It was lunch time and Vorden was currently out on his own on the park bench, relaxing and wondering what was happening lately. How everything just felt a little off with everyone. Logan never really hung out much and skipped classes most of the time. He had that privilege of being a VIP student and would mostly stay in his room. So he understood that.
As for the girls, he didn't really hang around with them much either, but lately, he hadn't even seen Layla, and whenever he did, he noticed that Cia was sticking to her like glue. He hated to admit it, but Vorden was feeling a little lonely. Without Fex and Peter, the only other one he would hang out with was Quinn. Quinn had lately been obsessed with the game like a mad man. Every spare second they would have, he would be spending it playing the game, even at night.
This left Vorden alone all on his own.
The first chapter of the day everyone.
Thank you for all the support. I love how much you guys are enjoying the story and I'm really enjoying writing it. Since we are near the end of the second ark, just planning a detailed plan of the third ark.