40% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 20: Shoutos’ decision

บท 20: Shoutos’ decision

Izuku watched tiredly as the slowly growing group of police and pro-hero began to investigate and clear up the mess he had left behind. He watched the hero's work in sync with the police, holding back and keeping the crime scene clear of the press while the newly arrive paramedics worked frantically to keep the hero killer alive.

He was gone too far, Izuku already knew he wouldn't survive..

A few minutes after Endeavours had given up on his chase, tzuku had turned around and decided to face the consequences of what he had done.

During the half an hour he had watched the alleyway below he watched the life of the hero killer slowly fade away, being to an end another life by his own bare hands.

Sometime during that his mentor Gran Torino, lida mentor Manuel even Aizawa sensei had arrived at the scene. As the rest of the heroes, including Endeavour, worked quickly together to get the surrounding area Secure; Aizawa at some point had knelt down to talk to his classmate Shouto, who had at some point been wrapped up in some kind of foil blanket to keep him warm.

It had only taken the hero's a few minutes to clear the area of people away from the crime scene and move lida, who was still bleeding over the floor, into an ambulance before shipping him off to the nearest hospital. At some point Shouto, who seemed for the most part unharmed, was pulled slowly away from the crime scene; still staring traumatically at the bloody massacre he had left behind.

Izuku felt nothing but guilt and sorrow as he moved his eyes back to the bloodied corpse of the hero killer before looking worriedly as his usually emotionless classmate, who was showing more emotion over the villain's dead body than Izuku had in the last few months alone combined...

Was this truly how detached he had become from his own murders..? From the corpses, he had torn apart and shovel into his mouth..?

He felt like he was slowly becoming the heartless killer he had feared for so long. An inevitability he could no longer avoid.

A lone tear ran down his face, causing Izuku to quickly lift his hand to feel it If was real.

No, he wasn't a heartless monster, not yet..

More tears began to fall down his face, as he remembers that he had to the train where Gran Torino had left him but as he looked down at the poor souls who had to clean up that mess he had made, it made him feel horrible knowing all he could do was sit back and watch.

Izuku sniffled quietly as he looked down off the edge of the roof, gently wiping away at his tear-stained cheeks.

This couldn't go on... He couldn't keep this up much longer...

"…I'm surprised you didn't eat all of him, what a shame.." someone's dark scratchy voice called out from behind him, causing Izuku to jump at the unfamiliar voice he had never heard before.

As he quickly turned around, Izuku noticed two figures standing menacingly behind him. The same people who were known all over Japan as the villains who attacked the USJ with the only intentions of killing the number one hero, All Might. The two people who had escaped from the USJ attack and had heard the names of repeated so many times, the villains who traumatized his classmates and revealed them all to how dark this world can truly be...

'Shigaraki of the league of villains...

Izuku stumbled back as he stood up frantically backing, closer to the edge of the building where the heroes stood only meters below, away from the leader of a league of villains and his warper acquaintance.

The same people that spy, Hagakure, was working with.

The grey-skinned villain scratched at his neck irritatedly.

"Still, I'm pleased that you ate him, I really didn't like him..." The villain called out uncaringly with disdain.

Izuku narrowed his eyes as he subconsciously activated his kakugan with disgust and hatred at the villains' words.

"What the hell do you want with me" Izuku spat out resentfully, to worn out to feel anything other than anger.

Shigaraki looked at him with a manic grin, insanity circling in his wide sunken eyes, behind the hand which masked his face; a hand that smelt all too real to Izuku.

"I want you to join the league of villains..."

Shigaraki called out across the rooftops, not taking any steps closer towards him after he say his kakugan activate. It seemed he was aware of his quirk worked then; Izuku wasn't surprised, he already knew they were after him. He just didn't expect they would be brave enough to ask him directly...

It was hardly surprising since this was the same person who had attacked the USJ with the sole purpose of killing All Might.

Izuku narrowed his eyes with frustration, "I'm not joining the league..

Shigaraki narrowed his eyes behind his mask and began scratching at the dry skin around his neck,

"No, you don't understand... I'm not asking you too, I'm telling you too... You're not getting a choice." he demanded irritatedly.

Izuku lowered his stance, not liking where this dark conversation was heading...

"I'm not going with you..." He declared, emphasizing his words as he spoke.

Shigaraki sagged down childishly, as he sighed as if this was no more than a slight annoyance to him; putting lzuku on edge.

"Fine then..." Shigaraki's voice crackled out, flicking his hand up "I'll just have to make you come with me"

At the moment of his wrist flicking up, a loud screech vibrated the area around them just as a winged Nomu leaped rapidly over the other side of the building behind the villain. Izukus eyes widened with terror as the Nomu charged at him at inhuman speeds. The loud noise catching the attention of the heroes below causing them to look up at the sight of Izuku, to them the Bloody stain, tipping and falling over the edge of the tall building.

Working quickly as Izuku began to plummet to the ground, he activated his kagune and plunged it into the edge of the building he was once standing upon. The winged Nomu quickly followed him over, causing shouts of distress to ring out below him as the Nomu crumbled the building ledge from their weight as they continued chasing him.

As his kagune began to rapidly slow his descent to the ground, the Nomu caught up and wrapped his claw-like feet around Izukus body; its nails breaking as it tried to jam them through his skin.

Pure, unadulterated fear began to surge through his body as the Nomu gave a sharp tug at his body causing his single active kagune to come loose from the building it was held in. Petrified at the thought of what the league would do to him if they got their hands on him, Izuku drained the last of his energy summoning three more pulsating tentacles from deep within his back.

The second tentacle lashed out towards the building on the other side of the alleyway, causing it to crumble in the spot he had rammed it into, counterbalancing himself to stop his incoming fall as he combined his third and fourth into a thick dagger as he impaled the Nomu right through his gut and up through its skull; the sharp glowing tip pointing out the top, slowly soaking in the blood which covered them.

As the Nomu quickly died and became limp above him, the sudden weight of the monster grew drastically pushing him towards the floor. Izuku quickly retracted his kagune stuck within the Nomu before quickly twisting over to the side, looking down at the heroes who quickly scampered away as the Nomu created a loud thud as it hit the floor. The only person paying him attention being Shouto, as Aizawa quickly dragged him away from the Nomus landing zone.

Izuku looked down at the fear-stricken people watching the motionless Nomu before he launched himself back to the opposite roof of the alleyway he had once been watching from.

Landing with a soft thud on his feet, he quickly looked back in fear at the rooftop the leader of the league once stood only to see nothing but the dark open night surrounding the burning city of Hosu.

With the knowledge that he could no longer afford to hang Izuku sprang off once again into the night, creating as much distance between him and where the heroes had last seen him. He sprinted as fast as he could, not wasting any more of his ghoul quirks reserves and deciding to use one for all instead, back to the train Gran Torino had left him on; wiping as much of the blood off his face and throwing his bloodied hoodie into a lone pile of burning flames, disposing of the evidence the best way he could.

The city was still covered in flames, no one would question a single bloodied hoodie burning away in the middle of the street...

Once he reached the train he was met with the back of Gran Torino looking worriedly around before turning around and spotting him. As their eyes met and recognition grew in the retired hero's eyes, Izuku was greeted with a hard kick in the face going full force; causing the young hero in training to go flying back, landing on the floor with a thump before his mentor landed heavily atop of him.

"Where the hell did you run off to, boy?!" he yelled with annoyance and something akin to worry.

Izuku smiled weakly up as the hero stared down at hiran "Sorry Gran Torino. I saw someone who needed rescuing! I'm sorry, i worried you!"

Well, at least that wasn't a lie.

Shout had watched the fear grow in everyone's eyes as the loud screech rumbled through the alleyway he sat motionless in, the scene of blood still within eyeshot. The appearance of the Bloody Stain had set everyone on edge and the sound of a screeching nom quickly approaching caused everyone to go on high alert.

The heroes around him all looked up at the sound of danger, just to see the villain of the hour plummeting over the edge of the building above them towards the ground, followed quickly by a winged Nomu which latched onto the villains' shirt as the notorious Bloody stain release a single tentacle into the nearby building; causing debris to rain down above them.


Out of the corner of his vision, he offhandedly noticed his sensei latching onto his shirt and dragging him away from the incoming danger as the rubble hit the ground with a loud thud.

Shouts could be heard from all directions and Shouto could barely make out the voice of his sensei calling out to him, asking him if he was ok.

All Shouto could do was watch as Midoriya speared his quirk right through the Nomus body before dashing away, not bothering to look at the chaos he had cause below.

Shouto watched as the Nomu fell limply in front of him, not even flinching as the thud and dust cloud it caused covered the area.

He offhandedly heard Aizawa muttering next to him,

"They were watching us this whole time..." he whispered out in shock, only loud enough to barely be heard.

Shouto remained silent as the fresh memories of Izukus blood-smeared faced, covered in streaks of tears, as fear had glossed over his eyes stayed prominent in his mind. He wasn't sure how much time had passed when Aizawa sensei had gently pulled him up and took him to the closest police car, driving him to the nearby police station.

Once he arrived at the police station he was quickly shuffled into an interview room with Aizawa who left him at the door. He looked over his senses shoulders and saw police officered looking over at him with worry and pity for having seen something only a few had ever witness before.

Aizawa gently lowered his hand onto his shoulder as he spoke to him carefully.

"I'm gonna have to let you go in by yourself. A few police officers will come in, in a minute, to talk to you about what happened." Aizawa had said surprisingly softly, probably realizing the amount of trauma going on inside his head, "Remember Todoroki, you only have to answer questions you are comfortable with... Alright?"

Shout nodded silently, causing the hero in front of him to nod back in understanding.

"Alright, good. Just remember... You are safe here, ok?" Aizawa worried, eyes furrowing with concern for his student.

Shouto nodded again, lowering his head to look down at the floor, feeling shameful how he was responding to what he had seen.

Aizawa furrowed his eyes brows again at his students' unusual actions before sighing, "Ok, ill be nearby if you need me."

Shouto looked up at his teacher and nodded before he walked forward into the interview room by himself. It wasn't long before the door opened up again and two police officers walked in, taking a seat opposite him causing Shouto to look up from his hands.

"Hello, Todoroki-san." The first man addressed,

"MY name is Touta Matsuda and this is my colleague Hideki Ide. It's nice to meet you, I just wish it could have been under better conditions."

Shout nodded slightly, prompting to two men to continue.

"We're ust here to ask you a few questions, we don't want to make this any harder for you so we're going to begin right away. Please tell us if you're not comfortable with anything" He said with what he supposed was meant to be a comforting smile.

Shouto felt no comfort at all, his mind was too preoccupied.

At Shoutos' understandable silence, the office awkwardly cleared his throat and began questioning away.

They asked about what he saw... What had happened in the moments before, after, and during the Bloody Stains rage. About what the notorious villain had said. Asking what the villain had done. Unwanted fresh memories plagued Shoutos his mind as he gave as much detail as he could before he became too overwhelmed.

It was plainly clear to him that these officers were blissfully unaware of the reality of the massacre he had been forced to witness.

But he endured through it, forcing himself to answer everything he could.

Forcing himself to remember.

Heroes were people who endured through the pain to protect the people who needed saving.

Heroes didn't need saving.

The officer shuggled through his paperwork and pulled up the next sheet before asking another question.

"Did you happen to see what the Blood Stain looked like? Any noticeable features?"

Shoutos' eyes widened fractionally, still staring down at his hands refusing to look up at the officers as flashes of Midoriyias blood-stained face flickered darkly through his memory.

Shouto nodded his head and began to speak up

Shouto paused as the memory of his classmate's psychotic face entered his mind.

"Fresh Flesh ALWAYS Tastes THe BEST yOU KNOW!PHAhaHAH-ahAHA! hahaHAH..!" Izuku had grinned out manically as he tore down on the hero killer stain...

How could someone who seemed so kind become such a horrifying monster.?!

The single green eye contrasting with his crimson red counterpart as Shouto watched his own petrified eyes become reflective in the ones which rested opposite him.

There was seriously something wrong with his head, both Midoirya and his own mind for even contemplating what he was planning on doing.

Shouto cleared his throat, "I saw one of his eyes...

It was too dark to see his face." Shouto lied through his teeth, he really was going insane from all this, "But his left eye had glowed red through the darkness.."

The police officer began scribbling something down, " 'His' you say? Was the villain a male? How are you sure?" The officer rapidly fired out at him, causing Shouto to momentarily freeze at his slip-up.

It took Shouto a while to think up a good answer...

"I heard him speak, he sounded male but..."

Shouto shook his head, trying to shake away the memories of the fear in his classmates' eyes and the determination Midoriya had shown trying to protect both him and lida from getting brutally murdered only a few hours ago.

"If it wasn't for the Bloody Stain, both I and lida would be dead..." Shouto bowed his head in shame, having to show weakness in front of all these people, as silence rang out after him.

But If it wasn't for him, they would no doubt both be dead...

"I heard him speaking with stain..." Shouto shuddered out, shaking slightly in his seat at the memories, "The hero killer said the league of villains was after him, the bloody stain seemed to be aware of this..

Why the hell was the league after Midoriya..?

Both the police offices looked at Shout in shock, no doubt not knowing what to say, slowly taking a look up to the one-way mirror Shouto had no doubt his sense was listening from behind.

"Alright," The second officer supplied after the shock began to fade away, "Thank you for your time, i know this was tough on you. Is there anything else you think we should know..?"

Shouto took a minute before responding,

"He seemed remorseful..." he began before pausing, both the detectives looking at him oddly,

"..about ending Kamui Woods Career. Stain had brought it up, saying how he was impressed of him for it; I-i just thought you should know..." He slowly drifted off, not knowing where he was taking this statement.

The two police officered shared a look before thanking him for his time, leaving him alone in the room all by himself.

As the door closed behind the officers Shouto lowered his head into his arms as he curled himself up into a ball, not caring anymore who saw him this vulnerable, as he rubbed the oncoming tiredness away from his eyes.

Aizawa stood alone behind the one-way mirror as the long, tiresome interview came to a dragging end. He watched his student closely as the usually cold, aloof student began to crumble slightly before him. This was too much for him...

All too much...

His eyes didn't trail away from his student as Tsukauchi walked into the observation room behind him, looking just as worried as he felt. This was the second time Todoroki had been at the epicenter of two major attacks, god only knew how that was beginning to affect the poor boy. The second time he had failed to protect his students.

Aizawa rubbed his dull eyes as he looked straight through the window, as Todoroki hugged himself in the empty room.

The pair of adult stood in silence, neither know where to begin with the horrible situation which was plaguing everyone who was involved.

"No one should have had to go through what that pod boy has been put through, in the last couple of months, especially someone his age" Tsukauchi trailed off quietly as Aizawa nodded silently in agreement.

The detective sighed next to him, "I guess where back to square one of who this ghoul is then-" he began before Aizawa quickly cut him off.

"No, where not. We've made a lot of discoveries from this, things we didn't know before..." Aizawa muttered out quickly.

Tsukauchi looked at the hero questioningly, "What do you mean?"

Aizawa kept his eyes trained onto his student as he gave his explanation, " Todoroki said how he saw that the ghoul had only one red eye clearly, that's more than what I saw... From what I understand from my research of the quirk from when it first evolved is that ghoul with only one interchanging eye are called half ghouls.

The hero paused slightly, gathering his thoughts.

"Half ghouls are meant to be much more powerful than Ghouls with both interchanging eyes. Of course, we don't even know if any two-eyed ghouls even exist to compare them to, but it's worth looking into old footage of ghouls in the past to see if there is a noticeable difference between the too."

Aizawa slowly lowered his head into his capture weapon as he continued on, "There's also another thing I found out... One-eyed ghouls are only meant to be possible if someone had transferred it somehow."

Tsukauchi paled slightly, "Transferred, you say..?"

Aizawa nodded grimly, "Apparently it wasn't all that uncommon for people with quirks, back in the day, to be experimented on; seeing if it was possible to transfer them through surgery. Of course, now we know this isn't possible but apparently Ghoul quirks were... It might be one of the reasons why they were feared so much and massacred by the masses hundreds of years ago.

The detective let out a silent sigh of relief, "Ahh... I see-"

Aizawa interrupted him again.

"But if it's true what Stain said about the league of villains wanting him, they might be trying to take them to turn them into a Nomu...

Aizawa narrowed his eyes, "We already had a theory that the Bloody Stain was related to the league..."

"Right..." Tsukachi paled again, not really knowing what else to say.

Aizawa looked up towards the detective, causing Tsukachis eyes to widen at the surprising amount of stress swimming around in the heroes tired eyes.

"You said once before that the Nomu found at the

US] was compromised of multiple strains of DNA, all from different people, somehow molding their quirks together to make strong, mindless enemies.

The ghoul quirk is already formed like a group of quirks mixed together... What it they turn them into a Nomu too..!?"

That's when Tsukachi understood where the pro hero was coming from, he was still worried the ghoul was one of his students...

The detective remained silent for a moment, thinking over the heroes words before replying,

"I don't know, Aizawa-san," He said looking at the stressed hero before looking back towards the hero student still waiting in the interview room alone.

"I don't know what we will do.."

Aizawa sighed, rubbing his head with his hand, as he calmed down slightly at the man's lost words, turning back to the interrogation room where someone had finally come to call the poor boy out.

"We better just hope we get to him before they do..."

Endeavour had come around the police station later that evening, after going to his agency for a bit before taking him home. He had spent the last few hours sat in a slightly uncomfortable silence next to Aizawa sensei, feeling somewhat safe and calm, till almost 2 in the morning.

He had heard his sensei silently grumbling about different things as he had marked the test they had done last week, which would have made him smirk if it wasn't for how awful he was feeling.

The shock of everything wasn't beginning to settle down and on his journey home, all he could think about was the blood-smeared face of Midoriya.

The chunks of human flesh that had cacked his teeth and tongue. The tears which had trailed thickly down his face and onto the slowly dying corpse of stain the hero kille-

Shouto shook his head, trying to get the thoughts out of his head; his father looking over to him out of the corner of his eye before looking back at the road, saying nothing.

When they got home, his father had begun ranting about how much trouble the bloody stain had caused, taking out the hero killer before he got a chance. Shouto remained silent for the most part, letting a quiet agreement with whatever his father waalking about just to please him. He wasn't really listening.

Later that night Endeavour finally went to sleep, leaving Shouto to his own devices alone in the now quite empty walls of his home. His sister, Fuyumi was meant to be away on business this week for the school she worked out; his brother, Natsuo, trying to stay as far away from their home, hiding away in his dorm on the other side of the country.

He was all alone. Alone with nothing more than his mind and memories to accompany him... As he slowly wandered down the hall, he thought back on the events of the day; not knowing how he should feel...

He felt angry at himself. He felt disgusted at his classmate. He felt like crying as the adrenalin in his body vanished, draining him of all his energy.

Shouto brought his hands up to his face and wrapped his arms around his head as he tried to process all the trauma he had faced.

Mother Fucking Midoriya Izuku...

The hidden identity behind the infamous Bloody Stain was a 'Ghoul' who had been hailed as a hero in the media for saving so many people from villains, who were in actual fact brutally murdering them and fucking eating them..! God if he called up his other classmates and told them that they would all think he was mentally insane…. He would have thought the same thing too if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes..!

What the hell even was Midoriya quirk?

There were too many unanswered questions plaguing his mind, making his anger change into a rage. What happened tonight wouldn't happen again, not on his watch, the Bloody Stain wouldn't last much longer...

He wanted to know everything, refusing to be left in the dark again... Unwrapping his arms from his head, he slowly narrowed his eyes as the determination set in. Quickly, he walked towards his father at home office computer and quickly go to work going through all his files; knowing full well he could get arrested if he got caught.

Like Endeavour would let that happen to him, he would probably just be forced through 6 months of intense training to pay the price of his curiosity.

If that was the price he would have to pay to find out what he needed, he would happily do so.

He quickly typed in his fathers' password to the secured files, with a password like

'TrueNumber1herO of all things, it wasn't difficult...

The File "Nezus Report - Bloody Stain" Popped up into the screen almost instantly as the simple search of the word 'Ghoul,

It seemed like the Principle of UA was on the case too….

Shouto clicked on the document and began reading, and would sit at the computer till he found out everything he wanted to know, whether it would get kill him in the long run or not...

A/N yeah my bad i thought I set a timer but I didn't my bad

next chapter
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