Cyrus Ashborn and The Golden Scale, two of the three Grand Councilors and the de facto leaders of The Hightower, stood just outside the magical circle, they discussed the awe-inspiring sight before them.
"The sheer amount of mana this Pactolus ritual is generating," Cyrus said with awe at the sight in front then continued, "should be more than sufficient to penetrate Envy's magic shield on her body. She should be susceptible to our magic for the next 12 hours if everything went according to plan."
The Pactolus ritual served as crucial support in transforming gold into mana. Given that gold was among the easiest magical metals to come by, The Hightower frequently employed this ritual to bolster their mana reserves for casting ancient and potent magics or for those times when they required an abundant supply of mana that the current magical environment couldn't provide.