100% Naruto: the anomaly / Chapter 33: Chapter 32

บท 33: Chapter 32

Again - Carmilla Castle - office.

Naruto calmly looked at the so-called rizevim who looks at him with a smile.

Naruto: "Lucifer, huh"... - he exclaimed with a whistle, very calm, something that Lucifer didn't really expect.

Rizevim nodded.

Naruto: What are you looking for by entertaining me here? - He asked him with curiosity to which Rizevim smiled when he realized that the boy noticed that fact without even giving the idea or telling him.

Rizevim: You noticed, I see... - he said with a mocking smile.

Naruto rolled his eyes.

Naruto: It seemed like you were already waiting for us, no vampire greeted us, this being one of their main bases and here you are, suddenly you welcome me without me even knowing you and you give me the feeling... you want to buy time... - he told her the obvious, of course from his own experience with his victims, "like when one tried to seduce him while his friends escaped... she gave him that feeling", a feeling that this old man gives him now.

Rizevim raised a hand to his chin.

Rizevim: Well, I didn't think about it like that and I don't see how you feel that I'm keeping you here... - he said, looking him in the eyes.

Naruto was unfazed by her intimidating gaze.

Naruto: the air, besides this is familiar to me... I already did it, no words are needed when I've already read the whole environment... - he revealed simply, he and his sister have not only tortured physically, but also mentally with their games and this one resembles one they did a long time ago with a family of travelers who came to their house asking for help... a very intelligent couple when reading the environment but they could do nothing... too late they realized that they entered a house of assassins... it was a good day.

Rizevim: Hoho, can you tell me more about that? - he asked curiously when another person entered the room carrying a tray.

Ophis opened her eyes slightly before looking calmly again.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Rizevim: Oh, Lilith, serve our guests too... - he said, taking the offered cup of tea.

Lilith nodded, looking curiously at the black-haired girl who resembles her.

Naruto and Ophis took the offered cup as the tea was served to them.

Lilith placed the tray on the small table afterwards before returning to Rizevim's side and sitting down.

Naruto took a sip of his tea, it felt bitter.

Naruto: Do ​​you happen to have a sister or relative? - he asked Ophis curiously, who stuck out her tongue cutely at the bitter taste of the tea before shaking her head.

Rizevim listened to him and smiled.

Rizevim: She... can count as your daughter... don't worry, it's not of interest but I want to know about you... - he addressed Naruto, while blowing on his hot tea.

Naruto sipped his own tea that was literally boiling without flinching.

Naruto: I apologize but right now I need to go see my girlfriends and find out what problems they are involved in, I don't have time for you... - he answered simply, he didn't have time for this old man... he had only returned to bring Naruko with him to the castle, catch up and introduce her to the girls... Naruko could see his appearance when he showed them to her but she didn't pay attention to them... he is her twin, he knows that there are very few things that his dear sister gives importance to and it's not like he would want Naruko to find a way to kill his future wives... less with his children in her womb.

Rizevim: "That's too bad... I was hoping we could talk more..." he said with a "sad" face.

Naruto nodded.

Naruto: how bad... Ophis ... he turned to look at her as Ophis looked at him... you can take her out... - he pointed at the aforementioned Lilith who tilted her head.

Ophis: I can... - she replied simply placing the cup of tea on the table.

Rizevim smiled, he wanted to propose to this boy to join him, but he didn't even open a direct dialogue... he simply showed all the evidence that he was going to attack him in his face.

Rizevim: go, lilith... - he said when both black-haired women disappeared through a gap leaving them alone, Naruto drank his tea before an intense atmosphere filled the room.

The furniture began to shake as Naruto and Rizevim quietly drank their tea.

A curtain of wind passed through the windows and slammed the doors of the room causing the ground to crack and begin to open as two auras began to be visible.

A slightly dark gray aura began to come out of Naruto, while a purple one surrounded Rizevim as they both finished their tea.



A powerful explosion resounded, clearing half of Carmilla Castle as powerful waves of wind shook everything in a large radius, uprooting trees, and the perpetrators could be seen in the sky, fist-bumping in the sky.

Rizevim looked seriously at the boy in front of him who had two strange pairs of wings on each side with the shape and logo of Beelzebub no less.


Rizevim opened his eyes as he began to back away, becoming serious as he let his aura surround him.


The sky roared again as a powerful explosion echoed out, creating powerful blizzards.

With the dxd team.

These not far away were facing a horde of vampires after the call of their president reporting about the betrayal of the vampires of the Tepes faction who conspire with the Khaos Brigade no less.

Which led in a few minutes everything to great chaos, since in passing there was also a coup d'état against the traitor Marius Tepes , led by none other than one of the oldest and noble elders of the Tepes faction, Krul Tepes, who had joined forces with the DXD team and some Carmilla, since there were also traitors on their side.

Rias and Krul had joined forces against an enemy that blocks their path.

Grendel , an evil dragon.

Grendel smiled, showing his fangs, looking down at his enemies.

Grendel: That's a nice look you two have... - mocked the 15-meter-tall dragon, looking down at the she-devil and vampire.

Grendel: It seems that they are having fun on that side... - he said observing where the strong blizzards and great magical powers come from, although it is not just that place... there are two presences that seem to jump in dimensions and are fighting fiercely.

Rias cursed the cursed dragon scales that repel her power... if only Grayfia were to cause a huge distraction but she is fighting her so called "younger brother".

Rias: krul-dono... I called her... she can create a distraction while I get ready... - she said to the vampire who looked at her for a moment but nodded and disappeared into bats before appearing next to Grendel kicking him in the head but it only made him spin and...





Rias and Krul were sent flying but maneuvered in the air, looking at the fallen ex-leader covered in golden armor.

Rias suddenly felt danger and looked for where it came from before seeing how an endless number of evil dragons emerged from the Tepes castle no less... the damn traitor fulfilled his objective.

Rias: Shit!... - she cursed, dodging a vampire who tried to take her by surprise from behind before kicking him and began to exchange blows with 5 vampires who came out of nowhere.

Another 30 vampires surrounded Krul, who didn't flinch and charged at them in an almost blurry manner, beginning to tear off heads with great agility.

Rias let her aura surround her and cursed just like Naruto did a lot when he found himself involved in something he wasn't looking for.

Rias: I hope you've said goodbye to your families... - she told them coldly, which shook the older vampires for a moment but that was all Rias needed to disappear and charge against other enemies.

The 5 vampires turned their heads to chase her before they fell to the ground and began to turn to dust.

With Koneko, Kuroka and Irin.

They ran quickly through the Tepes castle that was flooded with pure monstrous enemies, not having been able to stop the cowardly Marius Tepes in time but they could not fight in such a closed place.

Koneko: A window!... - she pointed and jumped, breaking it before revealing her nekoshou features and hitting the ground hard.


Kuroka and Irina followed with their own attacks hoping to destroy the underground facilities, as the ground gave way.


A powerful explosion and earth shaking followed before the trio were quickly targeted by the vampires turned evil dragons who charged at them.

Everything was literally crazy with chaos everywhere that really shook a lot of the traitors, they didn't want their faction to be destroyed... they just... they just... they just wanted...


A powerful voice echoed across the field, none other than Akasha with her red eyes and visible fangs... her sword in hand bathed in crimson as she pointed out to the traitors what they are doing and how they are destroying centuries of memories and patriotism by following a traitor who joined a terrorist group.

Akasha: Centuries of habit, the place where they were born, their cursed lands destroyed by their ambition!... - he roared at them but the large group did not dare to attack while the explosions resounded.

The vampires blinked, not knowing what to do... before their eyes lost their red hue.

Akasha: Aletia, capture them!... - she shouted to her friend in the sky who finished turning an evil vampire into molecules and nodded, extending her palm in the direction of the group of vampires who apparently surrendered.

The group of vampires disappeared through a magic circle.

Akasha raised her sword again and charged against the traitors who still had smiles on their faces and did not care about destroying everything.

Interior of the Tepes castle.

Crawling through a hidden passage you could see Valerie, Asia and Gasper.

Asia: "Are you sure this is safe Valerie-san?"... - she asked in a whisper to the vampire guiding them and nodded.

Valerie: Yes, I used to live here and... perfect... that's one of the parts of my secret gear... - she looked through the ventilation duct at the laboratory below.

Gasper, who came after Asia, was a little scared but it wasn't like he could abandon his friends.

Valerie: He's alone, my traitor brother must have left... - She looked closely, scanning the entire laboratory for enemies but didn't see any. Apparently they were very interested in the fights outside.

Valeria: Well, you need to get it back... Gasper, you'll take it while Asia and I hold you, you're the one who weighs the least of us and we need to do it quickly before the enemies come back... Besides, I don't think the castle will last long... - she whispered to her friend who came behind Asia and listened attentively.

Gasper: Fine, I'll do it... - he answered while Valerie removes the duct slot and steps aside as does Asia, while Gasper passes and Asia continues to understand him.

Gasper looked at the purely white laboratory and the golden cup inside a capsule.

Gasper started to go down while Asia grabs his legs and Valerie grabs her.

Slowly and cautiously Gasper reached the level, grew one of his nails and cut the glass of the capsule before grabbing the cup.

Valerie quickly climbed up to Asia and pulled Gasper along.

The trio quickly covered the duct before Gasper handed the cup to Valerie who smiled and they quickly crawled away from the place so as not to be noticed and not to be caught in the middle of a sudden collapse, but their mission was a success.

With Naruto and Rizevim.

These could be seen on the ground exchanging blows at high speeds no less.

Rizevim snapped in annoyance, he didn't expect the damn kid to be a martial artist and adapt quickly... almost in a very abnormal way.

Naruto dodged Lucifer's blow, watching in slow motion as it passed near his face. He didn't even follow his own body's reaction when he landed two blows on Lucifer, one on his face which was slowly turning and another on his chest.


Naruto listened very attentively to the sound that was about to start, while his heart was pumping rapidly... he could compare all this to an adrenaline rush, taking his motor capacity to the maximum, he could observe everything in slow motion, it was so impressive and interesting... he felt his hot blood running through each of his veins while he prepared another attack and launched it... he could feel... understand... analyze how his body followed his orders, bringing all the energies of his body into each blow he launched to make it more devastating, his eyes shook slightly with each quick movement...


Rizevim spat out blood as he took several steps back and clutched his abdomen for a moment.

"Heheh... you're tough and...

Naruto: Stop talking!... - he shouted without being able to avoid it... the euphoria, the excitement and his new found taste for battle speaking for him... he wanted more... more of this... this so called excitement... his body simply reacting and making these great movements.

Naruto smiled as did Rizevim as their smiles grew and...



A powerful explosion was generated with Rizevim taking a few steps back from their fist clash but he opened his eyes when he felt a hand next to his face.

Naruto in a blur with his wings out had appeared next to Rizevim taking him to the ground and...


The ground gave way as Rizevim's face collided with it, but Naruto wasn't done and began to brutally drag Rizevim's face into the ground...




Naruto roared excitedly before flying up and spinning around and releasing Lucifer with force.



A powerful explosion followed by a large crack shook everything as Rizevim disappeared.


The ground shook as an angry scream rang out.

Naruto in slow motion saw something pass by him and turned with his arm raised.




Naruto simply disappeared as the ground gave way further and Rizevim was seen with his twelve wings on his back in Naruto's place.

Some scratches could be seen on Lucifer's face as he extended his palm pointing downwards, while a sphere of power appeared in his hand and he threw it.



A powerful explosion followed but Rizevim paid no attention to it, instead he paid attention to the redhead running agilely between the trees.

Rizevim sent out several more explosions that began to echo out.

Naruto smiled, yes, yes, this... he liked this.

Naruto jumped onto a rock and supported himself on it, he spread his wings again and charged at Rizevim who was waiting for him.


Naruto: Come on, come on... come on!... - he roared excitedly exchanging quick blows with the livan.

Naruto's eyes glowed as the red particles in them shook... his dragon blood burning for more... he understood it, he was beginning to understand it... a fight was a thousand times better than training... you don't have to hold back anything... just do damage.

Rizevim Chesch was impressed by the rapid development of this boy... he had taken two good hits at first but he adapted at an alarming speed and was handling himself well with the...

Rizevim didn't finish his thoughts when a hook to his jaw shook his brain and a blow came from behind.


Rizevim was going at speed towards the ground but he maneuvered around only to see that boy carrying a titanic sphere of power...


Naruto grabbed the large sphere of power and with pure brute force he threw it towards the ground.

Rizevim stared wide-eyed at the large sphere of pure power approaching him... this boy... isn't holding back... he's going to kill and...

Rizevim: No! "I will never back down from a damn ant!"... - he shouted angrily with a frown.


Rizevim shouted sending a purple sphere of the same magnitude that collided with Naruto's dark one and...



A powerful explosion larger than the previous ones resounded, clearing trees and sending out powerful gusts of wind.

With the tepes faction.

Although the fighting continued in this one... everyone was hit by the powerful gust of wind that sent several people flying.

The monstrous auras they felt coming from that direction had some of them nervous, both allies and enemies, but they had an idea that the fighters were one from each side.

Grendel: HAHAHAHA IT SEEMS LIKE THEY'RE HAVING FUN ON THAT SIDE!... - he roared excitedly, he's been feeling those powers for a while now... they keep increasing.

Azazel and Rossweisse who were facing the dragon frowned.

With Naruto.


Naruto laughed carelessly in the sky, this... this... HAHAHAAHA...

Rizevim: Damn you!... - he roared, appearing in the sky with his white suit somewhat destroyed, he cursed for not having brought his armor... he was almost submerged in the clash of the two attacks.

Rizevim charged, appearing in front of Naruto, who was still laughing but in a deranged manner, having taken him by the neck.

Naruto: "Yeah, yeah, let's go... " he said mockingly with a sphere of power in his hand that he unleashed on Lucifer's abdomen.


Rizevim stepped back but not very far.

"I won't let you run away...

Naruto: Who is running away?... - he asked with a funny, almost insane laugh, his eyes shone brighter... If power appears with great emotions, Naruto unconsciously has an emotion that surpasses them all... ecstasy of blood, pain and fighting... having the perfect body was a bad union.

Rizevim: You despise me, me... LUCIFER! ... - he shouted when a dark aura covered him completely entering his true form.

Naruto glared at him, destroying the ring in his hand as a dark aura covered it as well.

Both too lost to admire the other's monstrous form but a permanent giggle still continued.

The atmosphere gave way further to the powerful clashing auras.


Again with the tepes faction.

All the fighters were attentive to what was happening in the distance but they could not lose concentration or it would cost them dearly.

Grayfia along with Xenovia and Ravel, cursed looking at their enemy who was carrying a Boosted Gear no less... a copy of Issei-san's.

The group looked exhausted and with some of their clothes destroyed in some parts.

Euclid smiled, being almost in the same state as the girls.

Euclid: Come on sister... give up and come with me... - he told her with a malicious smile.

Grayfia looked at her traitor brother who is as exhausted as them... he has already exploded the limit of his copy in his balance breaker but he can still increase his power... the question is... until when?, those three of them have already pushed him too much.

Grayfia sighed and spun her knives imbued with demonic power and got into position.

The trio looked seriously at Euclid who frowned seeing that they weren't going to just give up.


The demon servant of Rizevim looked in the direction where the large explosions were happening... serving his lord so much made him familiar with knowing his power very well... power that he had never used to fight before... no one was a rival but now someone pushes his lord, he has to end this quickly and go to his lord's side.

The night could already slowly shine in the cloudy sky... it would be the turning point of the fights.

Euclid: I'll have to finish this... - he said before charging against the trio.


With quarrels.

This one had separated from krul, too many annoying enemies.

Rias watched in the sky as Issei fought someone... apparently very strong, since his enemy barely moved from his spot.

She cheered, saying goodbye to two vampires who came out from under the ground, she is running out.

Rias: Clever ones... - she thought about all the fools trying to take her by surprise.

Rias's sense of danger activated, something was already on her back.

Rias turned in slow motion looking at the traitorous bastard who started it all with his attempt to imprison her... but he wasn't important, the dagger was... the dagger that was dangerously close to her belly... she couldn't dodge it or lower her hands... no, no, no...

Rias's panicked eyes watched his hands lower slower than the dagger she could already see in her belly... where her baby is.

Marius smiled, yes, just killing one of the Maou's sisters would make them mobilize and destroy the Carmillas and...


A sudden chain stopped his arm.

Rias quickly jumped back with a somersault.

Marius watched as his hand suddenly fell to the ground and he blinked.


The vampire didn't finish when he felt another chain around his neck and suddenly he was spinning until everything went dark.

"What a strange thing...

Rias looked seriously at the stranger who saved her, she had red hair and...

Rias blinked as she turned to look at him.

"So you're Rias... I'm Naruko tho Sawyer...








I hope you like it... Naruto appeared in the middle of the novel, the turning point... that's why he was involuntarily dragged into it.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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