Nindy was surprised to find herself sleeping on the bed hugging Davita. Her face turned red.
"What do you think Nindy?!"
Nindy was embarrassed to think that Mr. Yudisthira Salman moved his body from the sofa to the bed.
"No way! Did I dream of walking?"
Nindy looked at the sofa she had occupied last night. Mr. Yudisthira Salman was not there. No former people were sleeping there.
"Where is Mr. Yudisthira Salman?"_
Nindy immediately took a shower, then went to the family room. There were Ratna and Soraya. Two women control the sofa. While the three rival ladies, Mrs. Shalina, Mrs. Elea Deborah, and Ms. Riene sat on the balcony, drinking tea.
These two groups of women did not want to join.
"Have you had breakfast?"
Ratna laughed.
"Why are you laughing.
"You are like a good hostess, have good attention to guests. But you are also a bad hostess, late to feed your guests. Can't you see, what time is it?"