/ Anime & Comics / Megatron's Multiverse Odyssey
In a twist of fate, the protagonist finds themselves imbued with the essence of Megatron, the infamous leader of the Decepticons from the Transformers universe. However, this Megatron possesses a unique ability to traverse the multiverse, landing in various anime dimensions.
As they navigate through these anime worlds, the protagonist grapples with their newfound power and the responsibilities it entails. Each dimension presents its own challenges and adversaries, forcing them to adapt and evolve as they encounter characters from beloved anime series.
But as they journey through these diverse realms, the line between hero and villain begins to blur. Will they succumb to the dark allure of power, following in Megatron's footsteps, or will they find a way to harness their abilities for the greater good? As alliances are forged and enemies emerge, the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance.
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน FanficPhantom
I like the idea can we get more if possible