34.37% Mushoku Tensei: Reinhard Greyrat / Chapter 10: Jobs

บท 10: Jobs

{Part 1}

At the moment, Zenith was currently taking Reinhard on a bath. It was not just any normal bath, but there are some medicinal herbs mixed into it to cure some illnesses.

Just the other day, Sylphy brought with Reinhard on her shoulders. Reinhard looked very exhausted and fatigued.

When Zenith checked him, it seems he was sick. Not only that, but he seems to twist his joints.

"Why did you have to overdo yourself?" Zenith worriedly said.

"Sorry for worrying you Mum." Reinhard said as he felt his body couldn't even move an inch.

Zenith made him go buck naked as she's cleaning every part of his body. She giggled slightly, "Rein have grown so big already. I can still remember when I'm still bathing you like this."

"R-really? I've been always in your care Mom, Thanks..." Reinhard blushed a little embarrassed. Mentally he was only 22, a couple of years younger than Zenith who was already 24 years old. It's like having an elder sister as your mother.

Zenith and a slight smile on her face seeing his cute expression. She always see him with that stoic and serious expression.

Watching him work hard sometimes reminded her of the brother, who presumably still lived back in the Holy Country of Millis. Like Rein, he was serious, diligent, and talented; his father always told to her and siblings to learn from his example. But he was also cold to his family, and ignored his little sisters almost completely. As nobles went, he was a good and honest man, but she didn't think much of him as a brother.

Looking at how he was so proactive taking care with Aisha and Norn, it seems he was not going to be like him.

"And then? Why did you get this sick? What did you do?"

"I think I have gone too far with training... I feel restless at night and barely got any sleep... And I always watch over the little ones if they are okay..." Reinhard honestly admitted. "When that happens, I take care of them... I can't go back to sleep so I sneak out of the house to move my body... Maybe I eat something bad..."

"Goodness! Why didn't you wake me up? Or Lilia? Or even honey?" Zenith was shocked.

Sometimes she could hear Norn and Aisha cry at night, but it will be taken care off immediately. At first it was Lilia who made them calm down at first.

Zenith being born a noble had the culture to let the maid take care of raising the child. Of course she had no intention of doing that, it was simply in her blood. It also includes Paul.

"Anyway, next time don't push yourself too hard okay?"

"Yes Mom..."

And with that last words, Reinhard become silent while Zenith was still taking care of him in the bath.

Reinhard was sitting on top of Zenith's lap. Both of them are of course naked, a normal thing for blood related family. His head was resting on Zenith's chest.

His golden blonde hair that he take after Zenith was beautiful.

Reinhard and Rudeus are twins, but they are not Identical. They're Fraternal twins, so their faces differ from each other.

Rudeus had more of Zenith's face, Paul's green eyes and brown hair. While Reinhard had more of Paul's face, Zenith's blue eyes and golden blonde hair.

(AN: I just rereaded it and forgot to go into detail about Reinhard's appearance.)

"Mom?" He opened his blue eyes while its gaze looking somewhere faraway. Like his mind was in deep thought. He remembered his mother on the previous life, making him a little sentimental.


He bit his lip a little while his blue eyes going moist. "...Will you spoil me again like this once in a while?"

Those words are a little unexpected for Zenith. She knew that Reinhard was a strong boy with a prideful personality.

But when he's vulnerable, he acts just like a child his age. A normal boy who wanted attention and get spoiled by his Mom.

"Of course~" Zenith gave him a kiss on the cheek.


Zenith was just a doting mother...

"Mom, I heard that you and Old man used to go Adventure right? Can you tell me about the stories?"

"I see, I heard from Roxy you always asked her about her journey too right?"



{Part 2}

That night Reinhard took a deep slumber the whole day.

The training regime he's been doing are very dangerous even for a strong adult man. His bones, muscles, tendons, blood, and internal organs were under a great stress.

Rudeus and Sylphy were practicing magic.

"Rudy, how is he?" Sylphy had been worrying about Reinhard's wellbeing after she saw him collapse in the middle of training.

"He's been in his bed. Mom said he only needs to rest the entire day." Rudeus replies.

Rudeus had been jealous of him though. He had a cute girl like Sylphy who is very loyal. If only he met her first, it would have been different.

The trope of a childhood friend which is a girl being a love interest would be beneficial in the future... In a LOT of ways...

Speaking about the Future, Rudeus recalled Roxy's recommendation on attending the Ranoa University of Magic.

"Hmm. School, huh...?"

"Are you going to a school, Rudy?" Sylphy looked at him anxiously.

Other than Reinhard, Rudeus was also a great friend. In fact she considered Rudeus more of a friend than him. Reinhard was a person that she's loyal to, and her master who saved her.

"Well, I haven't made that much progress lately, you know? I'm not getting any better with magic or the sword."

"But you're already amazing, Rudy..."

"For my age, maybe. And Rein had been so cold with me everytime. He saying that I haven't worked hard enough. Look at him working so hard he got sick." Rudeus making fun of him.

"Don't make fun of Rein-sama." Sylphy's eyebrows creased while looking a little angry.

But for Rudeus he found that expression very cute. Sylphy was just so adorable. I wanted to marry her, he inwardly thought. He could see a grown up Sylphy making that expression like a nagging wife to his husband.

After a few nodding and smoothing her out, Sylphy let it go.

"Are you gonna go somewhere?"

"Well, maybe... Father did say I should give exploring labyrinths a shot, and there isn't that much I can do in this village... I'll probably end up going to some school or trying the adventurer thing, I guess." Rudeus answered her.

"Then what about Rein-sama, is he going to leave too?" Sylphy's frown get deeper.

"Rein? I'm sure if he knows me leaving, he'll leave too. That guy really hates to lose you see." Rudeus was right in a sense.

Sylphy's red-orange eyes had gone moist and was tearing up. She started to sniffle "Hic... Waaaaa...!!"

Sylphy suddenly ran away.

"So fast!" Rudeus was shocked.

One moment she was beside him, but the next moment she disappeared and ran so fast!

"Sylphyyyy, wait for meee!"


{Part 3}

Sylphy dashed straight towards Reinhard's room opening the door with a bang.


Upon seeing Reinhard peacefully sleeping in his bed, she immediately leaped to the bed and landed on top of him.


"Holy... FUCK! That shit hurts!" Reinhard cursed in Japanese.

He swore anyone who dared to wake him up from his Royal slumber will face his wrath.

Opening his eyes while unconsciously using Healing Magic to ease the pain, he saw a girl with emerald green hair sobbing like a baby while hugging him.

Honestly that kind of attack normally wouldn't hurt him. But since Sylphy was trained by his Royal self for years, it's only natural. If Sylphy can't hurt him while being vulnerable, that means she was not worth to be his servant in the first place. That's what he thinks.

"What's up Sylphy? Who made you cry?"

"R-Rudy said Hic..." Sylphy couldn't form the words and is crying.

"That bastard..." He was pissed. Earlier he was angry that Sylphy woke him up, but now he was angry for a different reason.

In the midst of Reinhard comforting Sylphy patting her head, Rudeus' footsteps can be heard coming to enter the room.

"S-sylphy..." Rudeus saw a crying Sylphy on Reinhard's chest.

He saw the blonde haired boy with a bed head, looking at him fiercely. Like he had just made a mess around the house.

Though if you look at him he looked very sickly and had various bandages wrapped in his body, head, and limbs.

"Hey, what the hell did you say to make her cry. Tell me, or I'll murder you."

Rudeus knew those words are just for intimidation, and was not really scared. He had already gotten used by this over the years by working hard to build up his courage.

"Are you fine?" He politely asked if he's fine when he was disturbed by this event.

"Answer my damn question."

"Alright... Alright... Oh well, honestly..."

And so Rudeus filled him up on what happened earlier.

He was just casually saying that he wanted to attend school and Sylphy asked him about many things. He answered and Sylphy came here crying.

"...And so that is it." Rudeus ends his explanation.

And Sylphy also had calmed down a little bit after Reinhard continuously rubbing her back.

"Hmph, go to school, leave the house, or whatever I don't care. Do your own thing, why am I in this?" He answered.

"Eh? But... Wouldn't you want to leave too?"

"Of course I do."


Reinhard was just contradicting himself Wich made Rudeus speechless.

"Listen here you two idiots. Just because Rudy wants to go at school or whatever, doesn't mean I will too. I have my own pace of doing my things, there's no need to rush."

"Oh..." Rudeus also understands what he meant.

There is a right time, and right place for everything.

In this world, school is not compulsory. And besides they don't need school at all. Both of them are still children with two little sisters they doted on.

"Rein-sama is not leaving?"

"In the Future, of course I will."

Sylphy was sad hearing that. And then she turned her head at Rudeus, "Then, Rudy...?"

Rudeus fell into deep contemplation. What Reinhard said was right, there's no need to rush. But in fact his Magical and Swordsmanship are not progressing very well.

He received Roxy's letter just the other day, and he didn't want to disappoint his Goddess. In the end he already decided.

"I will."

After hearing those words, Reinhard was indifferent and just nods. "Good for you then."

"Rudy... Are you really going to leave...?" Sylphy is still red eyed from a the crying earlier, and her face was still in a mess.

"Yes, I will try asking Dad to send me in the University of Magic in Ranoa." Rudeus patted her head gently with a kind smile. "Sylphy had already caught up to me. Advanced rank in all Attack Magic, and Intermediate in Healing Magic. There's no things left to teach you."

This smile is genuine, and not the forced but creepy smile he's making when he's thinking perverted things. Reinhard used to smack his face telling him his smile is creepy that he wanted to beat him up. So he practiced his smiling.

"That's good for you, Sylphy." Reinhard gladly praised her. It's only two years, and Sylphy already caught up to Rudeus.

"Anyway you guys leave my room. I feel very weak again..." He shooed them away.

"Rein-sama, get well soon."


"Don't die, Rein."

"Shut up Rudy."

And so he was left alone as he go back to sleep and recover. It's still morning, and he needs a whole day to rest...


{Part 4}

Next day...

Reinhard already recovered his strength, and felt his Magic Power had grown back to its peak.

Paul had a talk with Rudeus about going to Ranoa University, only to get rejected.

Unlike in the Anime, Manga, or Light Novel, Rudeus only asked for himself to get admitted not bringing Sylphy along.

But he still got rejected.

Reasons are similar: His Swordsmanship is still too shabby, Money not being enough, and he's still too young.

Though the Money part shouldn't be here since he did not ask Sylphy to go with him. But unlike the original storyline, the Greyrat Family had one more mouth to feed.

And so the solution that Rudeus got is to get a job. As expected, his Fate is urging him to meet Eris.

"Old man, can I also take the job?" Reinhard asked.

"You too huh... Every single one of you, why are you two to eager?" Paul complained.

Zenith and Lilia especially was also disturbed. Not only Rudeus, but also Reinhard. The two young boys of the Greyrat families are suddenly like this.

"I want to earn my keep, and not just a burden." he says

"A kid like you shouldn't worry about earning your keep." Paul sternly said.

"Well that's true enough... But I want to buy a new sword with my own pocket money. My old one had dings and scratches on it already."

"Why? Didn't I told you to do some maintenance with it regularly?"

"I did, but I'm no blacksmith. And like I said, I wanted a new sword bought with my money." Reinhard said. "And besides that, I wanted to go become an Adventurer already."

"Adventurer huh, that's my boy." Paul was proud. At least, he is following his footsteps unlike a certain someone...

He knows that Reinhard already knows how to handle himself. Paul used to go diving on dangerous labyrinths, so he knew Reinhard would be fine with enough experience.

"Alright, but you have to stay home twice every week." And finally Paul agrees after a certain condition.

Zenith came to embrace her little boys after knowing what happened. "Rudy, Rein, come here you two."

She deeply cares about them. She felt like how a mother would send off her children to school. Zenith is going to miss them.

Lilia was also grateful for the two young masters. She is the 2nd mother to them already. Seeing them like this, Lilia's going to miss them too.


{Part 5}

Reinhard was sitting outside while drinking his tea.

"Rein, yesterday, didn't you tell Sylphy you're not gonna leave?"

Reinhard didn't even have him a glance, "Dumbass, you're not listening are you? I said I will leave in the Future didn't I?"

He didn't say he 'would not leave'... He only said that 'he would not go to school like Rudy'...

So in other words, he was misleading Sylphy. He is already planning to leave this village soon, but just not going to school.

"So that's what you mean." Rudeus finally understands.

He did not lie a single word on what he said. It was just the way he said it yesterday was so misleading.

"Sylphy's going to get sad you know? Are you sure about leaving her behind?"

"It's fine, she's still a kid. Children should be with their parents when they're still young." Reinhard says.

That might be true, but isn't he doing the opposite? Though Rudeus doesn't have anything to say since he's also the same.

"Sylphy might be strong, but I shouldn't bring her with me. She's not like us who have memories of our past life."

"Right. But what are you going to say go her? Like yesterday, what if she comes to you crying. It's cruel you know."

"It's fine. She's going to understand once she gets old. And she will be thankful for that." Reinhard said like a parents disciplining his child. "And besides I'm going home twice every week. It's not like we're not going to see each other for a long time."

"Yeah, that's also true." Rudeus nods his head.

Rudeus though didn't know what awaits in his future. The 'job' that he asked is different from what he expected.

The 'job' that he meant was like more of a part-time thing to do. But in this medieval world, working part-time isn't a part of working culture.

To do work, you need first to be an apprentice at a young age or a graduate of a school. In the middle-low class jobs like smithing and running a shop, going apprenticeship is common, and like going through a vocational school.

As for Rudeus' case, he graduated from being home-schooled by a Saint rank Mage, and graduated as a Water Saint rank Mage, also capable of Advanced Magic in other fields. His qualifications are like earning a Doctorate in this world, which are needed for white collared jobs like a home tutor.

Reinhard's case is much more different. Adventurers are more than just slaying monsters. It also needs fame, reputation, money, skills, combat power, connections, relationships, and knowledge to excel in this profession.

Just being skilled in the sword isn't enough to be a good Adventurer. The greatest example in this story would be Ghislaine. She had to eat monster shit since she couldn't calculate money, and got swindled by greedy merchants.

It was already a miracle that an Adventurer's party composed of Paul, Zenith, Ghislaine, Elinalise, Tallhand, and Gisu's Party [Fangs of the Black Wolf] could be an S-rank.

They were one of the most famous parties in all of the Central Continent: a mismatched party full of members with one or two odd quirks which was once talk of the town, renowned for their combat power. If it wasn't for Gisu's wide variety of skills, they wouldn't go too far. They rose to S-rank in a few short years and disbanded shortly after Zenith's pregnancy.

In the world of 'Jobless Reincarnation'... Our Main Characters are finally going to get their 'Jobs'.

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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