While hugging him, Xu Mey thought to herself. 'Now, more than being alone and needle pricks, I'm even more scared to lose you.'
It's weird how someone invades into your life and heart one day and alters your belief... makes you question your own feelings. And they give you a sense that they love you fiercely and so completely that even if one day they left, you won't be able to survive and you won't be to forget them as well. They make you believe not only in themselves but also in your own self.
K. Towne Jr. once said, 'Sometimes a heart must be broken to slip through the bars of its cage.' For Ye Jie, it wasn't much different as well. How his heart was broken didn't matter anymore. What mattered was simple; it gave him a way to escape from his own comfortable love that he was used to. And escaping from that cage made him stumble upon the girl in his arms who wasn't just invading his heart anymore. She had become a part of him. An essential part he couldn't live without anymore.
Let's do a small sharing session. You guys have to share with me whose picture is on your phone wallpaper.
Starting with myself, these days I have Park Hung-Sik's photo on my wallpaper.
Now, share with me about yours.
Also, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
And the ones who think that the story is ending. Guys, we have barely even started.
Just sit back and enjoy this ride with me.