31.57% Monster Girl Quest: Eeveelution / Chapter 18: Alma Elma VS Kevin

บท 18: Alma Elma VS Kevin

{Author's Note:

Hello Everyone! I finally finished this freaking chapter! It's been sitting half-completed in in computer for a whole month, but I was finally able to finish it! It even came out better than I was expecting!

As for the reason it took me so long, it was a combination of a lack of inspiration, getting pulled into playing Elden Ring, starting to write another Fan-Fiction based on Elden Ring (Which you Scrubs should definitely check out! It's called "The Harmacist"), and being frustrated with how the hell I should write for Alma Elma.

I hope you enjoy!


<That Night – Around Midnight>

Kevin stood out on the deck of the ship, leaning on his arms against the railing. Due to his [Ideal Weather] setting being turned on, the night was clear and calm, with a decent headwind constantly blowing in the boat's sails. There wasn't a cloud in the sky to obscure moon and countless stars, nor were the waves anything more than small traces of the path the ship was cutting through the water.

The Eevee ignored the men on night-watch milling about the deck, more than a few different subjects of thought running through his mind. There was the fact that he would likely encounter yet ANOTHER one of Alice's Heavenly Knights; and judging by the last two of them he'd met, there was a fifty-fifty chance that this one would either let him be, or attack him for no good reason.

Another fact that was running through his mind was that there were only about twelve hours left, by the System's estimate, for the update to finish. He simultaneously anticipated and dreaded whatever would be included, as he remembered that while the odds were technically in his favor with his request being granted at fifty-five percent, only five of that included his requests being granted without any additional downsides.

Finally, there was the matter of what he'd be doing when he reached the Sentora Continent. Side quests aside, his primary goal for the entirety of the time he'd spent on the Ilias Continent had been to leave it. He wasn't even sure why, though. All logic stated that it would be safer for him to settle down somewhere on the Ilias Continent if he wanted to be left alone, but a deeper instinct seemed to propel him forward, albeit reluctantly.

Was it because he wanted to become more powerful and unlock more forms? Were his baser instincts drawing him to Sentora in search of something in particular? Was the System subconsciously affecting him and giving him a drive to follow the plot of the original story?

[Host's Authority is insufficient to access this information.]

'…okay, what the fu-' the boy started to think in the direction of the System, before his thoughts were interrupted.

"Enjoying the silence as usual?" Alice observed, slithering up beside him. She didn't need to disguise herself, seeing as the entirety of the crew were under hypnosis. Some of them even maneuvered around her long tail as if it were a normal feature of the ship instead of part of a creature they would usually jump overboard at the sight of.

'This is not over!' he mentally shouted at the System, and receiving no reply, before turning his head slightly to look at the Monster Lord. "Of course. Stuffing your face with anything and everything to fill up the black hole you call a stomach as usual?"

Indeed, she did have a plate piled high with recently-caught seafood that she was rapidly devouring. "Well, I wouldn't be as hungry if I had a source of semen to fill my other stomach," she grumbled.

"There are literally over twenty men on this ship," he deadpanned at her. "And all of them are under your hypnosis. Go nuts."

Another fish disappeared down her throat before she replied. "It's not that simple."

Kevin raised an eyebrow. "Why not? I haven't seen a single monster yet who cares about who they get their 'meals' from. What makes you different?"

"As the Monster Lord," she began, stopping only to chew up and swallow a handful of shrimps. "I'm held to a higher standard than even the strongest Queen-Class monsters."

"With how you've acted for the whole extent of our time together, not to mention your table manners, I have more than a few doubts about that," the teen interjected.

He was quickly punished by the tip of the lamia's tail coming around to whack him in the back of the head. "I will throw you off this ship," she growled, before continuing. "Unlike the majority of the monster races, I'm expected to have better taste, only taking from the most powerful men in the world, or at the very least those with the most potential to become powerful. These sailors are…sub-par, at best."

"Hm," the boy hummed, looking at Alice in a new light. "Not gonna lie, I expected for the strongest monster to also be the sluttiest," he admitted.

Alice shook her head. "One of the first things I learned about being the Monster Lord was that restraint was one of the best characteristics of a leader. Although, you aren't wrong with most Queen-Class monsters being more promiscuous than the rest of their race. If you want the sluttiest monster of all, the Succubus Queen would be the one to look for."

Before Kevin could respond again, a voice suddenly came from above them.

"Did somebody say 'Succubus Queen?!'"

Both of them looked up to see what had to be the most ridiculously sexy woman the Eevee had ever seen in either of his lives; with breasts larger than Alice's, thighs thick enough to suffocate a man between them, and an ass that you could bounce a quarter off of. All wrapped up in a dark purple bustier with light purple edges, matching panties, fingerless gloves that extended up past her elbows, and thigh-high high boots.

What set her apart from any dominatrix or prostitute one would usually see in such overly-sexualized clothing were, of course, the monster parts. Setting aside her oddly lavender colored hair that hung all the way down to her hips and blood red eyes, which might have been passed off as normal, the white horns jutting out from the sides of her head were a dead giveaway, as were her long pointed ears. Sprouting from her back were a pair of demonic wings and a long tail that ended in an opening that definitely wasn't just for show.

[Succubus Queen/Heavenly Knight Alma Elma]

[Type: Flying/Fighting]

Said succubus queen was expecting a lot of things when the little boy laid his eyes on her, ranging from reserved attraction to jaw-dropping awe at her sexy body. It wasn't her being conceited or egotistical, though; it was just that the combination of her appearance and the pheromones she subconsciously released into the air always caused some form of reaction in the men she encountered. It wasn't something she could even turn off.

Ever the destroyer of expectations, Kevin merely cocked his head to the side and looked at her in…disappointment? "Was that just a coincidence, or were you seriously hiding somewhere around here and waiting for a moment to make a dramatic entrance?"

The combination of his lack of reaction to her sexy body and him calling her out like that took the wind out of her figurative sails. But being a monster who was highly attuned with the wind, she was able to regain her whimsical state of mind within moments. "Wouldn't you like to know, cutie," she winked at him.

"I would, actually," he stated, before turning to look at Alice. "How long has she been hanging around and looking for an opportunity to show up like this?"

Alma Elma giggled. "You're funny! The Monster Lord wouldn't-"

"Honestly? About an hour," Alice replied with no intention to spare her direct subordinate's feelings. "I was starting to think she'd just follow us all the way to Sentora without making a move, so I came out here to try and strike up a conversation with you that would humor her desire for theatrics."

"What? Alice, why would you-" the Succubus began again, losing some of her confidence in that moment.

"That's actually a little bit sad," Kevin interrupted her next, shaking his head and crossing his arms. "I mean, if you're gonna attack someone, you might as well do it when they least expect it; not make a big entrance and broadcast that you're here."

The Heavenly Knight was beginning to see why Granberia had fought this boy. Her typical approach of being whimsical and flirty was being blown off as nothing more than a failed attack strategy! The point was to make someone let their guard down, not garner pity! She may not have experienced any anger in that moment, but the frustration at being shut down like this definitely caused her to pout.

"You're no fun, you know that?" she told the monster boy.

He nodded at her. "Good. That means you have less reason to bother me. Can you please go away now?"

This was definitely another first for Alma Elma. It was one thing for someone to shrug off her sexual appeal, but to top it off by asking her to go away as if she was some minor annoyance? She knew that he was powerful, based off of Granberia's description of their fight, but his total disregard of her natural allure was a minor blow to her confidence as the sexiest woman alive.

Still, she kept the outer appearance of playfulness she always had. "Why would I do that, cutie? You look absolutely delicious." She sensually licked her lips, but was disappointed when Kevin didn't seem to react at all. The Succubus then turned to Alice and nodded toward her with a smile. "Lord Alice, According to your orders, I'll exterminate this Hero for his crimes of attacking Monsters. May I execute your orders of defense?"

Alice closed her eyes and seemed to sink deep into thought for a solid five minutes. Her expression shifted multiple times, as if she was having an internal debate with herself, before she finally re-opened them and gave Alma Elma a look of…pity? "I don't give exceptions. I'm just observing this boy, not protecting him or giving special treatment," she claimed, before making eye contact with the Succubus Queen. "However, I will also not be held accountable for whatever hellish torture he inflicts upon you should your stupidity come back to bite you."

Alma Elma's eyes widened at the warning the Monster Lord had given her, then darted to stare at the boy more intensely. Like Tamamo, she had been told the general story about how the boy had nearly killed Granberia in Iliasburg. It was an eye-opener to learn of a new being with a power level on par with the Four Spirits, but logic dictated that he was too young to truly put up a fight. She'd long since concluded that he'd just caught the dragonkin off-guard, which led to the one-sided battle.

But now, Alice was giving her a warning about this adorable little boy? She may portray herself as ditzy and playful, but she was by no means stupid. If the Monster Lord herself was warning her that the shota standing beside her would torture her, she knew she shouldn't let her guard down for a single moment.

She grinned at Alice. "Haha…I didn't think you'd say that, but I understand." Her attention zeroed back in on Kevin. "It's like that, Cutie. I won't let you through this area."

The boy's left eyebrow started to twitch. "One day. I just want one…single…day without some horny abomination of nature trying to fuck me against my will. Is that too much to ask? I'm not a Hero, and I don't attack those morons without them attacking first; but somehow, I'M in the wrong for defending myself? By that logic, a murder victim should just sit back and let themselves be killed because fighting back would make their potential murderer the victim. Please tell me that you're not actually going to attack me with that mentality. I REALLY need you to give me a reason not to destroy your mind as well as your body."

Alma Elma was…slightly taken aback by the emotionless tone of voice he was speaking to her with, along with his word choice. She glanced over at Alice, who nodded to confirm that the boy wasn't lying. Even in the story Granberia told her about their battle, the dragonkin admitted to physically provoking him before he beat her down. If all of this was true, wasn't she the bad guy in this situation?

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, her gaze focused on him again. "Well, what if I just play with you? Maybe get some of your semen to tide myself over until the next ship passes by?"

"Then I'll pass. You can take literally anyone else on the ship, though. I don't really care," Kevin replied, his own gaze never falling from her face. "However, if you try to rape me, I will not hesitate to show you a world of suffering you've never encountered before."

The Succubus Queen let out a provocative moan. "Sounds like you like it rough. Don't worry, I can go as hard as you like."

That…was the breaking point for the boy. He didn't even wait for her to make the first move before triggering a transformation into the form best suited to put this whore in her place the moment she made a move. A flash of light came, faded away, and what was left was…confusing for the succubus. Even Alice was a little bit surprised at how…professional this form looked, when compared to the others.

Having shot up to an even six feet tall, everything about this form screamed 'high class,' from his pink tuxedo with a white button-up undershirt, to his slightly purple tie, all the way down to his perfectly shined black dress shoes. His eyes had shifted from their usual hazel to a deep blue and were now framed by a sleek, rectangular set of glasses. The previously brown and messy hair he never cared to maintain had lengthened down to his shoulders, straightened itself perfectly, and became a light shade of purple. As was also the trend with his evolutions, his monster parts changed as well. Fox ears were switched with pink cat ears; his bushy tail was now long, thin, and split into two at the end; and a red gem was set into the middle of his forehead.

[Name: Kevin]

[Age: 17]

[Form: Espeon]

[Type: Psychic]

[Ability: Synchronize/Magic Bounce]

[Weapon: None]

"I will once again reiterate," the young man stated, snapping the Heavenly Knight out of the daze she'd found herself in. "Should you continue to pursue this endeavor, I will not hesitate to introduce your psyche to levels of pain and suffering which will no doubt leave you regretting your very existence."

From the side, Alice took note of the peculiarities this form had. Kevin was being far more verbose than ever before, and seemed to be going out of his way to use words with more than two syllables. From the descriptions he'd given her of the eighteen elemental 'Types' of his home, she concluded that this one exhibited the mental boost associated with Psychic types, which would make this the Espeon form he described before.

Alma Elma was surprised, but not by the transformation or the amount of power he was giving off. Her conversation with Granberia set her expectations of both, after all. No, her shock came from the shiver that coursed through her entire body. She couldn't tell if it was fear or anticipation, but definitely knew that it wasn't arousal. The side of her that she kept hidden from the world was awakening, and even she wasn't sure what the outcome would be if it came fully to the surface.

However, she couldn't show any hesitation or weakness to her opponent. Instead, she decided to double-down on the provocation by leaning forward and pushing both of her breasts up with her crossed arms. "How do you want me to violate you, cutie?" she asked, completely ignoring his question with a sensual lick of her lips. "Do you want me to use my hand? How about my mouth? How about I squeeze you between my breasts? Or…do you want to try anal?" With each suggestion, she moved her hands to a different part of her body to emphasize her sexual appeal.

Despite every attempt she was making at breaking down his mental defenses with this performance, including the conscious increase of the pheromones she was producing, Kevin remained visibly unaffected. While most spectators would assume that he was just putting on a brave face while internally suppressing his libido with all of his might, the internal struggle he was having was far from it.

He wasn't holding himself back from giving into the Succubus Queen. He was holding himself back from using his full psychic might to rip her limb from limb for having the audacity to try this shit with him. As an Espeon, he might not possess the violent rage of his Flareon form or the cold hatred of his Glaceon form, but what he did have was a sense of pride in his self-restraint. One which he DID NOT like this HARLOT mocking with her every word. If it wasn't for his rule of letting the enemy attack first, he would've already torn the wings from her back and thrown her as high into the sky as he could with his psychic might. Maybe she would rethink her words before being pancaked by the surface tension of the ocean.

"Oh, how about I try this!" the succubus exclaimed as she brought her tail forward. "Doesn't this tail look really good too?" As she expected, there was no reaction, so she continued on. "Alright! I'll do it with my tail! Without using my hands, feet, or magic, I'll play with you. Struggle as much as you can, and let me enjoy myself. After we finish playing, I'll be sure to suck you dry."

Just as she was getting ready to start what she expected to be an interesting battle, she was interrupted.

"Alice," Kevin said, his voice carrying over to the Monster Lord despite him not looking away from the Succubus and not raising his voice that loudly. "Before I teach this Harlot the true meaning of the word 'Regret,' I have an inquiry."

"I won't tell you her weakness," she replied, narrowing her eyes.

"It's nothing like that," the teen shook his head. "I would just like to know which parts of her body this harlot is capable of regenerating. As one of your subordinates, I would hate to inconvenience you by permanently crippling her, but logic would state that an individual this powerful and with this many appendages would be more than capable of healing from certain injuries."

With just that statement, as shiver went down Alma Elma's spine.

Alice tilted her head to the side and frowned. "Am I to assume that you aren't going to be using the sealing effects of Angel Halo on her?"

"No, I will not. She has proven so far that she doesn't deserve to not be in pain for as long as possible."

The Monster Lord sighed, knowing deep in her heart that while she could stop this trainwreck before it had a chance to start, Alma Elma needed a lesson on who she should and shouldn't provoke. "Succubi are able to regrow their wings and tail. Everything else requires advanced medical magic to recover."

"You have my thanks."

To say that short conversation didn't make the Succubus Queen worried would be a blatant lie. As such, she deemed it necessary to make the first move and incapacitate the boy as quickly as possible. Her tailed whipped forward faster than most creatures below Queen Class could follow with their eyes, headed directly for his crotch to end the fight as quickly as possible.

It was only when her tail was suddenly halted and a pleased grin appeared on her target's face that she realized:

She fucked up.

The Espeon hadn't move a single centimeter to defend himself, but a light pink glow now surrounded the entirety of Alma Elma's body. He hadn't activated a Move, but had used sheer might of his Psychic powers to stop the attack mere inches away from him. With his hands slipping into his pockets, he regarded the scantily-dressed monster with sadistic glee.

"Good," he said with a nod. "Now that you've struck first, I don't have to restrain myself anymore."

In the split second after speaking, he disappeared from her sight, but not from her senses. He reappeared behind her and proceeded to forcefully grab both of her wings. Under normal circumstances, she might find this act to be kinky, but the fact that she was still unable to so much as twitch a finger caused fear to grip her soul.

[Teleport – Psychic Type Move]

[Description: The user utilizes their Psychic power to teleport. This can be used to escape, swap places with an Ally, or just move around.]

Wasting no time, Kevin immediately transitioned from the end of one Move to the beginning of another. A pink aura manifested around his head, elemental power radiating from it. He released Alma Elma from the stasis she was trapped in, only to pull her forcefully by her wings and slam his forehead into the space between them. She would've been sent flying, had he not kept a hold on the appendages the whole time.

[Zen Headbutt – Psychic Type Move]

[Description: The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target. This may also make the target flinch.]

Flinching was the least of the Succubus Queen's worries, though, as she could feel the agonizing pain of muscles, ligaments, and other connective tissues connecting her wings to her back violently tearing. It wasn't enough to completely take them off, but the force of that headbutt definitely made enough progress on the endeavor to cause her unimaginable agony.

Noticing that he hadn't re-applied the immobilization effect, Alma Elma swiped her tail behind her to try to throw him off, while simultaneously using her Wind magic to launch herself into the air. It was fortunate that she didn't need to move her wings in order to stay up, or she would likely plummet after a single wingbeat.

Kevin allowed himself to be knocked to the side, having activated a Move a millisecond before she swiped at him. Instead of knocking him off the ship like it should have, her attack moved him less than a foot to the side, with him still not bothering to take his hands out of his pockets.

[Reflect – Psychic Type Move]

[Description: An invisible wall is put up to suppress damage from physical attacks for five minutes.]

The greatest benefit from this form was that his increased intelligence had caused his analytical and strategic prowess to skyrocket. In the time it took for all of the events to unfold so far, he had already calculated out how the battle was likely to go from start to finish with only a five percent margin for error. With these calculations in mind, flowing from one Move to the next was a piece of cake.

Alma Elma, on the other hand, was weighing her options. How had a simple bout of seduction and teasing turned into this disaster? She couldn't understand why literally every attempt to trigger his arousal not only failed, but only seemed to make him want to hurt her even more. Her mind was split between wanting to give up and leave as quickly as magically possible to preserve her life, and turning up her seductive tactics in order to preserve her pride as a succubus.

Then there was the fact that she had stupidly decided to only use her tail to fight him, while he didn't have any restrictions or reservations. 'Is this what Alice meant by my stupidity coming back to bite me?' she thought.

"Most likely," Kevin said, breaking her out of her thoughts.

She paused for a second. "What?"

"I said 'Most likely' in response to your assumption that Alice's warning was referring to the situation you find yourself in right now," he replied with a grin.

Her expression warped into one of shock. 'Did…did he read my…mind?'

As if to throw it in her face, his smile widened. "I absolutely did. And just so you know, reading your mind isn't the only thing I can do to your brain."

Not wanting to give him a chance to follow up on that thinly-veiled threat, Alma Elma threw out the idea of holding back in this battle and thrust both of her hands forward, releasing a violent torrent of winds to try launching the boy off the boat. She even laced some of her pheromones and seduction magic into the gusts, just in case they happened to start working on him any time soon.

He was two steps ahead of her, though, and this time the Move he used erected a visible rectangular shield of light. Upon the wind slamming into it, the majority of it dissipated before even getting the chance to diffract around the barrier, leading to only a small breeze ruffling the Espeon's hair.

[Light Screen – Psychic Type Move]

[Description: A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from special attacks for five minutes.]

"I'll give you one more attempt at stopping me from torturing you," Kevin stated casually. "Although, I'm really not expecting much, seeing as literally nothing you can do will have any chance of affecting me in any way, shape, or form."

Contrary to both Alice's and her own expectations, this taunt didn't affect the Heavenly Knight of Wind in the way that it normally should have. On every previous occasion where she reached a climax like this, Alma Elma's modus operandi was to give up and leave to do whatever her whimsical mind could come up with to amuse her. To date, she had never finished any fight, whether she was the one who started it or not.

What happened instead, was the burning desire to FIGHT that she buried deep in the depths of her psyche when she was young bloomed from a small flame that flickered in the night, to a massive bonfire that threatened to overtake her. A small voice in the back of her mind told her that she shouldn't be giving into this side of herself, and that something about the boy she was fighting was causing it to happen, but her adrenaline was pumping too hard for her to notice.

Funnily enough, the sensation of her more violent side being unearthed was actually caused by the Eeveelution System. Having classified the Succubus Queen as a Fighting Type, its warping of reality led to Alma Elma succumbing to the Fighting Element and increasing her desire for physical confrontation. It wasn't strong enough yet to completely overpower her sense of reason, but it was enough for her playful grin to be replaced by one filled with savage delight.

"You know what cutie?" she said, locking eyes with him as her breathing became heavier. "I'll take you up on that offer!" While her voice was the same playful melody as before, it had a dangerous edge to it. "ONE LAST PUNCH FOR THE ROAD!"

With this final shout, she used the full force of the wind to launch herself as him, as single fist cocked back in preparation to cave his ribcage in. Her speed, augmented by air currents that could tear the ship apart if not properly focused, accelerated to the point where even a Queen Class monster would only perceive her movement as teleportation.

Alice's jaw dropped at the unexpected switch in her Heavenly Knight's personality. One minute, she expected the succubus to throw in the towel and fly off to harass some other poor humans; the next, said succubus was actually charging toward Kevin with the intent to kill. It made no sense!

Kevin was more than prepared for the attack, his eyes visibly flashing with power as he stretched his left hand forward. There was no build-up to the attack he unleashed, just a massive beam of pure Psychic energy that blasted Alma Elma away. It was just in time, too, as her fist had been mere centimeters away from pulverizing his chest.

[Psybeam – Psychic Type Move]

[Description: The target is attacked with a ray of Pyschic energy. This may also leave the target confused.}

The Succubus Queen ended up crashing through one of the walls of the ship leading to the cabin rooms. Her hair was completely disheveled, her eyes were unfocused, and one of her wings had been completely disintegrated under the power of the Psybeam, alongside a sizable chunk of her tail. To top it all off, her mind was in such disarray that she could barely remember her own name, let alone that she was in a battle.

Gesturing with one hand, the teenager used his powers to levitate the defeated monster and draw her toward him. He had one final Move he was planning to use on her, and it wouldn't do for her to be too far away. Rotating her mid-air, he positioned her so her face was level with his, and waited for the confusion to wear off. Once it did and her eyes finally re-gained their ability to focus, he didn't give her a single chance to speak or defend herself. Instead, his eyes flashed again, and within moments Alma Elma was rendered unconscious.

[Hypnosis – Psychic Type Move]

[Description: The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.]

With her completely incapable of defending herself now, Kevin released his hold on her and dropped her to the deck. Her body rag-dolled, but she didn't wake up, the sleep induced by her opponent being too deep for anything to rouse her.

He wasn't done with her, though. Placing his left hand on her forehead, he utilized the full extent of his Psychic Might to warp her dreams into horrific nightmares that played off of her deepest fears and insecurities. Despite [Nightmare] being a Ghost Type, his control over her subconscious mind was more than sufficient to improvise.

Seeing that the battle was over and her subordinate was thoroughly thrashed, Alice slithered over to her travel companion. "Are you done yet?"

"Give a few more seconds," he replied, slightly dividing his focus away from the task at hand. "I need to put the finishing touches on the traumatic nightmare I'm implanting into her brain."

The Lamia tilted her head to the side. "Nightmare?"

"Indeed. It is my personal experience that Fighting Types like her do not learn their lessons from a mere beatdown. If I want her to truly leave me alone, I need to employ special means to dissuade her from bothering me ever again," Kevin explained.

"She was a Fighting Type?" Alice questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Kevin nodded, taking his hand away from the downed enemy's head. "Yes. More specifically, she was a Fighting Type and a Flying Type. Judging from your expression, am I to assume that it isn't normal for succubae to be physically violent?"

"Yes," she replied, turning her attention to her fallen subordinate. "In fact, physical violence is seen as the greatest sin a succubus can commit against any living being. They're beings of pure lust, even more so than any other monster species, and consider harming others in any way to be grounds for disqualification as a succubus."

Nudging the succubus with his foot, Kevin frowned. "Either way, there's no reason to worry about her anymore. By my estimation, she should remain unconscious for the next four hours, after which she will continue to have nightmares for the following week every time she falls asleep. After that, my Pyschic energy should dissipate from her mind. Hopefully she's traumatized enough by then to leave me alone."

He then turned to look at Alice. "Do you have a way to remove her from the ship?"

She seemed to ponder for a second, before pointing over his shoulder. "There's a rowboat hanging off the side over there. We could just toss her in and lower it into the water. She can take care of herself after she wakes up."

Seeing no reason to refute her, Kevin nodded and proceeded to grab the monster by the leg and drag her across the deck, before throwing her into the smaller boat. A quick unraveling of the ropes keeping it in place later, and the Succubus Queen was lowered off the side of the ship and floated away in her small boat.

"With that out of the way, I'm heading off to bed," the Espeon stated, walking past Alice and through the large hole in the cabin's wall. "Please do not bother me until the morning. By my calculations, the sudden unlocking of the Psychic element will cause a major headache in my base form, leading to a case of irritation that may cause me to lash out at you should you interact with me before it subsides. It should clear up by around ten o' clock. Good Night."

With him gone, Alice was left to stare at where he'd disappeared into the ship's interior. As usual, many things were pulled in an insane direction by the uncovering of his newest form, not to mention him completely destroying yet another of her Heavenly Knights.

As she found herself going over the fight in her head, one single though kept coming back to the surface. "That form sure loves the sound of his own voice," she mused.


Author's Note:

Espeon = Composed and Intelligent

And that's a wrap! I hope that this was worth the wait. If it wasn't, you can definitely blame me! I have no idea when the next chapter will come out, but it will mark the start of the quest across the Sentora Continent!

And, for those of you who are Horndogs and are wondering when the sex scenes are finally going to start rolling out, don't worry! I previously said that they would start after leaving Ilias Continent, and I meant it! It's just that...they aren't going to be like how you expect, and you'll have to wait a few more chapters. Definitely not happening next chapter, or the chapter after that.

Anyway! Comment on what you thought was funny! For those of you who only comment thanks for the chapter as a comment on the chapter, while I am grateful for the thanks, I would like some better feedback! You can do better than this! I believe in you!

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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