11.11% MHA: the music hero Orchestra / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
MHA: the music hero Orchestra MHA: the music hero Orchestra original

MHA: the music hero Orchestra

นักเขียน: Connor_Ryals

© WebNovel

บท 1: Chapter 1

"Gakki, are you ready for your first day of school?" A motherly voice asked.

A child that looked around 5 to 6 years old nodded furiously.

"Yes, Mommy, I've been ready for forever!" Gakki said excitedly

This got a chuckle out of the mother. She grabbed her son's hand and went to the door to put their shoes on and leave. This is the Ginga household. A mother named Suru Ginga and her son Gakki Ginga. Suru is 5'6'' with long, brown, straight hair down to her back. Gakki is 3'5'' and has short, brown hair. They both share one common characteristic: Their eyes. The Ginga Family bloodline always passes down their quirk called galaxy eyes. It allows Them to copy someone's skill and save it. But it is random on what they copy, from how they cook to how they dance. When they use the skill they copied, their hair changes shape and color to the person they copied.

They made their way to Gakki's new school, holding hands. Then Gakki looked up at his mother and asked.

"Mommy, when will I get my quirk? He asked with his black eyes filled with white dots like a night sky full of stars. The eyes that looked back were filled with green galaxy, no pupils, no iris, just galaxy-colored green.

"It should be soon. Are you excited about it?" She asked back with a gentle smile.

Gakki nodded furiously while shaking excitedly. "Yes, Mommy, I'm super excited. I hope it will help me be the best Hero!" He replied, pumping his fist into the air. This got a giggle out of Suru.

"I bet it will, sweety," Suru replied while ruffling Gakki's hair.

They kept talking while making their way to Gakki's school. When they got there, Gakki was excited but also a little nervous.

"I hope they are nice," Gakki said while looking into his mom's eyes. Before Suru could respond, Gakki said. "Mom, why do your eyes always calm me down?" His words tugged at Suru's heart. "Well, my mother used to tell me that it's because It's so beautiful that it takes away all your problems," Suru said fondly, remembering thinking the same thing when she was a little girl.

This seemed to satisfy Gakki because he turned away and had a determined glint in his eyes. He then gave his mother a big hug. Suru hugged back, not wanting to let him go. "You have a good day at school, okay, sweety," Suru said sadly.

"I will, Mommy," Gakki said, not wanting to let her go. She planted a kiss on his head and looked into his eyes. "Be safe, okay." She said with tears building up in her eyes

"I promise I will, Mommy," Gakki replied. He then turned around and started to walk into his school.

"Hello, class. My name is Miss Yoshi, and I will be your teacher for the following year. First, I want everyone to introduce themselves to the class and something interesting about themselves." Miss Yoshi told the class.

Everyone took turns standing up and going to the front of the classroom. Gakki was excited to make friends but also nervous about going in front of everyone. Once it was his turn, he got up and stood before everyone.

"Hello, my name is Ginga Gakki. And my eyes are from a bloodline from my mom's side called galaxy eyes." Gakki said in one breath, blushing. He went to sit down, but someone raised their hand. She had big eyes with long dark green hair. She had a wide mouth with a tongue poking out from the corner of her mouth. Her name was Asui if he remembered correctly.

"You haven't blinked since I saw you, why?" She asked bluntly

Gakki was stunned for a second being called out so bluntly like that.

"W-well, that part of my quirk, I don't have eyelids," Gakki said shakily.

"So you sleep with your eyes open?" She asked, not knowing she was making Gakki uncomfortable.

Gakki only nodded and went to sit down again. His face looked like a tomato, and he didn't know what to do. 'Was school supposed to make me feel this way? I will have to ask Mommy when I get home.' He thought while taking his seat. He sat down and felt that someone was staring at him. He turned to look and saw that Asui was looking at him. Gakki wiped his head away and put his head down in embarrassment.

"So since everyone has introduced themselves, we will have free time and let you have some time to get to know each other." Miss Yoshi said while taking a seat behind her desk.

The classroom was now a chatterbox full of small kids. They got into groups and made new friends. Gakki kept his head down, trying to calm down from being the center of attention. He felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked and saw that Asui was behind him, looking into his eyes.

"My name is Asui Tsuyu. Yours is Ganga Gakki, right?" She said in a krocky voice.

"Yes, that's my name. Is there something you need?" Gakki asked.

"Well, the teacher told us to start talking to each other, so I thought I would come and ask you some questions about your eyes," Asui bluntly said while shrugging her shoulders.

Gakki was stunned again by how blunt she was being. He cleared his throat and asked.

"What do you want to know?" Gakki asked nervously.

"You said that your eyes are a bloodline quirk. Do they do anything besides make you not blink?" Asui asked

"Well, from what my mom said, it allows me to copy someone, but it's different and random from everyone with galaxy eyes. My mom can copy people's dancing moves, and my Grandma can copy cooking styles." He replied, calming down from his fluster.

"That is very interesting. Do you know what yours is?" She continued her questioning.

He shook his head. "Nope, my mom said that once I meet the requirements, it will change my eye color." He added.

"Well, I hope you find yours soon. I need to go to the potty," Asui said bluntly with no filter.

Gakki sweatdropped at that and only nodded. 'That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be,' he thought as Asui walked away.

Gakki then heard a scuffle in the corner of the room. He turned and saw two girls pushing around a more petite boy who looked scared and was on the verge of crying. Gakki didn't feel right to him, so he stood up and approached them and heard what they were saying.

"You want to be a hero?" One of the girls said before pushing the kid to the other girl.

"Ya, you're so small and weak. You can't even defend yourself." The other girl added

The boy stood quiet, looking for any way to escape this situation. Gakki then pushed one of the girls to the ground.

"You shouldn't be mean to someone no matter what you think. It's wrong," Gakki said while staring at the girl on the ground. The girl then started to cry, which got the teacher's attention.

"What's going on over here?" Miss Yoshi asked in a concerned but strict tone.

"Ginga pushed Ryo to the ground. We were just minding our business, and he came over here and pushed Ryo," The girl still standing proclaimed.

"Ya, we were just playing heroes and villains, right Shig?" Ryo asked who was standing behind Shig now.

Shig nodded while looking guiltily at Gakki. Gakki didn't know what was happening.

"They are lying. The two girls pushed Shig around and said he couldn't be a hero," Gakki protested.

"Well, we have these three saying that you are lying." Miss Yoshi said strictly

"B-but I'm not lying. I know what I," Gakki tried to say, but before he could finish, he got grabbed by his arm, dragged to the corner, and put in a chair.

"When you stop lying, you can join the rest of the class." Miss Yoshi said this conversation is done.

Gakki just stared into the corner, feeling the stares and hearing the whispers about him. He started to cry silently, trying not to bring more attention to himself but failing. His tears were not normal because of his quirk. It came out black with stars. He stayed like that until lunch came around.

"So, are you ready to start telling the truth?" Miss Yoshi asked Gakki, which startled him.

"I-I wasn't lying," Gakki replied stubbornly.

Miss Yoshi just sighed and grabbed his arm.

"Since you won't stop lying, you will sit with me for lunch." Miss Yoshi Said in a defeated tone.

When Gakki got up and looked around, he saw all his classmates staring at him. But what concerned him was that. Ryo was whispering into Asui's ear, and she was glaring at him. Gakki only looked down and followed Miss Yoshi to her desk. They eat silently, with Gakki wanting to stare into his mom's eyes.

Miss Yoshi sighed and said, "If you tell me the truth, you can go sit at your desk,"

"I am," was the only thing Gakki said in reply.

She sighed again, about to get a headache. "Just go sit at your desk. I will be having a word with your mother,"

Gakki only nodded and went to sit down at his desk. When he got to his desk, he saw a piece of paper on it that said I 'can't be friends with someone that's a bully - Asui.' he turned his head to Asui's desk and saw that she was chatting with Ryo and the other girl. Gakki sighed and threw away the paper.

The class continued, with the last activity being music class. Gakki was excited about this. He has always liked to listen to music with his mom. Even if today had been a bad day, this could improve it.

"So today, we will be learning simple instruments. Choice an instrument and see if you like it or not," Miss Yoshi told the class in an excited tone.

Gakki waited for everyone to get an instrument before going to get one. When he went to get one, he saw only one left, the triangle, if he remembered correctly. He took a metal stick and tapped the triangle with it. It let out a metallic clang, and he kept doing that for a while. He started to feel an inch in his throat, but he ignored it and started to hit it and quickly closed his balm around part of the triangle to cut it off. Gakki Kept doing that until he started coughing violently. It kept getting worse, which caught the teacher's attention.

"Are you okay, Ginga?" Miss Yoshi asked, getting closer.

Gakki went to reply, but all that came out was a metallic clang. Everyone paused for a second before they started laughing. Gakki started to panic, trying to talk, but all that came out was metallic clangs. Everyone kept laughing every time Gakki made the clang. He curled into himself on the floor and started crying. He didn't know that his quirk was making everyone laugh. All he knew was this was the worst day of his life. This cycle went on until he passed out from exhaustion.

Gakki woke up slowly and saw he was home. Not knowing how he got there, he went to call his mom, but all that came out was a clang. He froze, remembering what had happened at school and the embarrassment he felt from everyone laughing at him. He heard giggling and turned and saw his mom in the doorway. He started to tear up seeing his mom laughing at him until he looked into her eyes and began calming down.

"Hey, sweety, I heard you got your quirk," Suru giggled.

Gakki only nodded, tears flowing down his face. Suru saw this and quickly hugged her son.

"I'm sorry, sweety, I wasn't laughing at you. It's your quirk that was making me." Suru said while hugging Gakki tighter.

Gakki tried to talk but quickly stopped himself. He looked at his mom pleadingly.

"Ah, yes, honey, you can't talk right now. We are going to the doctor tomorrow morning to see what they can do. How about we eat dinner before it gets cold, huh." Suru said in a soothing tone, playing with Gakki's hair.

Gakki and Suru visited the doctor the following day to see about his quirk. They were waiting in the waiting room when Gakki saw a girl playing with some toys in the corner. He saw that she had a sad face, so Gakki got out of the seat and went to her. She saw this and looked up to see a star-eyed boy looking into her teal eyes. She flinched back but calmed down soon after.

"H-hello, my name i-is Isuka Kendo. What is yours?" Kendo asked nervously.

Kendo had orange hair and teal eyes, but Gakki could see how nervous she was, so he tried to speak, but all that came out was a clang. Gakki instantly covered his mouth, but it was too late, and Kendo giggled. Gakki's face turned tomato red, and he felt stupid for forgetting he couldn't talk.

"I like your quirk. But I'm guessing you can't talk because of it, right?" Kendo asked

Gakki took a couple of deep breaths and nodded shakily. Kendo nodded and continued.

"Well, thank you for the distraction. I was having a rough day. I was getting made fun of for my quirk. They said that my quirk was not too suitable to be a hero." Kendo said, dejected.

Gakki tapped her shoulder and gestured for her to continue. Kendo sighed and continued.

"It's this." She then grew her fist to two times more than before. Gakki looked on in amazement. He wished he could tell her quirk was terrific. He got an idea and started doing punches and what fighting was like. He then pointed to her and gave her a big thumbs up. She giggled and smiled at him.

"Thank you, that made me feel better," Kendo said with a big smile.

Gakki did a clang, which made Kendo start laughing.

"Gakki, who is this, a friend?" Suru asked who came behind both of the kids.

Gakki clanged back and gave a thumbs up. Both Suru and Kendo start to laugh again. Once they calmed down, Kendo introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Itsuka Kendo, and yes, I think we are friends. It's a little hard to tell when he can't talk."

"Ah, yes, that's why we are here. But this rascal's name is Gakki Ginga, and I am his mother. You can call me Suru." Suru introduced herself and Gakki. "So, where are your parents, Kendo?" Suru continued

"My dad is in the bathroom right now, so I'm just waiting for him," Kendo replied.

"Isn't it dangerous for you to be alone?" Suru said, concern in her voice.

Kendo struck a fighting pose and said, "No need to worry. My dad is a dojo master. He is teaching me to kick bad guys butts!" She proclaimed with a punch in the air.

"Well, I would put it like that, Itsuka." A gruff voice said behind them.

They turned around and saw a man approximately 5'10" with teal eyes and short orange hair.

"Hello, my name is Sama Kindo, Itsukas father." Sama said

As Suru and Sama talked, Itsuka poked Gakki's shoulder and whispered.

"Hey, use your quirk. I've never seen my dad laugh before."

Gakki nodded and made a clanging sound. It was silent for only a second before everyone was laughing and giggling. Gakki was smiling until a shadow fell onto him. He looked up and saw Suru laughing, staring him down. Gakki gulped nervously and waved at him shyly.

"Is this your quirk?" Sama asked his expression not showing on his face.

Gakki only nodded and looked at Itsuka nervously. She sighed and said.

"Dad, stop your scaring him."

Gakki looked back, and Sama put his hand out. and said

"I talked to your mom, and she agreed that you can join our dojo if you agree," Sama said, a smile growing on his face.

Gakki quickly shook Suru's hand and turned to Itsuka with a big smile. He pointed to her and then himself and did a few punches. Itsuka smiled and joined him in punching the air. Suru smiled at the two kids having fun. They continued to talk until the doctor came out of his office and called for Gakki and Suru. Before they left, Sama handed them a piece of paper. It was for the dojo and when to sign up for it. Suru thanked him, took Gakki's hand, and headed to the doctor's office.

next chapter
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