98.18% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 108: Chapter 108- Alien Invasion in Wave

บท 108: Chapter 108- Alien Invasion in Wave

Herbert had just finished reading the scroll on the jutsu Impure World Resurrection, and had modified it for his own use. He was now watching as the clone soldiers were preparing for battle. He looked around at the clones on the radars tracking the ship. It would not be long now.

Herbert got a feel for his new changes. His right arm outfitted with the Spiraling Ring gun, as well as a complex set of seals. His left outfitted with a blade that could extend to an impossible length thanks to his own seal array. All in all he felt his chances were good. He listened as the radio implanted in his head went off.

"Herbert, this is Naruto. What are your plans against the Mi-go when they arrive", asked Naruto.

"Surprise attack, and ambush them when they get ready to take the village. Standard stuff", said Herbert.

"Any Mi-go you kill is to be shipped here for further study, understood", asked Naruto.

"I'll keep one or two for my own study", said Herbert.

"Fine, but all the others go here. Are you sure you can handle this", asked Naruto.

Herbert shrugged.

"Just keep the shinigami ready incase things go straight to hell", said Herbert.

"FIne, remember what we are dealing with. We will keep you updated with anything we see. The viewing screen is being modified as we speak", said Naruto.

"Gotcha, don't worry, you got me here. What is the worst that could happen. Actually do not answer that", said Herbert.

"Just be careful", said Naruto.

Herbert nodded as he turned off the radio. He looked to the clones as they prepared to leave.

The room was bustling with activity as the clones contacted each soldier in Herberts army. Naruto looked at the screen as it was being modified by Konohamaru. He turned to the clones and walked to the radar then turned to the clones.

"Is the Shinigami prepped", asked Naruto.

"Yes, and the special packages are ready as well. If things get bad this should turn the Mi-go around", said the clone.

Naruto nodded. Another clone called out to Naruto.

"Sir Herbert is in position, the ship has landed", said the clone.

"Good, you all know what to do. This is our best shot, do your best and we may just be able to finish this here", said Naruto.

"You underestimate the Mi-go Naruto, they have more millions of years more experience than you", said Konohamaru as he was finishing up the viewing screen.

"We have a chance, it's all we need", said Naruto.

Herbert watched as the ship hovered only a few feet off the ground. The ship looked like a giant blue-grey armored Maggot. He could swear the softer points had veins that pulsated sickening. The carapace shined like a beetle's even had strangely shaped insectoid eyes. Then there were the obvious mechanical tubes that were seen at random parts around the things body. This ship was a living thing. Either biomechanical in nature or some kind of animal who was converted into a ship.

The clones felt sick just looking at it. A Hatch on the front opened in a way similar to a mouth. Several Mi-go landed as they scanned the area around. They would prepare to leave for the village soon. Wave had not had enough time to get back on it's feet, and there was no way they would survive a Mi-go attack.

Herbert motioned for a few of the clones to stealth their way into a better ambush point for when the Mi-go start moving. They melted into the shadows as they made their way to the best spot. He did a few other motions making the other clones spread around the ship for when they would attack. Each soldier looked at the softer parts of the ship.

Herbert waited for the Mi-go to move. After some time they headed toward the village. The clones would handle them before they set one claw in the village. Until then, this ship was the top priority.

With one final gesture he motioned for the clones to move forward. Preparing to attack before Herbert twitched his fingers. All hell broke loose.

The soldiers immediately attacked the soft parts of the ship. Their kunai soared toward the ship. The clones soon realized the seemingly soft part was not as soft as they believed when the kunai simply bounced off it.

The ship moved like a grub giving off a horst yet oddly deep and echo like yelp. It was warning the Mi-go.

Soon Mi-go swarmed them. Using strange energy weapons hey shot at the clones. The clones started to fall, and fall fast. Their kunai was easily dodged by the flying fungai who moved very quickly in the sky. The first clone was destroyed. The others shared the memories and readjusted their tactics. However it was done much to late as three more clones fell. The clones again changed tactics but each time they tried they were destroyed by yellow green balls of lightning from the Mi-go's weapons before they had a chance to fully absorb and react to the memories.

The strength of using gained memories from fallen clones to change tactics during a battle fell against the fast and efficient tactics of the Mi-go. Herbert saw the clones were loosing. He shot out with a spiraling ring in hand. He attempted to attack the Mi-go but it lifted one of it's arms to grab Herbert. The Spiraling ring however destroyed the arm, but not much else, and the Mi-go had five limbs left, losing one would not affect them much.

The thick tail of the Mi-go swatted Herbert away. However when Herbert landed feet first on the ground he activated his mechanical spring loaded legs to launch him back at the Mi-go. Mid way his arm flinched causing a long blade to emerge from the top of his wrist. Seals began to glow on the blade as it launched forward at Breakneck speeds extending at least thirty feet toward the Mi-go. Despite how quick the alien was, it failed to dodge the blade that pierced it. Though when the blade retracted Herbert grabbed onto the Mi-go As it flew up Herbert delivered a hail of haymakers into the things glowing head under the logic that if it glows it must be a weak point.

The Mi-go thrashed trying to throw Herbert off him, but his hold was to tight. Herbert continued to jab the Mi-go in the head over and over before extending his blade and with a swing of his arm sliced the aliens head clean off. The Mi-go instantly fell to the ground. Herbert leapt off, landing on his feet. He watched as the Mi-go that lost what Herbert assumed was it's head. It was still moving. It stood on what remained of it's legs and was coming toward Herbert.

"There like fucking cockroaches", said Herbert.

The headless Mi-go grabbed Herbert clawing him but it was ineffective against the metal armor, serving only to push Herbert back before lifting him into the air. Herbert clamped his arm on the Mi-go so it could not drop him. Herbert looked at the creature before moving his arm back and then shot it forward, jamming his hand down the stump of the creatures neck. Then he started to pull out whatever seemed important to keeping the Mi-go alive. He pulled out a strange organ that leaked black blood before dropping it and reaching in again to pull out more organs. The whole time Herbert had a smile on his face. He continued to do this until finally it stopped moving and fell to the ground. Herbert landed with the Mi-go on top of him. Herbert looked around, he noticed he was further away from the battle. The clones were still holding on just barely.

He threw the Mi-go off him and ran quickly back to the fight. He changed his arm into his Spiral Ring Launcher. He shot several Spiraling Rings at the Mi-go, only hitting a few by pure luck. But it seemed a lot more effective than decapitating them, it did not kill them, but it did damage them. By now the Ambush team arrived, missing several members after the failed ambush. They were chasing after the Mi-go they attempted to ambush that were returning after the ships call. By now the Mi-go all flew back to the ship. The ship closed and flew off at impossible speeds. Herbert looked around There were a few Mi-go left behind. Undoubtedly they don't want to risk the ship, but they still wanted to get wave and were still planning on doing it. The Mi-go discarded their weapons. Several clones took them on. Herbert walked toward a single Mi-go thinking it was going to be fun, but froze when it began doing something unexpected. It began to change.

Naruto looked at the screen. The clones were falling fast, and they barely scratched the Mi-go.

"Our forces are down by fifteen percent", said a clone on the radio.

Naruto nodded.

"I want the viewing screen to show the inside of that ship, I want to know what their numbers are", said Naruto.

The clone nodded. As the screen changed everyone froze to look at what they were seeing. The inside of the ship had many moving organs and mechanical parts grafted into the creature. It was sickening to see. But that was not what caused them to pause, it was how many Mi-go were in the room.

"Sir, there are at least eighty Mi-go in that room, not counting the ones on the ground", said the clone.

"There are more in the other rooms, in a ship that size, there may be thousands of Mi-go", said Konohamaru as he looked at the screen.

"I thought you said the research vessel won't have more than fifty Mi-go", said Naruto.

"That ship is not a research vessel. I have never seen one like it. It has been millions of years, they have changed a lot in that time", said Konohamaru.

Naruto turned to a clone.

"Put the battle on the screen", said Naruto.

The screen changed to Herbert who was fighting a Mi-go that started to change it's appearance. Naruto widened his eyes.

"Is that a Curse Mark", said Naruto with a hint of fear in his voice.

The Beast was massive. As soon as this Mi-go activated it's curse mark things looked grim. Herbert looked at the titan Mi-go. It was a lot bigger than before. It had multiple bladed tails, and a black shell like carapace Herbert raised his hands summoning his masked beasts. He flung his hand as the summons went for the Mi-go. Herbert ran in the center of his beasts with a Spiraling ring in his hand. He concentrated to his robotic legs, causing the mechanical springs in the legs to launch him toward the Mi-go. He slammed the Spiraling Ring into the creatures chest. Before it could attack back, transparent ribbons from the Mask Beast Tennyo wrapped around the alien. The seahorse like Seiryu wrapped it's tail around the creatures middle tail. The serpent masked beast Kinja wrapped around the creatures abdomen. The Shinigami masked beast swung it's scythe in a vain attempt of draining the Mi-go of it's chakra. The bird like Suzaku shot blades of wind at the creature. Byakko the masked beast tiger clamped it's jaws around the Mi-go's second tail. Genbu the turtle slammed it's metal shell into the alien repeatedly. The two sages Hokuto Sennin and Nanto Sennin created two cylindrical barriers to keep the Mi-go in place. While the mask beasts did that Herbert pushed the spiraling ring deeper into the alien chest, noting the carapace was barely damaged from the initial attack.

The mi-go's head glowed a bright blue as lightning arced around it's body. Herbert lept back with his spring loaded legs, but he Masked Beasts were thrown back. He looked to his summons.

"Keep him busy, I have an idea", said Herbert.

The masked Beasts obliged and once again attacked the fungi.

Herbert began making hand signs while whispering to himself. He then slammed both hands in the ground.

"Impure World Resurrection", said Herbert.

Unlike other times when the Impure World Resurrection was used, there were no coffins for Herberts modified jutsu. The earth exploded outwards as dozens of corpses crawled out moaning and snarling. Herbert smiled. This move was a weaker version of the Impure World Resurrection, instead of a few powerful fighters, this one summoned dozens of mindless zombies. Since they didn't have their memory they were much easier to bring to life without needing a soul. While they were weak, they had numbers on their side. They would only need a few memories to be truly dangerous, and while the jutsu did not do that, the Reagent did.

Herbert lifted his hand as it shot hundreds of small needles from his fingertips at the zombies, each one with a sample of the Reagent. The Zombies glassy eyes gained a bit of life as they leapt at the Mi-go like a ninja. They might not be able to do jutsu, but they could move like a ninja.

The undead army all latched onto the giant Mi-go. It fell to it's legs under the weight. They clawed, punched, kicked, and bit the Mi-go. They knew to attack the softer parts around the carapace, and were doing a fair bit of damage. Herberts arm transformed into his gun limb. He aimed at the Mi-go as the gun charged. On the inside a Spiraling Ring began to form. Herbert aimed waiting for it to charge. A moment later the Spiraling ring shot out of his arm and tore it's way to the Mi-go. The speed it was traveling caused it to break through the carapace and into the soft muscle before the spiraling ring dissipated.

The Mi-go swayed a bit but still moved, even as black blood oozed from it's wound. The Zombies kept the creature down before they started to crawl toward the wound, while the Masked Beasts continued to smash the thing into the ground. The Mi-go's head glowed white, before wind chakra from it's wings sliced through the zombies. Dismembered limbs and other gore fell to the ground as the undead was sliced with microscopic blades of wind, but the pieces began to move to one another, and the zombies started to put themselves together. The Masked Beasts barely got out of there. Herberts arm shifted to normal as he rolled up his sleeves. A seal array on the metal began to glow before the energy moved through small diodes into the limb. Soon the whole arm began glowing dark red. Herbert ran to the Mi-go before shoving his arm into the wound, melting it's way inside of the hole in it's chest. He smiled as the heat from the limb easily melted the insides like better before pulsing the demonic chakra into the implanted chakra coils of the Mi-go, cooking it from the inside out. His arm no longer glowed but it was still inside the Mi-go.

The Mi-go was still for a moment. Then it's insectoid limb shot out and clamped on Herbert's head holding him in place. Herbert smiled as his arm transformed while still inside the Mi-go. He then shot another spiraling ring into the body, rupturing it's now liquid insides through cracks in the carapace and spilling its insides on the ground. The creature fell as Herbert removed his arm. He looked to his masked beasts and zombie army as he flicked his arm to throw away the gore that covered it.

He then turned his attention back to the clones still fighting the other Mi-go. He was about to join them when the radio went off.

"West, come in West. This is home base, what is your status", spoke the voice in Herbert's ear.

He lifted his hand to the ear out of habit and spoke through the radio.

"This is Herbert, the Mi-go fight is going downhill fast, there are to many of them, and the bastards are way to hard to hit let alone kill", said Herbert.

It was silent for a moment.

"Herbert this is Naruto. We just got the screen fixed to the Mi-go. You need to get to the village. There are a few there. I'm sending the Shinigami and reinforcements", said Naruto.

"How long until reinforcements get here", asked Herbert.

"With the shinigami, at top speed ten minutes", said Naruto.

"Gotcha, I can hold off these guys for tipple that. It will be fun", said Herbert.

Herbert started to run to the village off to where the Mi-go went. As soon as the village came into view it was pandemonium. The Mi-go were cutting into people like they were nothing. Herbert quickened his pace. His masked Beasts and undead army followed after him. Herbert slammed into a Mi-go cutting into a villager. His mechanical body breaking the carapace of the unaware alien. The Masked Beasts began attacking the Mi-go that were attacking citizens. Once the zombies arrived to further distract the Mi-go, the villagers had their chance to get out, fast.

Herbert pointed his arm out. A hole in his palm began shooting air in circular scythe patterns, the decapitating air waves taken from Zaku. A flamethrower within the arm ignited the scythe like wind, shooting what looked like boomerangs of fire at the mi-go. Though many got burns not a single one died. Several of them had their heads glow white while others glow red. The white headed ones shot wind chakra, while the rest shot fire chakra. Creating a massive flamethrower that almost cooked Herbert alive had he not used a replacement jutsu for another unsuspecting Mi-go who got cooked instead.

"I bet he didn't see that one coming", said Herbert as he looked at the charred Mi-go.

"Herbert behind you", spoke the clone on the radio.

Herbert quickly turned around to see two Mi-go whose heads were glowing a light brown shot dozens of spears of earth at him. He leapt up barley having time to use the springs in his legs to dodge the spears. He soared upward.

Luckly a team of zombies barreled into the spear chucking Mi-go before they could prepare another attack. Herbert was still soaring upward to see a mi-go in the sky flying toward him, with it's head glowing a bright blue as it was surrounded by lightning.

Herbert smiled before stopping mid way in the sky and flew to the side.

"Surprise I can fly to", said Herbert as he changed his arm into the gun limb and shoot Spiraling rings at the Mi-go.

The electric Mi-go, who did not have time to even realize that Herbert could fly died when multiple spiraling rings hit it. Herbert looked down. He saw the birdlike Suzaku masked beast was having trouble against several Mi-go in the streets. It was surrounded. Herbert extended his blade as he prepared another shot aiming at one of the Mi-go. He shot with his gun limb at one of the Mi-go before slashing at it with his other arm. This time aiming to the chest.

The Mi-go was down but not fully dead as it now ignored Suzaku and headed for Herbert. Herbert shot razor sharp wind from the tube in his bladed arm and killed the Mi-go before it could touch him. He flew to Suzaku and stood on it's back as it shot out blades of wind with each flap of it's wings. Herbert used the flamethrower in his hand to ignite the blades of wind from Suzaku.

Herbert watched as the attack took out one of the Mi-go while Herbert killed the other one with his blade when it tried to attack from above. WIth that done Suzaku flew off to help the zombies. Herbert was about to join the zombies when his radio began to static and he heard Naruto's voice.

"Herbert, this is Naruto. The civilians are safe, the shinigami is almost there", said Naruto.

"Ok, anything you have to tell me that is actually useful for right now", asked Herbert.

" Yes, you have a Mi-go arriving from your left", said Naruto.

Herbert looked and saw another curse mark Mi-go head for him. He grinned.

Naruto looked at the screen before moving to another clone.

"Tell the squad that more Mi-go are coming out of the ship and heading right for them", said Naruto.

The clone nodded before doing exactly what Naruto said. Konohamaru looked from the screen to Naruto.

"We are losing fast Naruto. You underestimated the Mi-go, the clones tactics are useless against the Mi-go's. They are to fast to hit with ranged attacks. Herberts mechanical eyes are the only reason he is hitting so many", said Konohamaru.

"Once the Shinigami arrives they will retreat against a new threat", said Naruto.

"They won't be threatened by a smaller and inferior ship, they would destroy it as soon as they saw it", said Konohamaru.

Naruto smiled.

"I never said the threat was the shinigami", said Naruto.

Konohamru raised an eyebrow as he looked back to the screen.

Herbert had just finished with the Mi-go when he saw the Shinigami approach. he smiled when the hangar opened, and smiled wider when he saw what they brought with them. Two Shoggoths dropped from the hangar onto the ground where they started fighting the Mi-go. Catching them in there amorphous mass and devouring them. Immediately as soon as the Mi-go saw the Shoggoth they flew away toward the ship. Not many sane creatures would go toe to toe with a Shoggoth, let alone two.

"Looks like the party is over", said Herbert.

Clone soldiers started to fly from the Shinigami as it headed toward the Mi-go ship. The last thing they heard was the sound of the Mi-go's ship blasting high into orbit. Where the Shinigami could not go. The clones returned to the shinigami. Herbert began to laugh as he sat down on the ground to watch as his zombies were killing wounded Mi-go.

Back at the main base, they were trying to track the ship with little luck. Naruto looked at the screen before he sighed. He looked to Konohamaru.

"we only killed twenty six Mi-go out of at least eighty, and there is probably more than that, we had the element of surprise and we still failed to put a dent in there numbers, while we lose the equivalent of a whole platoon ", said Naruto.

"The Mi-go have been around for millions of years, we are lucky they feared the surprise of the Shoggoth, otherwise we would have lost more. It will not work again", said Konohamaru.

"It is only one ship they won't risk it even if they know they could win, they are smart enough not to fight an unkown ship they never seen before", said Naruto.

"You overestimate the Mi-go, they would have chanced it, but not with two shoggoths as well. They know exactly what they are capable of, you don't. But at least now we have intel to change our tactics", said Konohamaru.

Naruto nodded. He turned to a clone.

"How many civilians died", asked Naruto.

"A quarter of the village, if we got there to late they would have finished off the entire thing in an hour", said the clone.

"Send some resources to Wave, they are going to need it after that", said Naruto.

"What are your orders when they ask about the Mi-go", asked the clone.

"Tell them the truth and try to see if we can keep this incident under wraps. We don't need to cause panic", said Naruto.

The clone nodded.

"Make sure that the dead Mi-go get here for study", said Naruto.

"They will return stronger than before", said Konohamaru.

"I know, we will modify our tactics against the mi-go, our methods allow for adaptability but it is to slow. Maybe a more defensive behavior will be better. I'll get a modified training program up", said Naruto.

"They have shown they are not very skilled with chakra. They use only curse marks and elemental attacks, and there head glows a certain color for each element, that can be used against them", said Konohamaru.

"I'm more worried on where they got the knowledge to use a curse mark, only Orochimaru knows it's secrets", said Naruto.

"They might have found someone with it and reverse engineered it for there own uses", said Konohamaru.

"Possibly. We will figure it out. in the mean time we need better weapons, kunai launchers are to primitive, I'll make production of the experimental weapons a priority. I'm sure the launchers that shoot molted metal would fare better than what we have now", said Naruto.

"The Mi-go are to quick for that, you need better fighters. What of Sasori and Deidara, the could be sent to aid Herbert", asked Konohamaru.

"The are investigating the grave robbers stealing corpses. Whoever is doing it, is not the Mi-go", said Naruto.

"We should concentrate on the Mi-go and the Great cult", said Konohamaru.

"With this unknown force, as well as the Akatsuki we cannot focus to much on everything, and with Wilbur we have even more to worry about. We have to many enemies and to few allies. The villages has their own problems to worry about to ask them for help so soon", said Naruto.

"We will find a way", said Konohamaru.

"I hope so", said Naruto.

Unknown to everyone the Sound Five were searching for them. Tayuya looked forward at the village surrounded by the horrid summons of Naruto. She turned to Kidomaru.

"How the fuck are we supposed to get past half that shit", asked Tayuya.

"Don't ask me, I don't even know what those things are, look at that thing, It looks like a four armed gorilla bear thing with a sideways mouth", said Kidomaru.

"I'm more worried about the faceless demon looking fucks and the big ass fuck off blobs", said Tayuya.

"Sasuke is here, these are the summons of his teammate", said Sakon.

"I remember them from the invasion", said Ukon.

"No one cares what they are. How the hell do we get past them", asked Jirobo.

They were interrupted from there thoughts by the sound of coughing they all turned to see Kimimaro looking on. Once he stopped coughing he looked to the team.

"We wait for Sasuke to come out, if he is in there we will find him. We have only to wait", said Kimimaro.

They nodded until they saw something coming that made them all freeze. It was a giant flying skull. It stopped before landing in a massive hangar.

"What the fuck is that", asked Tayuya.

"This may be harder than we thought", said Sakon.

"Oh ya think, what gave that away shithead. The ugly ass summons or the flying skull of doom", said Tayuya.

"Oh shut up, your bitching is getting annoying", said Kidomaru.

"I'll show you bitching", said Tayuya.

"Enough", said Kimimaro.

They turned to see him.

"We will bide our time, and strike when the chances are best", said Kimimaro.

"And if Sasuke does not want to come with us", asked Jirobo.

"Then we take him", said Kimimaro.

Naruto looked at the screen as the clones began to walk around the village. The place was in ruins, most of the homes were still standing, but all had some level of damage. He looked to Konohamaru.

"At least we successfully drove off the Mi-go", said Naruto.

Konohamaru nodded.

"Sir the Mi-go ship is in orbit but it's still above wave", said the clone.

"Wait, why", asked Naruto.

"I'm not sure, it's just there", said the clone.

"Can we get it on the viewing screen", asked Naruto.

"We can try", said the clone.

The screen began to change. They saw the ship on the screen, the screen showed the bottom of the ship. The ships 'mouth' was open.

"What is it doing", asked Naruto.

"Not sure, the screen can't get close enough", said the clone.

Konohamaru looked closer to the screen before his eyes widened.

"They are going to destroy wave", said Konohamaru.

"What?", screamed Naruto.

"They are charging a weapon, they are going to destroy Wave from orbit", said Konohamaru.

Naruto instantly disappeared in a flash.

Herbert leaned against a tree as the clones were collecting the Mi-go dead body. He began to look at his mechanical parts when Naruto appeared in front of him. He looked at him before nodding.

"You put one of your seals on me didn't you", asked Herbert.

"No time, the Mi-go are charging a weapon capable of destroying the village", said Naruto as he shifted to his eldritch form.

Herbert stood still for a moment to absorb what he just heard. Naruto lifted his arms and tentacles as he created a massive psionic barrier over the entire village. At that moment a green glow could be seen, and a massive beam of pure energy impacted with the Psionic shield became visible as it moved like water. Herbert commanded his two sages Hokuto Sennin and Nanto Sennin to create several massive cylindrical barriers to hold up the Psionic shield.

Naruto was on his knees as he tried to keep up the barrier, he was breathing hard. Purple wisps of psionic energy bled from his body more than it ever did. Every ounce of energy was fed to the shield as it struggled to keep the barrier up. Herbert watched as the barrier moved like water, struggling to keep it's shape. He turned to Naruto who's eyes were shedding black tears from simply attempting to keep the barrier up. The cylinrical barriers created by his masked beasts actually started to crack. After ten seconds the beam was still slamming into the barrier, trying to force it's way through.

Then something happened. The purple psionic energy around Naruto darkened in color, somehow red energy was mixing into it. Naruto's eyes of Azathoth glowed a bright red. Then his skin started to actually burn away. What remained was a red glowing version of Naruto's Eldritch form. The Nine Tails was pumping it's chakra into Naruto. Naruto got to his feet as he continued to supply his power to the shield. Less strain was put on the cylinders made by the mask beasts and the ceased to crack. Naruto roared as he began flying upward until he was touching the psionic barrier. When his hands made contact it stopped bulging and moving and became a solid barrier. The Mi-go's beam was starting to shrink. Finally the green beam disappeared and the barrier fell. So to did Naruto.

Naruto's body was hurdling to the ground, less than thirty feet from the ground he was caught by Herbert who flew at Naruto. He was still in his Eldritch form despite being unconscious, but the red glow of the foxes chakra was gone. Herbert looked at Naruto's face before he flew down to the ground.

Konohamaru looked at the screen as the Mi-go's beam finally ended. He held his hand to his chin as he watched the event.

"The Mi-go's ship is leaving", said a clone.

Konohamaru nodded before turning back to the screen. Xel, who had entered the room right as Naruto left watched the screen with what Konohamru assumed was the Deep One version of a smile.

"Why are you smiling, is that even a smile", asked Konohamaru.

"Yes it is Yithian filth, and I smile because my lord has just done something I though he would not be able to do for at least another three years", said Xel.

He turned back to the screen.

"He used chakra in his Eldritch form", said Xel.

next chapter
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