"Can this lesson get anymore boring~" I say as I groan at the most mind numbing lesson of English in my life "Like why do we need to re-read this book for the bloody 3rd time?"
Hearing my question Gabriel, a short and chubby Filipino guy seated to my left responds "you do know that even if this is the third time WE have read this book you haven't even read a single page right?" he finishes with squinted eyes confused at my hatred for the recap even after not paying attention as he flips over to the next page and continues to read along with the teacher
"What do you mean I read the damn book, you have no proof that I haven't"
"Alright then what is the very first character that we get introduced to during the first page?" a voice asks from my right, turning my head I see a behemoth of a 16 year old standing at 6 feet and 6 inches with black hair and brown skin
"Jamey, my brother from another mother … you would betray me like this and side with the enemy?" I say with clear sarcasm behind the emotional torment
"Uh-huh, sure. ~sigh~ if your so bored then play a game on your laptop or something"
"Noooooooooo~ that's so boring bro … … … oh! Why don't we play that one game again?"
At my request both of my best bro's just groan out in clear mental pain at the thought of playing this 'stupid' game again which I just don't understand I mean I think it's pretty fun, after the both of them finish wallowing in sorrow Gabriel finally speaks up
"Lucas If this hypothetical ends up being dog shit like last time I swear to god …" he stops early intentionally letting the threat hang in the air
"Alright fine if mine are bad then you think of one then, not like I care ~hmph~ "
"... hey jay?"
"Yeah Gabriel?"
"Did he just …"
"I think so"
"I'm so done with him … ~sigh~ whatever how about we dooooooooooo~ ah! Hey Lucas, if you were in MHA then what quirk would you want? Just make one up"
"But we've already done that one before" I complain with clear disinterest "Oh! Can we choose a type of quirk, a limitation, a weakness? That would spice this up right?" I ask Gabriel hoping to spice things up
"Hmm~ sure why not, alright Lucas you're going first, also don't make it too powerful that would just be boring"
"Sir Yes Sir!" I say giving him a lousy salute and with the wrong hand too, what a sinner I am, good old Uncle Sam would be disappointed ~sniff~ … wait I'm Australian not American why do I care
"Alright you quirk has to be at least a transformation quirk, you limitation is … hm~ oh! yeah , your limitation is that you can only be transformed for 1 hour"
"Damn Gabe you couldn't of like y'know gave me an emitter?"
"If I did you would have made it overpowered"
At these accusations I fake a stricken expression and cry out to my 1 of 2 close buds "Gabe, how? how could you … know me so well!" I say revealing a shit eating grin on my face
"Alright let me think hmm~"
As I ponder on the most unknowable of cosmic truths Jamey adds in "y'know what? he'll probably still make it overpowered, so how about this, you have to make your quirk about cats and it can't be a quirk that focuses of pure damage like bakugo or deku"
"Curse you Jay! You always ruin my schemes! … but fine, I'm not one to back down to a challenge, back to the drawing board, hmm~" a few minute go by until I finally have my answer
"I got it! My quirk would be that I can turn into a full blown cat or into a partial transformation like a neko y'know, and once transformed fully or partially anyone who sees me has an uncontrollable desire to pet me whether they be friend or foe, hero or villain"
"... even after all the restrictions we gave you, somehow you still made a quirk that would make you untouchable, no villain will kill you if your a hero and if your a villain you could just manipulate the hero's … your messed up mind is so unfair" Gabriel says to me with a dumbfounded expression mixed with a sour taste, oh how skilled I am at making they're days torment filled "whatever your backlash is … I don't know you act like an actual cat in your base human form if you stay transformed too long, there your turns done"
"Anyway, besides my genius, Jay! You have been pretty quiet, it's your turn, your type is both mutation and emitter, and your limitation hmm~ … ah! got it, if what your quirk is based on isn't something you like, your quirk cannot use or affect that thing, go!"
Jamey proceeds to stare off into space for about five minutes and after which drool starts to fall from his mouth, the type of drool that you do when you really want to eat something "no! fuck not again" I lament at the fact that the food obsessed behemoth decided to make up something related to food … again
"Alright, my quirk is to eat food and then use that food to get stronger, faster, more durable, you get the point, and to add to the mutation part I will have a type of portal in my stomach leading to a small dimension allowing me to have more food stored in my stomach at a time, also I have scales to help store calories or whatever in the food makes me stronger so that I can empower myself more"
At his explanation of his quirk I look slowly at Gabriel with half lidded eyes and speak with a flat voice "so I can't do a strong quirk but he gets to be a better version of Sato the sugar man? … what is this favouritism, I get it, it's cause I'm white isn't it!?"
"No it's not, ~sigh~ whatever just come up with the damn backlash so we can move on to my turn and get this over with"
"~hmph~ fine! … ah! You want to eat a bunch of food? Fine, your backlash is that once you de-power yourself you instantly feel an intense hunger and need to eat a fuck load of food to get full"
At my comment Gabe looks at me and asks as if I'm the dumb one of the group "Lucas … you do realise your just y'know giving him more opportunities to eat right"
"As if! Your feeble mortal brain just can't comprehend my greatness. see he eats food to enjoy it and the feeling of being full yeah?"
"I guess"
"But with the backlash he won't get full for a while even after eating food, there's no satisfying ending to a meal, he will be starving even after clearing out an entire all you can eat until hs quirk believes it enough, it's basically torture! hahahahaha!"
At my revelation Jay finally stops dreaming about food and slowly turns his head my way with fear and betrayal of the highest order written all over his face "you … you m-monster"
"Ha! That's for the damn cat thing!" I say vindictively
"I really don't have the energy to deal with you right now Lucas, just give me one so we can finish this" Gabe said
"Fine! Your no fun, uhhhhhhhhhhh~ your an emitter type and your limitation is that you can't properly aim what you emit there, go"
"Alright, uh … okay my quirk is basically midnight's quirk but I can mix chemical together in my body to create whatever kind of gas I want"
"... this bitch … you made me do a really weak quirk but then both of you get to have one that can do some real damage!?" I scream in outrage at the audacity of these absolute scoundrels that I call my friends
"I mean, your quirk can still be pretty effective in a fight, … right?" Jay comments half heartedly and in a way that seemed more like he was asking a question then actually stating a fact
"Yeah, right, cause if shigaraki or a fucking NOMU square's up, I'm just gonna have to lay down and do fucking twirls on the ground as a FUCKING CAT TO TRY AND ACT CUTE!!!" I scream in actual outrage "I mean fuck even if I use my quirk on shigaraki if he does pet me I'll fucking disintegrate if he's stupid enough to use all 5 fingers, I'm fucked if I was in MHA!"
"Calm down dude it's not like we are actually gonna end up there, plus with all you yelling your gonna get the teacher pissed" Gabe warns me trying to calm me down
"Oh please! Mr. Benson and I are bro's, ain't that right Mr. Bense- … guy's" I say cutting myself off half way as I stare unnerved at the rest of the classroom
"What is it, Lucas I'm trying to finally read after that pointless game dude"
"Yeah same" Jay says as one can clearly see him with his phone between his book stealthily looking up gourmet food recipes to try later
At the dismissal of my friends without even taking my eye off the rest of the class I grab both of their heads and turn them upwards towards the other students and teacher at the front of the classroom
"Your both seeing what I'm seeing right?" I say trying to test if I'm schizophrenic or crazy or something because this just ain't right
Both of them freeze up at the sight as well we all sit frozen in our chairs like a deer caught in the headlights before Gabriel finally voices out the concern we are all having with out class
"Are they … frozen?"
"Bro, is it normal to have … y'know grey skin, like the exact colour grey?" I ask
"Uhhhh … not from what I know" Jay pipes in
"Alright! Fuck this I'm out of here! This some horror or alien movie shit man, I'm too straight to be fucking probed!" I scream as I try to run for the classroom door, after which Jamey and Gabriel follow suit
As we run across the room we fail to notice the floor behind us fading away as if disintegrating and revealing an almost pitch black abyss waiting underneath, in fact we continue to not notice this until we were not fast enough and fell into said abyss
"Fucking Christ! Why'd it have to be falling!? That's my one goddam fear!"
"Language!" Gabriel screams as we fall through the abyss
"I don't care if you're a catholic or a Christian or if there is even a difference! -"
"There is a difference" Jay pipes in
"now is not the time to be fucking reprimanding me for talking shit about god! Now where the fuck are we falling to-"
I don't get to finish my sentence as we hit some form of floor and disappear into a mote of light that blinks away
POV: ???
Two beings with no clear features are seen standing in the void watching the lights blink away, one being with a clear colour of bright sky blue, and the other a deep blood red
"Were they really the best candidates for this little experiment brother?" the red figure asks with a hint of a feminine voice. At her question the blue figure responds
"Absolutely, they are the perfect people for what we want"
"Okay I can get the big one and the chubby Filipino guy but the blond white kid with the potty mouth … really?" she says with clear pain and confusion in her voice
"As there exists peace and order so too shall there exist chaos and unpredictability, while those two are the reason and strategic side of the group that will think things through and show kindness, he will be the one that gets things done, the one that will go headfirst without thinking. Afterall planning and strategy can only get you so far, no?"
"... I hate it when you bring out these imitation oogway level bullshit quotes just to prove yourself right"
"Hmhm, what can I say … except you're welcome"
"Oh you little!-"
POV: Lucas
"... no way" I say barely above a whisper
"... what else could this be" Gabriel says equally as shocked as me because of what we are seeing
"~sniff~ there really is a god! And he's a god that grants food-filled wishes!" Jay screams whilst crying with joy at the transparent panels in front of our faces each showing a very shocking truth
NAME: Lucas Arthuria
AGE: 16
"Hey, Gabriel, my oh so best of friends … tell me what were we doing before we went through the whole y'know falling through the void thing"
"We were making up quirks … don't tell me" his eyes widen at my assumption
"Hey Gabe?"
"If I open this quirk tab … and I see that damn cat quirk … you ass is mine, and I absolutely mean in the pleasurable way"
"... we can talk about this" he starts to sweat nervously
"I'm going to count to 3"
"Wait, hold on!" he tries to reason
"...1" I lift my hand over the quirk expand button
"We can talk about this! I-I'll buy you lunch! What about that!?"
"We are clearly not in Australia anymore hell from the stereotype we know, we're probably not even in our own world, your money means nothing here … 2" I press my finger down on the button
"We- we don't even know if we have those quirks we chose, just calm down!" he starts to look frantic, knowing that I very much will do unspeakable things to him If what I think is true turns out to be, in fact true
"If they weren't why did jay start singing god's name after he clicked on his quirk tab, hm?"
"Th-there could be a very plausible explanation for this"
"..." I say nothing as I stare him directly in the eyes with little to no amusement as I say the final number "3"
My finger releases the button and a new panel opens up in front of my face
Name: feline allure
Type: Transformation / Emitter
Description: this quirk allows for its user to temporarily fully turn it's user into a cat or allow it's user to obtain cat like features such as just the ears and tail, additionally once transformed partially or fully the user can emit a type of mental affliction that makes all present regardless of gender or personality to turn into a cat loving individual who wants nothing more then to pet the user at all costs
Limitation: the transformation may only be used for 1 hour at a time with a 10 minute cool down
Backlash: If the transformation lasts for the full hour the host will become more cat like in personality even after the transformation has ended, tending to talk only in meow's and generally displaying traits of a cat
Grade: D
Upgrade: 200 P
"... hey Gabe?" I ask in a very sweet and caring voice, with closed eyes and a almost too kind of a smile on my face
"Y-yeah? …" he starts to shake violently in place
"I'm gonna give your chubby Filipino ass 5 seconds before I hunt you down and take what I promised"
"... ahhhhhhh!" he screams and runs like his life depends on it
"... 3, 4, 5" after finishing the count down I slowly stand up from the floor dust of my pants with my hands and slowly turn in his direction before taking a big breath in and shouting
"Get over here! I'm gonna toss that ass like a salad you fat fucking prick!" I scream in absolute anger at the fact he made me think of a weak or at the most, an average quirk while they got to have quirks that guaranteed they're place in U.A
"Wait! No, stop!"
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way the choice is yours!"
"... you did not just reference Boondocks, and your not gonna do nothing to me, your as straight as a fucking board"
"Now, I see you choosing the hard way … get your ass over here!" I run at him again
"Jay fucking help me!"
"Ain't no one gonna help you from me!"
And that's the first chapter done, yay! Anyway as you could probably tell Lucas is the main character, Jamey and Gabriel are like the Bakugou and Todoroki of the story, they are both important but they will not be the MC. also I don't really have a clear upload schedule so don't really expect frequent updates. Another also, I'm not really the best writer so don't expect this story to be good, most of it is gonna be Lucas fucking around with his bro's and causing chaos while Jay and Gabe try and pull him in line
Oh also here is the general look of Lucas, Gabe and Jay, not made by me, I can't draw for shit, this was made by A.I
(Lucas Image)
(Gabriel Image)
(Jamey Image)