16.66% My Brother's Keeper / Chapter 3: 3

บท 3: 3

Izuku has to play catch with his heart, which apparently he's just shat out and is rolling around on the dirty floor.

He's waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and tell him he's been Punk'd.

He can't be seeing Kacchan right now. This is a hallucination. A trick. Someone slipped him some LSD. This isn't happening.

"Ochaco, Izuku sweetie, sit down!" Inko directs to the table. Izuku stays absolutely still, glued to the floor, eyes wide. Yes, he's absolutely certain that his soul has left his body. Which is great. Izuku is endlessly grateful to leave this mortal plane.

He analyzes the scene before him. His mom and Masaru are on one end of the table, Kacchan is at the head. Either he sits down next to Kacchan, which would instantly kill him. Or he sits down far away from Kacchan, which would be even weirder and elicit questions that Izuku doesn't think he's ready to answer. Plus, the thought of Ochaco being anywhere in the blonde's proximity makes Izuku want to puke his guts out.

Only because he doesn't want to explain to his girlfriend that this guy is his high school fuck buddy. Not because of any other chest-aching, butterfly-inducing reasons. Not because he may or may not have called her that same guy's name in bed once. Okay, more than once. A few times.

"Deku, you're not going to introduce me to everybody?" Ochaco asks, smiling brightly at the three other people at the table. Izuku shakes his head, trying to come out of his stupor. Well, he's sat down next to Kacchan. Izuku pulls his knees in, puts his feet onto the chair, and makes himself as small as possible.

God, he wishes he never asked Ochaco to call him that. That was supposed to be just for the bedroom, but she sure ran with it, didn't she?

Why can't the ground open up and swallow him whole?

Izuku can just feel those ruby-red eyes boring into the side of his face, and Izuku fears that if he looks at Kacchan, at perfect, handsome Kacchan, he'll just lose it. So he stares down at the table, barely breathing, hoping that maybe everyone will forget that he's there.

No such luck.

"S-sure," Izuku starts. His stammer has been gone for years now, but welcome the fuck back speech impediment! "Uh, Ochaco, this is M-Mr. B-Bakugou," Izuku points to Masaru and Ochaco smiles sweetly, thrusting out her hand which he awkwardly shakes across the table.

Izuku is shaking so hard that he sincerely considers whether there's an earthquake going on. Doesn't seem like it, though, cause no one else is shaking. Just him. Okay. He's gonna have to fucking… say Kacchan's name. Wait. Realization hits Izuku. He sure as fuck is not going to introduce him as Kacchan.

"And, uh, this is h-his s-son Kach-Katsuki." Izuku doesn't even raise his head, just waves his hand in the 'too bright and too beautiful for my eyes' direction. Izuku pretends he doesn't hear the low growl from Katsuki's throat."Pleasure to meet you! I'm Deku's girlfriend, Uraraka Ochaco!"

Ochaco thrusts out her hand, only to be stared down by the most threatening pair of eyes she's seen in her entire life. She keeps her hand out there for an uncomfortable period of time, and Katsuki just crosses his arms in front of his chest. The ripple of muscles is distracting. Kacchan's forearms are massive. Have they always been that large…? Izuku jumps as he realizes he's let his eyes stray. Nope. Eyes in front, soldier.

"I don't shake hands," he finally says. Ochaco furrows her eyebrows and leans back in her seat, looking way more dejected than she has any right to.

"Ha, my son is a germaphobe! You get how it is with these pre-meds!" Masaru jokes good-naturedly, and Ochaco lets out a relieved chuckle.

Izuku swallows hard. Pre-med? He didn't know that. He didn't know that's what Kacchan chose to do with his life. It makes sense for him. He's the smartest, most heroic, most passionate, most amazing person he knows. He'd make an amazing doctor.

"It's a pleasure to have you here, Ochaco! Izuku's never brought a girlfriend home before!"

Izuku's eyes widen. No, he sure hasn't. The only person he's brought home just happens to be sitting on his right in all his overwhelming glory. Jesus, how is it so hot in the room? He feels like he's in a sauna. A trickle of sweat rolls down his back and he clenches his fists.

"The pleasure's all mine! If its not rude, Mrs. Midoriya, I didn't expect to have dinner with Izuku's….?" Ochaco smiles again, letting the sentence trail off.

Izuku's what? The guy that made Izuku see God a couple of times with his dick? Yeah, who would expect to have dinner with that guy?

"Oh, the Bakugous are our long-time family friends. Why, Izuku and Katsuki have been best friends since they were little kids! These two were inseparable before they went off to college!" Inko adds unhelpfully.  

Izuku swallows, throat so dry it feels like he's choking down glass. Yup. Best friends. Bestest friends. The best friends. Best friends who fuck each other and suck each other's cocks and, also, yeah, Izuku was fucking in love with him. Izuku sneaks a curious peak at the man. His shoulders are gigantic and most of his baby-fat is completely gone, revealing sharp cheekbones and a jaw so angled Izuku might get a cut from just looking at it. He's wearing his characteristic blonde hair in a shorter crop and Izuku can (and does!) appreciate his pecs stretching his t-shirt very erotically. Jesus H. Christ. He's so handsome its painful.

How? How was it even possible for him to get better looking?! Life just isn't fair.

Its also not fair that Kacchan definitely catches him staring and arches his eyebrows playfully, making Izuku jump in his seat and focus back to the empty spot in front of him at the table.

"Yeah, Deku, weren't we best fucking friends?" Katsuki's voice is a teasing purr, and Izuku feels himself grow even hotter from head to toe. He wants to smack himself, particularly his dick, because suddenly his penis thinks it's a good time to steal some blood from the rest of his body! If Izuku knew he'd get hard at Kacchan's voice, he'd wear earplugs. Also, he'd avoid this entire situation. He's with his girlfriend, for god's sake. What is wrong with him?  

"Language!" Masaru laughs, not a shred of malice in his voice.  

"Katsuki here graduated as valedictorian and got a baseball scholarship to Harvard. We're very proud of him." Inko says, weirdly using the word we.

"Oh, baseball? What are you? A pitcher or a catcher?" Ochaco asks innocently.

Izuku, who was trying to help that glass slide down his throat with a glass of water, spits it out, coughing loudly as he chokes on the liquid.

Kacchan actually has the audacity to chuckle. Its so dark and rumbly and sexy, Izuku needs to lay down for a hot second with how lightheaded he's suddenly feeling.

"I'm pretty versatile. Your boy here is more of a catcher, though."

"Oh, Deku, you played baseball too…?"

Where are those spy-movie cyanide pills that you activate in dire situations? Izuku would straight up activate it. He would literally do anything to end this conversation, right here, right now. Maybe he should hold his breath and pass out. Maybe he should shit his pants. He's getting kind of desperate.

"How is school going, sweetie?" Inko Midoriya asks, and Izuku is pretty sure he's forgotten how to speak. Lucky for him, his wonderful, thoughtful girlfriend pipes up for him.

"Mrs. Midoriya, Deku's incredible! He'd top of our class and already has a job offer at this biomedical company that makes artificial tissues! Have you guys heard of Endeavor Industries?"

"That's amazing, son! Congratulations! All those weekend study sessions really paid off, huh, boys?" Masaru says, and Izuku can't even dwell on the fact that this dude just called him 'son.'

Izuku's never been so red in his entire life. He swears that every drop of blood that isn't in his dick has flooded his face, with the intensity of his blush. Yup. Weekend study sessions. Where they studied. Where Izuku never hid under Katsuki's desk, sucking the blonde's cock slowly, languidly, licking up every single drop of pre-cum and sweat the man had to offer, challenging him not to moan when Masaru would walk in and leave them sliced apples.

God, Izuku was (is?) insatiable. He fucking worshipped Katsuki. Izuku swallows again, hands sweating so much that he's sure he's going to soak through his pants. Is sweat corrosive? If it is, his pants are straight up gonna dissolve. Katsuki probably doesn't remember any of that stuff, anyways. If Izuku got a little fucked up about a friends-with-benefits arrangement, that's his problem.

Er, not that they were friends. Were they friends? Is what they were at the end of high school considered… friendship? Izuku's heart drops. Probably not. Outside hooking up, they didn't really hang out or talk. No matter how much Izuku desperately wanted to. He wasn't a friend, he wasn't a boyfriend, he wasn't shit to Katsuki. Katsuki straight up moved to the other end of the country three years ago and hasn't talked to Izuku since! Izuku doesn't know what he expected. Shouldn't have expected more, considering their history, but did anyway.

Izuku's dumb. He's so dumb. Holy shit, he's the dumbest motherfucker on this green earth.

"Katsuki dear, tell us a little bit about Boston!" Inko starts, being the first one to grab food from the center of the table. Grateful for something to do, Izuku follows suit, and its almost okay, when they're eating.

Every inch of him is buzzing with nervous energy. Izuku fights the impulse to smack his girlfriend's hand off his thigh. Desperately doesn't want to look at Ochaco, touch her, smile at her, not with Kacchan sitting there. Izuku is straight up insane. It fucking feels like he's cheating on Kacchan. How?! They haven't seen each other in three years. How is Izuku still such a little bitch for him after all this time? This must be some kind of intimidation, bullying thing, Izuku decides. Because, as previously mentioned, he is a heterosexual. Very heterosexual! He loves pussy! He doesn't love perfect blonde cock in and around any of his holes! Gross!

Lost in thought, Izuku doesn't even notice that his mom has cleaned up the table, instead putting out five champagne flutes in front of them. He's only woken up out of his daze with the pop and fizz of Masaru opening the bottle.

Something is wrong. Izuku does not feel good. He doesn't feel good for a lot of reasons, but his mom and Katsuki's dad exchanging those looks is one of them.

A feeling of impending doom settles in Izuku's stomach as his shaking hands reach for the flute, desperate for the buzz of alcohol to take the edge off his frayed nerves. He refuses to start wondering why the fuck he's having dinner with Kacchan and his dad, and why the fuck there's a bottle of champagne being opened. Nope. Kacchan and Masaru are going to leave, Ochaco and him are going to go back to his bedroom and he's gonna bang her until he forgets how it felt to have those eyes on him again, and everything can go back to normal! Everything is fine. This is fine.

"Izuku, Katsuki, we're so happy that we had the opportunity to have this dinner together. It means the world to us." Inko starts, and Izuku grabs Ochaco's hand, squeezing so hard that he can hear a tiny yelp from his girlfriend.

"Boys, we wanted to get you together to tell you this…" Masaru starts.

Izuku doesn't notice when he started holding his breath, but he sure as shit did.

"Boys, Masaru and I got married!"

All eyes turn to Izuku as the sound of glass hitting the floor echoes around the room.  

Izuku, stunned, glances at his hand, to see that he's the one that dropped his champagne flute. He opens his mouth, eyes darting, panicked to his mother's. Where's the 'just joking?' Is it April Fools today? Seems like a real crappy joke to play on him!

Unable to say anything, Izuku just walks off to get the paper towels and broom.

"W…how? How long have you two…? What the actual fuck, Dad?! Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were dating fucking Deku's mom?!" Izuku is endlessly thankful for Kacchan's furious voice, the fact that the tall blonde is now standing over the table, glaring daggers at their parents, exuding a dangerous energy that Izuku knows damn well shouldn't be hot, but it is. Oh, yes, it really really is.  

"Well, we started seeing each other around the time you two were in your senior year of high school… You two were spending so much time together, and we just started talking, and…well, it happened naturally! We wanted to make sure that it was serious before telling you anything, but… here we are!"

Inko smiles.

"Isn't it kind of perfect? We've all known each other since you two were babies. You're already as close as brothers!"

Izuku's mind flashes back to high school, hidden in the locker room bathroom, riding Katsuki's dick like his life depended on it. Katsuki's hand is around his throat, and he's hopelessly trying not to moan and cry, the wet slap of skin against skin reverberating around the empty locker room. Katsuki is flushed, covered with sweat, back digging into the toilet behind him as Izuku bounces on his heals, impaling himself insistently, repeatedly, impatiently.

"Fuck, 'Zuku, couldn't even wait till the weekend?" Katsuki growls as he sucks an angry bruise into the smaller boy's neck.

"Shouldn't have looked so fucking hot in your uniform, Ka- ah! - cchan." Izuku moans back, brainless except for the feel of the blonde's delicious cock reaming him for all he's worth.

Katsuki grips Izuku's hips and fucks into him mercilessly, drinking in the ragged breaths, the shaking of his thighs. His large hands dig into Izuku's hips, overwhelmed with the feeling of Izuku's tight heat enveloping him. He smacks Izuku's ass twice – their signal that Katsuki's about to finish.

"Mm – p-please, pull out, I still have to – ah – go to Robotics Club." Izuku moans out, and Katsuki man-handles him easily, flipping the nerd around until Izuku's hands are against the bathroom door. He pulls Izuku's shirt up and fucks him ruthlessly from the back, until he starts to lose control. He pulls out and after just a few jerks, comes messily on Izuku's bare back.

Yup. Exactly like brothers.

"And the timing is perfect, because you boys can help the move!"

"The move…?" Izuku asks. He sweeps the glass into the tiny dustpan, completely numb. His mind went from going a million miles a minute to going completely blank. Like he flushed every coherent thought down the toilet.

"Yes! Since Masaru's home is bigger, I'll be moving in there! I am sorry, though, you two – it looks like you'll have to share a bedroom for the summer."

Izuku is going to die. He's just going to spontaneously combust. There's nothing, nothing that could have prepared him for this.

This day literally can't get any worse.

"And we thought, since you two are so close and we've all known each other forever, we'll take a vacation as a family to celebrate our honeymoon!"

Spoke too fucking soon, huh? It can get worse.

What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.

Robotic, Izuku grabs another glass. Maybe it's a coffee cup. Who knows. Grabs the bottle of champagne out of Masaru's confused grip and pours literally the rest of it into his mug. He brings his shaking hand to his mouth and gulps like his life depends on it.

What. The. Fuck.

Numbly, Izuku stands next to his Mom as they wave Masaru and Katsuki out. Katsuki, standing, is over six feet tall now, packed with muscle, gives Izuku a heated look, leaving Izuku feeling like he straight up just got fucked. He's got goosebumps, his knees are shaking, his heart is racing. He's dying, Izuku decides. This is what dying feels like. Not being able to say anything, not even able to look at his Mom, Izuku tracks back to his bedroom, where Ochaco is already lounging on his bed.

"Baby, what was that…?" Ochaco asks, skirting her finger around Izuku's chest, the two of them slotted tightly on Izuku's childhood bed. Izuku can't stop thinking that this is the same bed that him and Kacchan had their… first time. And then, many a time after that. Suddenly, he doesn't want Ochaco there. Suddenly, he wants to be alone so bad his skin crawls with it.

His girlfriend is tiny and soft, and for the first time since they started dating, Izuku is very much not into that, at all. Wishes that she was giant, and buff, and called him a piece of shit. Whatever. Whatever, that's normal. He's normal. This has nothing to do with seeing Kacchan again. He's straight, and he's not attracted to men, and if he wishes there was a large cock with pretty blonde pubes in his mouth right now, that's, uh… Normal. Not weird. Izuku's not weird. Izuku supposes he can suck the strap. But it won't taste like salt and cotton-candy and the other inexplicable things that… Shit, what was Izuku thinking about? That he's straight?

Yes. A+ Heterosexual Izuku Midoriya.

"Were you guys really best friends? I've just never heard you talk about him….You always say you didn't have any friends from your home town. You're like… painfully clear about that." Ochaco whispers.

Hahaha. If only she knew, that the name he calls out in bed (even though he's really tried to be better about it, but Ochaco seems to have bought that O-chan thing, so, whatever, mind your own business) and this dude, who apparently is his new step-brother (!??!?!!?!!?!??!?!), are the same fucking guy. Emphasis on guy, another thing his girlfriend absolutely does not know about.

"I – uhm… we were friends when we were kids…" Izuku starts, trying to keep the shake out of his voice, considering how freaked out he is.

"Deku, that doesn't make sense. Your dad said that you guys were spending a ton of time together in your senior year of high school…." Ochaco starts again, and if Izuku didn't know any better, it would sound like she's interrogating him. Also, what? What did she just call Masaru Bakugou?

"Ooooh, don't call him that. I don't like that. No."

If Masaru Bakugou is his 'dad,' then Katsuki Bakugou is his br-bro-broth-fuck, no. He can't even think it. Izuku is going to vomit.

"I just don't understand why you lied to me about not having friends here. Did you guys have a falling out or something?"

Izuku sighs. He can see that he's not getting away from this anytime tonight; but, if he leaves some things out, he'll still be telling her the truth. He just doesn't have to go into all the cock-sucking, balls-smacking details of it.

"We were really close when we were kids, and then he kind of bullied me throughout middle school and some of high school. I thought things were… okay…. between us before he went off to college, but then…" Izuku shrugs, hoping the hurt doesn't come through in his voice. "He kind of disappeared for three years."

Ochaco doesn't say anything for a minute, just traces the outlines of his chest with her pointer finger. Izuku stares up at the ceiling, begging whatever merciful gods that there are in this universe to smite him, right then and there.

Making up her mind, Ochaco huffs out and starts speaking in her cutesy-whiney voice.

"Whelp, then its decided. Your brother is a jerk."

Izuku's eyes go wide and he almost pushes Ochaco off the bed.

"What the fuck? No, no, no no no. Do NOT call him my brother."

Ochaco looks confused, incredulous, and Izuku has no way to explain to her how incredibly fucked up what she said was. You know, Izuku was maybe briefly considering telling her the truth, but now he's just never, ever, ever, ever going to tell her. Anything.

"Deku, you're acting so weird… "

Izuku isn't weird. Its also not weird that when his tiny, cute girlfriend tries to climb on top of him later that night, he can't get hard. He apologizes profusely, of course, and makes up some excuse about the stressful day.

Izuku's not stupid. Maybe a little stubborn. Maybe a tad in denial. But… shit. Look. Izuku is a good boyfriend, and he'd never, ever do anything to hurt Ochaco. But. But? The second his eyes met Kacchan's... That's it. The end. Game over. There's never been anyone else. Izuku had to be kidding himself if he ever thought otherwise.

Izuku wants to die.

next chapter
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