100% Naruto: Road To Kage / Chapter 8: N:RTK. 8. Sage vs Sage; Fake vs Sun.

บท 8: N:RTK. 8. Sage vs Sage; Fake vs Sun.

Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto. It is not intended for profit or to infringe upon any copyrights associated with the original series. All recognizable characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

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Summary of the previous chapter –

Hashirama attacked him with an earth style jutsu and Satoru retaliated with an explosive and a flashbang kunai while using a quick substitution jutsu to dodge the First's rock bullets. Satoru got to try out various traps but most didn't work on him, or at best just slow him down a little.

But the Gravity Seals proved to be a game changer as he was finally about to land an attack on the First with his rain of arrows when the hokage just raised a dome of earth over himself using a single seal. He used the rock clone jutsu to launch a sneak attack on Satoru but our MC figured it out.

Satoru then opened the First Gate of the eight hidden gates to speed up his perception so he could somewhat keep up with the chunin level Hashirama and also to functionally use his Flash Step Seal. He dodged Hashirama's sneak attack but the First still almost got the drop on him by using two body flickers in quick succession.

Satoru had his back against the wall and was forced to show one of his aces, he called it the finger flick of death. A finger flick empowered by Sage Chakra, it threw both of them away from each other and the chapter came to an end.

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Last time on Naruto: Road To Kage. Chapter 7: The Fake Sage —

Basically he could punch someone with the strength of a jonin but after that one punch, his hand would be completely wasted for the rest of the duration of the fight. So he had to come up with a way to minimize the damage that he would be doing to his body using this technique.

Because his poor physique could only take so much, before it gave up on him. Before even testing out this technique he had to create the [Kinetic Absorption Seal]. Just so that he won't just blow off his limbs while using this technique.

Using his fingers as a way of attack was something that he was inspired from watching Deku fight against Todorki in the U.A Sports Festival Arc. It hurt like hell and made him want to die, so he named the technique the [Finger Flick of Death].

Now Continuing —

To say that Mito was stunned by Satoru's performance would be an understatement, the moment Hashi-kun flickered in front of him she thought it would mark the end of the match.

But she found that boy had an uncanny ability of exceeding her expectations, even after she had raised them after seeing his current performance.

Till now, Satoru had displayed over 14 different seals, out of which 3 had particularly caught her eye. She would have agreed to take him under her tutelage just to understand workings behind those three seals.

In simple words, they were a game changer in terms of sealing techniques. It would raise the fighting capabilities of her and seal master that learnt of them to twice than before learning them.

But now she was torn, she couldn't decide if she should call off the fight or not as Satoru was resorting to using techniques that were beyond his means just to keep himself in the fight.

The seal that mimicked the body flicker to dodge hashi-kun, opening [Kaimon: The First of Eight Hidden Gates] to cope with the enhanced speed of the seal that mimicked the body flicker and now this..

'A seal that allows him to temporarily use the strength of a Sage.' She thought to herself in amazement at the kid whom Tobi claimed to be a clanless orphan, she would have suspected him to be a Uzumaki in hiding but she didn't think there was ever an Uzumaki with this level of talent in the Art of Seals.

No. There was one. The founder of the Uzumaki Clan. The First Uzumaki, the one believed to be the grandson of the Sage of The Six Paths. The one their entire clan worshipped as [The God of Seals]

He had been so powerful that it was believed that he had raised the entire island of Uzushiogakure and created the perpetually moving whirlpools surrounding it with the power of his seals.

Unfortunately, none after him had been as powerful or as gifted in the art of seals. Even she, one of the most gifted prodigies ever to grace the Uzumaki clan, could only grasp just a fraction of the knowledge the founder had left behind.

'But maybe this kid could do it,' She thought to herself as she saw Hashi and Satoru-kun go at it. With the kid already having used that devastating finger flick 5 more times, she had gotten a better look.

She could tell that the moment he activated his sage strength and did the finger flick. Another seal had activated itself as well and it seemed to wrap around the finger he used for the attack and it partially canceled the backlash and saved his finger from being completely destroyed.

It also helped him tank a few of the blows that he couldn't outright dodge, but how long could he keep this up for? That was the question. Until now surprisingly hashi-kun hasn't been able to land one clean hit on Satoru-kun and knock him out.

The young boy has proven to be extremely slippery and also had a good sense of paranoia and mental fortitude that kept him focused. He had just used a seal that mimicked the body flicker again, and her eyes widened as she realized something.

She hadn't done so before, because the majority of her focus had been on his seals, but now that she focused on eyes and his body. It was certain that the boy hadn't just opened the [Gate Of Opening] by chance.

He didn't keep it open instead he only opened it for a few while using his body flicker seal and maybe if Hashi-kun closed the gap between them too quickly with a body flicker. It was very impressive to see him fight on such a high level after only self training for 9 months.

But she could tell all these techniques he was using simply beyond his rank and it was doing unimaginable damage to his body. But what other choice did he even have, to compensate for his weak body he had to resort to these self created forbidden techniques of his.

She only hoped that they ended it soon before the kid did some irreparable damage to prove his worth to her, something which he had already done so from the very beginning. As she saw him push himself more and more, she saw the grit and determination he had in his bones.

He already broken 6 fingers till now and his right ankle had snapped after 5 uses of the [Body Flicker Seal] and this was despite the damage absorption seal to mitigate the damage he was doing to his body.

Till now he had successfully evaded and brought Hashi-kun on a trip around the entire array of traps he had planted around the training ground. He hit him with poison gas, flame throwers, explosives, flashbangs, enhanced gravity, and more.

Any other chunin would have died 10 times over by now. Heck they would be taken down by that first devastating finger flick that the boy pulled out of nowhere and hit Hashi-kun with at point blank range.

The only reason why the chunin rank Hashi-kun was alive and kicking was because he spit an instant sealless mud wall to absorb the force of that first finger flick, the rest he just dodged. Not wanting to cheat again.

Yep, the boy had already won, using C rank ninjutsu without any seals wasn't really something a chunin could do. Heck it was something that even most jonin struggled with doing. So the kid had already forced Hashi-kun to use something in his fight that a chunin couldn't do.

But it had been something subtle, so he hadn't realized it and they hadn't deemed it necessary to tell him that he had actually already won. Her, Tobi and Hashi-kun, all three of them wanted to see just what else he will use when his back is pushed against the wall.

And it paid off, Hashi-kun seemed like he had enough so with just 1 minute remaining in his 10 minutes deadline. He made his move, at first he used substitution jutsu to switch places to a blind spot in Satoru's vision.

After this he immediately used body flicker jutsu to close the gap. It was just that this time he was using the technique to its limit. He was so fast that before Satoru could activate his own body flicker seal or even open the first gate again to give himself enhanced perception.

Hashi-kun had already delivered a haymaker straight to his head that sent the kid flying. But the kid wasn't going down that easy, a split second before impact from the fist, he entered sage mode just to tank the blow.

She saw the markings of a sage around his eyes and even if it was for a brief second or two she saw the youngest ever to become a sage. And the kid didn't just defend himself, no, the moment Hashi-kun got too close to attack.

The boy summoned a few strips of paper and threw at Hashi-kun's arm that was about to make an impact with his face. Her husband must've thought that he could handle it, so he didn't pay it much thought and decided to follow through with his attack.

He hit Satoru with so much force that he sent him flying and Satoru also helped in that as he jumped back with the punch to soften the blow. What he hadn't expected was the seals to start spreading and cover his entire right sleeve.

He tore off his sleeve and the seal placed on it but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that the seal had imprinted itself on his arm and kept sucking in the surrounding chakra as it primed itself. There was no doubt it was an explosive seal.

But this one looked much more complicated and way more powerful, Hashi-kun tried water and earth but none of them worked to take the seal off of his body and right as it seemed like it was about to blow.

Hashi-kun sighed in defeat and amazement as he took his signature stance; and brought his hands together, immediately entering Sage Mode. Upon doing so, he quickly blazed through a few hand seals and intoned.

[Wood Style: Wooden Avatar Jutsu].

It was a technique she hadn't seen him use before, and that was saying something. At first glance it looked similar to the [Wooden Golem Jutsu], but this one in particular wasn't summoned from the ground.

Instead it grew out from Hashi-kun's body and enveloped him in a wooden cocoon, mimicking the [Susanoo], a prized technique of his late best friend - Uchiha Madara and in doing so provided him the best kind of defense.

The explosive seals that were wrapped around his arm got transferred to the arm of the wooden avatar, but before it could grow to its full potential it was enveloped in fiery hell.

Tobi-kun was getting ready to stop the flames from spreading but then Satoru finally showed the final ace up his sleeve.

All this time he had been slowly luring her husband to that specific spot and his [Camouflage Seal] was so well made that even with her [Mind's Eye of Kagura] all she could tell was that there were a few seals present in the surroundings.

Their numbers and type eluded her senses, at least until they were activated and now that Hashi-kun was enveloped in a fiery inferno that burnt with an ominous blue color. He activated his final seal, or seals to be exact.

It was an entire array of wind breakthrough seals placed in an angle to create a rotating wall of wind around that fiery inferno.

And it worked together quite beautifully as a huge collaboration jutsu was born from the combined powers of the fiery inferno and the rotating wind wall that created the biggest fire tornado she had ever seen.

It was over 30 meters in diameter and 100 meters height, it was frightening to imagine that a genin level ninja had created this monstrosity. It was as powerful as an S rank technique, in its destructiveness.

The blue fire had heated up to such a degree that it was starting to turn white in some places. The only silver lining was that it was self contained, the tornado kept going for over 2 minutes before it slowly began to die down.

After the dust settled, she saw that her husband's wooden Avatar still stood tall and strong, but appearances could be deceiving. She could tell just by looking at it that it was a hollow shell, Hashi-kun had created gaps inside the armor and filled them with water that he kept replenishing until the raging tornado ran out.

It seemed almost as if a battle of attrition had taken place between the two that her husband had finally won in the end, with the innards of the Avatar being completely safe from the fire. But even though Satoru had lost this small skirmish, he had ultimately won the war.

He lasted over 10 minutes against her husband and he forced him to use the Wood Release and even his vaunted Sage Mode at the very last second. Though she knew that he had only done so to speed up the activation and growth of the wooden Avatar.

As she knew that even without the sage mode her husband should be perfectly capable of using the wooden Avatar. As it was quite similar to the wooden golem jutsu that he had used before without the sage mode.

But he definitely wouldn't have made it in time to completely protect himself from the blazing collaboration jutsu that Satoru created using his seals.

"Tobi-kun, please get your brother before he tries to sneak off and tell him that I want him to repair the grounds and in the meantime you take care of any remaining fires."

"But what about you?.." He tried asking but then fell silent.

"Well, I will obviously be busy with guiding my new apprentice." She said like it was a matter of fact.

"Okay.." He replied with a sigh and went to get his elder brother.

"Tsu-chan you ready to meet your guardian?" She asked with a grin, hoping to play matchmaker between the two in the future.

"Guardian?" She cutely tilted her head in confusion.

"Yup, he will be your teacher. So don't be rude to him." She nodded with self assured smile.

"But.. isn't he's too young." Tsunade asked with a geniune surprise, because the teachers she had seen in their clan were all adults and almost as old as her parents.

"Remember, Tsuna-chan. Age or one's background doesn't matter, the only language people understand is power."

"The only reason why your grandpa was able to build this village and fulfill his dream of peace was because he is the strongest shinobi in the elemental nations bar none."

"This "young" boy despite his physical disadvantages, with no proper training or clan background truly gave your grandpa.. a run for his money."

"But he was holding back!" Little Tsunade replied in her beloved grandpa's defence puffing up her cheeks.

"Not as much as you think might, my dear." Mito replied with a kind smile.

"But that's a story for some other time, let's get to back to home. Now, I need to drill some safety and health priorities into my student's skull. He nearly got himself killed out here using these absurd techniques." She replied with a frustrated smile, as she nearly popped a blood vessel on her forehead.

"Is he even alive, Mito-baa-chan?" The little girl asked curiously.

"He is barely hanging on, I need to go before he dies out on me." She joked and gave Tsunade to a shadow clone who would take her to their house while she went to check up on Satoru.




"Fuck." He definitely overdid it, his brain was loopy, the surroundings were swimming in his view as he rested against a tree truck. He raised his fingers to his noses, and when pulled them back, they were covered in blood.

He knew he hadn't broken his nose against the First Hokage, or even during his crash when he was blown away by that powerful punch. It was mostly like the side effect of him constantly opening and closing the first gate in conjunction with the [Flash Step Seal].

The combination of the two had somehow kept him alive and kicking in the fight but now he was completely burnt out. He had broken 6 fingers, his left ankle was now really broken and he left like he had hairline fractures in quite a few bones of his body.

Hopefully, his new sensei would agree to fix him up for free when she took him under her wing. But somewhat knowing her personality, he was sure she would first scold him for being so reckless and putting himself in so much danger.

And only when she was satisfied with the scolding will she heal, but he was okay with it. Instead he welcomed, from the moment he came to this world he was alone, humans crave attention, they seek familial bonds and friendship.

But in his quest for getting powerful he had neglected making any friends, maybe now he could take it a little easy and relax. After all, what he had accomplished today isn't something just anyone can do. He thought to himself with a huge grin on his face.

As he looked at the raging fiery tornado 🔥🌪️ that had been the product of 5 mid-grade Explosive seals and 12 Greater Wind Breakthrough seals being used in conjunction, perfectly combining together to that.

He had laid out the seals in such a way that angles of the wind breakthroughs would envelope the explosion. And create a fiery self contained tornado that would just progressively get hotter by the second, leaving nothing but scorched earth and ashes.

The fire was burning so hot that even though the blazing tornado was self contained and not spreading. He felt like he was on fire, the surrounding trees had already been burnt to crisp just by the heat alone.

The only reason he was only sweating badly and not suffering from 3rd degree burns, despite not having even an ounce of chakra left in him was because of his temperature control seals. But it also wouldn't hold for much longer, he really hoped Mito would hurry up and help him out of here.

The Wooden Avatar that the First Hokage used seemed to be inspired from Madara's susanoo. Truly one of the best defensive jutsu ever of the narutoverse, this wood jutsu from what little he could see while being flung away upside down.

Seemed to have grown from the First's body itself instead of it coming out from the ground, just like a Susanoo. It was how his super explosion seal got transferred from the First Hokage's arm to the Wooden Avatar's.

He wasn't really sure if he would be using this technique here and now, but after knowing that it would be Senju Hashirama, he would be fighting.

He knew he could go all out and it provided him with the perfect opportunity to field test his seals against someone who wouldn't die against them and also someone who would really push him to his limits.

Deep down inside, despite the debilitating pain, the moments where honestly felt like he was going to be crushed. To even stand on the same ground as someone like Senju Hashirama had taken a lot of will and now he just wanted to sleep.

"Where are you Mito-sama?" He whispered under his breath as he closed his eyes, but right at that moment the blistering heat that he was feeling due to the slowly overloading temp control seals died down.

He felt a cool breeze blow across hisbface, and he felt being under the shade of someone. Opening his eyes, he grinned when he saw Mito's frustrated smile, for it meant he had passed with flying colors.

She shifted her umbrella to her other shoulder and sighed, as she said, "We'll definitely be having extensive lessons about not using seals that could destroy your body from their backlash."

"Does.. that mean I pa—" He tried to ask but it wasn't really needed as a proud smile came across Mito's face as she announced.

"Congratulations, Geinshīru Satoru, you have proven yourself worthy to be my student, from now you're my ward. But let's talk about details after I am done healing you up."

"Thank you, Mito-sama. I promise, I'll make you proud." He croaked out somehow, from his parched throat, he really want to drink some cool refreshing water right now.

"As long as you don't die before me and always come back home safely, I'll always be proud of you." She said with a fond smile on her face.

"Home?" He muttered confused, trying to stay awake despite the strain it was putting on his mind.

"The Senju clan," She gestured to her surroundings with a wave of her hand, "this place can be your home now, if you want it to be."

"I won't force you to stay, and you'll have freedom to leave whenever you want but know that there will always be a room for you here." She reassured him with a kind smile, almost like a grandmother.

"Arigatō.. Mito-sama." He slowly whispered, with a grateful smile and finally passed out from exerting himself too much.

He had been barely keeping himself concious despite the exhaustion, despite the inhuman levels of pain he was under. Just to hear that he had achieved his goal of becoming her student.

— To be continued…

In the next episode of Harry Potter: Wizarding World.

Cough* *Cough*

I meant in the next chapter of Naruto: Road to Kage.


Word Count: 3,230 words (without the author's notes and disclaimer.)

{Closing Author's Note: Thanks for reading my Naruto fanfic, this is part of my exclusive works that's only available here on pat. reon.

With 12 additional chapters available on patreon and the link is in the author's thoughts section at the bottom of this chapter.

Anyways, I hope everyone is happy and healthy, this is bye for now but I will be back in a few hours with the H:HHS chapter. }

next chapter
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