/ Anime & Comics / Naruto: Hidden Leaf Dragons, Book 1 (Original Series Arcs)
The ninja world of Naruto as seen by additional peers of Naruto & Company who graduated in the same class. Events of the manga & anime get different takes in this story series.
Begun in 2009 as a collaborative story project on Yahoo! Groups by William Beard, George Kicklighter, Maria Matthews, Rei Smith, Scotty Keyser, Holly Monger, and Ciara Bernhardt, the stories and ideas are now gathered into a cohesive story.
I'll be uploading one or two chapters each week until the entire archive is here and then I'll produce additional content based on the surviving notes.
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน William_H_Beard_II
Nice, I truly enjoyed it alot and will continue to enjoy