Marklee's arrival in class made Rintan, who was originally sitting, stand back up. It was very clear from the young boy's face that he was angry with him, which was certainly not far from the issue of him being punished for his actions.
Rintan smiled at Marklee but didn't smile back as usual. It feels like now Marklee wants to spill everything on Rintan, about what she's been hiding all this time and hasn't let out.
Marklee walked over to Rintan and Rintan was silent and didn't move. Of course, Marklee and Rintan were the first to start the conversation.
"Why are you so hard to say?" Marklee asked Rintan.
"Say what? About me being punished earlier? It was my fault and it has nothing to do with you," replied Rintan to Marklee.
"It indeed has nothing to do with me, but I also feel your shame. You forgot who your girlfriend is at this school? Then you make all the mistakes and are often punished," said Marklee to Rintan.