6.66% MHA: Monarch
MHA: Monarch MHA: Monarch original

MHA: Monarch

นักเขียน: Trooper_writer

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue 

Part 0: Prologue

Izuku woke up in a cold sweat as he gasped for air looking around at his new surroundings. Sunlight bled into the room casting a golden hue as the sun was slowly setting over the horizon.

The sounds of people and street cars could be heard outside the window of the room.

As Izuku continuously looked around trying to figure out where he was he noticed medical supplies at his side. Seeing the supplies Izuku now knew he was in a hospital. Although multiple questions were cluttering his mind no answers could be found. As he looked around the bright white room that shone a golden hue he saw his body.

Looking at his body, he saw that he was wearing a light blue hospital gown. However, there was something else he noticed as he scanned his body, to his surprise and astonishment there was not a scar or wound to be found.

He was perplexed at this sudden realization as he started to pounder. He asked out loud "What happened?" His words weren't answered fading into the silence of the room.

Izuku soon heard a knock as the room door was opened and in came a middle-aged man with a shaved head and a young woman with long black curly hair. Izuku looked at them as he suspected they were his doctor and nurse.

"H-hi," Izuku said sheepishly as he waved at the duo, getting a small chuckle from the doctor along with a giggle from the nurse.

"Greetings, Midoriya Izuku. I'm your doctor. I must say, you gave everyone quite a scare at what you did three days ago" The doctor said as he looked at the sheets. And in his surprise Izuku exclaims.



Part 1: Cold Reality

In a somber and desolate alley, a young Izuku Midoriya lay on the hard cold pavement as tears streamed down his dirty freckle-spotted cheeks. His mouth quivered and his body trembled as the chilling winds cut through the air.

There was not a ray of sunlight to be found as the dark grey clouds loomed over the skies. Izuku's sobs echo throughout the dingy alley, twisting and merging with the melancholic sounds of the environment.

His fists scraped and dripped blood as he continuously hammered them onto the hard pavement as he wept. The world around him seemed cold and distant as if he was getting separated from reality.

The pain he felt only grew as he started to cry out towards the dark grey skies. As if resonating with his feelings the clouds started to rumble and flash as bright streaks of thunder crackled in the air like blue fireworks.

Soon the air became moist, almost suffocating as the rain started to fall from the clouds. Looking toward the sky Izuku could only cry out louder, almost trying to match the ferocity of the raging thunder. The raindrops soon merged with his tears as if nature was mourning with him. As the droplets hit his cold and battered body he again felt the chilling breeze of the wind.

As Izuku's voice started to strain from the excessive screaming and crying he tried to rise from off the pavement. Although Izuku struggled to get off the ground, the pain his body was feeling was truly agonizing.

Through his grueling efforts, Izuku managed to get up from the ground as he looked at his surroundings. Izuku saw mountains of trash scattered throughout the alley as the subtle sounds of squeaks from mice rang out inside the piles of garbage as they tried to shelter themselves from the ever-pouring rain.

The grim atmosphere brought with it a putrid odor of death and decay. As he looked toward the buildings on either side of the narrow alley Izuku saw the deteriorating walls scattered with cracks and crumbling mortar.

Smelling the air around him he almost gagged as he could smell the odor of a dead animal around him only growing stronger as the rain continuously poured. Covering his nose from the smell Izuku tried to run out of the alley although a stinging pain washed over him as he fell back towards the ground.

Again getting up from the now wet and cold ground Izuku's gaze now fell upon his body, Looking he saw the cuts of once fresh and raw skin now being drenched in the cold rain.

As his once bright emerald eyes scanned his tattered clothes he noticed the burn marks which hid amidst the cuts still giving off the pain he felt earlier. As his body shivered he started to remember the cruel actions inflicted on him by people he once thought of as friends.


"Come on Deku we only wanna have a little fun," said a boy with spiky, sandy blond hair and bright crimson-red eyes, From his hands Mini explosions could be seen as the sounds of crackling reverberated throughout the surroundings.

"Yeah, just a little fun," said two other boys, one being a plump kid with low-shaved brown hair with a pair of red dragon-like wings and the other being a skinny kid with mid-length black shaggy hair with incredibly long nails.

As the boys started to inch closer toward Izuku he instinctively tried to defend himself although to no avail as the plump kid charged toward him punching him in his chest. When Izuku felt the punch connect with his body he felt his breath faulting as he struggled to breathe falling to the ground on his knees.

Once Deku started to regain his breathing he looked around the surroundings of the alley. As his eyes started to focus he saw the figure of the blond-haired kid, his body walking ever closer towards him.

The sounds of the explosions only became louder as the boy walked to the kneeling figure of Izuku. In fear, Izuku tried to move away from the approach but was unable to as the plump boy's arms restrained him from moving. Looking towards the boy Izuku told him to let go but the boy's grip only increased as he started to laugh in his face.

Seeing that the boy wasn't going to let him free, Izuku called out to the blond-haired boy, "Kacchan!" Herring his name the blond-haired boy now known as Kacchan scoffed as he shouted "Don't fucking call me that Deku!" With that said, Kacchan ran toward Izuku, with his right palm engulfed in the mini explosions as he pressed it onto Izuku's chest.

When the explosions impacted Izuku's chest his clothes began to burn and tear as the scorching heat from the flames caused burns to litter his chest. As the pain reverberated throughout Izuku's body he let out a heart-wrenching scream as his subtle soft tears poured down his face.

Izuku's body later succumbed to the pain as it fell to the pavement. As Izuku's tears fell staining the grim cold pavement he believed that his torture would stop, that they would stop. However, Izuku was mistaken as he was soon picked up from the ground by the plump kid as he told him "The fun's not over yet."

As Izuku's body was lifted from the ground he was again restrained by the plump kid as his once bright emerald green eyes started to fade. Looking at Izuku's face, dirtied and cut as the blood dripped from his wounds, Kacchan had a face of disgust as he said "You useless Deku."

Not uttering a word, Izuku only looked at Kacchan with his cold empty eyes. Seeing the look on Izuku's face Kacchan scoffed as he said "You still believe you're better than me don't you!" Izuku, hearing this, started to respond but was cut off as Kacchan threw a right punch toward Izuku's face.

Not uttering a word, Izuku endured the pain as he was relentlessly beaten by Kacchan. As time passed Izuku's body started to feel numb, it was getting increasingly harder for him to stay conscious as the blows continuously poured.

Soon it was not only Kacchan who was beating on Izuku but the skinny kid joined in as he dug his nails into Izuku's flesh creating punchers and cuts all over his body.

Time and time again Izuku wished that the beating would stop but it never did, only getting worse as Kacchan started to create more explosions that landed on Izuku's beaten and limp body. As explosions rained over his body and cuts danced along his skin, Izuku just endured it all with that same face housing cold lifeless eyes.

Soon Izuku's wish did come true as the beating stopped caused by the boredom that Kacchan was feeling from these endeavors.

"Enough He's had enough," exclaimed Kacchan as he retracted his fist from Izuku's body.

With those words, Izuku's body was freed from its nearly endless torture as it was able to finally rest.

As Kacchan and the others left the dingy alley only a soft mumble from Izuku was heard as he said "I will…I will...be a hero!" As those words escaped, a tear trickled down his freckled cheek as the built-up pain and suffering started to unleash.


Just remembering the cruelty he went through made his heart ache. Although this was nothing new to Izuku as he had to deal with this his whole life the cruelty, the isolation, the unfairness all of it because he was not blessed like others with a quirk. Although Izuku's resolve was strong even though he was not as gifted as others he would show them he could be a hero.

After looking at the wounds that littered his body Izuku's face started to change to one of worry as he pulled out his phone. Looking at his phone he saw the multiple calls and messages from his mom.

"Shit" he exclaimed as he thought of how worried his mom must be. Izuku soon texted his mom as he said " Sorry Mom got a little carried away after school with some friends I'll be home soon, Love you."

After sending the text Izuku started to drag his injured body around the alley searching for something in particular he cherished. Soon his eyes spotted his backpack though it wasn't the backpack that he cherished but the items in it, his notebooks.

These notebooks housed the information of many heroes that he's observed over the years. Seeing that the books weren't damaged, although a little damp, Izuku sighed in relief.

Even though his body was cold, wet, and littered with wounds he pushed through as he grabbed his bag, and started to head home.

Izuku lived in a five-story tall apartment in the city of Musutafu. The surroundings were relatively normal, no different than any other Japanese apartments. Although this day it was overcast in a dark shadow as the raging grey clouds loomed over the skies and streaks of blue lighting danced with the pouring rain.

After a while, Izuku drenched in water and panting made it back home, with a sigh he started to head upstairs. As Izuku made it into his apartment he took off his shoes as he took out his phone.

"It's all ready 5:46, damn it mom must be worried sick!" With that Izuku called to his mom "Mom I'm home" but no words were said back, not even a sound was heard throughout the apartment.

Izuku again called out to his mom this time a bit more worried as he walked around their apartment "Mom!"

Still, not a voice was heard. Izuku panicked and worried quickly ran to his mother's room. When he saw her he smiled as he let out a sigh of relief, his mom was laying on her bed asleep with her phone in hand.

Izuku went up to her and kissed her on the cheek as he softly said "I'm home." Izuku could have sworn he saw her smile but he shook those thoughts out of his mind as he made his way to the bathroom.

When Izuku made it to the bathroom he was finally able to fully look at the damage his body sustained from the beating as he looked at himself in the mirror.

As he looked at his pale skinny body and shaggy unkept black and green hair he saw the scars that marked his upper body and lower abdomen. Along with the bruises and cuts that littered his arms.

Although there weren't anything but slight cuts and bruises on his face there was a large burn from his neck to his upper chest. Along with the newly added burn mark in the center of his chest that still gave off a slight scorching pain. Ignoring the other small burns that littered his body he hopped in the shower.

After coming out of the shower he went to his room to put his clothes on and dress his wounds.

Once he was fully dressed in a plain dark green long-sleeved shirt and some random brown pants he headed to the living room. As he sat down he was immediately bombarded by his mother.

Izuku's mother Inko Midoriya was a pretty short woman with the same green hair as her son although a little darker in color. She was a little on the plump side though that did not hide her adorable face and beautiful emerald green eyes.

Her face now showed one of anger and worry as she looked at her son. " Why are you so late and why do you have bandages on your face!?"

Answering his mother's words Izuku said "I texted you before, I got a little carried away and lost track of time with some friends sorry. As for these bandages I had to dress some cuts I got from a fall I took when coming home in the rain."

Inko looks at Izuku suspiciously for a while before she shakes her head. "Be more careful Izuku I worry too much about you, I wouldn't want you to get hurt out there." And with a smile on his face, Izuku says "I know Mom I worry about you too." With that Inko and Izuku share a hug as tears fall down their face.

Trooper_writer Trooper_writer

Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. I'll try my best to deliver more.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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