
บท 31: 31. Love

It was noon, just in few hours it was going to be evening.

Reina came out of bath.

"Oh, you are done." Seji said.

"Yah, and now have nothing to do." She said.

"Hmmn. Should we go to park to hang out?" He asked.

"Sure." She replied.

"Oh let's go then?" Seji asked.

"Sure. But do you even know where park is?" Reina asked.

"I guess I do! and you can fly!" Seji said in enthusiasm.

"Sure then." Reina said and chuckled a little.

"People are going to wonder what's wrong with us." Reina said.

"Let them be. Let's go." Seji said, and they got out of house.

Reina hugged Seji from behind.

"Ready. 1...2..3!" She said, and the flew in the air, enjoying the flight.

"Which direction though?" Reina asked.

"I don't know actually." Seji said.

"Ehhh!?! Then where are we going!?!" Reina said in shock.

"Dunno. I know park is in north-east. But where north-east is I'm not sure. Well, if sun works in same way as it does in our world, so right now. Never mind. The sun is on our heads." Seji said

"Now what?" Reina said.

"Let's get down and ask someone ahahahah." Seji said with a laugh.

"Fine. Jeez." Reina said, and they landed.

"Oh, let's ask that women." Seji said.

The woman was Amy, coming out of a graveyard, she had just left flowers at her husband's grave and promised to avenge his death. She stopped in front of the graveyard lost in deep thinking, "Any other murder in Galahaeim might be because of him..."

"Excuse me, mam." Seji said as his eyes went onto the flowers kept on grave.

"Have she lost anyone?" He thought.

Amy looked back.


"Do you know where park is?" Seji asked.

"That way." She replied.

"Oh, thanks." Seji said.

"Thank you, mam." Reina said and she held Seji and flew.

"We were going in right direction." Reina said.

"I knew it was this, just wanted to confirm. And I got another hug from you." Seji said with a smirk.

But he looked back at the grave, "She looked sad." He thought.

"hey!?!" Reina said being embarrassed.

"Oh, look there's park." Seji said.

"Yahh." Reina said, and they landed.

"This is a pretty park." Seji said.

"Yah." Reina said.

"Let's walk around." Seji said, and they started walking around.

Meanwhile, Mei, Alec and Kiriyo had reached Guild house.

They landed down.

"Good afternoon." They said as they walked in guild hall.

"Oh you guys are back. Welcome back! Come have food." Serina said while sitting on chair.

Master and Ella were sitting beside Serina. Ella was drinking her alcohol.

"Thank you Serina." Mei said.

"Good afternoon." Alec said.

"Hello there." Kiriyo said.

"Why don't you guys take bath and get cloths changed. They are literally bloody." Master said.

"Yea, going to." Alec said.

"Be right back later." Mei said, and they went up stairs.

"I'll go too." Kiriyo said.

"Wait, kiriyo. How did the quest went?" Master asked.

"It went good." Kiriyo replied.

"You got your time to apologize to Mei?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master." Kiriyo said.

"That's great. Go have rest for some time then." Master said.

"Is sister up?" He asked.

"No, she's gone on quest for now." Master replied.

"I see. I'll go upstairs then." Kiriyo said and went upstairs.

Meanwhile, Luzea woke up, he saw himself being surrounded by some trees and bushes.

"Hmm. It's morning..." He muttered.

"Let's see... Yesterday, I escaped from the workshop and locked it. I did nothing yesterday. I should find new work and targets for my master piece. One whose bones are so beautiful that they look of a different world." He said to himself with a smirk.

His smirk faded and said, "I need to find a work first. Damn those unskilled carpenters for ruining my time, but oh well, I enjoyed turning them into Master pieces." He said to himself.

And then he noticed his cloths which had blood stains.

"I need to clean these." He said.

"Tch." He stood up and erased the stains with his water magic. Though, some faint stains were still visible if one was to look closely. Ignoring them, he started walking, looking for his next victim and a place to work.

As he was walking, Seji and Reina were coming from front. Seji was talking with Reina and didn't bother to look around. As they were passing by, Seji bumped into Luzea.

"Ah, I'm sorry old man." Seji said and kept walking.

"Ignorant brat..." Luzea said and stopped walking. He looked back and They were walking without looking back. Luzea noticed them closely.

"Those bones look amusing..."

"I have found my next targets." He said to himself while looking at them.

"I can find work later on." He said with an evil smirk and started stalking them.

"Oh, by the way. What should we make in dinner?" Reina asked.

"Anything will do." Seji said.

"Hmmn. We can think after we are home." Reina said.

"Sounds cool-" Seji was speaking that he thought, someone was following them, but no one was behind.

"Let's sit, for some time." Seji said.


"Let's sit there on bench." Seji said.

"Oh, okay." Reina said, and they went to sit on the bench.

"No one's there." Seji thought to himself.

"That's a boring view." Reina said.

"Actually you are right. This looks like park for old people." Seji said.


"Let's go home."


"It's boring here either way." Seji said.

"That's true. Should we go to market or other places?"

"I think nighttime is better than evening it might be crowded right now. I mean you remember how crowded it was on our last date?"

"Ahh, yes I do. Then let's go back, we can come at night."

"Yea." Seji said, And they started walking back.

Luzea had gone into hiding in the bushes, but as soon as they started walking and a small distance got built up between them, Luzea came out and started following them. But making sure that he wouldn't get into their eye.

"Come, let's fly." Reina said and held Seji's arm and flew.

"Woiii!!! I wasn't ready!"

"ahahaha!! Just deal with it." Reina said.


Luzea kept following them onto ground. He didn't lose their sight and sometimes ran to catch up.

After a few minutes and Seji and Reina landed on ground and noticed that the same lady who told them direction was standing there, in front of another house. Luzea couldn't see them landing, so, he flew in air to find them.

"Oh, thats the woman who told us directions." Seji said.

"Should we ask her?" Reina said.

"Probably. If she's looking for someone." Seji said.

"I guess." Reina said, and they walked to Amy.

"Hey, miss." Seji said.

"Huh?! You again?" Amy said.

"Actually, we are staying in the house over there. And I noticed you here, so, I thought you be looking for something, which we might be able to help with." Seji said.

"Oh, no. It's nothing like that. There's been a murder in this house, almost a week ago." Amy said.

"Really!?!" Reina said in shock.

"We didn't know that. I'm sorry." Seji said and thought, "Was the grave for this murder?"

"No, I don't know who was killed. But I'm investigating." Amy said and thought, "The killer could one of these, or both too."

"Ah I see, we just came a few days ago too and will leave in some days." Seji said and thought, "Then who was the grave she paid respects to."

"Good luck with your investigation." Reina said.

"Ah I see. And thank you. Well anyway, go to your house. And be careful." Amy said.

"Ah, yea. Good luck. Bye!" Seji said, and they started walking back and just then Luzea saw them and landed. He saw them walking inside their house.

He went behind some bushes to lurk..

"They live quite near my previous victim. But, he wasn't anything special like these two." Luzea said to himself.

Amy went inside the house for investigation.

She was checking onto floor for evidence and noticed even after cleaning a few bones were here and there, but she kept collecting them and continued investigating.

Meanwhile Luzea was on the hunt.

"Ah, I should check if I have all the important stuff." Luzea said and opened his tool box.

"Rope is there. I need to punish him for bumping into me as well, nails are here as well. Alright. Sun will be set down in sometime. But I need to investigate them first, before striking." Luzea said and shut his toolbox down.

Luzea went and sneaked behind the tree and some bushes which were in front of Seji and Reina's house. Luckily they gave Luzea enough cover to hide himself. He didn't want to risk sneaking through window, as the daylight was still up, so he decided to just hear them..

Seji and Reina started cooking dinner.

"Let's make something easier and tastier

" Seji asked.

"Seems a good plan." Reina said.

"Aye, then let's make some rice and miso soup." Seji said.

"Miso soup?" Reina asked.

"Just prepare rice, I'll prepare it." Seji said.

"Oh, sure." Reina replied, and they started cooking.

Meanwhile Amy made sure to have a watch onto all the Neighborhood, from kids to elders, while Luzea was hiding behind the bushes. She kept changing people she was looking onto. But thanks to bushes she couldn't see Luzea.

But as she was doing this Luzea was understanding Seji and Reina's relationship and waiting for them to be at the lowest guard, but not completely low, as he wanted to enjoy his prey, but to have sure victory he would hunt down his preys just after dinner or before sleep, until, he sees some broken or bad furniture.

After sometime, Reina and Seji were done making dinner and started eating. The sun had settled down.

Luzea had come down to conclusion as well, "He will die first, I'll keep the girl to maximize the pleasure without interruptions."

"Ah finally hunger going away." Seji said.

"It issss." Reina said.

Seji got some rice on his cheek.

"Oh, Seji, you have some rice near your lips." Reina said.

"Really?" Seji tried getting them with tongue but didn't get any.

"No, they are still there. Oh wait." Reina said and bit on Seji's cheek.

Seji got flustered.

"What are you doing!?" Seji said in shock.

"Cleaning rice of your face. Atleast thank me." She said with a laugh.

"Jeez fine! Thank you!" Seji said being flustered.

"Okay!" Reina said with smile and continued to eat food.

After a while, they were done eating food.

"What to do now?" Reina asked.

"Don't know." Seji said while poking his nose.

"Ew." Reina said.

"What? you don't get boogers in your nose?" Seji asked.

"I do, but take a cloth to clean them or something." Reina said.

"Cloths can't clean what fingers can. You know why we have fingers for different sizes?" Seji asked.

"To eat food? or do multiple tasks?" Reina asked.

"No, the pinkie finger's size is the same as nostrils. It's to clean ourselves. And fingers come in different sizes just like noses come. So, I bet we have fingers of different sizes to maximize the cleaning and satisfaction." Seji said.

"Eww. Gross." Reina said.

"You see, index finger is great all around cleaning, but it can't go much above, so try to use pinkie for upper section cleaning." Seji said while doing what he was telling.

Seji pointed booger towards Reina. "SEE, I GOT THE BIG ONE!"

"JEEZ!! that's so gross, go wash yourself." Reina said.

"I'll don't worry." Seji said and throw booger on table.

"Jeez, we keep dishes there." Reina said.

"I already almost cut the table. Look at that big scratch. Boogers will fill it all up." Seji said while laughing.

Even though Luzea was hearing everything he wasn't sure what was going on.

"No they won't!" Reina said.

"Fine-fine. Just let me clean my left one too. It has big ones." Seji said.

After a few seconds.

"Alright I'm done." Seji said.

"Thanks. Now clean your boogers up." Reina said.

"Doing." Seji said and cleaned the table up and washed his hands and face.

"Good enough?" Seji asked.

"Yah." Reina said.

"Better." Seji said.

"Though keeping that aside, Seji. Why your hair is mix of black and white?" Reina asked.

"I'm not sure. When I woke up, it wasn't my body, except I had same facial features like eyes nose lips and ears. Even my that is same-"

"That?" Reina asked.

"Nothing. I mean except a few things, this is like a new body. I got six packs usually this was covered with fat. But my hair color changed from completely black to this." Seji said.

"That's weird." Reina said.

"Nothing is weird to me after being in this world.." Seji said.

Luzea was hearing all their conversation, and had no effect on him as he was listening to them, until they mentioned the other world. "Another world? Are they Angels from Heavens? Or demons from hell?" He asked himself this question. "Or from any other realm.., or are they just stupid. I'm not sure."

"How did you find Alec and Mei?" Reina asked.

"Well, it's bizarre too. Things escalated way too quick back then. But happened was.." Seji started telling Reina how he met Alec and Mei.

After some while,

"I see..." Reina said.

Luzea ignored the story and thought, "I should peek to see the environment inside." And tried to peek inside.

And he saw the furniture which made him furious.. Especially the table to see how it had scratches. Luzea furiously punched in the ground.

"What was that?" Seji asked.

"Don't know. Maybe kids are playing outside." Reina said.

Luzea controlled his anger and thought, "control... Necrosis. Don't think about it." He calmed down, and again kept listening.

"Yeah. So, it's been quite a weird story, so far. Not like my real life was anything less than a mess." Seji said.

"I can see that. Because of me, you have suffered..." Reina said in sorrow.

"But, you gave me a hope to have another life too. So, it's fine. And we need to look for other players especially if anyone from our guild has gotten here. I wonder how are they doing." Seji said.

"It's fine. We will find them." Reina said.

"Mhm.." Seji replied.

"I don't have my memories, but, I'm grateful that you have been beside me. And I'm sorry for hurting you." Reina said and Hugged Seji.

"So, you believe me? About your memories?" Seji asked.

"I do.. At least the fragments can confirm it... Just.. Don't break my trust..." Reina said.

"Just don't leave me, okay.. I'm done losing you. Can't lose you again." Seji said.

Meanwhile, Amy had fallen asleep from investigation. But, as she was sleeping, tears were coming out of her eyes...

Meanwhile, The darkness of night took over completely, some street lights were there, on some distance to each other.

Luzea sneaked onto them through the window.

"Their bones are heavenly, especially that black haired girl."

Seeing their bones, he got a feeling of joy. And as he was looking at them, he couldn't resist his eyes from seeing their furniture.

His hand got itchy as he looked at furniture.

He started scratching his hand, and it started bleeding.

"Control... necrosis... the master pieces made from their bones will be legendary... I need to make sure I don't kill them in first hit.. I need to enjoy it to core..." He said and tried to calm down, but his itchiness won't stop.

But, instead of being calm down he lost it.


"Ehh, who's there to disturb. Never mind. " Seji said and kept hugging Reina.

"Let me see. Hahaha." Reina said and stood up to open the door.

The knocks got more intense.

"Knock-knock-knock-knock- as it was knocking Reina opened the door.

"Here!" Reina said.

But, Luzea punched her in the face, and she went flying and hit Seji.

Luzea came a bit ahead and closed the door.

"What the!?!" Seji said and turned back, he picked up Reina, she wasn't bleeding and tried to stand up.

"Rei!!" Seji said.

"I'm conscious.." She replied.

Seji saw Luzea who was standing with a menacing look. A terrifying look inside his eyes as his hand was bleeding.

"You alright? Rei?" Seji asked.

"Yeah.." Reina said and tried to stand up.

"Keep laying." Seji said and stood up to face Luzea.

"You are dead." Seji said and ran towards Luzea, who was standing.

"Dark spear!" Seji enchanted and tried to punch him. He wanted to pierce Luzea into pieces in one single attack, but alas as his magic was sealed and he failed.

Luzea dodged his punch and landed a punch back in his back with right hand!

"Augh" Seji fell onto floor.

"Now I'm calmed down." Luzea said taking a deep breath.

"You both are magic users, I believe." Luzea said and stepped onto Seji's hand.

"Who the heck you think you are." Seji said and thought, "I need to get to crystal to contact guild fast.."

"Anger.. tch-tch-tch-tch." Luzea said and put more weight over Seji's arm.

"Arggg, what do you want." Seji said in pain.

"Your bones." Luzea said.

"What the.." Seji said and looked at the table.

"Seji..." Reina said as she forwarded her hands towards Luzea to cast Magic.

"WIND!!" she enchanted and wind blew at Luzea, which did him nothing.

"Rei, keep lying." Seji said.

"Oh? Amusing." Luzea said.

"Keep yourself away from him." Reina said to Luzea.

"Hmmn, what a joke."

Luzea started walking towards Reina.

Seji stood up and grabbed the table to bash in Luzea's head.

Luzea startled and fell onto ground.

Seji grabbed Reina and took her in the other room.

"Let's escape." Reina said.

"Yea. I'll contact them with crystal, get out of window." Seji said and grabbed the crystal.

"Okay." Reina said and tried to get out of window.

"If he catches us, at least they will come to find us." said and enchanted the words, "Wisdom of Elements."

Reina was almost out of window and crystal was almost connected that Luzea's water broke the door and captured Seji and Reina. He slammed Seji in a wall, the crystal fell from his hands and broke...

While Reina was dragged back from the Window, causing her body to have several scratches.

"No.." Seji said.

"Another furniture broken." Luzea said in anger and bashed them both on the floor.

The wooden floor cracked and broke, revealing the basement.

Luzea let go of their bodies, and they fell into the basement.

Seji got his arms broken and was bleeding.

While Reina only got her one shoulder broken.

But, they both fainted. And because of the hole in floor, a good deal of stuff started falling towards it. And Katana fell as well. Luzea ignored that and proceeded to calm himself down with a deep breath.

"I'll enjoy myself tonight, completely." Luzea said with his smile, and looked down on them. They were unconscious.

Basement was empty except few raw material used in the house building lying here and there.

Luzea jumped down to basement and turned the lights on.

"Hopefully they aren't dead." Luzea said and looked around, there was plenty of wood in basement. He went up to get his toolbox and made chairs out wooden floor and other wooden stuff.

He picked up their bodies and tied them, placing them in front of each other at 3 meter difference.

He enchanted, "Water Magic: Healing." And healed Seji and Reina, just enough to stop their bleeding and fix their bones, so, he can break them again.

The Katana was beside Reina, about two feet away from her left foot.

"Ahh, time to wake them u-" Luzea was speaking that his stomach growled.

"Ahh, I'm hungry. He said and flew at upper floor to look for food. He went to kitchen and got food and started eating the leftovers.

"Tasty, somewhat." He said and kept eating. After quickly eating he went in basement again.

"Ah- wait." He said to himself and went to lock door.

After locking the door he jumped down the basement through the broken floor.

Luzea went near Reina and poured some water on her face.

"uh-uh." Reina said while getting conscious.

She looks at Luzea who was standing in front of her with his psychopathic smile.

"Let me wake him up." Luzea said and turned around.

"What do you want!?! And who are you!?" Reina said. She was terrified. Fear was ruling over her face.

Luzea kept walking to Seji.

"What are you going to do with us!?!" Reina asked. Her voice was trembling.

Luzea started pouring water made of magic on Seji.

"Let us go. We will give you money if that's what you want." Reina said. She didn't know what she was saying. She just wanted to get out of here with Seji.

"If I needed money, I'd be hunting some town's chief or something." Luzea said.

"Then what you want!?!?!" Reina asked.

"Pleasure." Luzea said and did his psychopathic smile.

"*cough-cough- cough*" Seji woke up.

Luzea stopped pouring water on Seji.

"Seji!!" Reina said.

"What the." Seji said while noticing he was tied.

"I'll have full pleasure tonight." Luzea said.

Seji looked around and above. Seji tried moving but he was tied.


"What do you want?" Seji asked.

"I just told her. I don't like repeating, but since this is your last night, I'll say it. I'm a pleasure addict, that's all."

"What the.."

"Let us go! Please!" Reina said and started crying.

"No, you both will die."

"Void Zone!" Seji tried enchanting but nothing happened. A small dark energy came out of his feet but it went away immediately.

"Is this gonna be our end..?" Seji thought to himself.

"Tonight is the end for you two. Relax instead and let me have pleasure."

"No it won't!" Seji said and tried breaking chair and screaming, but Luzea punched Seji.

"I have been making master pieces from 15 years, running from city to city, town to town, even country to country. Do you think there's a way out of here?"

Seji's heart was beating fast.

"There's no way out...?" Seji muttered.

"Protect her.. Emilia laid her life for you to be together." Seji remembered Egan's words.

He looked at Reina's face and Realised one was going to come to save them.

The fear crawled up on his face. Maybe, if he was alone, he wouldn't have been afraid this much, but Reina was with him, which caused all the fever and breakdown for him.

Seji couldn't think of a way to get around here, his magic was sealed, his contact with guild had failed and Reina at the current strength couldn't beat Luzea, all these things were surrounding his head.

And then it happened.

"Let us go…" he said in pure fear. He was genuinely terrified of losing her.

All he could think was, to beg... he questioned his dignity, "Should I beg… He's going to kill us, just when I want to live with her... but if it's for her..."

"Let us go..." Seji said with complete fear in his eyes. He abandoned his dignity, and begged… Not only his mind had become a mess, he was humiliated.

"Pathetic." Luzea said.

"You love this guy?" Luzea asked Reina.

Seji just stayed silent and looked down.

"Do you think I want to beg?" He got filled with anger but couldn't do anything.

"Huh?" Luzea said and turned around.

A tear fell down Seji's eye.

"Let us go... you have taken my dignity, don't take her, I just want to live... just a bit more... a bit more.. Just to be with her." Seji said as tears fell down his cheek.

"I won't!! Ahahahahah!" Luzea said and started laughing like a maniac.

"LET HIM GO! KILL ME!" Reina said.

Luzea's stopped laughing and looked at Reina.

"You are my special toy. Your bones are way better than him. I'll save you for later, But, do you ever throw a good toy even though you have better one?" Luzea said.

"Don't take him from me..." Reina said as tears were falling down her eyes and started jumping with chair to get out of it, but the chair's leg broke, and it fell to left.

"You'll increase your suffering only." Luzea said.

Seji had his head down, and tears kept falling down. His moments with Reina were flashing into his mind.

"I beg you. Let us go..." Seji said, as his voice trembled.

Meanwhile, Amy suddenly woke up and noticed it was night.

"I fell asleep... found nothing much here... guess I should go." She said to herself. She rubbed her tears away and got downstairs to go to her home.

"Seji.." Reina said and stopped crying and thought, "He wants to live... He can't use magic. I'll have to save both of us..."

While, Amy locked the door was just standing and ready to go home.

"Let's start with foot fingers." Luzea said and sat down to cut Seji's feet fingers.

Amy started walking.

"AHHHH! Let us go now, please!!....please..." Seji screamed as Luzea cut down pinkie toe of Seji's left foot. Even though, Seji screamed, In his mind he had a question, "why should we die...just when..."

Amy heard the scream and stopped,

"Was that a scream?" Amy said to herself and stopped, "where did it come from?"

"STOP IT!! STOP IT!!" Reina said and tears again started falling from her eyes. She looked around. The katana was near her head.

She looked at her arms and legs which were tied, she remembered what Seji told her, "Just imagine what you want to execute and take a handful water from the bucket and throw it. It will convert into your imagination, and then control it."

"Should I check?" Amy said to herself and looked at every house. She started knocking at each house to see if something was wrong.

"Arggggggg!! Let us go now.." Seji screamed as he got his third toe cut down.

"Imagine.." Reina said and closed her eyes, She imagined fire, a fire which could burn the ropes tying her to chair. She opened her eyes and looked at the ropes.

The ropes burnt overwhelmingly, completely turning them into an instant ash.

"One more then thumb." Luzea said and was about to cut down the middle toe.

While Reina stood up, unsheathing her katana,

"Imagine..." She muttered, and the katana gave a bright red flame. The flame was so bright that basement's light looked nothing compared to it.. Luzea noticed it and turned back, but as he was turning back, Reina used Katana to slash his head, but only managed to cut Luzea's left cheek and leave burnt mark.

Seji looked up, and saw the fire.

"Hope.." He muttered and got into his senses.

A bright hope was standing in front him.

"Rei.." He muttered as tears fell down his cheek.

Luzea again started to lose his anger.

"You idiot." Luzea said and tried to attack Reina with water.

She got hit from left! But her flames were so overwhelming that they vaporized his water.

"I won't let anyone take him from me!!" She shouted in anger. It was like an angry beast had awakened into her.

She burned Seji's ropes and set him free.

"Free flow!" Luzea enchanted and used water to throw Reina into a wall!

It wasn't much strong, and she managed not to get much damage! Reina stood immediately.

"Water saw" Luzea enchanted and Tried to fight with Reina with his right arm being turned into a water saw.

He swung his right arm from right! Reina blocked it with her sword.

But! Luzea attacked with his left hand! And got Reina! She got a direct hit, but she was still standing.

Luzea, tried to attack Reina with a spell, "Water prison!"

He managed to trap Reina!

But Seji bashed the chair in Luzea's head!

It weakened his water magic! And rest of the water got vaporized by Reina.

Luzea turned back! And bashed Seji into wall opposite to Reina.

"Augh." His shoulders broke and started bleeding.

Luzea again tried to attack from right with his water saw! But Reina blocked that again! He again tried to attack with his left hand but Reina dodged that as well!

It was like she was learning his each movement. Her eyes were burning with fire. Her fire lit some wood around, and started spreading slowly.

"Haaa!" Reina said and tried to slash Luzea!

Luzea got a straight hit in his waist from left. The blade went 4 inches (ca. 10 cm) deep into his body. It couldn't pierce completely. But the blood burst out of the deep cut.

Luzea fell onto his knees.

"You did it.." Seji said.

"No..." Luzea said and stood up.

His kill intent was, so strong they could feel it in their hearts. A complete different aura was coming from him.

His menacing voice scared them to core.

Luzea kept his left hand on his waist and started walking towards Reina.

She was already breathing heavily and running out of mana.

His each step increased the fear.

"STOP IT! DIE ALREADY!" Seji said and tried to stand up.

Reina held her sword, which was low on flames. Barely holding on.

She was barely standing and started swinging swords.

Luzea kicked her hand and the sword fell from her hands.

"FIRE!" Reina shouted and Luzea saw a little fire.

His arm turned into the water saw, and he aimed for Reina's throat.

"I really wanted to enjoy this.." Luzea said and tried to attack Reina.

Seji closed his eyes and heard a body falling down hard, and he felt splashes of blood onto his cheeks.

"No..." Seji muttered as tears fell down his cheek.

Seji was laying on the floor, opposite to Reina. He could barely move. Luzea was going to cut down Reina with his blade.

Seji was going to lose her again.

He closed his eyes. He couldn't bear seeing her die. .

The sound of body getting cut went into Seji's ears, he felt droplets of blood onto his face, and then a body fell onto floor...

"You are the one who's turning people in furniture right. You disgusting piece of sht!!" Amy said in rage and pushed Luzea back.

Seji opened his eyes and noticed Reina was on ground, and another lady was standing in front of her, having a blade in her hand.

Seji saw an arm near him. It was Luzea's arm. The blood was from Luzea's arm. But the body which fell was Reina's. She fell because of over exhaustion of mana.

"Rei!" Seji shouted.

"She's alright, Boy."

Luzea backed off. He was still alive even after losing so much blood, and an arm. And probably many internal organs destroyed.

"Tch. You interrupted me in making my Master Piece. I'll remember your face." Luzea said.

"You won't leave alive." Amy said and punched Luzea, he went and hit the wall.

Luzea thought, "I need to escape for now. Will I survive though... it's a gamble."

" tch. Super Tier Magic: Water dispersion." Luzea enchanted.

He turned into water and escaped through the creeks.

Seji was crawling to Reina.

"Not easily." Amy said and tried to fly up to follow Luzea. The fire was going to reach above floor.

And, she saw Seji who was badly injured and Reina too.

"Tch." She said and helped Seji and Reina.

"I need to follow him. Can't lose sight of him, but these two will die. Tch" Amy said and picked up Seji and Reina. She picked them up and stopped the fire with her earth magic and flew towards hospital at a fast speed.

And just after two minutes. She was there.

"My name is Amy, I'm Ex Shadowfield member." Amy said and showed them her emblem.

The doctors took Seji and Reina in and asked nurses to take them into a room.

"I'm going, I'll come back." Amy said and ran outside before the doctor could ask questions.


The doctors went into room and started healing Seji and Reina with his spell.

"Fast, call Lady Allevy for immediate healing, the cases are serious." A doctor said.

"Yes, sir." The nurse replied and went to call the Lady Allevy, while the doctor was doing the basic healing.

But while treating Seji and Reina they noticed the emblem on Seji and Reina, the Elemental Emblem, they immediaty sent a messenger to Elemental guild, a little sort of familiar, which was a pink blob with cat ears and tail.

The familiar flew towards Elemental Guild.

"DUDUDUDUDUDUDUUUUU!" The messenger shouted as he was inside guild. Everybody was in their rooms except for Serina who was sitting and getting ready to go back to her room.

"A messenger? I'm here, little fellow, what is it?."

"Oh! Hellow there!! Nya! I'm messenger!"

"Oh what message you brought?" Serina asked.

Some people are reported to be in Public Hospital in North east, and they are from Elemental, Nya!!"


"Please go and check, nyaaa! I'll be going now! Those doctors woke me up from my precious sleep, bad doctor."

"Thank you miss whatever your name is. We will be right there."

"I'm not whatever your name is! I'm KoKoro! Nyaa!!!" The messenger went back flying to hospital yawning.

Serina was gone upstairs.


"What is it??" Master replied as he was reading a book.

"I believe Seji and Reina have been injured, a messenger came and told just now. From North-east Hospital."

"what the.. what happened to them!?"

"The messenger didn't explain that either."

"Let's hurry."

"Should I wake up others?"Serina asked.

"No, don't we aren't sure.. let's go by our self." Master saif, and they flew out to north-east hospital.

Meanwhile, Amy went in sewers to look for Luzea.

"This is only place where he could be able to run with that high level spell.. I'm pretty sure, he would be worn out of mana at any point. Since those spells do cost a lot of mana."

She kept running and looking for him. Sometimes that way and sometimes other.

And Then, after taking some turns she saw a blood coming from a way..

She stopped and looked.

The body wasn't visible.

She kept walking, and she stepped on a something..

She jumped back immediately.

"Could that be his body.." She said and slowly walked near the body.

She was two feet apart from the place she stepped on.

A complete silence began. but suddenly, "Tip." water droplet hit the water.

She immediately jumped aside!

There was nothing. it was just a water droplet.

"I can't risk it.."

She took her blade out and threw at the place she stepped on.

She wasn't sure if it hit the body. The blood was already there in the dirty water, and she didn't hear sound of blade hitting the body or the floor.

"I can't go near... should I try to stop the water flow... but I'll be cornering myself, I already can't fight in these 4 walls.."

"I'll have to take risk.."

She put her hands in water onto the floor.

And the body started to be visible. The body was being lifted up by her earth magic. Which formed a thick base which was rising from beneath the water.

But then suddenly, the hand moved.

Aaaaaaaa" Amy screamed and her magic went crazy and hit the ceiling above..

Her breath was heavy.

The blood was everywhere, but only the left half of the body was destroyed, As she lost control on her magic the body lost it's balance, and only left side of his body was crushed.

Amy calmed down and noticed the body was surely dead now.

She brought the pillar down and looked at the body. As Amy had cut Luzea's right arm, it was still gone. Those cloths were of Luzea, but most of the face was gone... And then she looked at his left arm which was completely crushed. But she saw some dark green skin of on his right arm.

"There was a frog in his arm.. that's why it moved..."

"But this The arm is cut at right point, where I cut it. But is this him or not.. The face is intangible..."

"The cloths are matching. It has to be him, but just in case, I need to take this body for them to see if they can reconstruct the face.."

Amy said and picked up the unrecognizable body and started walking back.

Meanwhile, Master and Serina were in hospital.

They were standing next to doctor talking with him.

"Can we see them?" Master asked.

"Lady Allevy is treating the major wounds."

"I see."

"She's one of the strongest healing wizard in Galahaeim, isn't she?" Serina asked.

"Indeed, She is."

Master peeked inside the room in which Seji and Reina were getting treated. A lady was sitting in middle of them, beneath her was a green magic circle exerting some extraordinary power.

"Will they be alright?" Serina asked.

"Lady Allevy is healing, they should be completely healed in sometime, since body does need natural time after healing."

"I see."

"She was a war priestess I heard. She was the in charge of healing squads, I believe." Master said.

"That is correct, Story tells that she fought alongside with the previous king in wars."

"I see." Master replied.

"She's an Angel as well?" Serina asked.


As they were talking, Amy came in.

She didn't look at Serina or Master.

"Can you recover this body?" Amy asked doctor.

Master turned back and saw Amy.

"That's a familiar face..." He thought.

"Who is that now?" the doctor asked.

"A possible murderer body, well 90% chance this is body of the murderer who caused the people I brought before harm." Amy said.


"Thank you for saving them, but can I ask if we have met before?" Serina asked.

"Aren't you the Sub-Master of Shadow field?" Master asked.

"Ah, Master Zenon it's you. Were those two people from Elemental?" Amy asked.

"Yes they were actually. And you are from the shadow field."

"I'm Or was to be correct actually.. I think we have met in Annual games."

"No wonder you are familiar figure. But I haven't seen you in sometime."

"I left it around 2 or 3 years ago."

"I see."

"Is that the person who caused Seji and Reina to be in this condition?" Master asked.

"This should be him, but I want his face to be reconstructed just to be sure." Amy said.

"I'm sorry to say but healing magic doesn't work on dead people." The doctor said.

"Look for a hex magic user or forbidden magic user, I mean some witch, probably."

"I Don't know any. And I don't want to carry a body to Kethsberg back."

"Ahh, the city where Shadow Field Guild is." Serina said.

"Yes, I shifted here with my husband and mother two years ago..."

"I see. Where's your husband then? " Master asked.

"He's not adventurer if that's where you going at, and he was killed by this murderer..." She said in anger as she pressed hard onto Luzea's body.

"I apologize, I shouldn't be asking. But, I can take you to my friend. She's a witch and can probably help you." Master said.

"That will be helpful." Amy said.

"Serina would you stay here?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master."

Master flew in air and Amy followed him.

"Miss Serina, can you do payment for the time being? It's 2k Rugen." Doctor asked.

"Yes. That's quite cheap." Serina said and got some money out of her pocket.

"Well, King Maele supports these hospitals, that's why it's cheap, and everyone can afford them."

"I see. Here, doctor." Serina handed the money and thought, "I hope they get alright..."

Hell_Mage_Jass Hell_Mage_Jass

kinda messed up pace here...

next chapter
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