17.64% Marvel:Grinding to Omnipotence / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Closure

บท 2: Chapter 2: Closure

The 5th and final momentous event should be your death.

Emphasis on the "Should be"

This shit was anything but momentous. I have been staring at a white void for...

Hold on.. 30-ish minutes. That took a little too long for comfort.

Oh well, I don't think it matters anyways.

I'm dead.

I looked down at my translucent hand and beyond it at the boundless white expanse. Even though I was floating, it felt more like I was standing on something invisible.

So close. I was so close man… What the hell even was that golden light? I'm not even angry anymore man. I was just happy I broke that damn thing.

The whole thing was just a vindictive obsession to prove that nothing was truly indestructible. Unlike the numerous geniuses obsessing over the potential millennial discovery the membrane was and what it was zealously hiding. I just wanted to destroy the damn thing.

If I'm not eternal, then who in this world dares to be.

Anyways, what the hell even was that golden light?

" What if it was some sort of energy?" a voice rang out.

What kind of energy could it be though, what type of energy would be so violent or more accurately, prompt such a fierce reaction.

My thoughts immediately stopped as they processed the voice.

My head snapped back so fast, I would have broken my neck if I still had my fleshly body. I looked back and…



The sudden gasp of air that I didn't physically need snapped me out of my daze. I was facing my initial direction before I turned again.

I was heaving in oxygen that I didn't need. It was a more instinctual reaction equivalent to a sudden panic attack

That exact instant, I turned backwards; I was extinguished. Ethan Hunt was gone. Not dead, I'm dead right now.

Screw darkness, I didn't see anything. You know when you close one eye and you can't see anything, not even darkness.

It was nothingness. My face twisted in pain as I tried to comprehend it. I couldn't. Nothingness doesn't exist, there is always something. Imagine absolutely zero sensory feedback, not even darkness.

I don't like that…

No, I absolutely didn't like that..

" I wouldn't look at me too much, my existence is beyond your understanding. Well yet." The voice echoed behind me

"What are you ?" I asked without any fear because I knew that it didn't want to harm me, because if it did, then I don't think I could stop it.

"An entity beyond your dimensional perception. I cannot be classified as a "what", just as I cannot be classified as a "how".

"Yeah, that makes total sense. Classification is based on identifying qualities or characteristics that stick out. Let me rephrase that then, what is your identifying quality?"

There was an uncomfortable amount of silence after that. I was used to power plays or slight psychological innuendos to throw me off, but this was different. This was something so out of my comprehension, that I couldn't resist being a little cheeky about it.

After a minute or so, a mirthful voice rang out again.

" An identifying trait? Such a broad question, you ask."

I chuckled, "What can I say, I aim to please."

"I'm an inherent expression."

"An expression? An expression of what?" I asked curiously.

"Of every particle, energy field, natural law, and life form. The alpha and The Omega, The Protector and The Destroyer. I am the Eternal Constant. The independent variable solely witnessing the rise and fall of dependent variables in an ever-expanding equation that I already know the answer to."

"And, what is it, the answer?"

I couldn't help it, I wanted to ask it so bad and before I even knew it; the words already slipped out.

"What is the question?" I ignored the urge to turn around and deadpan.

I spoke in a slightly raised answer "The answer to the universe.. What did you observe?"

"Find out for yourself."

My hands tightened in frustration, "How the hell do you suppose I do that?"

" I will give you an opportunity to do so, only if you accept my offer though."

Instantly, my face paused to an impasse. Negotiation, now this was something that I could play with.

I stood silent, waiting for it to continue.

Taking it as a signal to continue. The entity continued " A reincarnation into an universe of my choosing. An old friend requires some assistance with a few issues that due to our special statuses cannot do without reverberating impacts across our domains."

Interesting. How cliche?? Such an idealistic and attractive way to put it. Offering me the dream of nearly millions of chronically online netizens

It beats waiting around like this. It probably made me wait in this white void so I could get bored and then be more receptive to the offer. It only takes 72 hours for one to turn insane without any stimuli AKA boredom.

I always hated being at the mercy of others like this, barely ever happened, but when it did; I disliked it.

I fired off some questions immediately. If I'm doing this, then I'm doing this knowing full well what I'm getting into.

"What's the catch? Why me? What is the supposed universe like? How the hell am I going to accomplish anything that bothers you or your 'old friend'? Also, the answer isn't that attractive."

"It" answered back without missing a beat. "The catch is that my old friend had difficult conditions to fulfill. The individual inserted had to be human, they needed to be a human from a prime earth AKA no supernatural elements present on such a earth, they have to possess a unique quirk that sets them apart from everyone else, and they need to be a "clever, yet stubborn rascal". "

I interjected, "Your friend sounds fun."

I could feel the literal smirk behind me.

"Yes, yes he is. Nevertheless, there is only one Earth per dimension and humans only exist in certain iterations of Earth's across the universe. On top of that it had to be a Prime Earth with absolutely no supernatural elements of any kind in it. My only earth fitting that description would be your planet, I usually fancy more 'exciting' versions. But, I selected you as a result, I found you very representative of "clever, yet a stubborn rascal."

I let loose a tiny chuckle again at my supposed description.

"A bestowal of unique gifts shall be done. A mere baseline to ensure that you atleast have the mere possibility of accomplishing our purpose. Your mission, should you choose to accept it: The prevention of destruction of the Marvel Multiverse. The center of this destruction is Earth 616 and using any and all means you believe are necessary, prevent the Incursion. The amalgamation of constant chaos and universal-ending threats have been a buzzing fly for my friend for a while."

"Any key events to be concerned about that exponentially impact this 'Incursion'." I asked seriously.

"Yes, but you will not be told about these nexus events. They will be your freedom to change or keep, it is only with utter chaos and unpredictability with your actions can this certain and ordered destruction be overcome."

Ofcourse, there was something like that. It can't ever be, "Oh just kill that dude, tell that lady to shut her mouth, and make sure someone doesn't die" to save the entirety of creation.

Hardmode, it is.

But, first of all. There had to be certain business addressed first.

"Why am I dead?" I asked, my voice even, stripped of the life it once carried.

"You died because you breached a boundary not meant to be crossed by mortals," the entity replied, its voice like a whisper of wind yet clear in the silent expanse.

"But that membrane... I destroyed it. It was meant to be broken, to unlock human potential, wasn't it?" My confusion was evident, seeking logic in the midst of the incomprehensible.

"In your world, yes, the membrane represented a limit. By grinding it away, you forced a reaction. But your methods were crude, and the reaction was... cataclysmic. The cosmic thunderbolt was a countermeasure, a response from the universe to maintain balance," the entity explained with a tone of finality.

"So, I was punished for advancing humanity?" I couldn't mask the incredulity in my voice.

"Not punished. Removed. The universe operates on principles you've barely scratched the surface of. Your actions threatened the equilibrium. The thunderbolt was not a punishment but a necessity," it clarified.

I fell silent, processing the gravity of the entity's words. My life's work, my moment of triumph, reduced to an act of cosmic self-defense.

"What was behind that membrane that warranted such a… 'necessary' response. Is there no such thing as a cosmic warning?"

"The membrane you inadvertently breached," the entity began, its tone a weave of cosmic profundity, "was the final barrier, a safeguard against an uncontrolled ascension. Beyond it lay the very essence of potentiality—raw and boundless power meant to be accessed sequentially, over eons, not in the span of a mortal heartbeat."

"Warnings," the entity reflected with a gravity that seemed to still the very air around us, "are indeed for the minor infractions of existence. A child may receive a warning for stealing some sweets; the balance of innocence and mischief allows for such gentle corrections. But you, with your unbridled rush into the forbidden, were no mere child at the sweets jar. You became akin to a being holding a torch to a powder keg, necessitating not a warning, but an immediate reaction."

Its gaze seemed to pierce through the back of my head as it continued, "That minuscule membrane was the dam holding back the potential of humanity. A crack, by your accidental method, began an unintended cascade. It would have initiated an era where humanity could shed its corporeal limits, embracing a path of cultivation previously consigned to the realms of fantasy. The great minds of your species could have soared, crafting new realities, dimensions, even bending the fabric of the universe itself."

Its voice was saturated with somber responsibility as it spoke of the Earth. "When you tore through the membrane, it was as if you sounded a beacon to the very essence of the planet. The Earth, in its primordial wisdom, would have seen you as its prodigal child, endowing you with the ability to commune with the laws of nature in ways unfathomable. But your world is not ready for such a leap; it would be chaos untold. Therefore, the cosmic strike was an act of mercy and guardianship, preserving what is and what must yet be."

I tried to interrupt and say I understood, but I couldn't speak. No sound came out of my mouth, I immediately recognized that the entity didn't want to be interrupted.

The entity nodded, its expression solemn. I could feel it, the space around me vibrated as if accommodating its emotions.

"The laws and concepts that lay beyond that membrane are not merely advanced; they are of a nature entirely alien to the current constitution of the universe. Humanity, upon breaching this boundary, would have access to knowledge and power that no other species has encountered within the framework of their evolutionary journey. It would have given them an unprecedented advantage, the means to not just explore but to conquer and dominate the cosmic stage."

The space turned into a dazzling sea of stars for a split second before returning to white as if to encompass all of creation. "Each sentient species in this vast universe harbors within them a similar membrane, a safeguard ensuring a gradual ascent through the ages. It is the universe's method of maintaining balance, of allowing for diversity and complexity to flourish among the stars. To allow one species—humanity—to bypass this process and ascend precipitously would spell ruin. It would spell death for all other developing species."

Its tone turned grave, "Your species would have become a singularity of advancement, a hegemon by virtue of power alone. This is not the way of the cosmos, where equity and the slow bloom of civilizations hold sway. What happened to you was a necessary intervention, to protect not just humanity but the integrity of the entire universe's grand design."

"I understand. There's no use contesting the universe itself. Nevertheless, the idea that I was even responsible for the creation of such an epoch is enough." I admitted, letting the frustration seep out of my voice.

What else could I say? Even if it left a bad taste in my mouth, I understood that with all that good from that single small crack, there was gonna be a hell of alot of bad too. Plus even If I was adamant about it, what could I do about it?

I ain't running it back on a cosmic entity or the damn universe. That is suicide and utterly useless.

With that matter concluded, my mind shifted back to the proposed mission at hand.

I processed the weight of the mission. The Marvel Multiverse, a fabric of stories and worlds interwoven with the threads of countless narratives. And Earth 616, the prime continuity upon which so much hinged.

"I accept," I responded with newfound resolve. "If the gifts are sufficient, I'll find a way. I've dealt with chaos before; now, it seems, on a much grander scale."

"Remember," the entity imparted as a final piece of counsel, "even with the abilities provided, subtlety and strategy will serve you better than brute force. Your intellect remains your greatest asset."

That's cool, but I want my perks man.

I rubbed my hands together like a little gremlin. "What are the gifts?"

"Patience, you will receive them soon enough. For now, I have to impart vital information to you."

Ugh, I hated sounding like an eager child in general. But, this whole thing just feels fantastical. Hell, a part of me just thinks this is some sort of elaborate dream or some type of maladaptive daydreaming.

"Turn around."

I immediately suppressed a tremor from my hands.

"Uhhh you sure about that, that didn't end up so well last time…."

"I have been crafting a veil to degrade my existence. I am still not visible, but you will longer implode to the abyss."

"That sounds… reassuring." I nervously whispered

The air gently vibrated in reassurance, " Turn around child, fear is the enemy. You have conquered it once before.'

I blinked my eyes a few times, took a deep breath, and snapped my head back.

An impossibly obsidian-colored humanoid floated before me. Not a single other defining feature, except maybe the slightly muscular arms and legs supporting a tall frame.

"In the multiverse, there are an infinite number of dimensions in a constant state of ruin and creation. There are six that you need to be concerned with as their desolation hasten the Incursion. As I said before, I will not inform you of the variety of conflicts taking place in each dimension. However, I can tell you the name of the dimensions and your final objective there."

It was so weird witnessing how the entity communicated. Its smooth baritone, Old Testament-esque voice vibrated through the space with each syllable. I still nodded my head in rapt attention to it though.

Suddenly a black disk with six glowing buttons floated towards me. It literally spawned into existence, there was no magical light or anything. It was just there.

" This tool holds all the knowledge regarding the six dimensions you need to be aware of. There is no specific order for the dimensions, when the time is right and your power is consolidated, start your objectives. The buttons will start to glow one year before the prophesied ruin of the dimension as a reminder to start drafting a plan."

I looked enraptured at the black runic disk as it floated down to my hand. It was a sleek minimalist design and then six circular buttons adorned the disk, forming an outer circle. Each button was a different color as well.

My attention snapped back when I heard what the entity said next.

"It is about time for the bestowal of the gifts child."

I stood there ready and very much damn excited.

"The bestowal shall be done like this..."


(What do you guys think? I remember that I did a whole info dump about hyperdimension manifolds but it was just jutted inside without any warning at all. I also made him a little bit more mature/cold about the whole dying event along with better reasons in my opinion. This is definitely different, but I hope everyone loves it. Let me know.)

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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