38.88% My Brother's Keeper / Chapter 7: 7

บท 7: 7

Izuku wraps his arm around his girlfriend, saddled up next to him on the couch, and glances over to the kitchen.

He has no fucking idea why Kacchan, of all people, has to fucking study at the kitchen table rather than their room. There is a reason Izuku wanted to hang out out here. Its public, its central, its out of Kacchan's way. But that devastatingly handsome walking temptation for some reason decided that, hey, Izuku doesn't get any peace in his life.

It doesn't help that they've probably hooked up in every goddamn corner in this house. Izuku's face burns with the memory of getting a messy rimjob on this very same couch. Towards the end of it, he has to admit, him and Kacchan started getting reckless.

For Izuku, it was the urgency of knowing Kacchan was leaving. He had a mission – to lick and suck on every strip of skin that graces that Adonis's body. Well, except his feet. That's not so much Izuku's thing. Although, he supposes he'll try anything once, especially if its Kacchan that wants it…

Anyway. It was to his pleasant surprise that not only was Kacchan willing to indulge his ravenous hunger, but he returned it full force. It blows Izuku's mind that they never got found out. Him and Kacchan started missing class, and, having been model students beforehand, their teachers just… allowed it. No one in school caught on. Everyone there sincerely thought they barely tolerated each other. And their parents, worst of all. Katsuki was unusually nice to him towards the end, too. Izuku bites his lip, smiling. He was so in love with him, he actually ached with it. So many times, Izuku wanted to tell Kacchan how he felt. A couple of times, he almost did. But every time it started to come up, Kacchan would do something to stop it. If Izuku didn't know any better, he'd think Kacchan knew what he wanted to say, and was stopping him intentionally.

Probably trying to spare Izuku's feelings. Kacchan was good to him like that.

He darts his eyes to Katsuki again, sure that his girlfriend is enraptured in whatever stupid drama is currently on TV. He's got multiple textbooks laid out in front of him, writing diligently into a notebook. He's wearing glasses, different ones than the ones Izuku remembers, black and rectangular, looking devastatingly handsome on his angled face. He's hopelessly casual, loose sweatpants and a well-fitting t-shirt, bare feet tapping intermittently against the wooden floors as he bobs his head to something bopping through his headphones. Izuku's chest aches. He used to daydream about them living together, and now, well, here they are. In some twisted, ridiculously fucked up way, its…. Nice.

As the front door opens, Izuku guiltily refocuses his gaze on the television. He hears the tell-tale sound of Masaru Bakugou's footsteps, before his step-father puts down his briefcase and ruffles his hair.

"Ochaco! Good to see you! How was your day, boys?"

"Welcome home…!" Izuku squawks out, giving Masaru the sincerest smile he can muster, while Ochaco pipes up with her own, "Hello Mr. Bakugou!"

Katsuki hadn't even looked up yet, and Masaru frowns in his direction, shrugging his shoulders and and waving his fist, as if imitating Katsuki and his grumpiness. Ochaco laughs and Izuku chortles in response.

Masaru smiles at his son, affection evident in is face, and rubs his shoulder. Izuku watches Katsuki's face contort with annoyance at the touch, and he takes one headphone out, glaring at his father.

"Fuck you want, dad? I'm studying."

"Nothing, Katsuki. Wanted to know if you'd like a cup of coffee?"

Izuku can't stop the smile from tugging at his lips as Katsuki's face softens and he nods. Despite his irritation, he doesn't put his headphone back in, and his father starts to talk about his day at work, earning intermittent grunts from the bristling blonde. It feels intimate to Izuku, like he's watching a routine that has been in place many years before he had moved in.

"…and Mr. Aizawa ended up giving away his four amusement park tickets! Inko and I thought we'd take you boys and we can have a family outing!"

"That's fucking lame. I'm not going," Katsuki states simply, not looking away from his books.

"I can go if you need a fourth, Mr. Bakugou!" Ochaco pipes up, and Izuku glances at her, uncomfortable knot already forming in his stomach. She's leaning over the couch, eyes sparkling, giant smile on her face and Izuku just doesn't have it in him to say anything.

Masaru lets out a happy laugh. "That's perfect! We'll go tomorrow!"

"Ah, I'm so excited!!! I've been really wanting to go this summer but somebody," Ochaco stage whispers, pointing to Izuku, "Is scared of rollercoasters!"

That, for some reason, does make Katsuki look up.

"On second thought, I'm going."

Masaru busies himself with pouring his son a cup of coffee out of the French Press.

"Son, there's only four tickets. You snooze you lose!"

"Then buy a fifth. The fuck?"

Izuku thinks he's actually had this specific nightmare! He's out in a public place with his girlfriend, he runs into his ex, his mom is there. Also, generally, he's not wearing pants. Hopefully, that's not so much an issue during the real thing.

Ochaco runs forward, pulling on Izuku's hand. She looks so bright, so happy twirling around in her pink summer dress, that Izuku can't help but smile. Next to him is his step-brother, Bakugou Katsuki, perpetual frown on his face. He's wearing all black, back to his characteristic tank tops from high school, arms large and rippling. Exposed to the sun, Izuku appreciates the golden hairs on the man's massive forearms. He all but shines in the sunlight, like some kind of god, sent to walk among mere mortals like poor, hopeless Izuku. He meets Izuku's eyes and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"What do you look so pleased about, dipshit?"

He almost wants to tell him. Isn't it obvious? They're in an amusement park on a beautiful summer day and Kacchan looks indescribably handsome. In many, many other contexts, Izuku would intertwine their fingers and kiss him on top of the Ferris wheel. But definitely not this one.

Instead, Izuku says, "That I'm about to kick your ass at some carnival games, dumb behemoth."

Inko and Masaru walk up behind them, Masaru saying nothing while applying sunscreen to the back of Katsuki's neck and ears while he grumbles but, surprisingly, keeps still. His mom hooks her arm in Izuku's and smiles up at him. Here they go, he guesses.

The day is a whirlwind. Their parents, unexpectedly energetic, drag them from ride to ride like excited children. To Izuku's surprise, the dark energy practically radiating off Kacchan starts to dissipate with each ride, like the adrenaline and laughter around him is softening him from the inside-out. Stoic Kacchan actually lifts his arms up on the pendulum boat ride, throws his weight on the Tilt-a-Whirl to spin them faster, and leans back on the giant swing ride, looking like an actual angel come to life. Izuku can't take his eyes off him. Kacchan actually looks… dare Izuku say it… happy?

When they go on to the bumper cars, the first person that rams into him (no pun intended?) is Katsuki. He gives Izuku this feral grin that spikes Izuku's blood pressure, pinning the entire car to a wall. Izuku laughs, trying to maneuver his way out. In seconds, his girlfriend comes to his rescue, and barrels into Katsuki. Kacchan doesn't even have time to start yelling before Inko and Masaru, in their own cars, bump into Kacchan as well, happily joining in the dogpile. The four of them chase after Kacchan after that, him being public enemy #1 as he tries to out-maneuver them.

Next, they hit the rock-climbing wall. Inko and Masaru decide not to participate and just watch. They take their turns, Izuku feeling unsteady on his feet, not being able to make it all the way to the top – poor finger strength, it seems – and Ochaco and him end up watching as Katsuki gets harnessed up. His ass looks spectacular, with the way that harness is hugging him, and – Urgh. Stop, Izuku. No gay thoughts about your step-brother.

"Oh wow, Deku, look at that!" Ochaco sincerely looks shocked, and Izuku follows her gaze to find exactly what's gotten his girlfriend's attention on the wall. Izuku swears that he just looked away for a second, but of course, Kacchan is rapidly ascending, his firm ass (seriously? Izuku, come on, man. Have some shame) already ten feet in the air. He works rapidly, calculated, gripping onto the supports of the walls like a pro.

He's faster than anyone else, his firm fingers and muscular arms pulling him up. He easily gets to the top of the wall in record time, and Ochaco actually claps for him once he hits the buzzer. He's quick to slide back down the wall, maneuvering the cable like an expert. Unhooking his carabineer, he walks back towards them, shrugging.

Izuku can't help himself. He hops up, eyes sparkling, careful not to touch the man who is now shining with sweat.

"Whoa, Kacchan, that was amazing! I didn't know you could do that!"

Kacchan rubs the back of his neck, and Izuku could swear that the blonde must be getting a sunburn, with how pink his cheeks suddenly are. "Yeah, well, I took it up in college."

"How is Harvard?" Ochaco asks, as the three of them walk to the dining area for lunch, Inko and Masaru walking ahead of them. Hand in hand, Izuku smiles at them. Their parents really are… kind of a cute couple. As much as he hates to admit that.

"… Its good. Kinda pretentious. I have good buddies, though. They keep me grounded. Don't ever tell them I said that." Kacchan honest to god laughs, and Izuku's chest flutters.

Lunch is typical disgusting carnival food. Ochaco is practically vibrating with her sugar-high, powdered sugar sticking to her cheeks as she pummels into a funnel cake. Izuku chews thoughtfully on his chicken strips, finding his eyes, as always, drifting over to Kacchan.

Wrong move. Of course fucking Kacchan is eating a corndog, because Izuku's life is a joke. He has no right looking that erotic handling fried meat. And looking at the man's pink lips, smeared with grease, swallow down the breaded dish, should also not be… well. Uh. It shouldn't be going straight to Izuku's crotch, but it sure fucking does. Izuku knows exactly what that man can do with his mouth. It gives Izuku goosebumps just thinking about it.

In the beginning, when they started their arrangement, it was mostly just hand-stuff. Which was fine by Izuku. But god, he wanted more. He wanted everything. He wanted to look at Kacchan, wanted to kiss Kacchan, wanted to lick his fucking armpits and have Kacchan spit in his mouth. Izuku felt like his common sense was disintegrating every time they touched each other. He was going batshit crazy, like balls-to-the-wall feral.

He did eventually lose his patience, and just went for it. Instead of jerking Kacchan off, he just pulled down the elastic of his underwear, and gave him the sloppiest blowjob of all time. Izuku was not good at it. He's seen plenty of porn, so he tried to imitate that, but when you're sixteen, your fuck buddy has a massive cock AND you have an extremely intact gag-reflex, things tend to get difficult.

The first time that Kacchan did him, though? Immaculate. As you would expect. To the point where Izuku almost wanted to take notes during the experience, rather than enjoying an event that has only occurred in his most adventurous wet dreams. Katsuki climbed into Izuku's bed, as always. Izuku's dick, excited and Pavlovian, was already hard. He was just aching for release. Ever since him and Kacchan started this, he's stopped masturbating, so things were a little… pent up. See, Izuku didn't want Katsuki to get annoyed at having to work too hard to jerk Izuku off, so he's been trying to find the perfect balance of cumming an appropriate amount of time after the initiation of sexual contact, rather than too soon or too late.

He may or may not have been pretty in his own head about all of this. Either way, Katsuki didn't go for the classic big-spoon jerkoff session. This time, he climbed under Izuku's sheets, and the next thing he knew, his pants and underwear are being pulled down to his knees and he holds his breath, feeling his cock bounce against his stomach.

Ohhh. Okay. Yup, the wet flick and heat of tongue circles around the crown of his cock, and Izuku grabs his covers, trying to steady himself and trying his very, very fucking hard not to nut all over the face of his childhood friend. Suddenly, his prior strategy seems like the dumbest fucking idea in the universe because he needs to, needs to, savor this. Beautiful, unreachable, perfect Bakugou Katsuki has his perfect lips around his undeserving cock. Before he knows it, the head of his dick disappears into the velvety softness of Kacchan's mouth, his expert hands distributing the spit flowing out of his mouth along Izuku's shaft. He's so fucking perfect, jerking at this base with his hand, tongue flicking so deliciously with every bob of the head. He almost jumps when hand #2 actually starts to fondle his balls, and, wow. No wonder this dude is well on the way to being valedictorian of their school. He's a goddamn genius.

Electricity runs up and down Izuku's arms and legs, and he feels his thighs twitch, orgasm building. Izuku, characteristic to himself, panics. There's no way he's going to cum in the mouth of Katsuki fucking Bakugou – he's not ready to be murdered. There's still so much to live for. Including, but not limited to, ravaging the blonde sucking his dick until neither one of them could stand. Izuku does what any reasonable man would do. With shaking hands, he simply grabs at Katsuki's shoulders and stops his movement. Then, slowly, he just maneuvers his hips so that his cock slides out from where should be its final resting place, and hits him angrily in the stomach. Its actually painful with how swollen it is, and Izuku reaches down to finish himself off, but no. Again, perfect Kacchan to the rescue. Without a word, the blonde starts to jerk him, slow at first but rapidly climbing in speed. Izuku could swear that Katsuki's breathing is also getting shallower, faster.

He wants to call out his name, to scream, but he doesn't. Instead, Izuku bites his tongue and chases the feeling of the man's large, rough hands on his spit-slicked cock until white light nearly blinds him. He feels the drops of cum all over his stomach and chest, and he's so blissed out he doesn't even care. Kacchan throws the blankets off them, and the cold air hits his stomach and exposed dick like he's in fucking Frozen. Izuku lays there, motionless, as Kacchan leans over him. Izuku swallows hard, his heart racing, as he feels a finger brush his chest, swiping up a drop of his cum. Looking Izuku straight in the eyes, perfect Katsuki Bakugou licks his finger. Like a goddamn challenge. A shudder goes down all of Izuku's body, and he closes his eyes. Jesus. What did he do right in life, to deserve this?

What did he do to deserve having Bakugou Katsuki be in his life?

"Deku, come on!!! The rollercoaster," his girlfriend whines, and Deku opens his eyes wide. Ignore everything he just said. Purgatory. This is purgatory. It has to be.

"I'm not going," Izuku asserts, crossing his arms. "We literally just ate."

"Okay Uraraka, I'll get the feet, you get the head, we'll drag him over." Izuku blushes at the rough timber of Kacchan's voice. His girlfriend and step-brother simply wave to his mom and step-dad and, partially by force, get him onto a roller-coaster. And if a part of him is a little, tiny, itty-bitty bit happy that his girlfriend and his former… fuck, lover, he guesses?, are getting along, even at the expense of torturing him, well? You can't judge him too hard for that.

This is some kind of fucking metaphor, right? Izuku's heart races as the rickety wooden contraption inches up slower and slower to the apex. Kacchan, in typical Kacchan manner, took the very front cart by himself, and Izuku holds on tight to Ochaco next to him, keeping his gaze focused on the iridescent head of blonde hair in front of him. Why is it that every time Izuku's falling, its always because of him?

He shuts his eyes tight and screams; somewhere in the background, he's aware that Kacchan and Ochaco are laughing their butts off. On shaky knees, he gets off, Ochaco patting his back. When Izuku isn't looking, Ochaco and Katsuki high five.

Izuku barely gets his sea-legs back when he notices something that stops him dead in his tracks. Single-mindedly, Izuku's legs take him to the basketball game. He barely notices when Kacchan and Ochaco come and flank him, following his gaze to what has him so entranced – the first prize. A stupid All Might plushie, wearing a basketball outfit, complete with dumb headband and a #1 on the jersey. Its so cheesy and dumb. Izuku must have it.

"Pfft, you think you can win that, shortstack?" Katsuki makes a motion with the palm of his hand, even though Izuku is honestly only four inches shorter. Plus, they still have time to grow. Stupid Kacchan, thinks he's soooo great with his tall stupid body and his ripped fucking chest and his big stupid brain and his giant stupid cock – Wait.

"I bet I can do better than you!" Izuku defends, and pays the money to the bored looking booth attendant. He'll show Kacchan! He's Izuku Midoriya, and he's about to go Plus fucking Ultra!

Izuku really does his best. But he doesn't have fantastic hand-eye coordination (he's better with his feet, hence the soccer) and he doesn't even come close to winning the prize. Of course, buff, sexy Kacchan, with an arrogant look that makes Izuku both angry and…horny? comes in with that stupid smirk and, easy as breathing, sinks every basket. Three pointers all around. He doesn't even react when the game announces he gets the high score.

"Wow… is there anything that your brother isn't good at?" Ochaco says breathlessly, jaw dropped.

Ochaco watches Izuku's face as his mouth curls into a proud smile.

"Nah. Kacchan's perfect."

"Here, this is dumb as fuck anyway. I don't want this garbage clogging up my side of the room," Kacchan says flippantly, tossing the prized Basketball All-Might (Basketball Might?) in Izuku's direction, who fumbles prior to catching it. He sincerely feels chocked up, his heart somewhere between his mouth and stomach, and he stares up at Kacchan like he's given him the goddamn world. Kacchan doesn't meet his eye for long, just huffs and glances away.

On their way back to their parents, Ochaco rushes off the the washroom, and the two stand awkwardly waiting for her.

Izuku's smiling to himself, shuffling his feet on the ground. He looks back up at Katsuki, whose eyes are on him. Izuku has so many things he wants to say, has to say. But he doesn't know how, so he just smiles and lets the warmth spread from his chest into the rest of his body like a security blanket.

"What is it, nerd?" Katsuki asks, tone sincerely curious, and Izuku glances up, blushing.

"Its nothing." He says softly, and looks back down at the ground. He chews at his lips, picking at his nails on his hands. He hugs the Basketball Might closer to his chest.

"Come on, spit it out."

"I don't know. You're just… you."

"Who else am I supposed to be?"

"You act like you're this big bad jerk, but you're not horrible at all."

Katsuki grins and grabs Izuku, nudging his head playfully under his armpit. Izuku complains loudly, flailing in an effort to get out of the hold. Maybe, he doesn't fight as hard as he could. Maybe.

"Ew, you're so sweaty! Get off me, you brute!" Izuku laugh-hollers and Katsuki's knuckles dig into his skull, ruffling his green curls into an even more untamable mess.

"Whatever, dude. You fucking love me and you know it." Katsuki answers, letting Izuku go, and Izuku stumbles back.

"Yeah. I know I do." Izuku says under his breath, out of Katsuki's earshot.

Ochaco steps out of the bathroom and latches on to Izuku's arm. The three of them continue their track back, something easy and intimate settling over the trio.

The sun is setting by the time the three of them find Inko and Masaru. Their parents look exhausted and sunburned, but they're both grinning ear to ear. Izuku hasn't seen his mom this happy in a long, long time and is so lovely that Izuku can hardly stand it. He, momentarily, feels like a dick for being upset about the situation. It was never about him, or Kacchan. His mom is happy, and that's all that matters.

"Come on, first family picture!" Masaru calls out, and Izuku tries to prevent his easy smile from dropping.

"I'll take it!" Ochaco offers, and she grabs Masaru's phone.

Izuku and Katsuki stand there really awkwardly as their parents flank them from the side.

"Come on, boys! Katsuki, hug Izuku, he doesn't bite!"

Masaru Bakugou is wrong, of course. Izuku glances up at Katsuki, who is giving him a knowing look, smirking back, and Izuku has a hard time suppressing a laugh. Being forced by their parents, Izuku snakes his arm around Katsuki's waist. He's got a couple of inches on him, and Izuku fits naturally under the crook of his arm. Izuku's heart starts to race as the scent of Kacchan, that cologne that somehow smells like firewood, floods his senses. He lets his stupid head lean against Katsuki's shoulder, and he feels Kacchan's grip against his shoulder tighten. Izuku closes his eyes, doing his best to suppress the blush that he knows is climbing up his neck.

Ochaco takes a quick picture on Masaru's phone. Izuku doesn't notice as her smile falters when she looks at it.

As the three of them slowly make their way to the exit, trailing behind Katsuki's and Izuku's parents, Izuku notices an ice-cream stand. Well, he should do something for Ochaco and Kacchan, right? They were so… nice, and cordial, and he wants to thank them without bringing the obvious to the limelight, so this feels… right.

"What do you guys think about an ice-cream cone before we head back?" Izuku asks, to be met with excited nodding from Ochaco and a shrug from Katsuki.

"What flavor would you like?" Izuku asks Ochaco. She smiles sweetly. "I'd like vanilla, please!"

Izuku starts to walk away, and Katsuki calls after him, "You're not gonna ask me? The fuck?"

"I know what you like!" Izuku calls out as he runs to the booth. He asks for one vanilla and one chocolate cone. Waiting for the soft-serve, Izuku is distracted by the sound of frantic wailing a few feet away. He glances down and sees a little brown haired boy with an All Might shirt, laying on the ground, hitting his little firsts against the pavement, screaming on the top of his lungs as fat, alligator tears run down his cheeks. His poor, overwhelmed looking mother is next to him, trying to soothe him in a quiet tone, but it seems that its making the tantrum even worse. Izuku looks at his Basketball Might, then at the kid.

"Hey, buddy, you okay?"

"Maaaa – mooomm – said – we – have – to – go – home!!! I – DON'T WANNNAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

Izuku kneels down. "Oh no! That does suck! Me and my friends have to go home too, and we're really sad! Hey, is that All Might on your shirt?"

The kid sniffles. "Yeah…"

"He's my favorite superhero too! Hey, guess what?"


"I heard that brave boys get special rewards! Here, this All Might will make you feel better!"

With a little hesitant tug at Izuku's heartstrings, he hands Basketball Might to the little boy. The motion makes the boy stop, stare up at Izuku with incredulous eyes, before grabbing at the little stuffed super hero and grinning. His mom thanks him profusely and the little boy actually gives him a shy hug before they walk away. Izuku looks after them, smiling. He notices Katsuki and Ochaco talking as he heads back with two ice-cream cones in hand. His chest flutters with something akin to…hope? Maybe, all of this can be okay. Him and Kacchan can be okay.

He hands off the two ice cream cones and Ochaco, face unreadable, interlaces their fingers.

Ochaco is uncharacteristically quiet on the drive back. They get home, and Uraraka pulls on Izuku's hand prior to them walking inside.

"Hey, you mind if we take a walk together, Deku?"

"Yeah, of course!" he says brightly.

They walk in silence around the block and discomfort starts to fester in Izuku's chest. Ochaco seems closed off, holding both her hands against her chest, appearing to be deep in thought. Her being this quiet and pensive, staring at the sidewalk, makes Izuku's heart ache for her and he's not entirely sure why.

"Deku… I want you to know that I'm not mad at you." Izuku's head swings to watch Ochaco, pit opening up in his stomach. She's biting at her lip, eyes sad, and Izuku instantly wants her to stop talking.

"… Ochaco, what do you mean?" he asks instead.

"I'm mad at myself. Because I saw this coming from a mile away and still hoped that it wouldn't."

"Hey…. What?" Izuku narrows his eyes, but… but his heart knows, and it starts to beat erratically, nervously, against his ribcage.

"I don't know what's… going on between you two, but you don't look at me the way you look at him. That kind of sucks. I never thought I'd have to fight someone's step-brother for their attention, but, haha…" she laughs dejectedly.

Izuku's eyes widen and his heart drops. He stops walking and grips at Ochaco's wrist. She looks up at him, tears in her eyes, and Izuku reflexively starts shaking his head.

"What are you doing?"

"Deku, please don't make this harder than it has to be. I really like you, alright? And we've had fun together. But… I don't think I can do this anymore."

"Please, I…." Izuku wants to beg.

"I think he might like you back, you know. He smiles at you, when he thinks you aren't looking."

Izuku furrows his eyebrows. His heart has dropped into the pit of his stomach and feels like its being digested in his gastric juices. He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. Tears prickle at the edges of his eyes. Ochaco gives him a sincere, sad smile and kisses him lightly on the cheek before getting into her car and driving off.

Izuku hates how relieved he feels as he walks back home.

next chapter
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