80.41% mymomismom / Chapter 193: 451-455

บท 193: 451-455

451 Changing Shadow  My House of Horrors

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"I pushed the door open, and you are in my world." Time seemed to have slowed down. As Doctor Gao's emotions changed, the whole blood world seemed to be affected as well. "There is no absolute bad or wrong, good or evil in this world. Even the so-called sins are human constructs."

Doctor Gao stood where he was quietly. Many blood threads crawled out from his body and morphed into different human faces. "I know you suspect me of creating a reason for myself, but when you stand in my perspective, you'll realize I'm doing the right thing—or at least you cannot judge me for committing a simple sin."

"Doctor Gao, stop arguing. No matter who is it, no one, not even I, would do something this crazy!" Chen Ge raised the hammer. He was close to Doctor Gao. "Everything has its opposite in this world. If there's good, there's evil. The difference is the choice; since you have made the choice, why are you finding yourself the reason?"

Xu Yin and Xiong Qing's battle was equal. Men Nan was not a match for Doctor Gao's wife—the battle might seem evenly-matched for now, but it would collapse in a few minutes. If Chen Ge wanted to win, he had to deal with Doctor Gao before that was over. If he showed a single speck of kindness, it would be over for him. He did not want to suffer endless torment of having his soul experimented on by a madman after death.

The blood rain fell on their bodies, and Doctor Gao listened to what Chen Ge had to say seriously. He looked at the hammer that flew at him, and complicated emotions collected in his eyes.

"You still haven't understood this world. The world is constructed by people; it is different in different people's eyes. Like you said, everything has its opposite in this world; the opposite of good is evil. So, tell me, what is the opposite of human?"

"Opposite of human?" Chen Ge's heart skipped a beat. He felt like he had heard that before, but he could not remember where. The hammer almost reached his body. The wind was whipping in his ears, but Doctor Gao still did not move. His eyes that looked at Chen Ge seemed to be inhabiting a different world.

Chen Ge remembered something vaguely in his mind—he seemed to have had a similar conversation with someone before. "The opposite of human is beast, monster, or ghost."

"They are all wrong. I've researched man for so many years, and if we have to pinpoint something that is opposite of man, it should be God."

The blood bloomed on Doctor Gao's coat like a rose. It started to crawl up the coat like it signified salvation and life. "For the past five years, I've spent every night in the accompaniment of bodies, staying inside this underground morgue, building my own world. Slowly, I forgot the purpose of being human—I even forgot that I was a human. I've seen more than one thousand patients and the different worlds they inhabit. Some are twisted; some are just weird. I've been wondering, these people that seem to exist only in their own world, could they be considered human?

"Or perhaps from another perspective, all insane people are the Gods of their own world."

When he finished, Doctor Gao's coat was completely dyed red. "This is my world; I am the God here. How can a human resist God?"

The hammer fell on Doctor Gao's head. If one looked closer, one could see the hammer head touching his hair, and it squeezed several hairs. Chen Ge used all of his strength, but the hammer would not move another millimeter.

"Stop wasting your energy As I've said, from the moment you entered the door, you'd lost." Swathed in red, Doctor Gao exposed a side that was completely different from before. His eyes were burning red, and various negative emotions piled up in his heart.

Despair. Anger. Disgust. Pain.

His body seemed to have connected with the blood world, and he suffered the pain of this world alone. If the world behind the door was a nightmare for the door-pusher, then Doctor Gao was the man who swallowed the nightmare whole. He bore all of the sins with his unhinged madness.

"Chen Ge, stay with me. You will become my best assistant, and I will try my best to cure your illness."

The red shirt on Doctor Gao seemed to represent this world—Chen Ge could see the many souls crying on it. He wondered how the madman managed to accomplish all that.

"To use the whole society to trade for you, this is a huge bet." His fingers grabbed the hammer, and the blood on the hammer slowly got consumed by the blood on Doctor Gao's coat. "Stop resisting, and stay here forever!"

The negative emotions in Doctor Gao's eyes were overflowing. He was at the edge of losing control. He reached out toward Chen Ge like he was about to pluck his heart out. The fingertips were like knives that easily cut through Chen Ge's skin. Chen Ge did not feel pain but a chill in his heart.

Doctor Gao was moving so fast and without warning. He did not make a move earlier, but once he did, he reached for the jugular. His chest felt frozen, but suddenly, Doctor Gao stopped moving.

There was surprise in his eyes. "You want to help him?"

Hearing Doctor Gao's voice, Chen Ge looked down. A small doll with a cut face stood between Chen Ge and Doctor Gao. Its body was punctured, and it tried to resist, but the black hair in its body locked it in place.

Zhang Ya had made this doll using the soul of the patient called Devil in the Third Sick Hall. Since it was a gift from Zhang Ya, Chen Ge had carried it with him. However, he did not expect it to save him in the nick of time. It felt like the doll could help him block the fatal blow once.

"Then again, what's the point?" Doctor Gao ignored the doll, and the fingers pierced through it. The black hair binding the doll slowly broke. Whenever one hair snapped, the shadow behind Chen Ge darkened.

Doctor Gao seemed to have sensed something as well. Anxiety circled his heart, and he did not waste time. He only had one purpose them, which was to kill Chen Ge!

The young man before him gave him an indescribable sense of danger, and the scariest thing was that the sense of danger was mounting.

The doll was punctured through by Doctor Gao, and his fingertips reached for Chen Ge's heart. 

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452 Long Time No See  My House of Horrors

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The cold fingers peeled open Chen Ge's skin. Doctor Gao's hand that was covered by blood threads pierced through the doll. He was attempting to reach into Chen Ge's chest to pluck out his heart. The sound of his beating heart was amplified in Chen Ge's ears. However, Chen Ge could feel no pain, only a certain iciness.

The organ that was supposed to supply his body with warmth was now frozen. The bone-chilling tingle spread from his heart to the rest of his body. His brain froze, and he could not sense the passing of time. Chen Ge tried to gather all the strength in his heart, but all he could do was move his eyes. He watched as Doctor Gao's hand reached through the door. The black hair that bound the doll's limbs and joints started to collapse and snap under the pressure.

The black hair fell in the blood rain, and Chen Ge felt something important leaving his body. He was familiar with that feeling. Initially, it was fear, then concern, but starting from a moment later, many other things were mixed in as well. It was more than pity; it was a feeling that Chen Ge himself had a hard time explaining. The heart slowed down, and Doctor Gao's fingers were just right above his heart.

The blood threads that were formed from despair crawled away from Doctor Gao's fingers. They were climbing toward Chen Ge's heart to replace the blood vessels around it. They were preparing to surround his heart from all sides and perfectly remove it. "You are the person that I admire the most. I will help you preserve this heart."

The heart was the warmest place in Chen Ge's body. It also gave Doctor Gao a sense of warmth that he had not felt for a long time. His hands slowly closed. Just as he was about to grip the heart, the shadows behind Chen Ge rippled, and a woman's voice could be heard echoing through the entire blood world. "Let go."

All the ghosts and carcasses stopped moving. Even the owner of this world, Doctor Gao, subconsciously stopped what he was doing. The shadow that was as dark as night was like an abyss that opened up on the ground. Looking down, it was a wave of black hair that was expanding quickly!

Chen Ge was facing Doctor Gao, so he had no idea what was happening behind him. This was also the first time he had heard the woman's voice. She had only said two words, but it had managed to ignite the hope in his heart. His frozen train of thought started to run again. Chen Ge's heart that was close to be being plucked out started to beat, and a familiar name appeared in it. "Zhang Ya?"

The reply he got was a scream that seemed to shake the whole world down to its core!

The shadow behind him dissolved into a dark sea in an instant. Endless black hair flooded the place and slammed into everything with the cruelest method. She did not hold back and tore everything that was caught in the wave of hair into pieces!

The doll had already completed its mission, so it morphed into a black cloud. There was unwillingness in its departure. Doctor Gao was forced back. His expression was livid; his perfect plan had been poked through by a sudden intruder.

He had purposely exposed his weakness and even gone to the hospital to drop a huge hint for Chen Ge. He had used the scapegoat to send false information to the police to trick Chen Ge, all to lure the man into the underground morgue. Doctor Gao knew full well that there was a top Red Specter living in Chen Ge's shadow. However, since she had consumed too many Red Specters, so she had entered a slumber, and this was the perfect time to deal with Chen Ge!

He had controlled the blood door for many years already and had conducted many experiments on Red Specters. He was familiar with the fact that Red Specters needed to hibernate after consuming too many Specters. It was also because he was familiar with that fact that he had come up with this trap.

Alas, something that he could not have foreseen occurred. When the woman's voice appeared in this world, things had already gotten out from his control. Various negative emotions flashed across his eyes. Doctor Gao stared intensely at the black hair that rushed at him. The hair came at the Specters and cadavers like a tsunami, swallowing everything in its path.

"This is my world…"

Where Chen Ge stood was the center of the black hair. There was an open wound on his chest, and the blood kept leaking. His body temperature gradually dropped. Chen Ge's body teetered, and just as he was about to collapse, he felt a familiar sense of coldness on his back.

It was without malice; if anything, it felt like a hug. He reached his hand behind him, and Chen Ge touched something cold. The blood continued to drip down his palm. Several strands of hair curled up his arm to sew up the wound on his chest. The very last strand did not pluck itself off but sewed itself into Chen Ge's heart.

Chen Ge slowly turned his head around, and standing half a step behind him was a woman wearing a red dress. The dark red blood flowed on the dress, and the beautiful face slowly lifted. Chen Ge's shadow was reflected in her bloodshot eyes.

"Zhang Ya, long time no see." His hands slowly raised. Chen Ge used all the energy in his body to try to grab her shoulders. He seemed to try to pull her into his embrace, but he was so weak that he could not even do that anymore. His pale lips slowly opened, and Chen Ge uttered in a tone that he had a hard time deciphering, "The man tried to steal the home that I've prepared for you…"

Before he could say a second sentence, the black hair held Chen Ge up. The Red Specter behind him opened her arms and walked past him with a gentleness that was extremely rare.

When the Red Specter walked past Chen Ge, the gentleness on her face completely disappeared. In its place was endless resentment and the desire to kill. There were emotions akin to a bloody sea roiling in her eyes. The black hair poked into the surgery room that was made from flesh, and the whole world started to scream.

Pieces of flesh were peeled out from the wall, and similar injuries appeared on Doctor Gao's body. Blood was leaking from his body, but he did not react in any way. He had prepared for this worst scenario as well!

"Looks like after tonight, I will need to go look for a new 'door'." Doctor Gao opened his arms, and the organs in the room started to align their beating into the same tempo. "You cannot win."

He leaned backward to fall into the pool. Several seconds later, the blood world continued changing. The bubbles started to form inside the pool like a monster was breathing.

When Chen Ge entered the underground morgue for the first time, he had heard this sound; when he entered the place the second time with Liu Xianxian and Ma Yin, he had also heard this sound.

Something was coming out from the pool. The red dress stood beside the pool. Zhang Ya looking down into it.

Her expression did not change. She was not worried about the thing that might appear from the pool. To her, whether it was a ghost or a god, as long as it could be killed, it was all the same. 

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453 Zhang Ya! Zhang Ya!  My House of Horrors

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Doctor Gao sank into the pool. His body dropped on top of the pile of cadavers, and various arms pulled him down into the abyss. Bubbles escaped from underneath the pile of dead bodies. Slowly, the dead bodies that covered the blood pool started to shake. All the bodies seemed to have come back alive and charged at the pile like starving individuals fighting over food.

The blood inside the pool started to decrease at a rate observable to the naked eye. The blood morphed into red threads and crawled into the pile of dead bodies, sewing them all together.

The flesh on the walls wilted, and the blood vessels on the ceiling that supported the entire world snapped and collapsed. The world was irreversibly damaged, and the emotions that created the world were sucked out. The doctor standing amid the endless bodies suffered all this despair alone.

A hand made from dead bodies reached out of the pool. The arm, legs, and the deformed body were all twisted together. Blood dripped, and the monstrosity was covered with blood threads. The hand slammed on the edge of the pool heavily, crushing it. The five fingers gripped the ground, and a bestial roar came from the deepest depths of the pool!

In the roaring blood sea, another hand that was constructed from cadavers reached out from the viscous liquid. The whole world was shaking, and a large monster climbed out from the pool. It was made completely of dead bodies, and the blood threads were exposed on the body's surface. It had no nose or eyes but a gaping maw.

The entire head consisted of human faces that were screaming. The monster raised its arm, and many cadavers fell, pulled by gravity, but it did not mind that as it tried to swipe at Zhang Ya!

Compared to the monster that was constructed from all the cadavers in the surgery room, Zhang Ya appeared so small—they were not on the same level. However, facing this monster, Zhang Ya showed no sign of dodging. The red dress stood where she was. She stared at the monster before her, and the madness was ignited in her eyes!

She showed a version of herself that Chen Ge had not seen before. Facing away from Chen Ge's pale face, dark veins pulsed on her face, and her eyes were filled with murder and venom!

She was a Red Specter, a real Red Specter!

The shrill scream echoed in the room, and the black hair rushed forward like waves. Perhaps because she had consumed the dark blood, Zhang Ya's hair seemed to have become darker, and from a far, the rush of hair looked like the coming of the endless night. Without evading, without waiting for the monster's hand to fall, Zhang Ya's hair rammed into the monster.

A large chunk of cadavers fell, and the monster's hand was blocked. It could not slam down but was slowly lifted upward. The monster's split mouth roared, and more cadavers fell from its lips. It could not believe this Red Specter could manage to stop it and had an even harder time believing that this Red Specter was even more unreasonable than it was.

It lifted its other hand, but before it could make a move, the black hair had already swallowed everything. Things shook even harder, and the surgery room felt like it was about to collapse.

Doctor Gao, who had gathered everything he had, was still on the losing end. Things had gone off track to such a state that all he could then was try his best to kill Zhang Ya. Another scream escaped from the monster's lips. The woman who was fighting with Men Nan paused, and the blood on the red wedding dress started to move.

She heard Doctor Gao's voice and traded wounds for wounds. Risking the danger of having her arm torn off, she poked her other arm into Men Nan's stomach to heavily injure the boy. Without stopping to consume Men Nan, the woman dragged her wedding dress and charged at Zhang Ya.

"Be careful!" Chen Ge gripped the hammer and wanted to help but was stopped by the black hair. Zhang Ya turned to give Chen Ge a view of her profile. The black veins were getting more obvious on her face, and Zhang Ya split out a part of her black hair to deal with Doctor Gao's wife. She did not seem like she understood the concept of defense, and no matter the enemy, she would choose offense over defense.

The assault of the black hair caused the woman in the wedding dress to increase in speed. It was not until then that Chen Ge and Men Nan realized that she had been reserving her strength. Just as the woman was about to get entangled by the black hair, her body exploded into numerous birds.

Each of the birds was small, and they had no legs. This meant that they could only fly forward to charge at Zhang Ya. Some of the birds were stopped by the black hair, but some of them reached Zhang Ya. They collided together and transformed back into the woman with the wedding dress.

The black hair was too far away from her to return. This was an opening. Zhang Ya had lost the protection of her hair. Her fingers that were sharp as knife reached for Zhang Ya's face. Zhang Ya had no defense, but there was no fear in her eyes, like such emotions had been shattered the moment she faced death. The woman was very fast, but just as she was about to poke through Zhang Ya's eyes, no one heard the voice of the man at the corner.

"Yan Danian!"

When the woman morphed into the birds, Chen Ge had already activated Yan Danian's power—Spirit Drawing. It had a chance to pull normal Specter into the comic and had the chance to freeze a Red Specter for half a second.

In that crucial half a second, the black hair had already returned. The black veins pulsed on Zhang Ya's face as they crawled forward. She raised her hand to grab the woman's arm. The woman also realized the problem. She immediately morphed into the flock of birds, but this time, most of her body had been consumed by the black hair, which stood at the ready.

The ambush failed, and the woman suffered grievous damage, causing her body to turn transparent.

Due to the damage suffered by the woman, the monster in the pool lost its rationality and started to attack Zhang Ya madly. The woman's arms were swallowed by the black hair. Black veins popped up on Zhang Ya's neck. She was not just manipulating the hair now. After she consumed the black blood, something seemed to have happened to her hair.

Facing away from Chen Ge, Zhang Ya did not let Chen Ge see her face. Her eyes were swirling with vengeance, and as she controlled her hair, she pulled both the woman in wedding dress and the corpse amalgamation into the fray.

"Has she lost her mind? Even if she's a Red Specter…"

The wound on Men Nan's stomach was recovering. His body slowly turned transparent, and he was preparing to sneak away when he saw how cruel Zhang Ya was. He started to have second thoughts.

"Men Nan! Come with me, deal with him first!" Chen Ge was calmer than anyone there. While Zhang Ya was dealing with the two, he called all of his employees to surround Xiong Qing!

"If Xu Yin can consume Xiong Qing, they will lose one Red Specter, and we will gain another!" 

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454 The Last Red Specter  My House of Horrors

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The black hair dragged the monster and the woman into it. It looked like a suspended black ocean from outside, completely barring the blood world. The people on the outside had no idea what was happening inside.

"Don't mind them!" Chen Ge was straightforward. Since he had no power to intrude into the fight between Zhang Ya and the other two Red Specters, if he wanted to help Zhang Ya, he had to figure out a different method. Xiong Qing, who was isolated, was perhaps the opening.

Xu Yin and Xiong Qing's battle had reached the climax, and Xu Yin's body had started to crack with wounds. Blood flowed out, but the more intense the pain, the stronger he became. In contrast, things were not looking good for Xiong Qing. After Doctor Gao stole all the blood from the world, Xiong Qing had lost the blood world's support, so he no longer had the home field advantage.

Hearing Chen Ge's call, Men Nan pouted and controlled the blood mist unwillingly as he walked toward Xiong Qing. The boy had no choice. If he did not help Chen Ge, after Doctor Gao dealt with Zhang Ya, he would be next. Turning back to sneak a look at the endless black hair, fear crossed his eyes. If he helped Chen Ge deal with Doctor Gao, he was afraid that he would be Zhang Ya's next meal. He lamented his weakness. He had brought shame to the name of Red Specter. However, with no better solution, he could only try his best to help Chen Ge and pray that the man would say a few good words for his sake before Zhang Ya.

"I must have lost my mind back then! Why would I tell him that the best way to become a Red Specter is to consume a Red Specter‽" Xu Yin and Xiong Qing continued to trade blows. They fought like they had no use for their lives. Men Nan tried to find the opportunity to sneak in some attacks, and the other employees also surrounded them.

The pressure on Xiong Qing increased. There were no fewer wounds on his body than Xu Yin's, and his wounded body was almost at his limit.

"Do not give him the chance to rest! Get him!" Chen Ge was out for blood. Xiong Qing had tried to kill him so many times, so of course, he would not show the man mercy. From Chen Ge's perspective, Xiong Qing was the key to winning this battle. If Xu Yin could consume Xiong Qing, their chance of winning would increase tremendously.

Compared to a one-on-one fight, Chen Ge was more familiar with swamping his enemy with numbers. He grabbed the comic, looking for an opening. Xiong Qing was very familiar with Chen Ge. If anyone was targeted by this man, regardless of whether they were a ghost or a living person, their ending would not be good. The man was like misfortune incarnate—only by killing him could he sigh in relief.

The ghosts assaulted him, and the wounds on Xiong Qing's body increased. He felt like a lamb surrounded by wolves. The most horrible thing was that the ghosts had no honor and exploited tactics like ambushing to their maximum. They kept picking his blind spots to attack.

"Too slow! Don't hold back!" Chen Ge urged his people. Men Nan finally made his move. His body slowly morphed into the blood mist and hid behind Bai Qiulin. A few ghosts were swept away by Xiong Qing's blood wing. Bai Qiulin skipped upward and used this opportunity to bite at Xiong Qing's neck.

He was too slow, at least much slower than Xiong Qing. Before he got close, Xiong Qing had already responded. The blood curled together to form a needle to pierce at Bai Qiulin. Just as the needle was about to puncture Bai Qiulin, the blood mist moved him away, and it slipped through the attack to cover itself around Xiong Qing's head.

"Such trouble." The mist condensed into Men Nan's shape. He stood on Xiong Qing's shoulders, and his fingers pierced directly into Xiong Qing's neck!

"I disliked you when you were at the Third Sick Hall. Kept telling me ghost stories about the broken hands under the bed, and now look, we're both ghosts! I have no reason to be afraid of you anymore!"

His eyes turned red, and his expression twisted. Men Nan did not reach his fingers deeper into Xiong Qing's neck. Instead, it looked like the boy plan to yank the head right off. Facing two Red Specters and on the brink of death, Xiong Qing unleashed his full potential. The half of his body that was covered with injuries exploded, and the blood threads slowly reknitted themselves in the air.

"This world is uneven and unfair; it should be given the necessary correctional treatment!" Xiong Qing's remaining eye stared straight at Chen Ge. "All I ever wanted is fairness!"

Xiong Qing had turned from a doctor to a patient because he suffered from hemineglect. Everyone knew he was sick, but no one knew why he was sick—perhaps only Doctor Gao knew his actual diagnosis. Chen Ge realized that he had underestimated the power of the Red Specter. The fact that Xiong Qing had been selected by the society and transformed into Red Specter meant that there had to be something special about him.

This specialty might not be physical but mental. The blood threads expanded, and Xiong Qing's other half was also slowly unraveling. His body had always been uneven—he had looked like half human and half ghost, but at that moment, his body was slowly turning into a full ghost.

"Stop him!" Chen Ge used Yan Danian's power again to create the opportunity for Men Nan and Xu Yin. Just as their battle was about to reach its climax, the sea that was created from black hair boomed with an echo!

The black hair expanded, and many carcasses fell from the sky. The blood rained, and in that whole area, only a red shadow stood. Other than her, no one else was standing. The ceiling above them cracked like it would collapse at any moment. Chen Ge wanted to deal with Xiong Qing to help Zhang Ya, but she had already won the battle.

"Already won?" He glanced toward the blood pool. The red dress stood in the middle of the blood rain. Zhang Ya was facing away from Chen Ge, and he could only see her back. "Zhang Ya's dress seems to have deepened in color—her arm is bleeding!"

With Yin Yang Vision, Chen Ge could see these things clearly. He had Men Nan and Xu Yin continue to attack Xiong Qing while he slowly approached Zhang Ya with the hammer. He wanted to check personally because that Red Specter that was shining like a red sun seemed to have been injured.

The black hair fluttered on the ground. When Chen Ge got close enough, he saw the seriously wounded Doctor Gao sitting next to the blood pool with his wife in his arms. His wife's body was severely damaged, and he seemed to have exploded the cadaver monstrosity to escape from Zhang Ya's black hair because he was worried about his wife's safety.

"Zhang Ya, is your arm injured?" Chen Ge stood next to Zhang Ya, but the latter's reaction was weird. She turned her head away like she did not hear Chen Ge, and when he looked again, the blood stain on her arm had already disappeared.

Chen Ge moved his gaze to look at Doctor Gao. "Follow me to the police station. Regardless of whether you're right or wrong, there has to be someone who answers to the loss of more than one hundred human lives."

"Answer?" Doctor Gao lifted his head. With one hand holding his wife and his other supporting his body, he slowly stood up. "Chen Ge, you might not believe me when I say this, but I foresaw this possibility as well. Everything that has happened, I predicted it all a week ago." 

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455 I Cannot Lose Unless I Don"t Want to Win  My House of Horrors

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<p>Doctor Gao hugged his heavily-injured wife and leaned against the blood pool. He reached his hand into his white coat. He was barely standing, and Chen Ge knew that he had no energy left to pose a threat. Yet, in that condition, Doctor Gao still had a smile on his face, and that smile made Chen Ge uncomfortable. The blood world was collapsing, and the flesh that made up the walls and floor lost its color. Even the blood rain was drying up.</p><p>"I am familiar with every single Specter that you have, including Men Nan from the Third Sick Hall. I've predicted everything, and this scenario did cross my mind a few times." Doctor Gao took out a sticky notebook that was covered with blood from his pocket and tossed it at Chen Ge.</p><p>For the sake of safety, Chen Ge did not reach out to grab it and allowed the notebook to fall to the ground. The book fell open, and the draft flipped through the many pages. It was filled with the predictions of what might have happened. Looking at the date, they had been written a few days ago.</p><p>"Why are you showing me this? To prove that you did not lose in terms of intelligence?" Chen Ge also had a habit of recording important stuff, and in that regard, he was really similar to Doctor Gao.</p><p>"I just want to tell you that everything is part of my design. I want to force myself into a decision. Only when you have no other options and no hope will you make the most correct choice." Doctor Gao reached into his coat again to pull out a sharp scalpel from his pocket.</p><p>"In these five years, I've done multiple experiments, but I cannot find a way to awaken my wife. She has lost all of her memory, and I cannot find her soul. I can only order her to do something to lie to myself. I know that when she was pushed into the emergency room, I'd already lost her." Doctor Gao looked at the reflection on the scalpel. He hugged his wife, whose expression was rather dumb without an order from Doctor Gao. "Everything I did was to bring her back. Is that not a simple wish?"</p><p>When Doctor Gao spoke, black threads crawled out from the cadavers around him, and they drilled into his body. The black threads carried with them heavy negative emotions. They were formed from pure negative feelings.</p><p>"This day has finally arrived. It is sooner than I expected; I originally planned to make this decision after Xiao Xue's wedding."</p><p>"What are you trying to say?" Doctor Gao's emotions were very unstable, and Chen Ge silently called after Zhang Ya.</p><p>"Actually, in his blood world, there is another hidden Specter." Doctor Gao's eyes were so emotionless that it was quite scary.</p><p>"Another Specter?"</p><p>The black threads kept crawling into Doctor Gao's body. These were more than one hundred human lives that had been taken by the ghost stories society.</p><p>"Chen Ge, you've been to Coffin Village, so you should know, after death, the door-pusher will become the scariest Specter." Doctor Gao raised the scalpel, and the black threads danced in a maddened frequency in his eyes. The whiteness in his eyes was completely eclipsed, and his eyes turned as black as onyx. "Actually, I'm curious about what is above a Red Specter!"</p><p>As a doctor, Doctor Gao knew which part of his body to hit to deliver a fatal blow!</p><p>The silver blade plunged downward, and no one was close enough to stop him. This happened so suddenly. Chen Ge did not expect Doctor Gao's last trump card to be himself. No wonder he was able to keep his cool. Like he said, he was already prepared for any eventuality.</p><p>"The last Specter in this world will be Doctor Gao, who pushed the door open." Chen Ge looked at the man from afar. When Zhang Ya's hair curled around Doctor Gao's arm, the blade had already punctured his skin. No one could stop him. Just as Chen Ge was about to give up, there was a scream of a girl coming from the door. "Dad!"</p><p>The familiar voice reminded Chen Ge of someone, but said person had not used such a tone in her words before. In his mind, the girl was calm in the face of everything. She used the hardest shell to protect her heart.</p><p>Turning back, a fair girl stood at the entrance. She looked at Doctor Gao with red-rimmed eyes, her fingers tightly intertwined. Behind the girl were two crematorium workers. They slowly walked out with shaking legs.</p><p>"Gao Ru Xue?" Chen Ge thought back to the fact that he had visited Gao Ru Xue before he came to the underground morgue. When he left, he had even covered her with a blanket.</p><p>Hearing his daughter's voice, Doctor Gao's hand paused, and the blade stopped moving. However, he did not stop completely. Two different types of emotions battled in his black eyes, and the blade inched down his skin little by little.</p><p>When Gao Ru Xue saw this, she screamed and cried as she ran toward Doctor Gao. The scalpel was still reaching toward the heart. When it was a third of the way through, five slender fingers reached out from Doctor Gao's embrace to lightly curl around his hand that held the scalpel.</p><p>His body shook—there was a shock and clarity in Doctor Gao's dark eyes. He turned to look at the woman in his embrace with disbelief. At that moment, he had not given the woman any orders. The man and the body seemed to have frozen in time. Gao Ru Xue finally caught up to them. Her warm hands gripped Doctor Gao's hand tightly.</p><p>"Please follow me home." Feeling the warmth on the back of his hand, Doctor Gao looked at the wife in his embrace. That five slender fingers were between his hand and Gao Ru Xue's like she wanted to grab hold of both of them at the same time.</p><p>The black threads in his eyes were temporarily suspended, and the pupils slowly returned to normal. Doctor Gao released his hands that held the scalpel. He held his wife's hand and then turned to look at Gao Ru Xue.</p><p>"This is the first time you've called me…"</p><p>"I know what you've been doing, and I wanted to help you keep the secret, so I didn't dare tell anyone anything. I couldn't even sleep peacefully at night because I was afraid that I might say something wrong in my sleep!" Gao Ru Xue was detached and disliked human interaction. She finally revealed the reason why; she had been hiding this secret for so long.</p><p>"I know." Doctor Gao did not touch Gao Ru Xue, as if afraid that he might curse the girl with his touch.</p><p>Gao Ru Xue held Doctor Gao's white coat, which was dyed with blood, and used a pleading tone to beg, "Dad, let's go home."</p><p>Shaking his head, Doctor Gao tightened his embrace to pull his wife closer. "From the moment I pushed the door open five years ago, it has been destined that I cannot go back."</p><p>He moved his gaze to look at Chen Ge, and he grabbed the scalpel stuck in his chest again.</p><p>Blood flowed out from the wound, and the madness in the doctor's slowly receded. The way he looked at Chen Ge reminded Chen Ge of the first time he met the good doctor at Fang Hwa Apartments. He was confident but mature, a man with a story. "I should be the only one who can understand you. All of your reactions, I've predicted them one week ago. I cannot lose unless I have no intention of winning from the very beginning."</p><p>His grip tightened and slowly pulled the scalpel out of his chest.</p> 

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