vision to his immediate surroundings, as he didn't like to be considered a voyeur. To monitor the village, he only needed to pay attention to the movements of chakra.

"Young master, the new clan leader and the elders are in a meeting," the servant respectfully informed.

"I will apologize to my fiancée for the interruption," said Naruto, assuming responsibility, and the servant guided him to where the meeting was taking place.

Naruto didn't understand why Hinata continued to have meetings with the elders because it had been three weeks since she was appointed as the clan leader, and those meetings shouldn't last more than three days, during which she would present her governing plan, and the elders would provide their advice.

Naruto grimaced and sought out the meeting to figure out what was happening since he felt ignorant about it. It seemed that he had to do more than just bother poor Hinata at night. Now, Naruto felt a bit guilty for not asking her how things were going in her clan. It was as if he had pushed her to the front and then reclined to sleep…

Naruto paused for a second before continuing to walk. The servant glanced at him, not understanding what was happening, as Naruto maintained a serene expression. She had no responsibility in this matter.

"Elders, I'll spare your lives, but you dare to intimidate my wife; it seems you do not fear death," Naruto thought as he followed the servant and observed Hinata's meeting with the elders in a spacious room.

In the room, there were more than thirty people seated around a series of small tables, forming a rectangle. Hinata and her father occupied the main seats at what would be the head of the table, while the elders sat on the sides.

The elders ranged in age from their thirties to their sixties or older. Many of them had white hair and back problems. Most were men, but there were also some women, mostly young. They all shared the characteristic of having eyes and hair of the same color due to the practice of marriage within the clan.

It took Naruto two minutes to arrive at the meeting. When he did and the servant advanced first to introduce him, the clan elders looked at him with disdain, not bothering to hide their attitude from Hinata's eyes.

"My poor Hinata," Naruto thought, releasing a genjutsu on all the elders except Hinata's father and Hinata herself. This genjutsu made them feel a great weight crushing them.

As expected, the elders shivered, and some of them had to fight to maintain their dignity and avoid falling headfirst onto the table and drooling as if they were drunk due to the pressure.

Hiashi and Hinata noticed Naruto's attack on the elders, but they didn't say anything since both of them knew why Naruto was attacking them in that way, and Hiashi didn't see it as a bad thing.

Naruto took his time to reach the head of the table while the servant, seeing that things were getting complicated, hurried to bid farewell with a bow and run away. She didn't want to get involved in a discussion among the leaders.

Naruto arrived at Hinata's side and stood on her left. He first sat on his knees, looking at her and offering his side to the elders. Then he prostrated himself, which surprised Hinata.

"Dear fiancée, your fiancé apologizes for interrupting in this manner, but he wanted to be a part of your daily life," Naruto said with respect. "My young fiancée and clan leader, may I have your permission to stay?" he asked humbly while exerting more pressure on the elders, who could no longer maintain their composed expressions and clenched their teeth and fists to resist.

"Naruto… you can stay," Hinata stammered, blushing a little. However, Hiashi prevented her from trying to lift Naruto with a subtle gesture because Naruto was only following the protocol.

By interrupting a meeting of the clan leader, the least Naruto could do was prostrate to apologize. If he didn't do at least that, he would be disrespectful. Naruto raised his head and nodded appreciatively, then looked at the clan elders.

"Clan leader, elders, you may ignore my presence. I have only heard from the servant that the elders have some issues with the rules set by their new clan leader. As this leader is my fiancée and future wife, I'd like to see how these issues can be resolved," Naruto concluded with a smile and released the genjutsu he had on the elders.

The elders shifted In their seats as if they were being subjected to a great weight and had suddenly been released, causing them to lose their balance for a few seconds.

Hinata and Hiashi noticed this, but Hiashi didn't say anything, and Hinata just bit her lip, glancing at her father, whose opinion was most valuable to her. The elders looked at Naruto with shock, but he genuinely smiled at them, and no one confronted him. In fact, everyone avoided looking at him.

"Clan leader, we should continue," Hiashi advised, and Hinata nodded hastily.

"Elders, since our guest wishes to witness how we resolve our issues, and indeed we have not made any progress, I will start from the beginning so that you can voice your concerns about the new rules and satisfy Naruto's curiosity," Hiashi said in a neutral tone, while the rulebook, which was open halfway, returned to the beginning.

"Elder councilor Hiashi, we had reached some prior agreements," said a fifty-year-old elder.

"That's right," supported an elder. Hiashi nodded calmly.

"I am aware of that, but the fiancé of the clan leader has made it clear. He wants to witness how we resolve all our problems, and it seems that some of you were dissatisfied with the decisions made earlier. I will give you the opportunity to explain your complaints once more, so let's not waste any time.

"Take this as a show of respect toward our guest, who respectfully requested to join this meeting and has demonstrated the full trust of our new clan leader, who addresses him by his name, a privilege that no one in this clan has obtained until today," Hiashi said.

Some elders developed an eye twitch due to the obvious threats and mafia-like attitude of Hiashi Hyuga, who had repeatedly rubbed Naruto's power in their faces to prevent them from questioning his words.

Naruto maintained a straight posture and smiled at those who looked at him, making it clear that challenging his fiancée's rules in his presence would mean they wouldn't survive the next day.

"Very well, if there are no objections, let's begin with the annulment of the cursed seal in the descendants of the branch family, as has already been done. It is clear that there should be no attempt to place the seal again, on young or adults.

"I remind you that this is the first point, as all the new rules of our clan are derived from it, based on the union of the two branches," Hiashi presented. "Does anyone oppose this law decreed by our clan leader, or wishes to put forth any conditions for its approval?" he asked.

More than half of the elders hurriedly denied, Naruto could still sense traces of the cursed seal's aura in them. The rest of the elders gave him sidelong glances and clenched their teeth, but in the end, no one said anything.

"Then we will make no corrections or objections to this first point. Next point, assigning the new positions through a merit system…

The meeting continued for five hours, although the rules were accepted without opposition or complaints. Naruto didn't comment on any laws, he simply observed.

What astonished Naruto was that this clan, with so few members, had a whole constitution on a continental level. They even had a dress code, and Hinata hadn't changed anything about these things. She focused on monumental changes, like eliminating the clan branches, creating a merit system, allowing members to marry outsiders as long as they were brought into the clan, just like with the Uchiha, prohibiting the use of the cursed seal, and introducing a new specialization of their lineage for long-range combat.

As far as Naruto could see, the bureaucratic and administrative system remained the same, in the hands of the elders, only there were more of them due to the incorporation of elders from the branch family, which no longer existed.

During the break, servants brought food and some desserts. Then, following Hiashi's suggestion, who smiled as if it were his wedding day, they continued to pass laws or confirm existing ones until they reached a particularly complicated point.

The elimination of the clan branches left many servants demanding properties and possessions, which were already in the hands of the main branch members who were unwilling to yield them. Although they had agreed to reunite their families, their homes were not large enough.

At this moment, Naruto cleared his throat, surprising and instilling fear in everyone. Naruto turned to Hinata and apologized for breaking the protocol, asking for permission to speak. Hinata granted it.

"Clan Leader, elders, I think the issues at this point are evident. You need larger houses."

"Not that I want to criticize, but your buildings are too simple. If you added one or two additional floors and used part of the training grounds to build more buildings and some gardens, this place would be suitable for my wife to live," explained Naruto. The elders blinked, realizing that they had shifted their discussion to the adequacy of his wife's house.

"Naruto, we don't have the money to build more houses," said Hinata with a slight blush.

"No problem, I will build everything myself. I will start with this place, and I'll do it right now. Father-in-law, take anything you consider valuable from this house, I will level the entire land and build a suitable mansion," said Naruto. He now had the ability to create anything, and if he didn't use it at least to build himself a mansion, wouldn't that be a waste?

The elders and Hiashi looked at him, trying to determine if he was joking, but Hinata simply nodded.

"Thank you, Naruto, but you don't have to rush so much. Taking things out of this mansion might take time," said Hinata.

"Don't worry, I've already checked everything. Just take the things that have monetary or sentimental value. You should take clothes and bed linens, but there's no need to save appliances, lamps, and things like that," explained Naruto.

"Father, let's give it a try," said Hinata, and Hiashi blinked, as being there and with her as the clan leader, that was an order.

"Clan Leader, our residence is an important part of the clan. If something were to go wrong, the clan's reputation would also be affected," said Hiashi.

Hinata looked at Naruto, who nodded and activated the Six Paths Sage Mode. Then he raised his hand to control his chakra and use his All-Killing Ash Bones.

In the space between the small tables, a wooden chest with an oriental design, perfect finish, lacquered and polished, with jewel-encrusted reliefs on the sides, appeared.

Naruto nodded to allow the elders and Hiashi to examine his creation. They moved the tables aside and examined the chest thoroughly, trying to determine if it was a chakra copy, like a shadow clone. Naruto smiled and pointed at the chest. It crumpled and shattered into pieces, but it did not disappear at any point.

"Your eyes, are they truly the Rinnegan?" asked one of the oldest elders, leaving three other elders and Hiashi momentarily paralyzed. Then they looked at the other clan elders, as if unsure of what to do in this situation. The mere mention of the Rinnegan could cause a scandal among the village elders and in the ninja world.

"What is the Rinnegan?" asked Hinata, noticing her father's and the three elders' discomfort.

"According to legend, the Rinnegan is the ultimate dojutsu in this world. It is said to have been possessed by the god who created the world, the Sage of the Six Paths, Hagoromo, a mythological god for some ninjas. It is said that the Rinnegan is even capable of creating worlds and reviving the dead."

"That's true, but the price for reviving the dead is your own life, so forget about that. As for creating worlds, that's a bit exaggerated, but building some mansions is not beyond my reach," Naruto explained, taking the opportunity to clarify the limitations of his eyes.

The elders who didn't know why Hiashi was looking at them as if deciding whether it would be better to kill them all paled and hastily prostrated themselves, assuring they wouldn't reveal anything. Naruto just smiled.

"Don't worry, once I build this mansion and the other village elders see my eyes, they will come to the same conclusion as the clan leader and the elders," Naruto explained.

"You can't do that!" Hiashi said alarmed.

"Father, calm down. What's the point of having this power if I can't show off a little and build a proper residence for my future wife?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto, does Lady Tsunade know about this?" Hinata asked. Naruto nodded, as one of his clones had gone to inform her of his recent developments and share the knowledge of the reincarnation jutsu he had created based on the Ōtsutsuki karma seal.

"Then it's not our decision, Naruto. We'll appreciate your help," Hinata said with a smile and a small bow. She was the only one who remained seated and observed the protocol.

"We have the Rinnegan," murmured the first elder who had spoken, still in shock. Naruto blinked; it seemed this elder had already taken it upon himself to claim dominion over the Rinnegan for the Hyuga clan.

After building many oriental-style mansions, equipped with all modern conveniences like air conditioning and designer kitchens for the Hyuga, leaving entire floors for their training in each mansion and filling empty spaces with exquisite gardens and fish ponds, Naruto was summoned to an emergency meeting with the village clan leaders and jōnin.

The jōnin and clan heads couldn't overlook the sudden appearance of the mansions and the fact that he didn't hide his eyes, as his clones freely roamed the city displaying his new eyes.

"Naruto," Tsunade said with a sigh upon seeing him, confirming to all the clan leaders that he possessed the Rinnegan.

"Relax, soon the villages will forget our existence," Naruto said.

"Why? What could be more scandalous than the appearance of the Rinnegan?" Shikaku Nara asked, understanding his comment and showing even more concern in his expression. Naruto shrugged to indicate it had nothing to do with them.

"Another Rinnegan user, of course, and one who intends to conquer the world. But I've already talked to him, and he has promised me he won't meddle with the ninja villages as long as they don't attack his army. Even if they do, he won't invade any ninja village because of it, but the lives of the ninjas who attack him will depend on him," Naruto said.

"Another Rinnegan? How is that possible?" exclaimed the elder adviser, Koharu Utatane.

Naruto looked at Tsunade; as the head of the Root, he couldn't reveal that information without her consent. Tsunade made a face when everyone looked at her.

"Speak, but I'll cut the tongue of anyone who repeats a word," Tsunade threatened. Naruto nodded and looked at the clan leaders and jōnin, who nodded with seriousness.

"Madara Uchiha was alive and had been manipulating some legacies. He managed to obtain the Rinnegan and before he could reach it, he implanted it in a young man with the purpose of using it in his plans, but I defeated him before he could do anything.

"Unfortunately, the other Rinnegan user is very powerful, and a fight between us would destroy this village and possibly the world as well. That's why I've decided to negotiate, and now the world will be conquered.

"But don't worry, the power of the Rinnegan is overwhelming, and once it starts, the war won't last a year, maybe not even a month. Then you'll see for yourselves," Naruto said. Everyone looked at him with doubts.

"How did you obtain the Rinnegan?" asked the leader of the Aburame clan, but Tsunade slammed the table.

"No more questions about the Rinnegan! Madara Uchiha died a long time ago, and we know nothing about the Rinnegan!" declared Tsunade, making it clear what the village's official stance would be.

"When the other Rinnegan user appears, all eyes will be on us," said the other elder adviser, Homura Mitokado, locking eyes with Naruto. The clan leaders looked at him and then at the Hokage with concern. Tsunade raised an eyebrow and glanced at him.

"I'm a prodigy; the other Rinnegan user is a cheap imitation. If you can't handle him, you can forget about asking us for explanations," Naruto asserted. Tsunade nodded approvingly.

"Didn't you say earlier that you couldn't face the other Rinnegan user?" asked the Inuzuka clan leader. Naruto shook his head.

"I said that if we fight, the world will burn, and the village will be destroyed. You will all die, but I will survive. I haven't chosen peace because I fear death; I've chosen it because I value the lives of those close to me. Besides, I've already discussed this conquest, and I don't believe it goes against our interests. It's better to wait and see," Naruto explained.

"Our village has a contract with the Lord of the Land of Fire," Shikaku stated. "If they call us, and we don't respond, it would be a violation of our word."

"I've never suggested we do that," Naruto replied, and Shikaku reached further conclusions but kept quiet for the sake of the village. The other clan leaders also understood that he didn't believe the Land of Fire would call for assistance.

"What are this individual's plans, and what is their origin?" asked Inoichi Yamanaka.

"He hails from the Land of Rain, and his plan is to achieve peace by getting rid of feudal lords…" Naruto briefly explained his own plan for bringing about peace.

"If this administrative system succeeds, how will the ninja villages survive?" Shikaku asked when Naruto had finished explaining everything.

"The new emperor won't create an army, so ninja villages that register with him can sign a contract. Of course, as the head of the Root, I've already taken some steps in that regard," Naruto said, making a gesture and showing several reports and a treaty he supposedly negotiated with Pain. In essence, it was the same treaty that Konoha had with the Lord of the Land of Fire.

After the clan leaders and jōnin approved his negotiations, Naruto returned to Hinata at the Hyuga Clan, where the elders had moved up the wedding date. They wanted to marry them right away, but their clan leader fainted, and they had to proceed more formally.

Naruto was dismissed by the clan elders, who were still dividing the palaces he had created. As he left, Naruto turned a corner and headed to Hinata's room, jumping onto the bed. Hinata sighed and hugged his chest.

"Hinata, it's time to talk about our offspring," Naruto said with mischief.

"What!" exclaimed Hinata.

"Babies," Naruto clarified plainly.

Hinata fainted three times before she could speak. Naruto explained that there would be no boys; he wouldn't risk having an offspring like Boruto, only girls. Furthermore, these girls wouldn't inherit his Kekkei Genkai or Hinata's Kekkei Genkai, only the Hyuga Kekkei Genkai, of the highest quality but without any alterations. Their offspring would have to earn their power, and this would prevent anyone from plotting sinister plans with their daughters.

next chapter
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