6.25% Naruto Xion / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Naruto
Naruto Xion Naruto Xion original

Naruto Xion

นักเขียน: rdsellinsert

© WebNovel

บท 1: Chapter 1 Naruto

Naruto sighed. Two hours had already passed, and after some discreet pinches on his arm to cause himself pain while in his classroom, he realized that this was no dream.

He was Naruto... No, he had been Naruto his whole life, but now he felt strange because his mind had matured in an instant, acquiring decades of life experience and a lifetime of memories that made him see the world in front of him differently.

In short, he didn't feel like Naruto. He knew Naruto's feelings, but he didn't feel them. He knew his desires, but they no longer mattered to him.

The pink-haired girl was just a screaming child in front of him, and because he had Naruto's memories, it disgusted him as her words of disdain and hatred hurt him the most...

"Well, that certainly is feelings," Naruto thought to himself. That meant his feelings were still there, but he was looking at them from a different perspective. The question was, was that perspective that of an adult Naruto, or was it the perspective of a stranger?

"I don't know who I am, but I remember a whole life outside of this world. I remember a family, the pain of their loss. A long, lonely life and an equally lonely death. I feel more like that person, not like Naruto. I don't feel at all like a self-conscious child who always laughs to hide his sadness and believes he needs everyone's approval to live in this world," Naruto thought.

Right at this moment, there had just been a test, and Naruto had failed it. The worst part for him was that in three days, it would be the final test, and he had no chance of passing it, so all the kids were mocking him, and the pink-haired girl was telling him he was a dumb and would never amount to anything.

Naruto would have shouted and insulted in response, because their opinions mattered to him, but by the time the test was over, his feelings and memories had changed. Dazed, he just walked to what seemed to be his seat and reflected, ignoring everyone, as these kids no longer mattered to him.

Naruto looked around. He was in a classroom for sixth-grade elementary school children, or at best, first-year middle school. Around him were kids he knew and who had been his classmates for several years, but now, in his eyes, they were just strangers.

"Well, if I've died, a new life isn't a bad thing, and if I'm Naruto, I now have all the memories of my future life and the knowledge to become an expert in this world, so it's fine," Naruto thought.

He also felt great about being older; it was as if the world had no secrets for him, and he could understand everything he saw, even his classmates who teased him.

Naruto sighed again when he evaluated his knowledge of the ninja world. It was terrible. It wasn't his fault because his teachers really hated him, refusing to give him explanations and even giving him different exams than the other kids. This was negligence and a lack of work ethics. Besides, Naruto had no one at home to give him lessons.

Naruto saw one of his teachers, Iruka-sensei. "Sensei" wasn't his last name; it was the title used to address teachers in this place, which still seemed strange to the Traveler.

Iruka-sensei had been his teacher for this year. He was a good teacher, but Naruto couldn't ask questions. If he did, the whole class would look at him strangely because his questions would be at a primary level and unrelated to the current subject. He needed a private tutor because if he asked silly questions, the whole class would complain with good reason.

Because of all this, Naruto dismissed the idea of asking the teacher to make up for what he hadn't learned in previous years, which were the foundations of the current explanations he didn't understand at all. Moreover, Iruka-sensei had an assistant, Mizuki, who always looked at him with disdain and was one of the people who hated him.

Naruto, who now knew his entire future, understood why, but he wasn't interested, as Mizuki was a stranger. While the previous Naruto was a child seeking attention, the current Naruto was an older man who didn't care about the attention of strangers.

Naruto understood the reason why Mizuki hated him because if his family had been killed by the Nine-Tails demon and it was sealed inside him, he would undoubtedly hate him too…

"Or would he?" Naruto thought in his mind. That didn't make sense; he wasn't Naruto. He would kill Obito without a second thought, as well as Orochimaru and Pain…

He could have a conversation with Pain because his arguments were reasonable; it was his plans that were terrible.

Naruto sighed with relief. It wasn't that he was Naruto trying to convert everyone; it was that he was thinking logically. He wouldn't hate himself because he wasn't guilty of anything; his reason would prevail over his feelings.

With his identity crisis resolved, Naruto reassessed his knowledge. Regarding mathematics, reading, comprehension, and everything else that was common, the current Naruto was at the level of a professional with a lifetime of experience. Not even the screaming pink-haired girl, at her best in history, could surpass him.

Naruto had knowledge in genetics, biology, and anatomy that not even Orochimaru possessed. But in terms of ninja knowledge, he was a blank slate. The Traveler had only seen Naruto's story twice, and his knowledge only extended to the important things.

On the other hand, the child Naruto, quite literally, was denied education in these areas, and he knew even less than the Traveler. He urgently needed a teacher since Naruto already knew how to become powerful at lightning speed, but without knowing how to control his chakra and perform seals, basic jutsu, or even the simplest jutsu, he was as lost as the original Naruto.

Naruto needed to become strong because in this world, all the responsibility fell on him. On the other hand, he knew how to become strong and wasn't going to take blind steps when he could attain all the power he needed by simply opening a door.

According to his memories, it would take him four years to become a demigod, with his own effort and powers granted by the deceased, but Naruto wasn't going to follow that path. By the time four years had passed, he would have become a true god.

Naruto began to look for alternatives to get answers without bothering the rest of his class. He didn't have a private tutor or friends…

Naruto grimaced; he knew who would be willing to tell him everything they knew and teach him.

Naruto's idea to gain the knowledge he needed, since he had no friends or a private tutor, was to approach the one person who would never say no. She was a pure soul, kind and a good person who, since she appeared, had earned the unconditional love of all the fans.

So much so that in the end, Naruto had to be with his love, which was Sakura, but the author was backed into a corner because even though Naruto didn't love Hinata, she was an angel and would undoubtedly suffer from the rejection of someone as insignificant as Naruto, so there was nothing to discuss: Naruto had to be with Hinata, and no excuses were accepted.

Naruto, who now knew and understood the girl's feelings toward him, truly felt disgusted with himself. He felt like worthless trash because his only option was to take advantage of the feelings of a girl abused by an entire family of monsters to gain the knowledge he lacked or that was incomplete at best.

"I disgust myself, but I have no other choice, Hinata. I'll make it up to you later. I can use my knowledge to give you the power you need to confront your family," Naruto thought.

With a plan in mind, Naruto waited for the recess. He had just failed a trial of the Bunshin no Jutsu test. In a few days, it would be the final exam, and he knew the test would focus on this jutsu since it was right at the beginning of the story.

According to the script, what Naruto would do next after failing this test would be to skip classes and go vandalize the statues of the kages. However, Naruto no longer had such foolish plans and ignored the taunts of his classmates.

"Stupid kids, most of you will fail your genin final exam," Naruto thought, ignoring the taunts and heading to the schoolyard without looking at anyone.

Upon reaching the yard, Naruto, unlike what he used to do, which was to sit in a corner under a tree, gritted his teeth due to the unforgivable atrocity he was about to commit and walked in search of Hinata.

It wasn't difficult to locate Hinata as she sat alone on a bench, watching others play…

"Wretched infernal beings, you don't deserve to live!" Naruto declared upon seeing how this good and pure girl was being ignored by this group of inconsiderate individuals.

Naruto walked with some reluctance, knowing he was taking advantage of this pure girl's feelings.

"Little angel, I'll make it up to you as soon as I become strong. I'll eliminate all these despicable demons who ignore you and that horrible family of abusers," Naruto told himself in his mind.

Upon reaching the solitary bench, Hinata, who had already seen him since he came out to the yard, looked at him in amazement and a slight blush.

Hinata was a girl approaching adolescence, with short hair, white eyes, and pale skin. She wore dark blue, almost black, but what stood out the most was her sad expression.

"Hello," Naruto greeted, and the girl blushed even more. Naruto pretended not to notice. "Hinata, can I sit beside you?" Naruto asked, and Hinata tensed to the point of becoming as stiff as a board. However, she managed to nod in some way.

Naruto sat, wondering if she would faint. This girl loved with all her heart, there was no in-between.

"Hinata, I need a favor from you," Naruto said, knowing he was going against his principles. Hinata didn't say anything. "As you may have noticed, my basic knowledge is insufficient, and today I couldn't pass the trial, which means I'll repeat the year if I don't do something about it. I don't have someone to teach me at home, so I desperately need your help.

"Hinata, could you teach me what you know about chakra control, Bunshin no Jutsu, and transformation jutsu?" Naruto asked, making a pleading gesture toward Hinata, placing his hands together in a praying position and showing a sincere expression on his face.

Hinata blinked and then blushed again, lowering her head. She began to tremble, but Naruto smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll wait right here," Naruto said with a sincere smile.

"Yes," Hinata responded in a barely audible whisper after a minute.

"Great!" Naruto exclaimed, jumping up.

Naruto pointed to the corner where he used to sit, under a tree.

It was a good spot, quiet and clear, because it was his spot, even though he had no prestige to have a private space in the yard. These children's parents knew he had the Kyubi inside him and had instructed their children not to approach or speak to him.

Hinata, with a pure heart and paying no attention to her despicable father, accompanied him. With a trembling body and a flushed face, she began her lesson by first explaining chakra control, the seals for Bunshin no Jutsu, and its execution, creating an illusory clone.

At the end of the recess, which lasted only half an hour and was completely covered by Hinata's class, as the poor girl stuttered for half the time, Naruto attempted to replicate the jutsu, but it was a failure. Hinata looked at him with apprehension, but Naruto smiled.

"Hinata, thank you. I've understood it, and it's thanks to you. Now I just need to practice. When I become strong, I promise to fulfill your wish and also confront the elders of your clan to leave you in peace," Naruto assured, leaving Hinata stunned and surprised. "Hinata, let's go back to class," Naruto said, leading the way.

Upon returning to class, all the children mocked him twice as much as before, while Naruto watched them with curiosity. In this village, everyone suffered from bullying, and he wondered if the adults believed it helped build character.

Even adults were victims of bullying; Kakashi's father had committed suicide due to it, so this problem was not insignificant.

After class, Naruto didn't return home. He stayed at the school, in the yard, under the tree where he used to spend recess, watching the other children play and practice the skills they had learned while sparring with each other.

It was now evening, and there was no one else around. Naruto sat at the base of the tree, legs crossed, eyes closed. Some teachers had seen him, but he was considered undesirable, and they pretended not to see him, leaving him there.

Naruto wasn't sleeping, meditating, or learning anything at that moment. He was exploring his own mind, and he did so for about an hour until he found himself in a dark tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, there was a gigantic cage from which a nine-tailed fox beast, Kurama, was now crouching, looking at him in surprise and astonishment.

"Who are you?" Kurama asked, alarmed.

Naruto looked at his reflection on the ground, which was a puddle of water. There was a boy of about twelve, not very tall, with blue eyes, common features, spiky blond hair, and an athletic body, wearing a horrible orange and blue jumpsuit. He was Naruto and looked like Naruto, but Kurama sensed the change instantly.

"Interesting, you can really feel the aura and intentions of living beings," Naruto said. Kurama furrowed his brow. "Kurama, I have a proposal for you…" Kurama roared and attacked, leaping up in a second and slashing his claws against the bars of the cage.

Naruto didn't move an inch because he knew that if he died, Kurama would also die, so this attack was just a ruse.

"Who are you?" Kurama growled, his claw inches from his face.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm also someone else who knows your past and part of this world's future. That person has a proposal for you," Naruto said calmly. Kurama lowered his claw and looked into his eyes.

"What's the proposal?" Kurama asked.

"It involves your freedom," Naruto replied, and Kurama roared in his face.

"Impudent, you're the one who keeps me locked up!" Kurama growled with anger.

"That's false, I don't keep you locked up, I just found out about your existence. You were sealed within me without my knowledge. Moreover, the way they've treated those of your kind is disgusting, but it's not my responsibility, just as you're not responsible for the actions of your kind.

"However, I can't use your power without your consent, as that would be something you wouldn't agree with, considering your origin. Therefore, I propose the following deal.

"You will allow me to use your power, and within a maximum of ten years, I will set you free, as I am an Uzumaki, and removing you from my body won't mean my death. On the other hand, when I release you, I will fight alongside you if anyone tries to seal you again or control you.

That's my proposal. Now you must decide. Am I lying? Is there malice in my words?" Naruto asked.

"What will you do if I attack this village when I'm freed?" Kurama asked.

"I will have to stop you. I'm not releasing you to unleash carnage. I'm freeing you so you can live in peace and on your own terms. If there's only vengeance within you and you can't live without thinking of killing, then what's the point of your existence?" Naruto asked.

"You've enslaved us; can't we defend ourselves?" Kurama growled.

"Defending yourself is not the same as killing innocents. In this village, there are ninja who would attack you on sight, but most would keep their distance if you don't attack. It's also possible someone might try to capture you again, as human ambition knows no bounds.

However, I can only promise you that to achieve that, they would have to go through my dead body. I can't promise you more than that," Naruto said sincerely. Kurama grimaced and crouched, crossing his front paws.

"Idiot, you're not a god to do more than fight to the death," Kurama said with contempt. "I'll accept your deal, but only if you prove that your words are worth something. I don't want to waste my time with someone who can't even make a decent replica," Kurama snorted, and Naruto said no more. He made a respectful salute and opened his eyes.

Semi-darkness had already enveloped the schoolyard. Naruto smiled. Having Kurama on his side was the first step. Freeing himself from his absurd resistance would make Naruto a sensor ninja like none other. And that wasn't the only thing he could offer; he would also have nearly limitless chakra, superhuman strength, super-regeneration, and the ability to launch Tailed Beast Bombs.

Having Kurama's support would mean he could reach Kage-level with a single move. However, Kurama made it clear that he wouldn't lend his power to a useless person, and Naruto agreed with that because he didn't want to depend on Kurama's power, and he didn't need to. He could become a god in this world on his own, and he had better chances than Orochimaru and Kabuto.

Naruto knew how to acquire the most powerful abilities and the most devastating jutsu. In this world, he could become a true Gary Stu; no one here could even touch him.

For all these reasons and to start his journey towards immortality and omnipotence in this world, the first step had to be mastering the most powerful jutsu in this world: the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, or Shadow Clone Jutsu.

To Naruto, in comparison to this jutsu, there was nothing more potent. The problem with this jutsu was that he didn't know it, nor how to execute it, because it was a jounin-level jutsu, far beyond his current reach.

Naruto knew that a version of this jutsu was in the scroll of seals, but that scroll would not be within his reach because, as he didn't plan to fail his exam and gain a reputation as a mediocre ninja, Mizuki wouldn't approach him to propose stealing the scroll of seals.

This meant that he would have to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu from Kakashi, who had the nerfed version that limited the number of clones, and then, himself, release those limits.

If he were the old Naruto, he would already be lost at this point, and there was no way he could do it, but now he had complete confidence in his own intelligence.

As for how he would get Kakashi, one of the Emo Avenger fans, to teach him a jounin-level jutsu, he would have to show him some talent, and to do that, he had to master the basic jutsu and chakra control.

Kakashi must also know his true origin, and if he doesn't accept at first, he would use that as leverage. As a last resort, there was Jiraiya, but he wouldn't arrive for a long time, so he needed to try to convince Kakashi. Naruto decided to take his basic training seriously.

First, Naruto practiced hand signs for half an hour without making a single mistake. Then, he focused on the circulation of his chakra, which was causing him the most trouble…

"Hmmm…" Naruto cleared his throat.

"What do you want?" Kurama asked.

"Your chakra is hindering my training. It's okay if you don't help me, but I won't accept you putting obstacles in my way. I don't have time for them, at least for now," Naruto said in his mind.

Kurama growled, but his chakra, which used to circulate haphazardly through his body, stopped resisting and began to flow in its own path.

Kurama couldn't prevent his chakras from mixing, as the Eight Trigrams seal absorbed his chakra and made it available to Naruto. However, Kurama could resist his chakra obeying and even attempt to take control of Naruto's body if he used too much of his chakra, especially when he used the power of the Kyubi and wrapped himself in it. This stopped happening when Naruto and Kurama reached an understanding, so the current Naruto knew it was possible.

"Thank you," Naruto said. Kurama didn't respond.

Naruto didn't press further and continued to practice chakra control, making it circulate through his body with surprising ease now that Kurama wasn't sabotaging his efforts.

An hour after starting his hand signs and chakra control practice, Naruto got up and, in the darkness, performed the Bunshin no Jutsu, executing the signs without a single mistake and with the correct chakra flow. This way, eight illusory replicas appeared around him. They were perfect copies, though only illusions.

Naruto didn't stop there because the Transformation Jutsu was still missing, and it would be very useful for him. So he continued to create replicas and practice the transformation Jutsu to improve his chakra control.

With his huge chakra reserves, he was able to train for half the night without any problem, and combined with Kurama helping him by suppressing his own chakra, he made great progress.

In the morning, Naruto got up with the sunrise, feeling somewhat sweaty, but since his body was still young, he didn't smell bad. Nevertheless, he hurried to take a bath. Then he checked his wallet and grinned mischievously. With the Transformation Jutsu he had learned, it was time to settle some debts.

Naruto decided to take the day off and visit most of the village's stores, where everyone was extremely kind to him, offering significant discounts of at least ninety percent. In most cases, he decided to take everything on credit, promising to pay as soon as he could.

Naruto bought food like rice, meat, vegetables, seasonings, and dressings. Then, he acquired ninja gear like shurikens, kunais, weights for his training, and explosive tag scrolls. Finally, he bought four sets of new clothes, and by the end of the day, he still had half of his money.

In the afternoon until midnight, Naruto continued practicing his chakra control, learning to walk on walls on his own, and performing the Bunshin no Jutsu and the Transformation Jutsu without any issues.

According to his memories, in the Land of Waves, it took him days to gain enough chakra control to walk on trees, but now he had done it in an afternoon. As he thought, without Kurama sabotaging his chakra flow, or at least doing his best not to interfere, and with all the knowledge he had gained, his understanding had taken a great leap. Naruto didn't have Sakura's chakra control or Sasuke's talent, but he wasn't useless either.

The next day, Naruto returned to school because it was the day of the final exam, and he had no intention of failing.

That day, they had the exams, and when it was Naruto's turn, he stepped forward and created two clones. Hiruka and Mizuki looked at him in surprise, but after a few seconds, they recovered and asked him to perform the Transformation Jutsu.

Naruto transformed into a perfect copy of the Third Hokage and thus passed the preliminary genin exam. His final exam would be supervised by Kakashi.

"Cheer up, Hinata!" Naruto encouraged when it was Hinata's turn.

"Naruto, be quiet!" Sensei Iruka reprimanded him.

Naruto nodded and gave Hinata a thumbs up, causing her to blush and nod. She created three clones and imitated another girl from the classroom, easily passing the test.

"Hinata, please wait," Naruto said when they were leaving the classroom. He separated from the group of children leaving, and Hinata followed him. Naruto gave her a formal bow.

"Hinata, in gratitude for your help, I'd like to invite you to eat ramen, which is my favorite dish," Naruto said while bowing.

Hinata was surprised and remained frozen for a moment, then hurriedly shook her head.

"No, Naruto, we shouldn't be seen together!" Hinata said with an alarmed tone. She covered her mouth and looked at him with apprehension.

"Hinata, is that what you think?" Naruto asked seriously.

"No!" Hinata exclaimed. "But…" Naruto smiled to interrupt her.

"Then, nothing else matters as long as you agree. Any other opinion is insignificant to me. I don't care if they are reckless brats who don't fear death or some grumpy white-eyed parent," Naruto assured, looking coldly at the eavesdroppers who had stayed behind to listen to their conversation.

Hinata was startled when she realized that the last part referred to her father.

"Hinata, let's go!" Naruto declared, taking the lead and not accepting a 'no' for an answer. Hinata followed him, nervously looking around.

Naruto took Hinata to eat ramen, and Hinata blinked as if it were the first time she had seen that kind of food, but she ate it without any problems.

"Alright, now I'll take you home," Naruto said after they finished eating.

Hinata turned pale and then ran without looking back. Naruto shook his head and returned home to cook and leave food ready for when he finished his nighttime training.

What Naruto didn't expect was that in the afternoon, when he arrived home, he found Mizuki, who asked him to steal the scroll of seals.

Mizuki told him that by doing it, he would receive special recognition at his graduation ceremony the next day. It was a pathetic excuse, and only the old Naruto, who was naïve, would fall for his manipulations. However, the current Naruto was excited about the proposal because it meant he wouldn't have to ask Kakashi for help, and his excitement was not feigned when he looked Mizuki in the eyes and asked for the details of the plan.

Naruto took the scroll of seals from the Hokage's office at Mizuki's request.

Naruto thought Mizuki wouldn't do anything foolish since he had passed the exam, but it seemed like passing had nothing to do with it.

Mizuki believed Naruto was a fool, and since he was the boy everyone hated, he could easily manipulate him by offering recognition. Of course, Naruto rushed to steal the scroll, distracting the Hokage, who cooperated by pretending to be naïve. On the way, Naruto read the scroll.

Naruto was only interested in the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, but as he opened the scroll while running, he saw the next jutsu, which was a seal, the Eight Trigrams seal, the same seal used to seal the Kyubi inside him. He couldn't ignore that seal, so he would do everything in his power to learn it, and he already had a plan on how to do it. But first, he needed to learn the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, which was the most important.

Since his time was limited, Naruto didn't carefully examine the contents of the scroll. He also didn't attempt to make a copy because, at that moment, the Hokage would stop treating this as a game and come after him instead of merely observing how it was resolved.

Upon reaching the forest and hiding, Naruto was already grasping the basics of the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.

Execution wasn't an issue with this jutsu; the problem was the amount of chakra it consumed because it divided the user's chakra. If this wasn't controlled, even a Kage-level ninja would die from exhaustion. Of course, this was purely theoretical. No Kage-level ninja would die from using this jutsu since the number of clones could be controlled from one to thousands, and a Kage would have enough chakra control to prevent such an outcome. This warning was for novices.

The real reason this jutsu wasn't used was its massive chakra consumption. No ninja would willingly give away half their chakra to create a clone, which might disappear after receiving an injury. that would be giving away victory since it halved their chances from the beginning.

Naruto didn't care about this weakness, and just a couple of hours later, he had created two hundred clones and didn't feel tired at all. He was grinning from ear to ear and was further opening the scroll to see the Eight Trigrams seal.

The clones he had created approached, and at least twenty of them read the scroll while Naruto took out explosive tags and began setting up traps around the area.

Naruto knew that he alone didn't have time to learn the Eight Trigrams seal, and he didn't even comprehend the instructions in its entirety. There were many things he didn't understand; he simply didn't have the necessary knowledge. Therefore, he decided that each clone would memorize a small part, recording it in their memory in great detail. In the future, when he had the appropriate knowledge, the seal would make sense.

Naruto finished placing explosive tags around the area to await Mizuki's arrival. He had no intention of wasting time fighting since each of his clones would be busy pushing his battered brain to its limits. The Eight Trigrams seal was too important for anything to go wrong in its learning.

Naruto thought he wouldn't have much time to learn because in his memories, everything happened in the blink of an eye. But in the forest, night had already fallen, and each clone had already learned its part, yet no one had arrived.

"Sensei, I'm studying, please don't interrupt me," Naruto said upon seeing Iruka, who was astounded by the one hundred clones on guard.

A couple of minutes later, Mizuki arrived and, upon seeing the clones, tensed up and tried to turn around. But before he could do anything, an explosive tag exploded at his feet, and he fell before Iruka like a dead dog, smoke billowing everywhere.

"Sensei, don't worry, this is a secret mission to capture the traitor Mizuki. The scroll of seals was just a decoy. Please wait a moment while I ensure that the scroll hasn't been damaged. Then, we will take this guy to the Hokage to answer for his actions," Naruto explained without ceasing to read everything he could.

"Sensei, what are you doing? I haven't finished checking if the scroll has been damaged. I need to examine it thoroughly," Naruto complained as Iruka took the scroll away and gave him a threatening look.

"Naruto, don't be cheeky; the scroll was always in your hands!" scolded Iruka-sensei in anger as he finished wrapping the scroll.

Naruto could only sigh, as did the clones who dispelled their jutsu, allowing the original Naruto to receive the knowledge. Afterwards, Naruto took the smoldering Mizuki back to the village.

Naruto was safe because Mizuki was a teacher, and in theory, until he was handed over to his next instructor, who would be a jōnin, he was still his student and had to obey him. That's why stealing the scroll was an opportunity he couldn't afford to miss.

NA 1: This is a fic that was already written and published, but it had a "serious error" in the plot that many complained about, and the translation was done with Google, so it was very poor. For all these reasons, this part will take me the longest to upload again, at least this first part; the others only need better translation. After I finish correcting this part, I will upload the others more quickly.

NA 2: Naruto Xion is the first part of the Xion saga, which is a collection of several fanfics I wrote with the same MC. The saga begins with Naruto, continues with Stargate, then ATG, and then Star Wars, which is where I am right now in the Spanish fics. For this reason, these fics are short; this one has only fourteen chapters, and the one that follows has eighteen chapters. However, if you consider the entire saga, I suppose it has more than a hundred chapters and half a million words, making it the longest fic I've written.

NA 3: Naruto is not my favorite character from the anime, he's too loud and mouthy for my taste. That's why I chose him for this fic. I'm already writing a fic set in the ninja world but with Neji, who suits my style better. His death left a bad taste in my mouth and ruined the anime's ending for me. Finding out that Naruto, in the end, was another chosen one and even had his own Kekkei Genkai, after constantly claiming that his strength came from effort and hard work, also frustrated me. So I won't write my main fic about Naruto, and especially not about Sasuke, who is even more overpowered than Naruto himself.

NA: Don't forget to leave your comments, bookmark, follow, and subscribe.

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