28.57% Messing With Canon With A Shop…Wait What!? / Chapter 4: I Can Make Profit!?

บท 4: I Can Make Profit!?

While making these chapters, I usually work on them on them when I can think of a proper plot to it. I don't have a set list of events I wish to happen but I do have a end goal in mind so it doesn't become a story of, character meet shop, buy stuff, leaves and repeat. Multiverse stories are hard to continue when a end goal isn't made yet. Or not, people are just better.


Over the course of the week, a lot has happened in terms of Cobalt and Mitsuri. Like she promised, she visited every day of the remaining week to buy more stuff, happily praising how amazing the sweets are and how useful for training. From January 4th to the 7th, which I dubbed saturday, income as finally come trickling in.

Unfortunately on the second day of her visit a thorn appeared. Lets look back shall we?


It's a bit past afternoon when Mitsuri came skipping in with a much fuller wallet. I spend $50 on a self updating digital poster, from Mass Effect apparently, that shows the pefered currency and list the current conversation rates of previous currency. Not that it really mattered as I found out later.

Mitsuri wanted to go the second the shop was open, but she had duties to her job so would had to go on her free time. Which is fine cause today, she's not alone!

Due to already entering the world, her door now led directly into the shop instead of outside. "Cobalt-san! I'm back! And I brought a friend too!"

Cobalt blinked and gave her a smile. "Thats great Mitsuri-san. Are you here for the same or-."


"Hm?" He turned to see…is that a snake? Indeed it was, a white snake with red eyes wrapped round the guys shoulders. A albino no doubt. The man had black hair with two different color eyes. His right being yellow and left a dark cyan. His mouth was wrapped in bandages and wore a black and white striped hoari and wore what he guessed is the male version of Mitsuris uniform.

If your fighting demons wouldn't wearing normal pants be better? Than again, the fabric looks reinforced by something though still looked flimsy to him. Wouldn't wearing a skirt be more risky?

"Can I help you sir?" The man stared at Cobalt, waiting for a single wrong move. On his hip was a sword so no doubt a demon slayer too.

"Are you the one who filled Mitsuris head with lies?"

"Eh? Lies? I never told her a lie."

He glared harder and slowly wrapped a hand over the handle of his sword. "Please. Another world? That's bullshit. Though I can tell you aren't a demon you could be working for one."

Faster then Cobalt can see a unusual sword was placed on his neck. It was purple and shaped like a moving snake. Now usually a guy who has no special abilities or crazy training would panic, but he had two tricks up his sleeve! The second will be saved if he got too stabby. So going with the first, Mitsuri go!

"Iguro! Stop that! There's no way a demon can behind this place! There's a sun here and feels like one too!" Mitsuri angrily huffed, mini smoke clouds shooting out her head.

Well look at that! Anime effects are real.

"Mitsuri you can't be serious? This could all a illusion of a blood demon art."

"If it was then why were we able to eat the stuff I bought from here!"

"They could of stolen them from a merchant!"

"I never heard a merchant selling soda though! You loved that drink!"

"Gah!? Don't admit it to this guy Mitsuri!" He jerked away to hide a small blush. Yes when Mitsuri introduced him to cola he first was skeptical. He never heard of soda and thought it was poison. To be safe, he poured

some out and watched it his and bubble but the grass outside wasn't effected. It wasn't acid but maybe only to humans.

When Mitsuri wasn't looking he put a drop on his left hand but the same thing happened. It bubbled and hissed but no damage. He felt fine so it might just be a weird drink.

Mitsuri finished removing the sweets from the packaging and laid them out on the table. Holding up her own cola she knocked it against his. "Bottoms up!"

"Uh no wait Mitsuri!"

*gulp* *gulp*

"Pahh~!" She let out a satisfied sound that made Iguro slightly blush. "Is…is it that good?" He eyed the weird concoction as if it offended it somehow. Mitsuri shook her head feverishly with practical stars shining in her eyes. "It's so tasty! It sizzled against my mouth but it was refreshing! This might be my new favorite drink! I wonder if it's good with mochi? Come on you should try it too!"

Iguro winced. He really didn't it but how can he say no to her. Looking away he took a sip out his own. His eyes widen when it hit him.

It was sweet but yet not overly. It sizzled and bubbled on the way down but it wasn't bad. In fact he kind of liked it. Kaburamaru nudged his cheek, asking for a taste too. He held the cap of the bottle and poured some into it for his scaley friend.

Cobalt faced him with a smile you usually see when a cat catches a canary. "Well~. If you liked it so much I have more if your willing to buy."

"Grr." Iguro knew from then on, they will never get along. Didn't stop him from buying two bottles and a raspberry berry one. Mitsuri cheered for him and bought one of everything.

Yes one of everything. Allow him to update you on the prices. Due to the minor effects he couldn't increase the prices to correspond with the effect but only the item itself. So it goes:

All Gum: 50 cents

All choco bars: $1

All wafers: $1

Chips: $1.15

Popcorn: $1.15

Pocky: $1 which is bullshit but I'll explain in a bit

Cola: $1.50

Root beer: $1.50

Water: $1

Rasp-cola: $1.50

Now the reason why pocky is bullshit in terms of its pricing cause it's minor effects.

Chocolate Pocky

1$ USD

1 store credit

Effect: grants [Minor Regeneration] -> 5 minutes

[minor damage reduction] -> 5 minutes

[Minor Status Ailment recovery]

Cannot stack with itself

I was suspicious on why I only had one type of pocky.

That's right. Instead of increasing a stat it not only grants two buffs but can cleanse you. Poison? From deadly to painful. Bleeding? Gushing to stream. Frostbite? I actually don't know but probably black and dead to whatever is before total frostbite. Well as much as one box can go. Due to [Minor Status Ailment Recovery], it cant build [Sugar Rush], which increases speed and strength by 10%, in turn it reduces intelligence by 20% for 10 minutes. Following is [Sugar Crash] which is a decrease in speed and strength and makes you sluggish. So by spamming boxes of pocky down your hole, you can cheat the system a bit. Which comes his next shot in the foot.

He can't change the prices. He would be selling them for much more if he could but that is the final restraint when it comes to it. He didn't ask for hard mode! What the hell!

Back to Mitsuri, one of everything comes out to $17.45. In yen that's 2822.64 yen. Which she casually flexes by pull out three ¥1000 notes.

And does this the next day.

And the next.

And the next.

At least she gets paid well.

Flashback End

Yep a week of Iguro and Mitsuri buying his stuff. Iguro got his watch as well, he tried refusing but fell for Mitsuris charisma check, and refuse to admit how useful it was. Iguro would switch between normal cola and raspberry with Mitsuri buying one of everything with ¥3000 and Iguro with three ¥100 coins for his cola.

Change you ask? It becomes store credit. Which is why the poster become slightly useless. Reason being is all money given to me is assimilated into my total amount. The change rate is a dollar per store credit and if it's 51 cents and up, it rounds up and it it's 49 cents and down, its rounds down. 50 cents become half a credit.

Mitsuri on the 3rd made three credits. Following 4th-7th of buying one of everything would be 71 credits. With change, 75. Iguro bought two colas on the 4th and 1 cola per day so he has 5. Adding change being over fifty cents gets two per total now has 13.

So he gets to keep full amount they pay with and in return they get credits that will be used for future projects. A win-win in his book. (Math is such a a nightmare)

So he's now sitting on $2184.03. If by the end of the month the same trend continues can make about $365. Which is not great. He wanted to make at least 1k with the 10% going into the shop but he would would not make it.

In times like these…It's time to gamble!!

It's was currently 8:30 in the morning as he made it to his computer. Opening the market he opened his product tab and it showed sweets tier 1. Yep he's gonna upgrade his product in hopes it can give him better stuff at higher prices. Hopefully it will also give him new customers. Not that he don't mind Mitsuri, and some extend Iguro, but they are gaining more then he is with their source of currency being yen. So hopefully a customer who pays in USD or a type of currency more valuable then it. Ooh maybe gold coins!

Would you like to upgrade Sweets Tier 1 to Sweets Tier 2?




His heart ached when his money went down to a measly $184.03, but he must stay strong! For money! For a pet!! Also media he guesses.

Congratulations on your upgrade. You gain a shop ticket.

Sweets Tier 2


-zebra cake

-chocolate protein bar

-vanilla ice cream

-chocolate ice cream

-strawberry ice cream

-vanilla ice cream sandwich

-sea salt ice cream (rare!)

-trail mix

-nut bar

-strawberry pocky

-sour cream and onion chips

Congratulations. You gained a rare item early. Please upgrade previous items to avoid them becoming obsolete.

Ah. I can feel how Gojo felt when he came for round 2 on Toji. Thank you Mitsuri, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to upgrade and unlock these amazing stuff. He even got a rare item, that he had no clue was a thing.

Around him the shop lit up before a freezer appeared on the right of the counter. Cobalt giddy, check it out to find it filled with mini tubs of each ice cream, sandwiches wrapped in a box and the supposedly rare items in wrappers with a popsicle stick poking out.

"Why does that sound familiar?" Pulling one out, the rush of information greeted him.

Sea Salt Ice Cream

A fan favorite of the residents of Twilight Town. Said to bring friends closer when shared together.

$5 USD

1 store credit

Effects: Grants [Experience Gain] -> 10 minutes

[Damage increase towards Darkness Based Enemies] -> 5 minutes

[Item Drop Gain] -> 10 minutes

Cannot be stacked with itself

1% chance to grant Magic

0.02494% chance to grant Keyblade


Wait. Wait, wait! WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!!

Cobalt eyes bulged out his skull and felt his heart stop. "A FUCKING KEYBLADE!? Oh and magic I guess, but a actual keybalde!?"

Holy shit, that's beyond rare! This should be legendary! Exotic! Sure the odds are the same as shiny hunting pokemon without any method or charm but it's till a chance! It can happen!

If his math is right, it's a 1/4009 chance to gain a keyblade. If you had full odds, It'll take $20,045 for for a 'guaranteed' keyblade. $5000 dollars for magic. Yes a sign! A sign of massive profit! All he has to do is advertise the ice cream can grant you a chance to wield one of the strongest weapons in the multiverse!

Well that's a exaggeration but it's definitely one of the best with utilities in and out of combat.

And they can't deny the possibility of magic either. Mitsuri, and he guess Iguro, can probably wipe the floor with demons, or anybody in the world, if they gained demons let alone magic from Kingdom Hearts. He definitely needs to save up to buy their anime story.

Healing, elements, gravity, time! Space travel! It's shown that magic can be done without a keyblade or a magic wand like how Donald uses they can be blasting everything to dust! Or icicles! Ash! Uh…eh you get point.

Now what's great about the ice cream.

Strawberry Ice Cream

$2.50 USD

1 store credit

Effects: Grants [Minor Fire damage reduction] -> 10 minutes

[Minor Regeneration] -> 15 minutes

5% speed increase

Can only be stack stacked with other flavors

Builds [Sugar Rush]

Eat all three flavors to gain [Napoleon Blessing] -> permanent

Huh? A permant buff? Isn't that a bit broken? Cobalt went to the encyclopedia that contains information on all effects.

[Napoleon Blessing]

Gained by eating Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Ice Cream, and Stawberry Ice cream in the correct order without anything in between

Gain a aspect of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Cannot stack

4% -> Arc de Triomphe de rÉtolile

30% -> Firepower Support(cannon) B+

60% -> Light of Possibilites B

1% -> Imperial Privilege B

5% -> Charisma of Triumphant Return B






While Cobalts brain booted up, time has struck 9:00. He had set up the shop to open automatically at 9:00 am and close at 9:00pm. Usually Mitsuri and Iguro would come at 5:00 in the afternoon as that id their break time, today was different. A new customer or customers has found the door to the Shooting Star.

??? POV

"Damn those punks. Who the hell they think they are?" I couldn't help but grumble. Dont they know they put those out to respect the dead? Hopefully that beating was enough for them. Now to get home and study. Hopefully the girls aren't too driven crazy but that shitty old man today.

As I made down the road, purposely avoiding eye contact with the translucent passerby's, I couldn't help but notice something out of place. Leaning against a pole was a glass door. One of those doors you see in front of a gas station or something. "How the hell did someone leave a door?"

"Eh not my pro-." I took a closer look. The door…it was covering a vace with a flower inside. In the other side of the pole a kid sat with his hands behind his head not a care in the world. "Hey kid? Do you know where this door came from?"

"Eh? Oh hi onii-san! Ano, what door your talking about?"

"Huh? Don't you see a big door over the vace?"

"Is this some kind of game? I don't get it."

Okay what the hell. I looked around until I saw a old man walking down the sidewalk. "Ah! Excuse me sir. Do you by chance seen a glass door around here?" The old man blinked before shaking his head. "Nope. I don't recall anyone ordering a door, a glass one at that. Only glass door i know is the one at the supermarket."

"Ah okay then. Sorry to take up your time."

"Ah it's all right sonny. Have a safe trip home."

I watched him walk away, the kid going back to his previous position by the pole. Now I'm a little spooked. There a glass door here yet no one can see it. Not even 'them'. Slowly I poked the door, expecting it to be fake or maybe a hallucination.


I hissed and jerked my hand away. It was real. Shit I should just leave it. It's not my problem and it ain't bothering the kid. Yeah he should just turn around and go home.




"Eh onii-san you still here?"

God dammit. Grabbing both sides of the door I hefted it up over my head, it's lighter than it looks, and began the waddle home. I was just too curious for my own good.

When I made it home I had a bunch of people stare at me with my hands in the air holding nothing but thankfully no one asked. I placed the door down and went to open the door but I instead jumped to the side. The door burst open and my shitty old man came flying out with a flying kick. That bastard!

"Good job son! You are finally improving yourself to be a man!"

"Stop trying to assault me you shitty bastard! What kind of father attack their own son!?" I rammed my foot into his face and kicked into into the street. It's a miracle we never had the police called on us.

"Just ignore him big brother. Your dinner is getting cold."

"I have a bowl ready for you!"

"Ah thank you, let me just drop off my things."


I picked the door up and held it awkwardly under my arm and went to my room.

"Uh what's with door bro?"

"Yeah, are you holding it for someone?"

"You guys can see it!?"

"Bro…it's a door."

"Yeah it's not hard to figure out."

"What door?"

In walked my shitty dad with my shoe print on his face. Maybe he'll learn the message. "It's nothing old man. Girls I'll be in my room if you wanna talk." Something was up. Somehow my sisters can see the doors but my pops can't. Normally that would be the case involving those guys but one of my sisters can barley even see them so how is she able to see the door? The youngest of the twins, fraternal, took the hint and lightly kicked her sister ankle.

She blinked before smiling and nodding. Thank god that my father hasn't corrupted them with his stupidity. I made it to my room and put away my things and the door on the wall right ot my bed.

Not much can be said as the usual shenanigans of my dad crying over the poster he had of mom, that I keep telling him to take the fuck down, and talking to my sisters. I helped clean the dishes and waited till my dad went to his room to take the girls to my room.

"So you can see them now?" Asked the youngest twin but the older one shook her head. "I can only see the door. I still can't see like you guys do."

I frowned and started thinking. "No one else can see this door, not even them. But I can touch it just fine."

"Maybe it's a special door."

"Thats silly. What's so special about a door. Naw I don't buy it."

"It can lead into another world!"

"You've been reading too much shitty isekai."

"Hey! They aren't that bad."

Thus the rare sibling squabble was initiated. The door all but a second thought. Man what I was thinking? Sure the girls can see it together is surprising but shouldn't be nothing crazy. "Well time to get rid of ya."

I grabbed a edge only for it not to budge. "Huh?" I tugged it but it wouldn't move. Gripping both sides I tugged with all my might yet no matter how I try I still couldn't move it. The sisters stopped their argument to watch me struggle. "Is it glued to the wall? That can't be I didn't see anything sticky on it."

Nor did I feel anything when I touched it too. I took a step back, taking in the door when i realized its no longer see through. It was dark. I can't see any of my wall. Shit did I bring in something dangerous? "Girls don't go near it. Something not right." As they took a step back it started to move. Not move. Open.

Shit. I tensed up and stood protectively of my sisters. Slowly it opened to reveal…a dark room? No there was something! At the end of the room was a white light. Is this suppose to be the light at the end of the tunnel?

"Whoa you guys smell that?" I sniffed the air, it smelled like the forest near the gravesite when it rained. It wasn't bad and kinda refreshing. "Smell that can you feel that?" Like a open draft, warm wind was blowing through but that just doesn't make sense!

In the other side of the wall it's more buildings. The nearest place that can lead to such a smell is the park and that's barely. Suddenly the oldest twin let out a massive grin. "Wait don't!" I reached out to grab my sister but she entered the door to the light. "Shit! Stop!" I ran after her, forgetting to tell my other to stay back as she ran in with me.

"Stop! Yuzu!"


Dun, dun, dun! What awaits st the light at the end of the tunnel? Well we know but they don't. As you may noticed this isn't a get rich fast and have millions of dollars in a few chapters. Also soonnis the final anime I plan on incorporating before switching media types as this does include media from all over.

Also like I said, I won't be able to update everyday as I am busy but I'll still try too. So thank you for being patient and the support so far and please don't be afraid to give suggestions. I'm all for it.

Have a good day~

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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