82.98% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 156: Chapter 152: The Hunter's Gift

บท 156: Chapter 152: The Hunter's Gift

Chapter 152: The Hunter's Gift

As the morning sun began to rise over the Hidden Leaf Village, casting long shadows across the village streets, Malik made his way to the training grounds where Team 7 was preparing for their upcoming mission to the Land of Tea. The air was crisp, and a sense of urgency filled the atmosphere as Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura gathered their supplies and mentally prepared for the task ahead.

Malik approached quietly, his presence unnoticed until he was nearly upon them. Kakashi was already gone, having been assigned to another mission, leaving the three young shinobi to handle the escort mission on their own. They were capable, but Malik couldn't help but feel a protective instinct toward them—especially toward Sakura, his fiancée.

Naruto was the first to notice him, his usual exuberance breaking through the tension. "Malik! What are you doing here?"

Malik smiled, his warm gaze settling on each of them before resting on Sakura. "I came to wish you all good luck on your mission. I know you'll do great, but I wanted to give Sakura something before you go."

Sasuke, always observant, raised an eyebrow but said nothing, his curiosity piqued. Sakura, however, looked both pleased and surprised as Malik stepped closer to her, reaching into the small pouch at his side.

From it, he pulled out a small, intricately designed leather pouch, its contents hidden from view. "Sakura," he began, his voice low and sincere, "I know this mission is important, and I want to make sure you're well-prepared. Inside this pouch is some money to help you out if you need it. But more importantly, I'm giving you the ability to use my Hunter's Mark."

Sakura's eyes widened in surprise. She had heard Malik speak of his unique abilities before, but she had never expected to have access to one of them. "Hunter's Mark?" she asked, curiosity and a hint of concern in her voice.

Malik nodded, his expression serious but reassuring. "The Hunter's Mark is a skill that allows you to place a mark on someone. It gives you a detailed description of them and lets you track their current location. It's incredibly useful, but it also comes with risks, there's a chance that the person you mark might notice it."

He handed her the pouch, his hand lingering on hers for a moment. "You're strong, Sakura, and I know you'll use this wisely. It's not just a tool; it's a way to protect the people you care about and to ensure you complete your mission successfully."

Sakura looked at the pouch in her hands, her emotions swirling between gratitude, determination, and the weight of responsibility. She understood the significance of what Malik was entrusting to her. "Thank you, Malik," she said softly, her voice full of resolve. "I'll make sure to use it only when it's absolutely necessary."

Malik smiled, "No need, use it all you want, on animals, trees, bugs, . . . bandits, rouge ninja."

This however made Sakura frown, "Malik, are you giving me this so I can use it on someone specifically?

"If I say yes, would you hit me?" He asked her noticing the warning in her voice.

"Depends. Who it is." Sakura answered.

"You might, and I do mean might because I'm not sure anymore, come across someone named Aio, if so touch them and place a mark on them, if possible. Can you do that for me, my love?" Malik said placing his hands on her hips.

Malik's hands remained on Sakura's hips, his eyes searching hers for any sign of discomfort or reluctance. He could see the determination and resolve in her gaze, mixed with a hint of curiosity and perhaps a flicker of apprehension. This young woman, his fiancée, had grown stronger with each passing day, and he had faith in her abilities.

"I understand, Malik," she said, her voice firm but gentle. "If I come across Aio, I'll mark him for you. I'll make sure to be careful."

Malik nodded, satisfied with her response. "You're a remarkable young woman, Sakura. I have no doubt you'll handle this task with the grace and skill you've shown in everything else." "You have also come across Team Oboro the three Ame genin from the Chūnin Exams. If possible, place one on them too but no pressure." 

Malik's hands slowly moved away from Sakura's hips, his grip softening as he gazed into her eyes. "Remember, your safety and the success of your mission are the most important things. If you can, gather as much information as you can about Aio. (Thier) actions could be key to future missions."

Sakura nodded, her mind already racing with the possibilities. "I'll keep that in mind, Malik. Thank you for trusting me with this."

Naruto, who had been watching the exchange with wide eyes, finally found his voice. "Wait a minute! You're giving Sakura one of your magic tricks? What if she doesn't know how to use it?"

Malik turned his attention to Naruto, his expression calm. "Naruto, I understand your concern, but Sakura is more than capable of handling herself. She has proven herself countless times. Also, I love her." 

Malik's words seemed to calm Naruto's nerves, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Alright, if you say so. Just make sure she's careful, okay?"

Sakura placed a reassuring hand on Naruto's shoulder, her expression resolute. "I'll be careful, Naruto. We'll all make sure we come back in one piece."

Sasuke, who had remained silent throughout the conversation, finally spoke up. "Malik, can you give us any more information about Aio or Team Oboro? Knowing their abilities could be crucial for this mission."

Malik nodded thoughtfully, his gaze distant as he recalled what he knew. "Aio is a skilled shinobi, known for their cunning and agility. They excels in ninjutsu, making them a formidable opponent. But what you really need to keep an eye out for is their sword, The Sword of the Thunder God, Tobirama Senju's former weapon."

==Some Time Later==

"I've kept you long enough, getting going already," Malik said taking a step back

Naruto, always the eager one, grinned and patted Sakura on the back. "Wow, Thanks for the heads up! With that kind of power and this information, this mission is going to be a piece of cake!"

Sasuke, though outwardly indifferent, couldn't help but feel a mix of respect and curiosity. He knew Malik wasn't someone who gave such gifts lightly. "You better not waste it," Sasuke said, his tone neutral, but there was an underlying hint of concern for his teammate.

Malik smiled at the three of them, feeling a sense of pride in how far they had come. "Remember, this mission is about teamwork. Rely on each other, and don't be afraid to use the resources you have."

Sakura nodded, her green eyes shining with determination. "We won't let you down, Malik. We'll make sure this mission is a success."

Malik's smile widened, a warm, reassuring presence in the cool morning air. "I know you will. Good luck, Team 7. I'll be here waiting for your return."

As he watched them leave, Malik couldn't help but feel a pang of worry mixed with pride. They were capable shinobi, but they were also young, and the world they faced was full of dangers. But with the bond they shared, Malik knew they would overcome any challenge.

Sakura glanced back one last time, clutching the pouch tightly in her hand, a silent promise in her eyes. Malik nodded in acknowledgment, silently conveying that he would always be there to support her, no matter where her path took her.

As they disappeared from view, Malik stood there for a moment longer, letting the peaceful morning calm his thoughts. The Hunter's Mark was a powerful tool, but it was also a reminder of the responsibility that came with power—a lesson he knew they were all learning in their own ways.

Finally, Malik turned to head back to his mansion, feeling a sense of satisfaction, "Aoi should be a fine addition to my team."

Malik stood in the spacious kitchen of his mansion, surrounded by the familiar warmth of simmering pots and the comforting aroma of freshly cooked food. His thoughts were still on Team 7 as they embarked on their mission, but he knew that another part of his life required his attention now—his wife, Danzō Shimura.

As the last of her clan, Danzō was a woman burdened with the weight of her lineage and the consequences of her past actions. Malik, despite the complex emotions surrounding their relationship, had made a commitment to her, and he intended to honor that commitment with love and care.

With practiced ease, Malik prepared a meal that he knew Danzō would appreciate—simple yet flavorful dishes that reflected her preference for traditional foods. As he stirred a pot of miso soup, his thoughts wandered to the Shimura Clan compound, hidden away from the rest of the village. It was a place of solitude, much like Danzō herself, isolated due to her circumstances.

Once the meal was ready, Malik placed the dishes into a specially designed basket, lined with enchanted cloth to keep the food warm. He walked through a random door in his mansion.

He stepped through the door and felt the familiar sensation of being transported. When he opened his eyes, he was standing in the courtyard of the Shimura Clan compound. The air here was cooler, the shadows longer, as if the place itself was steeped in the weight of history and secrets.

Danzō's compound was surrounded by high walls, hidden deep within the forest, away from prying eyes. It was a place that had once been bustling with life, but now it stood silent, almost mournful, with only five loyal servants to keep it from falling into complete disrepair.

Malik approached the main building, a traditional structure with sliding doors and a tiled roof. The wooden floors creaked slightly underfoot as he entered, the faint scent of incense lingering in the air. The servants, recognizing Malik, bowed respectfully before discreetly retreating to give the couple privacy.

Danzō was seated in a simple room, surrounded by scrolls and books. Despite her house arrest, she maintained an air of dignity and authority, her posture straight, her expression calm. Her appearance was a stark contrast to the cold reputation she had once held—now, there was the slightest softness in her eyes that only Malik had the privilege of seeing.

She looked up as Malik entered, "Malik," she greeted him, her voice as composed as ever, though there was a warmth in it that she reserved only for him.

"I brought dinner," Malik said, returning her smile as he set the basket down on the low table between them. "I thought it would be nice to eat together tonight."

Danzō's gaze softened even further as she watched him carefully unpack the food. Despite the restrictions on her movements, Malik made sure that she never felt truly isolated. He was a constant presence in her life, offering companionship and understanding when she needed it most.

As they began to eat, the silence between them was comfortable, filled with the unspoken bond they had developed. Malik observed Danzō closely, noticing the way she savored the food, a small yet significant indication of how much these moments meant to her.

After a while, Malik spoke, his tone gentle. "How are you holding up? I know it's not easy being here alone."

Danzō set down her chopsticks, her expression contemplative. "It's… different," she admitted. "The compound is quiet, and there are times when I find myself lost in thought, wondering about the choices I made. But having you here helps, Malik. It reminds me that not all is lost."

Malik reached across the table, taking her hand in his. "You're not alone, Danzō. Whatever happens, we'll face it together."

She squeezed his hand lightly, a rare display of affection from the woman who had once been known for her ruthlessness. "Thank you, Malik. For everything."

They continued their meal in companionable silence, the weight of the past momentarily lifted by the simple act of sharing a meal together. When they finished, Malik helped Danzō clear the table, his movements unhurried, as if savoring every moment he spent with her.

As they sat together afterward, Malik looked around the room, his gaze lingering on the old family portraits that adorned the walls. "Do you ever think about leaving the compound?" he asked quietly. "Starting anew somewhere else?"

Danzō was silent for a moment before she answered. "Sometimes. But for now, this is where I belong. The past may haunt me, but it's also a part of who I am. I need to come to terms with that before I can think about anything else. I owe the Hidden Leaf much, my life if needed."

Malik nodded, understanding her need to reconcile with her past. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be here," he said softly.

She leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. It was a rare, tender moment between them, one that spoke volumes about the depth of their relationship. Malik wrapped an arm around her, holding her close as they sat in the quiet of the compound, both lost in their own thoughts.

As the night deepened, Malik knew it would soon be time to return to the village, but for now, he was content to stay by Danzō's side, offering her the comfort and support if she needed. It was in these quiet moments that their bond grew stronger, a testament to the power of duty and understanding in the face of adversity.

And as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Malik made a silent promise to himself—to continue being her anchor, her source of light in the darkness, for as long as she needed him.

Later that night, after the meal and the quiet moments they shared, Malik found himself in the study of the Shimura Clan compound. The room was dimly lit, the glow of a single candle casting long shadows on the wooden floor. The soft crackling of the fire in the hearth was the only sound that accompanied his thoughts.

Danzō sat in a chair nearby, her form mostly hidden beneath the heavy, dark robe she wore. The fabric draped over her right shoulder, concealing the bandaged arm that held secrets darker than the night itself. Malik had always known about the twisted experiments she had undergone, the stolen Sharingan embedded in her arm, and the Hashirama cells that had been integrated into her body. It was a burden she had carried for so long, a symbol of the choices she had made and the consequences that followed.

Malik approached her slowly, his expression a mix of concern and determination. "Danzō," he began softly, his voice filled with the weight of the decision he was about to make, "I've been thinking... about your condition. About what we might be able to do."

Danzō looked up at him, her dark eyes—one hidden beneath the bandages—meeting his gaze. Despite her frail appearance, there was a strength in her that had always impressed him. "You know there's no simple solution, Malik," she replied, her voice as steady as ever. "These eyes, the cells... they were never meant to be removed."

Malik nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I know. But I can't stand the thought of you "staying" like this. If there's anything I can do, anything at all, I want to try."

With a slight nod of approval from Danzō, Malik extended his hand, hovering it just above her bandaged arm. His magic flowed gently through him, the familiar warmth spreading from his core to his fingertips as he began to scan her body. The energy moved with precision, probing the areas where the stolen Sharingan were embedded, and the Hashirama cells had taken root.

As he worked, Malik's brow furrowed. The corruption within her body was deep, a tangled web of foreign elements fused with her very being. His magic revealed the full extent of the experiments—ten Sharingan embedded in her arm, each one pulsating with dormant power, and the image of the First Hokage's face, a grotesque manifestation of the Hashirama cells that had been implanted in her.

The sight was unsettling, and Malik felt a pang of sorrow for Danzō, for the path that had led her to this state. "There's so much... It's like a curse that's intertwined with your life force," he murmured, his voice tinged with sadness.

Danzō remained silent, her gaze fixed on Malik as he continued his examination. She had long accepted the consequences of her actions, but seeing Malik's concern stirred something within her—an unfamiliar warmth that came from knowing someone cared enough to try.

Malik withdrew his hand, the glow of his magic fading. "Healing you... it's not something I can do with my current abilities," he admitted, his voice heavy with regret. "These elements are too deeply integrated into your body. I need something stronger, something that can purify rather than just heal."

Danzō sighed softly, her eyes reflecting the weariness that came with years of living with this burden. "I understand, Malik. But I never expected you to find a solution. You've already done more for me than I could have hoped."

Malik clenched his fists, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. He was not one to give up easily, especially not when it came to those he cared about. "There has to be a way," he muttered, more to himself than to her. "A way to purify you, to free you from this... without causing you more harm."

Danzō reached out, placing a hand on his arm. Her touch was light, but it carried the weight of her gratitude. "Malik, you've already given me something I never thought I would have—peace. Even if you can't remove this, you've made my life bearable. That, in itself, is a gift."

Malik looked into her eyes, seeing the sincerity in her words. It was true—since they had come together, he had seen a change in her, a softening of the hard edges that had defined her for so long. But it wasn't enough for him. He wanted to do more, to give her a chance at a life untainted by the sins of the past.

As they sat together in the quiet room, Malik's mind raced, considering the possibilities. He knew that somewhere out there, there had to be a way—a skill, an artifact, or perhaps a person who could help him cleanse Danzō of the darkness that had taken root within her. But for now, all he could do was hold her close and vow to find that solution, no matter how long it took.

"Thank you, Danzō," he whispered, pulling her into a gentle embrace. "For trusting me, and for letting me be a part of your life. I won't stop until I find a way to help you."

Danzō allowed herself to lean into his embrace, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder. In that moment, she felt something she hadn't felt in years—a sense of hope. And as Malik held her, he knew that he would do whatever it took to protect that hope, to protect her, and to find the answers they both sought.

"My wife, Danzō, I promise to find a way to make you anew, one day you may even be allowed back into the village proper but for now this is all I can do." Malik leans in 

and places a tender kiss on Danzō's forehead. 

As Malik carefully removes the top half of Danzō's robe, he is met with a sight that both surprises and arouses him. The large, sagging breasts hang heavy in their natural state, their nipples dark and inviting. The soft curves of her body present a stark contrast to the stern and disciplined exterior she usually displays. Malik's hands reach out instinctively to touch her, his fingers lightly grazing the warm skin.

Danzō's breath hitches at the sensation, her eyes widening as she looks at Malik. Her fingers grip the edge of her robe, torn between pushing him away and pulling him closer. The conflicting emotions play across her face, but there is undeniable desire in her eyes. 

Malik leans in, his lips finding hers in a passionate kiss. His hands continue their exploration, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples. As Malik's hands roam over Danzō's soft, pliant form, her resistance begins to falter. The tension in her body gradually eases, replaced by a deep, simmering heat. She returns his kiss with equal passion, her tongue exploring his mouth with a newfound boldness.

Their bodies press together, the heat and friction between them only intensifying their desire. Malik's fingers continue to tease and caress Danzō's nipples, eliciting soft moans from her. She arches her back, offering herself more fully to his touch.

Malik's breaths come in ragged gasps as he deepens their kiss, his hands never leaving her breasts. Danzō's fingers dig into the fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer, her body responding to his touch with an eagerness that surprises her. 

Danzo's body shudders as Malik's lips trail down her neck, his tongue tracing a path to her shoulder. His fingers continue to explore the soft curves of her body, each touch sending waves of pleasure through her.

Her breath catches as he gently nibbles on her ear, her moans becoming more audible. His hands slip under her, lifting her slightly off the ground as he carries her to the bed. The mattress creaks as he lays her down gently, his eyes never leaving hers.

With a tender smile, Malik begins to undress her completely, his fingers deftly unfastening her robe. He reveals more of her body inch by inch, each new patch of skin that comes into view heightening his arousal.

Malik's hands tremble slightly as he carefully unfastens the last of Danzō's robe. Her body is a masterpiece of time, marked by the natural beauty of age. Her large, saggy breasts sway gently with each breath, their nipples already hardened from his earlier touch. They hang heavy and inviting, the soft, wrinkled skin carrying a unique allure.

The rest of Danzō's body is equally mesmerizing. Her stomach, though marked with gentle lines of age, curves invitingly. Her hips are wide and strong, leading down to her thighs, which are firm and muscular, evidence of years spent training and living a life of discipline. Between her legs, a patch of thick, grey pubic hair hints at the mature woman beneath.

Malik's gaze is drawn back to her face. 

Malik's fingers fumble with the buttons of his shirt as he undresses, his large form revealing itself. His pink eyes glint with a mixture of desire and nervousness. He is a young man of considerable girth, his black skin glistening in the dim light. His body is soft yet powerful, his stomach round and his thighs thick. As he removes the last of his clothing, his large, black cock springs free, already hard and throbbing with anticipation.

He turns his attention back to Danzō, who lies before him, her body exposed and vulnerable. The flickering candlelight casts deep shadows, highlighting the contours of her mature form. Her large, saggy breasts heave with each breath, their dark nipples pebbled and inviting. 

Malik's breath hitches as he takes in the sight of his wife's body, each detail more alluring than the last. His large, pink eyes scan over her, noting the way her skin glows in the candlelight. He feels a surge of protectiveness and desire for this woman who has stood by him through so much.

With a gentle touch, Malik reaches out to caress Danzō's cheek, his thumb tracing the delicate lines of her face. She closes her eyes, savoring the tender moment. His other hand begins to wander down her body, skimming over the soft mounds of her breasts, down the curve of her stomach, and finally resting on her thigh.

Danzō opens her eyes, her gaze locked with Malik's. "How do you want to make love to me?" she asks, her voice a soft whisper. 

Malik swallows hard, the question hanging in the air. His pink eyes glisten with a mixture of emotions, and his large, black cock twitches with anticipation. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts, his hand still resting on Danzō's thigh. 

"I want to take my time with you, my love," he says, his voice thick with desire. "I want to explore every inch of your body, to savor every touch and taste."

Danzō's breath hitches at his words, and a small, eager smile tugs at her lips. She nods, her body responding to the promise in his voice.

Malik begins by gently kissing Danzō's forehead, his lips warm and tender. He then moves to her eyes, placing delicate kisses on their lids. Each kiss is a silent promise of the love and passion he holds for her. 

Malik's lips trace a path down Danzō's cheekbones, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his touch. His fingers begin to wander, exploring the curve of her neck and the hollow of her throat. He can feel her heartbeat, strong and steady, beneath his fingertips.

Danzō moans softly as Malik's lips find her nipples, his tongue swirling around them in slow, deliberate circles. Her hands grip the sheets, pulling them taut as pleasure courses through her body. Malik's soft hands continue to explore Danzō's body, finding every sensitive spot and eliciting gasps and sighs of delight.

Malik's fingers delve into the soft folds of Danzō's hair, pulling gently as he nips and licks at her neck. 

Malik's tongue flicks over Danzō's nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. His large, black cock rests heavily against her thigh, pre-cum glistening at the tip. Danzō's body shudders under his touch, her breath hitching with each new sensation.

As Malik continues to explore her body, he can feel her respond to his ministrations, her skin becoming flushed and her breathing growing ragged. His own arousal intensifies, his cock throbbing with the need to be buried deep inside her.

With a slow, deliberate motion, Malik's hand moves lower, tracing the curve of Danzō's hip and then dipping into the soft, inviting space between her thighs. His fingers find the slick wetness there, and he groans at the discovery. 

Malik's large, pink eyes widen as he feels the heat and wetness of Danzō's arousal on his fingers. He takes a moment to savor the sensation, his breath catching in his throat. His own cock throbs in response, the urge to plunge it into her nearly overwhelming.

Danzō's body shivers as she feels Malik's fingers exploring her, each touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. Her legs spread slightly, inviting him to delve deeper. "Please," she whispers, her voice trembling with desire. "I need you."

Malik's heart races as he hears Danzō's plea. He positions himself between her legs, his large, black cock poised at her entrance. Her body is slick and ready for him, and he can feel her heat radiating through his tip. "Danzō, Love, do you still want a baby?" 

Malik's voice is thick with emotion as he looks into Danzō's eyes, seeking her answer. The moment hangs in the air, charged with the potential for creation and deep, abiding love.

Danzō's breath catches, a complex mix of desire, vulnerability, and longing in her gaze. "Yes, Malik," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "I want to create a new life with you. To start fresh."

A wave of intense emotion washes over Malik, and he feels his heart swell within his chest. He leans in, pressing a tender kiss to Danzō's forehead. "I promise you, my love, we will make this journey together," he murmurs, his fingers gently stroking her hair as he positions himself.

Malik's heart pounds as he moves to align himself with Danzō's welcoming warmth. He savors the moment, his large, black cock pressed against her slick, inviting entrance. With a slow, deliberate motion, he guides himself inside, feeling every inch of her hot, tight pussy.

As Malik's cock slides deeper into Danzō, he can feel the walls of her pussy clenching around him, pulling him deeper. Her body welcomes him, her gasps and sighs of pleasure encouraging him further. He moves with a steady rhythm, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through both of them.

Danzō's legs wrap around Malik's waist, pulling him closer as her fingers dig into his back. Her hips rise to meet each of his thrusts, their bodies moving in perfect synchrony. 

Malik's large, black cock fills Danzō completely, and he pauses for a moment to savor the sensation. Her body is warm and inviting, and he can feel her heartbeat synchronized with his own. Slowly, he begins to move, his hips rocking gently back and forth as he starts a slow, deliberate rhythm. Each thrust sends a fresh wave of pleasure through both of them, and they become lost in the moment.

Danzō's fingers trace patterns on Malik's back, her nails lightly scratching his skin in a way that sends shivers down his spine. Her breathing becomes more ragged as the intensity of their lovemaking increases. Malik's breath is hot against her ear as he whispers sweet nothings, his words mingling with the sound of their bodies meeting.

As the minutes pass, their lovemaking grows more fervent. 

Malik's thrusts become more urgent, his pace quickening as their bodies move in perfect harmony. Danzō's gasps and moans fill the air, mingling with the sound of their skin slapping together. His large, black cock, slick with her juices, slides in and out of her with ease, each movement drawing them closer to the edge.

Danzō's nails dig into Malik's back, leaving behind shallow marks as she surrenders to the pleasure coursing through her. Her legs tighten around his waist, pulling him even deeper, her body trembling with the intensity of their lovemaking. Malik's heart races as he feels the familiar tingling at the base of his spine, signaling his impending release. 

Malik can sense Danzō nearing her climax as her breathing quickens and her muscles tighten around him. His own arousal builds, each thrust intensifying the electric sensation spreading through his body. Their eyes lock, and a silent understanding passes between them, a shared promise of the ecstasy they're about to experience together.

With a final, powerful thrust, Malik feels himself reaching the peak of his pleasure. His release surges through him, filling Danzō completely as she cries out, her own orgasm consuming her. Their bodies shudder in unison, a symphony of passion and love culminating in an explosion of sensation.

Malik collapses onto Danzō, his body spent yet fulfilled. Her legs release their grip, and she pulls him close, his head resting on her shoulder as they both gasp for breath. 

Malik's lips trace a path from Danzō's neck to her generous, sagging breasts. His tongue finds her nipple, swirling around the sensitive nub before drawing it into his mouth. He can feel her body tremble under his touch, her breath hitching as he continues to lavish attention on her.

Danzō's fingers thread through Malik's hair, pulling him closer as he worships her body. His other hand caresses her soft skin, exploring the contours of her mature form with reverence. The taste of her skin is intoxicating, a blend of sweat and the unique flavor that is distinctly hers.

As Malik continues to suckle, he can feel Danzō's pleasure building again. Her moans grow louder, more urgent, and her grip on his hair tightens. 

Malik's lips never leave Danzō's breasts as he expertly teases and tantalizes her sensitive nipples. His tongue dances in circles, occasionally nipping gently, causing gasps of pleasure to escape her lips. His hands roam freely over her body, each touch a promise of more to come.

Danzō's breath comes in ragged gasps as Malik's mouth works its magic. Her body responds to his touch, muscles tensing and relaxing in a symphony of sensation. The room fills with the sound of their shared passion, a comforting rhythm of love and desire.

With a final, deep kiss on one breast, Malik shifts his attention to the other, his hands moving to cup and squeeze the soft, heavy mound. 

The sensation of Malik's hands and mouth on her sensitive skin sends shivers down Danzō's spine. She arches her back, pressing herself into his touch, her breaths coming in hot, uneven bursts. His lips and tongue work in perfect harmony, one moment teasing her nipple with light flicks, the next enveloping it in a tender, loving kiss.

Malik's hands slide down Danzō's sides, exploring the curves of her waist and hips with a reverence that matches the intensity of his kisses. Her body is a map of sensations, each touch and caress adding to the building wave of pleasure that threatens to overwhelm her. He moves lower, trailing kisses along her stomach, his fingers tracing patterns on her skin, causing her to squirm and gasp with delight.


Malik steps outside into the cool night air, the moon casting a soft glow over the Shimura Clan compound. The tranquility of the moment is a stark contrast to the passionate intensity he just shared with Danzō. He takes a seat on a stone bench near the garden, the cool stone beneath him grounding him in reality.

The gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl create a soothing backdrop as Malik allows his thoughts to wander. His mind drifts to the mission ahead, the responsibilities weighing heavily on his shoulders. He thinks about Sakura, her bright smile and trusting eyes. The memory of giving her the Hunter's Mark and the magical skill brings a sense of protectiveness.

As he sits there, the cool breeze carrying the faint scent of jasmine, Malik reflects on the complex web of relationships he's woven.

BlackPolar BlackPolar

Hey, come on, come along take a ride

There's a party over there, that ain't no jive

It's live, live, it's all the way live

Don't even have to walk, don't even have to drive

Just slide, glide, slippity-slide

Just forget about your troubles and your 9 to 5

And just sail on (That's what you do), just sail on

Now this groove's so funky, hey, what to you think

What is it called, let's call it Lakeside stank

Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage

I'm the captain of this vessel

We wanna take you on a cruise

All around the land, music is at hand (Huh)

We wanna play it for you

(You see) We want to be (We want to be)

Your crew of entertainers (Jam to the music)

Jam to the beat (Jam, yeah)

Don't let nothing restrain you (Uh-huh)

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C156
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



เข้า สู่ ระบบ